As noted, items alone will not allow this. This pretty much flatly doesn't work. Using the tusks to enhance a horse in some way is...probably technically possible in some magical way, but Audrey doesn't know how and it sure doesn't work as an evolution environment.
Not if she wants to remain a good and pure christian girlie, anyways
Scheduled vote count started by Alectai on Dec 6, 2024 at 9:44 PM, finished with 25 posts and 10 votes.
Tournament at Winchester - 2
[X] Save your resources for a better opportunity
[X] Buy the Copper


The strange merchant was perhaps a little overly familiar, practically breaking out into tears as Audrey looked keenly at his good, his eyes bulbous and slightly protruding, not entirely akin to a toad of some kind–the copper… A tinge of antiquity to it… Surely such goods would be of great value in developing her shrine!

"Very well good sir! You drive a hard bargain, but I'm certain I'll have a use for this!" Audrey gracefully declared, the man giving a joyous cry with raised hands. "Aiie! Wonderful! It is a delight to see that good folks like you continue to walk the earth even to this day!" He cries out. "A thousand thanks to you good lady! You've purchased my life for another year!"

Surely he couldn't have been that hard up for coin, and as she handed some of her own over to the man, she already had great ideas in mind! She'd need to consult a smith of course to figure out the details, but accents on her construction? Decorations? Ornaments! Copper was a valuable metal for these purposes!

The future looked bright indeed!


"It's shit." The smith declared, lowering his seeing glass to Audrey's blank stare. "I don't know what you paid for this M'lady, but you got scammed."

Unthinkable! Improbable! Ridiculous! How could she be outwitted so? Who would possibly have the sheer stones to deceive Audrey Eotenslaga? She had checked it out! "It… It looked ancient! Surely there must be some mistake?"

"Oh, it is ancient, that's for sure." The smith agreed. "Doesn't mean it isn't shit, there's more iron in it than actual copper, it'll rust clean away with the slightest exposure to the environment, won't even make a pretty patina like the quality stuff does." He shrugged. "Feel free to get a second opinion, but I'm fairly confident that you'd be better off throwing this trash into the Sea. Hope you didn't pay too much for it."

That… That Fiend! What kind of devil sold faulty copper of all things?!?
Market Grace Roll: 3 Successes–Ea-Nasir's Budget Copper Encounter!


Needless to say, the upcoming days had Audrey storming around town, a chip on her shoulder and veritable stormclouds over her countenance–the creature had already fled the city, clearly fearing her wrath–and all that was left were the several contests that she had determined were in her power to do well in.

First, of course, was the wrestling contest–which may have sounded like a poor idea, given Audrey's relative disdain for the unarmed grappling that exemplified much of the day to day business, but she was still Audrey Eotenslaga, and her vessel was a gift from God Himself–her combat sense and the rudiments of unarmed battle she had been taught in her days as a Page would be more than enough to score well enough!

And indeed, she made a fine showing! There were no small number of aspiring Thanes in the lower echelons who she managed to make kiss the dirt one way or another, and she had been doing quite well for herself until she was matched against an older fellow who seemed to be built like a tower, baffling her best efforts to clinch before hoisting her high up and dropping her back on the dirt.

The man proceeded to go on and win the contest, so she couldn't be too upset over the deal–Being one of the most promising competitors of her generation also had advantages of its own, being gifted with a trinket that would aid her in repeating the feat in the future.
Wrestling Contest: 13 Successes, Scored Highest Available Prize
Gained a Strength-of-Stone Ring–which may allow you to either perform a great feat of strength (including giving a combat bonus to wrestling, though not most other direct combat) once before needing to recharge. Recharged by burying it underground for a full day.

The Poetry contest was also a simple enough project, she was to be well educated simply by dint of her future role as steward of a portion of land. This immediately put her above and beyond many of the masses, even if she was no dedicated scholar either. A firm discussion of her feelings regarding the disaster she had just been tricked into, veiled in allegory and smoothed over here and there for better flow left her supreme among the younger generations, surpassed only by the more experienced courtiers based in Winchester proper. How could she possibly do any less?

Her prize here was a modest book, slightly illuminated, freshly penned from the nearby monastery. She hadn't had a chance to study it properly, but no doubt it would have useful knowledge within!
Poetry Contest: 11 Successes, Scored Highest Available Prize
Gained a newly scribed book, will require an action to read

Sadly, her performance in the board games was positively shameful! Oh sure, she did well enough for her age bracket, crushing many of the more casual competitors–but once she started running into those with an actual education, she found herself pressured for the first time by those in her generation at this place. She did not win one of the better prizes–though the coin offered managed to go some way towards making good the loss she had taken at the hand of the creature.
Chess Contest: 9 Successes, gained a small prize
Acquired +1 Wealth, bringing your total discretionary budget to 2


AN: That's part two of the weekend rush sorted out, tomorrow is your introduction to the people you went to meet.


Achievement Unlocked: Scammed by Ea-Nasir

There's no reward, it's just funny to me that he was literally called out, and nobody seemed to notice. Was I too subtle? I don't think so, but it's a good chuckle moment, even if it can also breed a hint of despair.
I mean, it was always going to be a coinflip between trusting the text as presented, which called out the copper as high quality, and relying on meta knowledge about duplicitous copper merchants Audrey definittely wouldn't have heard of.
Clearly we need to write a sternly worded complaint to ea-nasir. Perhaps even in stone! He'll probably break it, but its sure to send a message.
I mean, it was always going to be a coinflip between trusting the text as presented, which called out the copper as high quality, and relying on meta knowledge about duplicitous copper merchants Audrey definittely wouldn't have heard of.

The information provided by the text is always based on Audrey's perception of the situation, and Audrey is not exactly an expert on copper. This didn't need to be Ea-Nasir for the copper to not be as advertised.

Not a condemnation or anything, but something to keep in mind in future.
Forget oldest trick in the book it was the oldest trick in ANY book!

A part of me saw three successes and went 'I doubt.' Buuut…
Seeing the amount of successes Audrey got elsewhere…Yep.
Eh, live and learn.
Forget oldest trick in the book it was the oldest trick in ANY book!

A part of me saw three successes and went 'I doubt.' Buuut…
Seeing the amount of successes Audrey got elsewhere…Yep.
Eh, live and learn.

You rolled 15 dice, half of which are at least one success and only one reduces a success.

You rolled 3 successes total.

It was a shocking number of 1s honestly.
I didn't vote cause I was busy with other things but if I did it was going to be for the copper cause getting scammed by Ea Nasir seems like a real fun anecdote and I thought everyone else was voting for the same reason. Like I had a mild hope that the copper would still be slightly useful even if it was going to be a scam but can't say I'm too disappointed at it being flat out nothing. We helped a legend go on for another year which is well worth the price of a single wealth lol
I mean, deciding on the reference would be pretty deep metagaming, and that's always a risky affair. Just because the guy looks like a meme didn't make his goods necessarily bad.
It's been a hell of a couple weeks, between several nasty IRL things going on that's left me an anxious mess, and the holidays ruining availability for all of us, but consider this me placing a geas on myself, I Will update sometime tomorrow, come hell or high water.
Tournament at Winchester - 3
With the lesser contests sorted out, what remained was… An inordinate amount of time spent cooling her heels. While her coin had been replenished from her… Less than well considered investment earlier, the real commerce would only begin when the tournament was properly under way.

Most of the remaining contests as well were the territory of the more experienced guests taking the opportunity to jockey for position, talk shop, and place bets on the results of the Tournament. Should she do the same? She'd already done the jockeying for position part and proved herself to all who didn't know better that she–Audrey Eotenslaga–was among the pinnacle of her generation, contested by a bare few!

So, did she… Place bets? Was that even appropriate? That felt like it should be a sin, taking the money of other people. Or would she not be allowed to bet on herself? She would have asked Sir Vieux about the matter, but he was presently competing in a minor race and would be for some time yet.

What did she even do when alone in a strange city anyway? There wasn't room to practice or anything…

"Oi! Audrey!"

Crowley's words broke her out of her fugue, as the Storm-Crow descended, alighting upon a street sign, to the surprise of some of the passer-bys. "There's a weirdo standing out in the plaza!"

A weirdo?

Perhaps a miscreant?

"Nah, he's just standing there, all menacing-like!" Crowley's head bobbed as he shifted from foot to foot. "Go figure out his business if you need something to do!"

She absolutely would!


He was just standing there!


Well, no, not menacing at all now that Audrey thinks on the matter, he was just proudly standing in the middle of the plaza, a great cordon formed as people stepped around him. Fine, surcoated mail adorned him, golden, curly hair flowing in the breeze, and eyes closed as he meditated on the sword planted before him.

"... What's his deal?" Audrey asked the long suffering young fellow who was also armed, that she had crept up next to. A brown haired lad, a bit younger–maybe a little on the pretty side himself? Around her age though, a competitor? He was also in mail, though perhaps a step below the other. He sighed. "Brother's just doing his thing when he gets to a new town." He says, defeated. "Said he needs to bask in the rays of the great sun before he can really feel comfortable in a new place."

His accent… Familiar.

"You're from Cornwall?" Audrey asked him, curiously. "I've some kin on that side of the border, are you here to compete?"

The young lad looked her over, meeting her gaze, and his lips pursed into a little 'o' of acknowledgement. "An Eotenslaga? Huh, I wasn't aware they'd be sending anyone this year! Yeah, yeah, we're from the other side of the border–Brother got an invitation, I'm mostly just here to carry his bags." He grinned, and extended a hand. "Jory Grose, my brother's Margh, he's… Well…" He gestures helplessly towards him. "He's strong as an ox with the virtue of a saint, but he just kind of goes and does… Well, this kind of thing. Not too surprising, those who follow in the footsteps of Gawain tend to have a fixation on the Sun, they're strongest when it's out, you know?"

Audrey wasn't the most familiar with Cornish cultivation, but… Something to do with taking on the legacy of their forefathers? But even she had heard of that particular one. One of the very Knights of the Round Table! The Knight of the Sun!

He'd be formidable indeed.

"I look forward to meeting him then" Audrey smiled, maybe a little predatorially, but who was asking.

There was no point in defeating the weak after all, only the best could bring out her fullest potential!

-[ ] Challenge Margh to a Joust! He's a knight, it'll be a great way to break the ice!
-[ ] Maybe not, no sense tipping anyone off of your abilities this early, for nothing.


AN: When I rolled up two Cornish Cultivators for meetings, I had to make one of them a Solare of Astora reference, I'm not apologizing. Over time and under worded, but I got out of the writer's hole I was in, and I hope to get back to the usual pace going forward.
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-[x] Challenge Margh to a Joust! He's a knight, it'll be a great way to break the ice!

They're young, why not start a friendly rivalry. Ill bite the hook.