Need four more votes to be able to buy the healing elixir. 

You need to roll, I think.[X] Teach Guang Li.
-[X] Breakthrough [0/50]. Raise the breakthrough skill to 1.
Alright, nephew. This next part will rely on you! So pay attention! First, cycle Qi. No! Not that much! Just enough to get a feel for it!
[x] Buy a healing elixir for 2 contribution point (+1 HP a turn for 4 turns).
We're getting -1 to Qi actions as well.Guang Li is at 7/28 Hp and has suffered the injury; spiritual burns: - 3 to guan Li physical actions, -1 to Qi actions (this includes ghosts).
Alright, will update math soon.
Per. But the below action shouldn't have a penalty.@uri is the -1 actions per ghost or just a regular result total minus 1?
silent hunters: 7 + 7 + 12 + 8 + 7 + 7 + 3 + = 51 + 0 - (5 or 35)= max 46 lowest 26/10 so min 2 contribution point max 4
So anomaly is investigated, have gotten 5 extra contribution points and possibly breakthrough to lvl 1 if our forgettful elder would remember to roll instead of yelling at Guang Li.