To Secure this Beachhead of Worker's Power: A Soviet Union Quest.

Please note that failure to adhere to the voting practices will only lead to your vote being voided on a case-by-case basis; all instances of incorrect votes are dealt with by the 3-man administrative committee, who may allow certain votes which accord with their political sensibilities to be counted even if they are not written in the correct format.
I love this so much, idk if I've seen a quest do something like this before
[X]Expel the Newcomer
[X]Let's give them a reason to trust us
[X]Demand Estonia
[X]Get the Red Army in
[X]Empower the Trade Unions
Please note that failure to adhere to the voting practices will only lead to your vote being voided on a case-by-case basis; all instances of incorrect votes are dealt with by the 3-man administrative committee, who may allow certain votes which accord with their political sensibilities to be counted even if they are not written in the correct format.
I'm sure we have nothing to fear from the members of Ordzhonikidze, Stalin, and Kamenev. They would never abuse this power we have given them.
[X]Let's All Be Reasonable
[X]Let's give them a reason to trust us
[X]Demand Estonia
[X]Get the Red Army in

[X]Rural Food Security Act
[X]Red Army Reform Investigation
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[X]Let's All Be Reasonable
[X]Let's give them a reason to trust us
[X]Demand Estonia
[X]Get the Red Army in
[X] Sverdlov's Ploy Succeeds
[X]Let's give them a reason to trust us
[X]Demand Estonia
[X]Get the Red Army in
[X]Empower the Trade Unions
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I'm rather uneasy at the prospect of empowering the administrative committee which make no mistake, being "reasonable" will result in here. This is a rather clear attempt by them to gain concessions from Sverdlov.

[X]Sverdlov's Ploy Succeeds
[X]Let's give them a reason to trust us
[X]Demand Estonia
[X]Get the Red Army in
[X]Subordinate the Engineers to the Soviets
[X]Let's All Be Reasonable
[X]Let's give them a reason to trust us
[X]Demand Estonia
[X]Get the Red Army in
[X]Empower the Trade Unions

and agendas

[X]Rural Food Security Act
[X]Red Army Reform Investigation
[X]Let's All Be Reasonable
[X]We've made our bed with the Germans now
[X]Demand Estonia
[X]Get the Red Army in
[X]Empower the Trade Unions

[X]Rural Food Security Act
[X]Red Army Reform Investigation
[X]Sverdlov's Ploy Succeeds
[X]Let's give them a reason to trust us
[X]Demand Estonia
[X]Get the Red Army in
[X]Subordinate the Engineers to the Soviets
Please note that failure to adhere to the voting practices will only lead to your vote being voided on a case-by-case basis; all instances of incorrect votes are dealt with by the 3-man administrative committee, who may allow certain votes which accord with their political sensibilities to be counted even if they are not written in the correct format.
Currently, Ordzhonikidze, Stalin, and Kamenev sit on the relatively unimportant administrative committee

Dread it, run from it, the Man of Steel arrives all the same.

[X] Let's All Be Reasonable
[X] We've made our bed with the Germans now
[X] Demand Estonia
[X]Call the German Bluff
[X] Keep the Department in Sovnarkom

[X]Red Army Reform Investigation
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[X]Plan Delaying For The People's Victory

We can not allowed this state of disastrous non-planned, unformatted vote to continue. The vote against empowering the Sovnarkom is the vote for undermining socialist democracy by granting the administrative committee undue influnence in the vote counting process.
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[X]Let's All Be Reasonable
[X]We've made our bed with the Germans now
[X]Demand Estonia
[X]Get the Red Army in
[X]Empower the Trade Unions

[X]Rural Food Security Act
[X]Red Army Reform Investigation
[X]Let's All Be Reasonable
[X]Let's give them a reason to trust us
[X]Demand Estonia
[X]Get the Red Army in
[X]Empower the Trade Unions

[X]Rural Food Security Act
[X]Red Army Reform Investigation
[X] Plan Delaying For The People's Victory
-[X]Let's All Be Reasonable
-[X]Let's give them a reason to trust us
-[X]Narva is Ours
-[X]Get The Red Army in
-[X]Keep the Department in Sovnarkom
I think it's better to have the plot succeed then let's be reasonable, I'd rather empower Sverdlov (best boy) then give the Stalin/Kamenev bloc more power (idk the third guy really) since both are on the party right more or less
I think it's better to have the plot succeed then let's be reasonable, I'd rather empower Sverdlov (best boy) then give the Stalin/Kamenev bloc more power (idk the third guy really) since both are on the party right more or less
I'm inclined to let Sverdlov's ploy succeed as a treat, since on all other subjects where he's spoken up he's consistently had the best ideas (whereas Lenin, for instance, seems to have accepted a role for the RSFSR as the pliant running dogs of German imperialism).
I'm inclined to let Sverdlov's ploy succeed as a treat, since on all other subjects where he's spoken up he's consistently had the best ideas (whereas Lenin, for instance, seems to have accepted a role for the RSFSR as the pliant running dogs of German imperialism).
Somebody having reasonable ideas on a subject does not mean they can be trusted with power. Given the general fragility of Soviet democratic and worker-controlled institutions, I would advocate for being extremely careful about any precedent about circumventing parliament (or letting somebody break rules, as a treat). The balance of power is probably there for a bit more than just determining our voting rules.
[X] Let's All Be Reasonable
[X] We've made our bed with the Germans now
[X] Narva is Ours
[X] Keep the Deutsches Heer Out
[X] Subordinate the Engineers to the Soviets