Finding the Spark (Pathfinder 1E Quest)

Yeah, I doubt we'll be able to get all of this stuff immediately.

The Hunter's Band is less likely to be found, since 11th level Rangers with Craft Wondrous Item are going to be rare. A 7th level Bard, on the other hand, should be much more common, relatively speaking.

I'll take what we can get for now. My main priority right now is the anti-Divination stuff.

Speaking of what you guys want to have most: It would be helpful to assign a level of priority to what you want to get, specifically. That will allow Kori and co to focus on those things. Mechanically that is a bonus on the roll to see if you can find it.
Speaking of what you guys want to have most: It would be helpful to assign a level of priority to what you want to get, specifically. That will allow Kori and co to focus on those things. Mechanically that is a bonus on the roll to see if you can find it.
How is this?

I didn't bother trying to sort the wands, potions, and scrolls. I figure those should be pretty common compared to pretty much all of the other stuff we're looking for.

Will we get options to potentially purchase lesser versions listed items? For example, if there are not +CON & DEX belts, but there are +DEX or CON belts, can we still decide to buy those as placeholders?

[X] Comprehensive Shopping List
-[X] Highest Priority

--[X] Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location: x5 (35,000 gold each, total 175,000 gold)
--[X] Boots of Speed: x2, Gorok, Cob (12,000 gold each, total 24,000 gold)
--[X] Hat of Disguise (Slotless): x5 (3,600 gold each, total 18,000 gold)
--[X] Ring of Mind Shielding: x5 (8,000 gold each, total 40,000 gold)

--[X] Ring of Protection from Evil: x5 (8,000 gold each, total 40,000 gold)
-[X] Medium Priority

--[X] Bead of Newt Prevention: x5 (1,000 gold each, total 5,000 gold)

--[X] Belt of Physical Might (+4 DEX & CON): x2, Gorok & Cob (40,000 gold each, total 80,000 gold)
--[X] Belt of Mighty Constitution (+4 CON): x4, Kori, Mina, Sirim, Warty (16,000 gold each, total 64,000 gold)
--[X] Cloak of Resistance +4: x5 (16,000 gold each, total 90,000 gold)
--[X] Handy Haversack: x5 (2,000 gold each, total 10,000 gold)

--[X] Headband of Alluring Charisma (+4 CHA): x1 (16,000 gold)
--[X] Headband of Vast Intelligence (+4 INT): x2, Mina, Sirim (16,000 gold each, total 32,000 gold)
--[X] Lesser Metamagic Rod of Encouraging Spell: x1 (3,000 gold)

--[X] Unfettered Shirt: x5 (10,000 gold each, total 50,000 gold)
-[X] Lowest Priority

--[X] Bracers of the Glib Entertainer: x1, Kori (7,900 gold)
--[X] Folding Boat: x1 (7,200 gold)

--[X] Gloves of Arrow Snaring: x5 (4,000 gold each, total 20,000 gold)
--[X] Hunter's Band: x1, Gorok (11,000 gold)
--[X] Headband of Ponderous Recollection : x1, Cob (5,100 gold)
--[X] Iron Spike of Safe Passage: x1 (2,000 gold)

--[X] Jaunt Boots: x3, Kori, Mina, Sirim (7,600 gold each, total 22,800 gold)

--[X] Lesser Metamagic Rod of Tenebrous Spell: x1 (1,500 gold)
--[X] Lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend Spell: x1 (3,000 gold)
--[X] Lesser Metamagic Rod of Silent Spell: x1 (3,000 gold)
--[X] Lesser Metamagic Rod of Still Spell: x1 (3,000 gold)

--[X] Lesser Metamagic Rod of Enlarge Spell: x1 (3,000 gold)
--[X] Pearl of Power (1st): x2 (1,000 gold each, total 2,000 gold)
--[X] Pearl of Power (2nd): x1 (4,000 gold)
--[X] Pearl of Power 3rd: x1 (9,000 gold)

--[X] Ring of Sustenance(Slotless): x5 (5,000 gold each, total 25,000 gold)
--[X] Ring of Minor Spell Storing: x2 (18,000 gold each, total 36,000 gold)
--[X] Scabbard of Keen Edges: x1 (16,000 gold)
--[X] Trapspringer's Gloves: x1 (4,000 gold)
--[X] Traveler's Any Tool: x10, Gorok's Tribe (250 gold each, total 2,500 gold)

--[X] Verdant Vine Bracer: x4 (6,000 gold each, total 24,000 gold)
---[X] Alternate to Verdant Vine Bracers:
----[X] Vambraces of Defense: x4 (5,000 gold each, total 20,000 gold)

-[X] Wands, Scrolls, Poison, Potions:
--[X] Wand of Cure Light Wounds: x2 (750 gold each, total 1,500 gold)
--[X] Scroll of Commune with Birds: x4 (25 gold each, total 100 gold)
--[X] Scroll of Mistsight: x4 (25 gold each, total 100 gold)
--[X] Scroll of Blur: x1 (150 gold)

--[X] Scroll of Rune of Rule: x1 (150 gold)
--[X] Scroll of Clay Skin: x1 (375 gold)
--[X] Scroll of Deathwine: x1 (375 gold)
--[X] Scroll of Contingent Action: x3 (1,125 gold)

--[X] Scroll of Delay Poison (Communal): x1 (375 gold)
--[X] Scroll of Raise Dead: x1 (6,125 gold)
--[X] Scroll of Teleport: x2 (1,125 gold each, 2,500 gold)
--[X] Scroll of Greater Teleport: x1

(2,275 gold)
--[X] Potion of Cure Serious Wounds: x4 (750 gold each, total 3,000 gold)
--[X] Fire Jackal Saliva: x10 doses (50 gold each, total 500 gold)
-[X] TOTAL: 874,450 gold

[X] Just before the party departs the shop, Mina makes one final attempt to bribe the clerk at Sirim's telepathic direction after he casts Bestow Insight (Diplomacy) on her, paying up to 500 gold for information about the Azlanti survivors. She uses Mythic Surge and as a Free Action to increase her bonus and Sirim uses Aid Another to assist her.
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I didn't bother trying to sort the wands, potions, and scrolls. I figure those should be pretty common compared to pretty much all of the other stuff we're looking for.

Will we get options to potentially purchase lesser versions listed items? For example, if there are not +CON & DEX belts, but there are +DEX or CON belts, can we still decide to buy those as placeholders?

Some of the scrolls are going to be harder to find, especially Raise Dead since that is divine. The thing about divine scrolls is once the power is in them anyone can use them but the caster is still answerable to whatever higher power invested it.

Yep, that is reasonable
--[X] Boots of Speed: x2, Gorok, Cob (12,000 gold each, total 24,000 gold)
I'd raise this; at-will Haste sounds too good to lob it together with Lesser Metamagic Rods of Silent Spell.
And the item is relatively reasonable to find in big cities. I am hoping for some success there.

--[X] Ring of Protection from Evil: x5 (8,000 gold each, total 40,000 gold)
Rings would be the most common/convenient form this effect takes, but I'd call it 'Anythings of PfE'.
PfE protecting from mind control is its most overpowered effect. Trivializing some of the worst threats like vampire's Charm or ghost's Possession is the reason why I wouldn't expect many items with the perma-effect on.

The first one we find goes on Cob. The thought of nigh-invisible crit-backstabbing goblin under someone else's control would be enough to give one nightmares.
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I'd raise this; at-will Haste sounds too good to lob it together with Lesser Metamagic Rods of Silent Spell.
And the item is relatively reasonable to find in big cities. I am hoping for some success there.

Rings would be the most common/convenient form this effect takes, but I'd call it 'Anythings of PfE'.
PfE protecting from mind control is its most overpowered effect. Trivializing some of the worst threats like vampire's Charm or ghost's Possession is the reason why I wouldn't expect many items with the perma-effect on.

The first one we find goes on Cob. The thought of nigh-invisible crit-backstabbing goblin under someone else's control would be enough to give one nightmares.
I've moved the Boots of Speed up to High priority.
@Goldfish what about adding to plan trying to bribe person for info on survivors? We have money for it.

Oh, and any items we can give Warty or Iruxi warrior auxiliaries? Giving the latter stuff to boost them would make them more useful in a large fight.

Anything Pisca could use maybe even has a temp party member?
@Goldfish what about adding to plan trying to bribe person for info on survivors? We have money for it.

Oh, and any items we can give Warty or Iruxi warrior auxiliaries? Giving the latter stuff to boost them would make them more useful in a large fight.

Anything Pisca could use maybe even has a temp party member?
I think trying to hunt down more info on the Azlanti survivors before we leave Cassomir, including possibly bribing people for clues, is a good idea, but that should be a different vote entirely. We should make an effort to do this after the Drow situation is sorted, if possible, IMO.

I've got a +4 CON belt on the list for Warty, but nothing for the other Iruxi. They're pretty basic warrior NPCs, so it would take a lot of spending to really get much mileage out of them. They're only sticking with us until we get back to his tribe, so I don't want to make a significant investment in them if we can help it.

I do want to get more stuff for Warty, but I don't think there is much off-the-shelf enchanted Slurkwear, or compatible equivalents to be had around here. We're probably going to need to commission stuff specifically for him, like an enchanted saddle and armor.

Pisca has been well paid so far and he's getting a huge chunk of pirate loot. If he wants to reinvest some of that to get better gear, he's welcome to do it, but I'm not going to vote to spend our gold to outfit him. If he wants some decent stuff for cheap, he can trade for/buy some of our stuff or the pirate loot, like Kori's +2 CHA headband (if we find a better one for Kori) or the +2 CON amulet worn by the pirate captain.
Some of the scrolls are going to be harder to find, especially Raise Dead since that is divine. The thing about divine scrolls is once the power is in them anyone can use them but the caster is still answerable to whatever higher power invested it.
THere are probably gods that don't see it that way.

Adbar is a big fan of buying and selling, for example. Can't see him get mad at a priest for doing so, regardless of who gets ultimately resurrected.
THere are probably gods that don't see it that way.

Adbar is a big fan of buying and selling, for example. Can't see him get mad at a priest for doing so, regardless of who gets ultimately resurrected.
Speaking of Abadar, @DragonParadox, I'm assuming Cassomir has a branch of his bank?

If possible, I would like to deposit the great majority of wealth we don't spend here in the bank instead of trying to travel with it, along with most of the stuff we buy for Sirim so we aren't carrying around a king's ransom in unworn gear.
THere are probably gods that don't see it that way.

Adbar is a big fan of buying and selling, for example. Can't see him get mad at a priest for doing so, regardless of who gets ultimately resurrected.

Even Abadar has beings he dislikes enough that it would be a major issue to sell to them so if one of his priests lets a scroll get into their hands they is on them. Think Demon lords and the like

Speaking of Abadar, @DragonParadox, I'm assuming Cassomir has a branch of his bank?

If possible, I would like to deposit the great majority of wealth we don't spend here in the bank instead of trying to travel with it, along with most of the stuff we buy for Sirim so we aren't carrying around a king's ransom in unworn gear.

You can do that yes, though it should be noted that the service is not free, it does come with a fee. Kori does not know how large
I think trying to hunt down more info on the Azlanti survivors before we leave Cassomir, including possibly bribing people for clues, is a good idea, but that should be a different vote entirely
It's exactly this vote. The clerk is right in front of us. Unless we fail critically, I don't see how anything bad could result from the attempt.
It's exactly this vote. The clerk is right in front of us. Unless we fail critically, I don't see how anything bad could result from the attempt.
You're right. I was thinking that we had already left, but that isn't the case. I'll edit my plan to include this, unless y'all have a better idea:

[] Mina attempts to bribe to clerk at Sirim's telepathic direction, paying up to 500 gold for information about the Azlanti survivors. She uses Mythic Surge and as a Free Action to increase her bonus and Sirim uses Aid Another to assist her.
@Goldfish The Contingent Action spell was for planning to prevent a creature with Teleport SLA from escaping, but to learn and use it would require Sirim either keeping a level 3 slot free to spend 15 min preparing it, or us all waiting for him to refresh his spells.

This might be a case where we're better off having two or three of them in scroll from, and never bothering to learn the spell.
On another note, any thoughts on buying stuff we might bypass Deeper Darkness? I know there was that witch spell (level 3) I was thinking of for Mina that lets her share senses, and also there might be the shdow piercings (thought the vast majority of them look to be Max!Try-Hard-Edgy, which might have implications. Though the eyebrow piercing I want is very tame, so it would come down to if Shadow Piercings are inherently iffy/evil or not)
You're right. I was thinking that we had already left, but that isn't the case. I'll edit my plan to include this, unless y'all have a better idea:

[] Mina attempts to bribe to clerk at Sirim's telepathic direction, paying up to 500 gold for information about the Azlanti survivors. She uses Mythic Surge and as a Free Action to increase her bonus and Sirim uses Aid Another to assist her.
Idea: We can have the party start to leave/actually leave, then Sirm casts Bestow Insight Diplomacy on Mina, and then the party turns around/walks right back into the shop to attempt the bribe: "Actually.... "
Pisca has been well paid so far and he's getting a huge chunk of pirate loot. If he wants to reinvest some of that to get better gear, he's welcome to do it, but I'm not going to vote to spend our gold to outfit him. If he wants some decent stuff for cheap, he can trade for/buy some of our stuff or the pirate loot, like Kori's +2 CHA headband (if we find a better one for Kori) or the +2 CON amulet worn by the pirate captain.
He should make use/should be allowed to borrow of the pirate loot that is useful to him now while we hunt the drow as a group, and then put it back into the pile when time comes to evaluate the value of the loot.
Edit: Since our pay was so large, now is the time to think of a bonus for Oda. There is no universe in which paying him the basic rate without a substantial bonus isn't just... disgusting.
Items, for when we get the fourth level spell "Dimensinal Anchor"
Ring of Transcendent Spells - Rings - Magic Equipment - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder RPG Database .
Dweomer's Essence – d20PFSRD .
Sure Casting – d20PFSRD (Spell scroll level 1, Witch and Wizard)
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Also, at our level, I think that we should get Pearls of Power for Mina and Gorok. Not sure if we should get level 2 or 3, but defintly one or two level 1s.
The plan already has two 1st level Pearls of Power.
Idea: We can have the party start to leave/actually leave, then Sirm casts Bestow Insight Diplomacy on Mina, and then the party turns around/walks right back into the shop to attempt the bribe: "Actually.... "
I'll add something like this to the plan.
@Goldfish The Contingent Action spell was for planning to prevent a creature with Teleport SLA from escaping, but to learn and use it would require Sirim either keeping a level 3 slot free to spend 15 min preparing it, or us all waiting for him to refresh his spells.

This might be a case where we're better off having two or three of them in scroll from, and never bothering to learn the spell.
I'll add a couple more of the scrolls.
Edit: Since our pay was so large, now is the time to think of a bonus for Oda. There is no universe in which paying him the basic rate without a substantial bonus isn't just... disgusting.
Agreed. We can give him a generous bonus before we leave Cassomir. How much are you thinking? 1,000 gold?

I also just added a 2nd and 3rd level Pearl of Power to my plan.
Agreed. We can give him a generous bonus before we leave Cassomir. How much are you thinking? 1,000 gold?
First thought: I don't think we should wait. I think we should give him the cash now and advise him to gtfo.
We've made foes of Aspis, we're an enemy of a local House.

Second thought: The best possible place for him is with the merc company, if they'd take him. Any one of them would be as useful in terms of information as he is, but if he's not with them then he's an isolated target.

I think the best bonus we can give him is to use a bunch of buff spells ad diplomanc Leonoats to take him on board. And 1000 gold.
(The real gift would be getting him in circumstances as safe as we can reasonably get him to, but not giving gold would be a dick move).
[X] Goldfish

We are OP now, time to get nation building. We have a dragon friend and everything!

I still want to propose getting everyone together into some place, like the dwarven ruins.
First thought: I don't think we should wait. I think we should give him the cash now and advise him to gtfo.
We've made foes of Aspis, we're an enemy of a local House.

Second thought: The best possible place for him is with the merc company, if they'd take him. Any one of them would be as useful in terms of information as he is, but if he's not with them then he's an isolated target.

I think the best bonus we can give him is to use a bunch of buff spells ad diplomanc Leonoats to take him on board. And 1000 gold.
(The real gift would be getting him in circumstances as safe as we can reasonably get him to, but not giving gold would be a dick move).
Yeah, 1,000 gold as a bonus and severance pay. He'll be safer away from our group and we won't need to worry about him being a liability.

I don't know about trying to get him a job with the mercs, though. A simple man could live a very good life with 1,000 gold in the Inner Sea of he is frugal and supplements his income with side jobs or day labor occasionally. Leontas might take him on as an employee, but I don't think we should go out of our way to convince him to do it. Considering how many of his mercs are probably going to retire soon, Leontas is going to need drivers and other camp followers if he wants to keep his company going.
[X] Goldfish

We are OP now, time to get nation building. We have a dragon friend and everything!

I still want to propose getting everyone together into some place, like the dwarven ruins.
I want to get Gorok's tribe settled soon then circle back and get in touch with Urgor. I'm looking forward to helping cleanse the Dwarven city of Undead. If we are going to setup our own base, that's the place to do it, IMO.

After that, we have lots of options, but I'm torn between searching out Azlanti redoubts and returning to the Darklands for some more underground adventuring.
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I want to get Gorok's tribe settled soon then circle back and get in touch with Urgor. I'm looking forward to helping cleanse the Dwarven city of Undead. If we are going to setup our own base, that's the place to do it, IMO.

After that, we have lots of options, but I'm torn between searching our Azlanti redoubts and returning to the Darklands for some more underground adventuring.

Now that we are more powerful (and will have gloves of Glibness), we will be able to handle the Dark People better. We are supposed to be the guide of them, somehow. We need to go deeper into the prophecy.
Yeah, 1,000 gold as a bonus and severance pay. He'll be safer away from our group and we won't need to worry about him being a liability.

I don't know about trying to get him a job with the mercs, though. A simple man could live a very good life with 1,000 gold in the Inner Sea of he is frugal and supplements his income with side jobs or day labor occasionally. Leontas might take him on as an employee, but I don't think we should go out of our way to convince him to do it. Considering how many of his mercs are probably going to retire soon, Leontas is going to need drivers and other camp followers if he wants to keep his company going.
I worry that if he's given 1000 gold and let loose, he'll be murdered for it on the street, or hunted down by Aspis or that local House for interrogation.
Maybe we could give him the pay, and offer him that we'd try to convince Leontas if Oda's interested?

I know he's made a good impression on me, and if he has made any on Leontas, it's probably been some level of positive.
But if he wants his gold and to settle down here, that's his choice, and I'm happy to let him risk Aspis nabbing him for information some day.

Oh! Maybe someone in Urgor's clan can help him get a bank account to put his money in*? (the idea here is that by getting [person in caravan] to take over this, we will have fulfilled our responsibility as his employer, and once he's not carrying around cash then he's safe. Probably.

*I expect that as a labourer if he walked into a bank with 1000 gold - unescorted by someone "respectable" - he'd be arrested and charged for theft (and the gold would vanish).
Now that we are more powerful (and will have gloves of Glibness), we will be able to handle the Dark People better. We are supposed to be the guide of them, somehow. We need to go deeper into the prophecy.
Hopefully we'll be able to find a pair of those bracers, but we might need to have them commissioned in Almas or Augustana when we get back to Andoran.
*I expect that as a labourer if he walked into a bank with 1000 gold - unescorted by someone "respectable" - he'd be arrested and charged for theft (and the gold would vanish).
That's not how the Bank of Abadar works. He'll be safe to deposit his pay.

Or we could establish an account for him and save him the trouble when we go to deposit our own cash.
I worry that if he's given 1000 gold and let loose, he'll be murdered for it on the street, or hunted down by Aspis or that local House for interrogation.
Maybe we could give him the pay, and offer him that we'd try to convince Leontas if Oda's interested?
There is only so much we can reasonably do. The guy doesn't need a babysitter, he's a middle-aged man.

I don't mind mentioning him to Leontas, but I don't think we should try to pressure the man into hiring him.
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Nov 10, 2024 at 8:11 AM, finished with 42 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Comprehensive Shopping List
    -[X] Highest Priority
    --[X] Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location: x5 (35,000 gold each, total 175,000 gold)
    --[X] Boots of Speed: x2, Gorok, Cob (12,000 gold each, total 24,000 gold)
    --[X] Hat of Disguise (Slotless): x5 (3,600 gold each, total 18,000 gold)
    --[X] Ring of Mind Shielding: x5 (8,000 gold each, total 40,000 gold)
    --[X] Ring of Protection from Evil: x5 (8,000 gold each, total 40,000 gold)
    -[X] Medium Priority
    --[X] Bead of Newt Prevention: x5 (1,000 gold each, total 5,000 gold)
    --[X] Belt of Physical Might (+4 DEX & CON): x2, Gorok & Cob (40,000 gold each, total 80,000 gold)
    --[X] Belt of Mighty Constitution (+4 CON): x4, Kori, Mina, Sirim, Warty (16,000 gold each, total 64,000 gold)
    --[X] Cloak of Resistance +4: x5 (16,000 gold each, total 90,000 gold)
    --[X] Handy Haversack: x5 (2,000 gold each, total 10,000 gold)
    --[X] Headband of Alluring Charisma (+4 CHA): x1 (16,000 gold)
    --[X] Headband of Vast Intelligence (+4 INT): x2, Mina, Sirim (16,000 gold each, total 32,000 gold)
    --[X] Lesser Metamagic Rod of Encouraging Spell: x1 (3,000 gold)
    --[X] Unfettered Shirt: x5 (10,000 gold each, total 50,000 gold)
    -[X] Lowest Priority
    --[X] Bracers of the Glib Entertainer: x1, Kori (7,900 gold)
    --[X] Folding Boat: x1 (7,200 gold)
    --[X] Gloves of Arrow Snaring: x5 (4,000 gold each, total 20,000 gold)
    --[X] Hunter's Band: x1, Gorok (11,000 gold)
    --[X] Headband of Ponderous Recollection : x1, Cob (5,100 gold)
    --[X] Iron Spike of Safe Passage: x1 (2,000 gold)
    --[X] Jaunt Boots: x3, Kori, Mina, Sirim (7,600 gold each, total 22,800 gold)
    --[X] Lesser Metamagic Rod of Tenebrous Spell: x1 (1,500 gold)
    --[X] Lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend Spell: x1 (3,000 gold)
    --[X] Lesser Metamagic Rod of Silent Spell: x1 (3,000 gold)
    --[X] Lesser Metamagic Rod of Still Spell: x1 (3,000 gold)
    --[X] Lesser Metamagic Rod of Enlarge Spell: x1 (3,000 gold)
    --[X] Pearl of Power (1st): x2 (1,000 gold each, total 2,000 gold)
    --[X] Pearl of Power (2nd): x1 (4,000 gold)
    --[X] Pearl of Power 3rd: x1 (9,000 gold)
    --[X] Ring of Sustenance(Slotless): x5 (5,000 gold each, total 25,000 gold)
    --[X] Ring of Minor Spell Storing: x2 (18,000 gold each, total 36,000 gold)
    --[X] Scabbard of Keen Edges: x1 (16,000 gold)
    --[X] Trapspringer's Gloves: x1 (4,000 gold)
    --[X] Traveler's Any Tool: x10, Gorok's Tribe (250 gold each, total 2,500 gold)
    --[X] Verdant Vine Bracer: x4 (6,000 gold each, total 24,000 gold)
    ---[X] Alternate to Verdant Vine Bracers:
    ----[X] Vambraces of Defense: x4 (5,000 gold each, total 20,000 gold)
    -[X] Wands, Scrolls, Poison, Potions:
    --[X] Wand of Cure Light Wounds: x2 (750 gold each, total 1,500 gold)
    --[X] Scroll of Commune with Birds: x4 (25 gold each, total 100 gold)
    --[X] Scroll of Mistsight: x4 (25 gold each, total 100 gold)
    --[X] Scroll of Blur: x1 (150 gold)
    --[X] Scroll of Rune of Rule: x1 (150 gold)
    --[X] Scroll of Clay Skin: x1 (375 gold)
    --[X] Scroll of Deathwine: x1 (375 gold)
    --[X] Scroll of Contingent Action: x3 (1,125 gold)
    --[X] Scroll of Delay Poison (Communal): x1 (375 gold)
    --[X] Scroll of Raise Dead: x1 (6,125 gold)
    --[X] Scroll of Teleport: x2 (1,125 gold each, 2,500 gold)
    --[X] Scroll of Greater Teleport: x1
    --[X] Potion of Cure Serious Wounds: x4 (750 gold each, total 3,000 gold)
    --[X] Fire Jackal Saliva: x10 doses (50 gold each, total 500 gold)
    -[X] TOTAL: 874,450 gold
    [X] Just before the party departs the shop, Mina makes one final attempt to bribe the clerk at Sirim's telepathic direction after he casts Bestow Insight (Diplomacy) on her, paying up to 500 gold for information about the Azlanti survivors. She uses Mythic Surge and as a Free Action to increase her bonus and Sirim uses Aid Another to assist her.
Arc 9 Post 45: What Gods Watch
What Gods Watch

16th of Kuthona 4707 A.R. (Absalom Reckoning)

Due in no small part to the ancient Treaty of the Wildwood, which holds that the druids of Arenway may recruit down the river into Taldor proper as well as trade freely such gifts of the Verduran as they are minded to, it is no great trouble to find 'scrolls' seared onto the white underside of birch bark and wands crafted from knotted vines. Buy, buy, and buy again you do, a dizzying amount of coin changing hands. Soon enough it is the mercenary wizards of the city who are seeking you. Scrolls that allow one to cross half the world in an instant are hard to make, the inks rare and precious and the parchments must be aged for centuries. If it weren't for Sirim confirming they speak the truth you suspect Gorok would have left at least one would-be deal maker gasping. Yet no mage comes forward with the scroll Sirim had been most interested in, the Thassilonian 'Runes of Rule'. Not truly one spell, but a collection of seven traditionally recorded on a single scroll due to drawing from a common stem of understating.

Apart from that you are beginning to wonder if the local temples simply prefer if those fallen in battle would just stay in the dirt, at least until a very peculiar halfling bumps into you, which is to say 'accidentally' pulls into Gorok's table, asking for a meeting by Abbey Green. "Why, that's almost enough to make a body wonder about their intentions." The sarcasm in your voice is almost as sharp as the blade serves as comfort in the hand.

From a distance the old temple almost seems pristine, stern carvings of Aroden in his guise as the Craftsman, Merchant Fisher, and Soldier looking out over the cardinal directions. Only the doors open and gaping into shamed emptiness break the illusion, though the five of you are more interested in the glimmer of lantern-light in the high windows. Upon a exposed staircase your new tail tugging friend would have a word, that word being 'more.'

"Listen, you ain't gonna find many corpse huggers in Cassomir, not as any would admit it under the noonday sun. As soon as you asked for deathwater news went around. It ain't against the law, but enough to get the stink-eye. Ain't many priests willin' to hand you a pass back from the River after that." He smiles, revealing both of his canines had been replaced with steel. "Ain't many, but some. And there's some places to find Fire Jackal Spit that ain't the 'chemist you go to fer a sore throat."

Mina gingerly takes the offered scroll, passing her gaze over it once, then again, stopping in the middle as though to think more deeply, in truth to let the whispers of magic have their say, wisdom against power borrowed. Yet she does not speak, and again it is Sirim who utters without sound:

"Ah... the scroll attempts hide its patron, but she has proven sharper of eye than its maker intended. Mina suspects it invokes the power of Norgorber as the Grey Master, lord of thieves. How he might seek to intervene is beyond mortal ken, though not speculation. The Sons and Daughters of the Mask love nothing more than to be owed secret debts, likely they learned it on their 'Father's' knee. We should buy, worth less than we thought but still more than gold that cannot see us buy our way out of the River."

Roll for Luck (DC 20/70/95): 47 (Partial Success)
Black Market Necromancy (DC 60): 93 (Success)

Green: Found at Market Price
Red: Not Found
Yellow: Goods being offered +50% Cost

Wand of Cure Light Wounds: x2 (750 gold each, total 1,500 gold)
Scroll of Commune with Birds: x4 (25 gold each, total 100 gold)
Scroll of Mistsight: x4 (25 gold each, total 100 gold)
Scroll of Blur: x1 (150 gold)

Scroll of Rune of Rule: x1 (150 gold)
Scroll of Clay Skin: x1 (375 gold)
Scroll of Deathwine: x1 (375 gold*1.5)
Scroll of Contingent Action: x3 (1,125 gold)
Scroll of Delay Poison (Communal): x1 (375 gold)

Scroll of Raise Dead: x1 (6,125 gold*1.5) ???
Scroll of Teleport: x2 (1,125 gold each, 2,500 gold)
Scroll of Greater Teleport: x1
Potion of Cure Serious Wounds: x4 (750 gold each, total 3,000 gold)

Fire Jackal Saliva: x10 doses (50 gold each, total 500 gold*1.5)

Mina Knowledge (Religion) (DC 30): 1d20+13+4 (Bestow Insight) +1 (Guidance) = 35 (Success)

Price Change: +3,500 -150

Gorok seems to agree, much to Mina's concern. He is even considering asking the steel-toothed halfling if he knows anything of House Basri's dealings or the W.W.C. For your part, you...

[] Don't think you should buy a scroll granted through the power of a god you do not trust

[] Don't think you should buy anything from the Norgorberite

[] Think you should ask him what he knows and try to read his mind for the truth. Not like he can go to the Guard

[] Write in

OOC: Well.... at least it's not Urgathoa right?
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