Knockturned for The Better (Harry Potter Shopkeeper Quest)

Knockturned for The Better (Harry Potter Shopkeeper Quest)
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Capitalism! Mad Wizards! Or, more plainly. The madness of running an antique shop in magical England.
1.0 - Character Creation 1


God's Weakest Soldier

Hello, and welcome to Knockturned for the Better, a Harry Potter worldbuilding quest set in 1990. Our protagonist is a Serbian witch/wizard, who has come to England to open up a shop in order to support the family back home. Over the course of this quest you will be exploring a vast amount of the magical world, most of it original content, and meet tons of interesting new witches, wizards, and… rather odd things.

The tone will be relatively lighthearted for the most part, more in the spirit of whimsy that early Harry Potter had. With character drama sprinkled throughout. No content warnings to start with, and I thank you for giving this a chance. With each chapter during character creation, descriptions will get more extensive, and the character will come more into their own. For now though, please enjoy!​

The spellcaster's name was Nikola Nikolic. And they were quite confused, if the truth was to be told. Getting to London had been easy enough, one simply needed to pay in advance, then it was a simple hop onto the carriage for the ten hour ride from Serbia to London. From there the spellcaster had gotten lost on the…

Metro? They believed the muggles called it, how very confusing. From there they had made their way to the Ministry of Magic. Then to wand weighing, then to the… quite sizable line to registration. The building was old, and impressive enough, but a fair bit too…

The spellcaster frowned, looking up at the various statues, and hurried along. From there they found themselves sitting at a desk across from a rather… well, it was hard to describe. They were either tired, bored, or both. The man sitting across from them had a close shaved head, and he was dressed in a suit that was simultaneously too big, and too small for himself, with sleeves that went nearly to the tips of the fingers but with pants that stopped just above the ankles.

"Now," the clerk continued. "I am happy to welcome you to Customs and Immigration, my name is David, and we have some simple and quick questions to get out of the way first."

Thirty papers land on the desk, and the clerk picks up the top sheet. "Are you, or have you ever been a House Elf?"

"Ex... excuse me? No?" Nikola asks.

"You are excused, now tell me, if you *are* or identify *as* a Goblin, would you be planning a revolt?"

"I am not a Goblin and do no-"

"Yes or no," David says tiredly.

"... No."

"Are you a Centaur?"

"Do I look like on-"

"Yes or no."




David pauses, then looks up suspiciously. "Do you plan on becoming a ghost?"


David nods, looking over the paper for a moment. "We do offer that service, just opened that department last month."

"To… turn people into ghosts? You murder them?"

David shakes his head. "Oh, no, of course not. We simply ensure their end is suitably tragic so that they can come back as a ghost. Not my department however, not sure of all the specifics. Involves a crying Elf I do believe.

"Now then," David continues.

"If you are not a house elf, goblin, ghost or centaur. Do you have any desires to become a Dark Lord?"


"Are you immortal or seeking immortality?"



"Twenty Four."

David nods, then pushes that sheet of paper aside, glancing at the next. "Right then, male or female?"


[] [Male]

[] [Female]

[] [Prefer not to say]

This is part one of multiple parts of character creation, beyond this point you will start receiving points that can be spent on things such as starting position in society, schools of magic known, skills, and feats.

Thanks to @Armoury for the beta!
Poor David, he clearly understands exactly how stupid the questions he's asking are, and can't do a damned thing about it.

[X] [Male]
hmm. I'm torn. on one hand, Mad-Eye Moody, on the other, potentially putting up with sirius blacks flirtations should the quest last long enough...

well either way, good show Erien. you've captured the spirit of inane legalese nonsense I would expect of Cornelius Fudge's ministry, or any other, though especially Cornelius's.
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hmm. I'm torn. on one hand, Mad-Eye Moody, on the other, potentially putting up with sirius blacks flirtations should the quest last long enough...

well either way, good show Erien. you've captured the spirit of inane legalese nonsense I would expect of Cornelius Fudge's ministry, or any other, though especially conelius's.
It's the first year of Fudge's rule indeed. And thanks!