Throne Shadow Style sounds nice.
It's lots of fun, especially if you're playing a Sidereal (or Sidereal half-caste). However it's a bit rough to try to adapt it wholesale to the cape game on Bet, so if we got it I'd expect we just dip our toes in (get up to the Form charm for the ability to work well with friends, but unless we need to harness some of the more esoteric bits of the style or want to start assassinating people maybe hold off on the rest of it?)
My rough plan for learning combat charms looks something like
- begin with getting Crane Style charms (gloves on, very PR friendly and has access to contains both a surprise negator and perfect defense, can help train people in martial arts)
- As our combat game against 70% of enemy types gets locked in, start getting Solar Hero Style/Solar Brawl/Fist of the Daystar (useful for when the gloves come off, fighting monsters and the sort of tough opponents that simple fisticuffs can't handle. Probably invest in some of the 'berserker' charms around this time as well like Battle Fury Focus if the situation calls for it)
- See what our needs are from there (Eye of Heaven Style to destroy equipment and get that lovely automatic prayer finishing move? Righteous Devil Style to get Ranged combat boosts? Crystal Chameleon for Disco Ninja combat?)
(all this is subject to what things look like under the Exalted Essence system, of course)
I'm skeptical about how helpful this would be. I honestly don't think it is worth spending a milestone on a charm if this is the only use we have for it. Firstly I think the risk of Danny being attacked is being overblown, secondly I don't think 6 combat dice will be enough to save him if he is. Bear in mind it only gives him the dice, it doesn't give him any combat charms and does nothing about his defense, soak, or health track. So lets consider the gangs who might target him:
The ABB don't really have a reason to go after him as is, we've yet to take action against them and Lung is never shown to forceably recruit anyone who isn't asian. If they did go after him Oni Lee or lung should be able to easily take him even with our dice pool.
The Empire not only has no reason to target Taylor yet but given Taylor's trigger event was public and the involvement of Sophia have good reason to think a soft sell would work better. If that ever changes they have by far the most capes and a team could easily beat Danny even with the charm.
Lastly there's Coil, this is ironically where the charm is both the most and least useful. Whether he would try to kidnap Danny is very down to Azban's interpretation of him, I don't think he would but it's a pretty common interpetation in fan works that his default go to is blackmail and extortion. He also uses regular mercs whom the charm might let Danny fight off. The hitch comes in Coil's power of course, if Danny does win that fight Coil can just make it never have happened and come back later with Parahumans mercs or better support or whatever else he needs.
IMO if we really want to protect Danny against an actual attempt to kidnap or harm him from the gangs we need to beeline Sagacity 3 so we can start summoning up a demon army to do it. Well that or just get a reputation for being strong enough that anyone planning on targetting him realises how stupid and unhelpful that would be.
I think we will need to protect Danny, but this charm isn't the way to do it. (It has other uses, like being able to donate our combat prowess to someone when we're not going to be using it like if we're doing a fundraiser and we let Miss Militia get a larger dice pool for a patrol or something)
If we were going to protect Danny, here's what we can reasonably do;
- get him low profile body armor (not sure what the system says but something like a spider silk vest he can wear under his shirt would protect his vitals)
- get him come communications equipment (cell phone, chips, geolocator anklet etc) to help keep tabs on him
- hire regular bodyguards to stop casual abductions and make enough noise for more professional abductions to give law enforcement a chance to intervene (this won't work against Coil but time he spends trying to pull off the perfect abduction is time he's not spent doing something else)
- Tiger Warrior Training Technique to teach him to be a blackbelt badass on his own (not an immediate priority charm but probably something we can get in a bit)
In the short term, the bodyguards are probably the easiest; talk to his friends at the DWU and ask them to make sure there are a few stout lads looking out for him whenever possible. He's well-enough liked and if we can throw in some pay for the guards so much the better. That's not the same as having a dedicated Secret Service detail or anything, but it's low profile and easily done.
Assuming we wanted to do something with spider silk production, I think it'd go something like this:
1) get
Friendship With Animals Approach (or equivalent charm) to be able to converse with animals (also helps in other ways, like smoothing interactions with Bitch's dogs and letting us form a seagull-based spy network)
2) use Performance skill to address a large-ish group of spiders (
Orb-Weavers are social enough to work together without jumping to cannibalism and there are some species native to New England) and convince them of the benefits of trading silk for security and meals (I figure dicing up mice and feeding them counters the loss in protein and is easy enough to sell them on, but if necessary we can also use Irresistible Salesman Spirit)
3) Set them up in a warehouse and keep buying up feeder mice from pet stores. Hire a few people who are minimally creeped out by spiders to run the day-to-day side of things and reinvest the money into other projects
4) once the setup is proven, talk to the PRT about how interested they would be in getting Darwin Bark Spider Silk for cape costumes and trooper uniforms. (In canon the answer was 'very' but they had Weaver as an in-house asset).
5) realize with dawning horror that this made you part of the military-industrial complex (optional) /joke
The trouble is I don't know what Ability Survival charms would fall under in Exalted Essence. I'm guessing they're split unevenly between Navigation (moving people through the wilderness), Performance (communicating with animals) and Physique (enduring hardship/surviving off the fat of the land) but that', maybe?
This has the advantage of 1) providing jobs for Brocktonites, 2) only minimally involving active parahuman involvement (maybe ~monthly meetings with the spiders to make sure everything is working out/get new generations of spiderlings up to speed on how things work?) and 3) not being Weird Shit that is likely to trigger Piggot the way showing up with biological monstrosities on a leash and claiming we can solve everyone's problems would. (Demons are useful, but they're also alien). If they feel like they need to shut down this entire operation it can be done with a single man with a flamethrower if necessary.
So of these, the only one that has canon charms is Crane Style.
Are my comments about it being a 'gloves on' sort of combat style relevant then? I don't want to make grandiose promises about what it does if it doesn't, y'know, do that.
That being said, I'm happy to use homebrew for a martial art if you decide you want to learn it.
I'm making my assumptions on Fist of the Daystar off of
this homebrew rewrite (from
another Worm/Exalted quest, actually). However, if there are already Solar charms for close combat I'm okay with working with those.
I'm not going to go through this whole list and tell you what works and what doesn't, just keep that in mind when thinking to recommend a charm. In general, broad and abstract needs like "we need a defense against mind control" work better than 2e mechanical needs or charms like "we need Sagacious Reading of Intent" (which is the name of a charm that also exists in Essence, but does not do what you think it does). Alternatively, suggest something in line with the Essence mechanics revealed in the quest, such as "we need to strengthen our Resolve."
I understand, and don't want to give the impression that I'm trying to dictate anything to you. The intent was to go through other (somewhat out of date/out of focus) stuff that was considered appropriate and try sticking to the effects of the charms, not the mechanics. If I come across as overbearing that is not my intent. When I'm listing charms it is meant more in a 'something like this' or 'this inspired the thought' rather than 'make this work'.
You're thinking of Trainwreck here, who is not currently a member of the Merchants. Coil only sent Trainwreck to be a spy when they got big post-Leviathan. Right now, the Merchants are sort of beneath everyone's notice. They're not actually as big a gang as fanon makes them out to be.
...I am thinking of Trainwreck, thank you (though I thought it was Whirlygig that joined after Leviathan?). As to the Archer's Bridge Merchants not being a big deal, does that mean dismantling them does not count for a Major Milestone?
Also, if the stuff on milestones could be found on the front page that would keep me from paging back to 1.2 every time I wanted to double check what personal versus minor milestones could be spent on.
Hmm, thaumaturgy is mentioned in Essence, but there are no rules for it. I'll get back to you on this one, but my initial thought is that we can go two routes. One, it'd just be a sagacity roll for you, and you'd need Harmonious Academic Methodology (which lets you teach people very fast) in order to add thaumaturgy to someone's dice pool. Two, thaumaturgy is now just science; there's no special little magics you can learn or teach people, as Creation follows different rules now than it once did.
Not sure which of those two routes I'm going. Like I said, I'll get back to you.
I'm obviously biased, but I can see arguments either way.
Solars don't have access to such a charm canonically in Exalted Essence (although Infernals do), but that feels like the sort of thing that should be in the Solar wheelhouse and it's easy enough to homebrew. Any particular reason you want such a charm?
Tireless Sentinel Technique lets you go without sleep for [Stamina + Resistance] days before you suffer consequences for a neglegable cost in motes. Given my puddle-deep understanding of Exalted Essence mechanics, that can I presume be ported over to [Physique + Fortitude] without great difficulty.
As for why someone would want the charm, in addition to being able to be on call for those hours you have another ~8 hours of your day to just do...whatever. If it effects nothing else in the story just being able to say 'and Taylor is studying languages overnight' to let her stunt being able to talk Thai to someone during an Endbringer fight later down the line, or have her do research on whatever is going on her podcast next, or just working on a backlog of homework from the year plus of academic hell she went through to correct her grades, it's extra time to be productive. Given the compressed timeline Worm works on that can be helpful (it's not like we're going to spend a decade building a series of manses to power the Scion-Slaying Daiklave or something).
...geomancy is just one of many thaumaturgical arts I want to spread. "Why is she buying up this useless land?" *two weeks of intensive bulldozing, feng shui and using supernaturally motivated work crews to erect a gleaming magical ziggurat later* "Oh, that's why she was buying up all that useless land."
Also, since this is likely to be a vote sometime in the next few updates, did we want to stick around at Winslow, drop out and do homeschooling or go onto Arcadia? I'm inclined to say at Winslow, as it is undisputedly the cesspit of Brockton Bay's educational system which means it's probably the place Taylor needs to go to make people
better. It means dealing with all that tedious bullshit that high school is known for, but it also is a place where she can have social interaction with the fringes of various gangs (assuming organization-impeding charms like Indolent Official/
Foul Air of Argument Technique are an option), use policy-shaping charms (like
Taboo-Inflicting Diatribe) or just overhear gossip about what is going on in the various gangs (I don't expect this to be actionable intelligence, but it may help us keep a finger on the pulse as it were). It also seems a good place to grow our fandom for the purposes of spinning up the podcast idea.
Unrelated to the above, I was thinking about a few charm ideas:
- Flawless Diagnostic Technique (basically the Flawless Diagnosis Technique from Medicine, but for Craft). Let you get an idea of what's wrong with an object or structure (subject to your understanding of how it's made/how physics work etc); example, discerning that a house has faulty wiring can be done with an idle tour of the house and even without formal electrician training you can tell that it's something wrong with the wiring in the light in the bathroom, while diagnosing Armsmaster's Halberd might tell you that some of the mechanisms in the haft are getting brittle (for lack of a better term) but not that it needs to be remagnetized using a specialized non-newtonian fluid to prevent crystal buildup (or whatever). Eventually want to use this and a few other charms to restore boats in the Boat Graveyard
- I know that clearing out the boat graveyard won't fix all of Brockton Bay's problems as the reason that ports became less busy was because global economic disruption from Leviathan, but it is a monument to the city's despair and by not just removing it but revitalizing the ships for future use sends a message of hope that should help reinvigorate the city. Also by building up several unique industries in Brockton Bay (spider silk is a start but probably not the end) that gives material incentive to ship things out as well as receive them. If we're sending out PRT-quality trooper silk to organizations in Europe, it makes sense for them to go out of Brockton's port rather than send them to Boston or New York and use their ports, you know?
- Also I kinda want to do Sorcerous Workings to imbue Invocation of the Living Ship on each of them and make them magical ships to do stuff but that's putting the cart before the horse.
- A charm tree to let us see/decypher/manipulate shards connecting to humans (roughly analagous to the Spirit Detecting Glance/Spirit Cutting Attack/Ghost Eating Technique from 2e, not sure about Ex.Ess) with one eye on letting us spot parahumans whether they're in costume or not (Chevalier can do this, but they keep that quiet) and get at least an idea of what they can do before they demonstrate it, and eventually be able to Murder Entities. Possibly let us humanely trigger Second Triggers with a successful difficult project?
- A charm to know relevant laws, regulations or policies for a situation (basically a combination of "know what laws are being broken" and "know what to cite to avoid accidentally breaking the rules". The equivilent of hiring a lawyer in a relevant field to go over the situation and brief you on what you need to know, but all at once and without needing to do that. Does not protect against judicial interpretation
- Originally inspired by the Sidereal Google Spider charm!
- Dossier charms
- For an individual (Evidence Discerning Method) ("I understand how Hookwolf thinks and so can guess how he will react to an attack on his dogfighting hustle and the sort of things he is looking for to reestablish it")
- For an organization (no canonical charm I know of) ("I understand how the Empire 88 works well enough to make a good guess about how much the dogfighting rings mean to them and what they're willing and able to contribute to reestablishing them")
- For a gathering of different interests (Understanding the Court) ("I understand the personalities and priorities of the gang bosses meeting at Somer's Rock and how they're likely to interact with one another")
- Speed reading charm (lets us catch up on the news cycle faster, scan contracts at a glance and make it look like we're not reading from a teleprompter)
- Something to map the intimacies a target has even if they don't appear in the scene ("while Purity was shooting at us I discovered that she loves her child, doesn't like her ex husband, has mixed feelings about her stepson and is still a racist but is trying to be better
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