Warhammer Fantasy: Thirteen Tolls - An Apocalypse Quest

Voting is open
[x] Plan: Seer's Knowledge
-[x] Secure a weapon.
-[x] Interrogate Her-Ben
-[x] Study the Curse of the Sons. [P] [Z]
-[x] Attend the Third Luminous Trial.
-[x] Host an extremely illegal campaign event. (S)
-[x] Explore a district: Elftown [R]
-[x] Defend Elftown. [E]
-[x] Secure the Shambles. [L]

Shamelessly stealing @MiskWisk plan
[x] Plan: Seer's Knowledge
- [x] Secure a weapon.
- [x] Interrogate Her-Ben
- [x] Study the Curse of the Sons. [P] [Z]
- [x] Attend the Third Luminous Trial.
- [x] Host an extremely illegal campaign event. (S)
- [x] Explore a district: Elftown [R]
- [x] Defend Elftown. [E]
- [x] Secure the Shambles. [L]
Heh, fair enough. We still explore & defend Elftown, and also secure the Shambles (which is good for us personally and for the people in the neighborhood, too).

[x] Plan: Seer's Knowledge

Next time we should amass supplies and maybe distribute some of them at very low price to the poor.
@MiskWisk @total I am going to be a Devil's Advocate and try to go over the choices that are not on the current bandwagon, as well as try to get more discussion, which I think reading and thinking about is half the fun of some quests. Also before I Start @Graf Tzarogy Do you mind if I write an omake or give ideas for one? I have been wanting to create one forever but I have a busy life so i mainly lurk.

I am sorry that there is less then three hours, I was working on the response but Then i realized that it was turning into a retrospective of the quest itself and so I will try to make my comments now.

This is the only plan that was actually voted on:
[] Plan: Seer's Knowledge
-[] Secure a weapon.
-[] Interrogate Her-Ben
-[] Study the Curse of the Sons. [P] [Z]
-[] Attend the Third Luminous Trial.
-[] Host an extremely illegal campaign event. (S)
-[] Explore a district: Elftown [R]
-[] Defend Elftown. [E]
-[] Secure the Shambles. [L]

But some made points before the voting started that may have not been addressed:

Netos post:

Do we want to try solving the Curse of Stone of the Sons of Skavor? So we will have something when Turn 8 arrives, to hopefully allow us to redirect their Big Destructive Plan for the door to the Dwarven afterlife.

[] Plan: Dwarves, Gods and Elves

- [-] Study the Curse of the Sons [P]

- [-] Write to Arkhan.

- [-] Practice soul magic.

Reasoning: Actions 1 to 3 are to understand the Curse put upon the Sons of Skavor. At least we will know how it works, and possibly ideas on how to solve it via either 2 or 3.
I am using the Italics for my own comments, I have never actually used the quote function before.
On Write to Arkhan: We have had the option for a long time but We did not think of a use for it. Now I am wondering, @Graf Tzarogy What does a secret for a secret mean in this case? Is it asking about the Current Problem of the Sons or the Older Problem when the option came avaible or do we choose? Also, Dos the same apply for practice soul magic?

On Study the Curse of the Sons [P] and Establish a dwarven tomb:
do not know how the dwarven tomb would help but I am sure that if the option is there it will do something and that something is what we are to choose via dissections' and thought. There are no "trap" options by the GM in my option: When we got the offer to Perserve the Font and Spear, SV chose to say "yes" out of fear if we did not; While the QM did say that it was a choice later, I took it as a given that if there was a choice to say "no" then the game would not automictically end. the Result's:

CHECKING IN – Hope you're well. Any progress on spear? Busy with fucking Elves. Hope to hear soon. Must introduce you to a new old friend.
Source: Note from the Princeps,
Write to the Princeps.
He's expecting … something from you, Gods knows what, or what he knows. And who's this friend?,
[-] Study the Spear

There's got to be records, right?,
Talk to Master Phalaris

Engineer Superior and representative to the Spring for the Lodge of the Harvest Moon, Phalaris desperately requests your attendance at the Spring for a "critical technical juncture".

Action 4 is because the Princeps comes a'calling. We must do a bit of homework in case he returns early. If he does not, we will write to him later, as we have more pressing issues.

The other priority, as I see it, is the impending famine. Remember that one of the greatest factors in the classic tale of the Fall is the hunger devastating Tylos (and Kavzar). I expect we may have to buy supplies + distribute aid + reinforce the Roost next turn.

Both the Famine and the Spear-font are interrelated in my eyes: The Spear is breaking due to unknown factors, some of speculated but we do not know for sure. The Princeps gave us a duty to sustain the font's until the end of the election, while Phalaris sacrificed a bunch of souls to heal it an inch and eaither wants xeno to be fed to it or to help him find a solution. So yes it is a big part of runation but there are powerful pepole who want us to do something about it. Speaking of powerful people
"Article: DIVINE SALVATION – Let us raise our hands in thanks for the intervention of Xenophon, Chosen of Morr, and Ambrose, elect of Tyleus Liberator for defeating those forces of the Tempter that dared sully our most holy and sacred home… Source: Broken Chains – News for Free Men"

"Article: NOTICE OF SUIT – the Representatives of the Estate of Morganis Barbarian contact the individual known as "Xenophon" of the Roost informing him that action will be taken against him for damages caused by negligence, assault, and sundry other torts due to his actions at the Casino at the House of Tyleus… Source: Orderis and Morganis Co. (Legal)"

-] Hire lawyers.

Apparently, the mess at the Casino left some people angry. Hire some people to talk to their people to see what they really want.
"Kaginius Amor throws a newspaper into the fire, and watches it turn to ash. In the classifieds, a note for him "To Leo – Break Pickaxe Two". He knew now, of another traitor – in the janitorial office, of all places – and so another name was added to the list. . . secretary knocked, and handed him a note. "Raven Lamp Replaced" it said. He added another name to the list.

He was going to win this election."
We are on some sort of bad list by the priest of the Law Goddess
"Isha studied the names on the manifest. The Mistress of the Casino, Regent-Queen of the Freedmen of the Twin Cities, looked upon the damned souls written as property and chattel, and with the power invested in her, rose to make them free. The first slave, stolen by her Flying Court, lead by Loreley, approached the altar at which she stood. The late business with the Morrite and the corruption he had stoppered had been a severe setback, true, but he had prevented the worst – and besides, here, their most sacred sanctum, was by miracle never breached"
"Below, between the bodies, you see it shine – Ambrose's sword.

It glitters with some fragment of Divinity; engraved in the hilt are lengths of chain, each link broken.

The doors behind you crash open, and Lorelei with a horde of the freedman comes rushing it., cursing, shouting, running to you. You realize, with a start, that you're grasping the sword, but lying on the floor – you can't feel your am. You didn't even realize you fell.

You think of Tyleus the Liberator, that sign that barred the door – and think, that even if there might not be enough believers to make a God – a dream still holds power.

The hope of liberty. The duty of good. The desire for a home.

The Cities don't deserve to survive. But perhaps some things do."

Flavius Betto looked at his pocket watch. His contract was late. Again. To them, at least, he was still a slave.
He was going to be a god.
If I am reading this correctly we may not have ended whatever house and or Liborator Schemes there were and now they are suing us. Meanwhile we may have taken a part of it the "
The hope of liberty. The duty of good. The desire for a home." The followers Freedom seeking dragon-slayer may be even worse because we have it.
Also, that reminds me: @Graf Tzarogy Is next turn to late to try to make a write-in or two to try to figure out what Nivet and Ambrose plans and or backgrounds were? Because there is something of a discount between what the voters know and character's know, unless that is intentional
Also, I have noticed that, like in the above mentioned spear duty vote, Some logical options that the voters thought of, such as the Wannabe-God Killing or silencing the preast who knows too mutch and had rejected the offer, do not seem to come about because this City seemingly follows narrative rules. Or at least that is my headcannon, along with the thing that is causing that effect is the spear and font combo plus the gods and anti-gods and fated fall.
Also, Voter's the Qm said in the first post that while we cannot stop A FATED DOOM, Such as the fallout of all the conspires and the horned rat even if we could somehow stop them all, but we can save it's people and that it is not all gloom and doom. also @Graf Tzarogy the music links and images are broken on some of the pages:
Can tell us what the names of the music or the images were?
Also, about the demon posse man with the name of a toothpaste ingredient:

Angelus knelt in front of his altar, and prayed. There was no comfort not the inspiration of Alluminas or the chimes of Arianka, the certainty of Daora, or the heat of Solkan. No, not even they who he kept closest to his heart; Yeltse. His life was in ruins. He had lost two demons! What could he offer Law, when he had failed so utterly? What could he do but weep, and wait for his just punishment?! The Third Trial was coming, and so was his end.


He looked at himself in the mirror, and for a moment saw his old form; feathered and beaked, eyed staff in hand. For a God devoted to change, his old patron did have a ironically strict aesthetic.

I think that Flodius was a bird demon who turned tarot and joined Naccho

as for Angelus, I do not know what happened with his gods or his "heling" but I pity him

blow are headlines with stuff I did not type about because now it is very late sorry

@Nurgle, @Sleepy_Sloth @watcheye456 @Huda @Talon TigerDino @timeForced @Razios

Messgeing you all because I spent to mutch time on this and do not want it to be in vain!

Article: AGAINST "UNIONS" – That certain criminal individuals are allowed to form consortiums to illegally restrict trade and harass foreign citizens would not be tolerated in any just city. I thus suggest the immediate dismantlement of these thuggish leagues, by force if… Source: Via Appia Journal
Article: A BOLT FROM THE BLUE - The Lightning is on a seventeen-match winning streak in the coliseum, the people's champion; slaying aristocratic pamperer, elvish fanny, and terrible beast alike… Source: Populares, the People's Paper
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Also before I Start @Graf Tzarogy Do you mind if I write an omake or give ideas for one? I have been wanting to create one forever but I have a busy life so i mainly lurk.
An omake would be great.
Now I am wondering, @Graf Tzarogy What does a secret for a secret mean in this case? Is it asking about the Current Problem of the Sons or the Older Problem when the option came avaible or do we choose? Also, Dos the same apply for practice soul magic?
There'd be a vote to determine what Xenophon would ask Arkhan. For soul magic - take the option, and see what happens!
Also, that reminds me: @Graf Tzarogy Is next turn to late to try to make a write-in or two to try to figure out what Nivet and Ambrose plans and or backgrounds were?
No, those would be valid options under the "Investigate" option.
also @Graf Tzarogy the music links and images are broken on some of the pages:
I will try and go back and fix those.
Also, I have noticed that, like in the above mentioned spear duty vote, Some logical options that the voters thought of, such as the Wannabe-God Killing or silencing the preast who knows too mutch and had rejected the offer, do not seem to come about because this City seemingly follows narrative rules. Or at least that is my headcannon, along with the thing that is causing that effect is the spear and font combo plus the gods and anti-gods and fated fall.
What Xenophon knows is what's in the updates. Voters have speculated various theories; Xenophon is aware of these insofar as I think he would be able to gather from the facts he's observed (in other words, as long as the theory does not rely on external knowledge about the Fall or the Warhammer Fantasy canon in general, though of course it's absolutely fine to speculate using those facts).
@@Nurgle, @Sleepy_Sloth @watcheye456 @Huda @Talon TigerDino @timeForced @Razios
Thank you very much for the effort post - it is greatly appreciated - but just also want to let you know that on SV mass-tagging is generally not done. If you'd like to engage with someone, general practice is to reply or quote a specific post of theirs, which they will be notified of. But again - very grateful for the engagement!
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[X] Plan Big Trouble in Little Elftown
- [x] Study the Curse of the Sons [P]
- [x] Interrogate Her-Ben
- [x] Hire lawyers.
- [x] Defend Elftown. [L]
- [x] Assault Druchii. (S) [E]
- [x] Reveal Melissa's treachery (S)
- [x] Explore a district: Elftown [R]

Stealing @Netos plan.
@Graf Tzarogy

in an earlier post you said that all the founders of the twelve districts were exiles or outcasts. What is there history? I have no idea if Xeno would know this but you have already spoken of Summerland's Founder.

A second worldbuilding question and one for a possible omake idea I had. This is not the only Omake idea I have had but the Angelus loss of faith and confidence in himself intrigued me. How many Gods of Law are there and what are there general ideas about them? I have not read much WF and mention of these deities is few. Are they supposed to be foil's to the chaos gods in this quest or not? secondly there is a possible error: on the intro there is: Solkan, Alluminas, Astasis, Daora, Viydagg but
There was no comfort not the inspiration of Alluminas or the chimes of Arianka, the certainty of Daora, or the heat of Solkan. No, not even they who he kept closest to his heart; Yeltse

The fifth one is spelled differently and I thought only three Law Gods were given any ideas in WF.

Last question: the intro said that the Law are True Gods; is there any more meaning then that to the sentance? I know that some WF works say that some of the god could or were or are reflections of the chaos gods in some way. Is that the case here?

Secondly Light is a big element associated with all of them and Alluminas in specific; Would a devout but normal everyman think there was any sort of connection between Law and the Light Wind? The reason is that I am imaging how the different but ordinary people of the districts would view the winds that go there. NOTE that I am not saying that they know anything about the winds at all... but I was thinking that the winds funneled to each district would have overt and subtle impacts on the places and people there, and possible the deity's that are there.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Graf Tzarogy on Oct 11, 2024 at 6:51 PM, finished with 12 posts and 7 votes.

  • [x] Plan: Seer's Knowledge
    -[x] Secure a weapon.
    -[x] Interrogate Her-Ben
    -[x] Study the Curse of the Sons. [P] [Z]
    -[x] Attend the Third Luminous Trial.
    -[x] Host an extremely illegal campaign event. (S)
    -[x] Explore a district: Elftown [R]
    -[x] Defend Elftown. [E]
    -[x] Secure the Shambles. [L]
    [X] Plan Big Trouble in Little Elftown
    -[x] Study the Curse of the Sons. [P] [Z]
    -[x] Interrogate Her-Ben
    - [x] Hire lawyers.
    -[x] Defend Elftown. [E]
    - [x] Assault Druchii. (S) [E]
    - [x] Reveal Melissa's treachery (S)
    -[x] Explore a district: Elftown [R]
in an earlier post you said that all the founders of the twelve districts were exiles or outcasts. What is there history? I have no idea if Xeno would know this but you have already spoken of Summerland's Founder.
The Casbah and the Tylosi-Kavzari aristocracy is descended from an outcast Scythian Prince (a bastard son) and his court initially hired to defend the City in war but who elected to stay. For the Pall, it was Skavor and his children who fled from the Karaz Ankor after their exile for Skavor using magic (against the dictates of the Ancestor Gods) and moreso, for failing to defend the Dwarfen link to their far eastern colonies during the Great Incursion. As mentioned, Summerland are the heirs of a heretic Belthani priest who chose to study the magic of his Gods as a "science". The Elves of Elftown are refugees from the Sundering, who refused to take either the side of Naggarond or Ulthuan and thus were left adrift. Much of the Tylosi "empire" is composed of these allied "neutral" Elven city states. Thunderdome stems from some dissent shaman-astrologers of the Yaghur, who live around what would be later called Cripple Peak, who saw in the stars the creation of a Great City, and went west to find it. Little Khemri is those who were opposed to the coup and reign of Nagash. Temple and the Flame claim that they are from a legendary isle called "Albion" where they participated in some mystic machinery against the Great Enemy. They sought to turn their charge to the Gods of Order instead, to finally end the Four, but were instead forced to flee, as their compatriots chose to maintain what they called "balance". Cloisters was originally an Endal settlement, a far flung colony of the people who lived in what would become the Wasteland - as the Jutones put more and more pressure on the Endalic homeland, a significant portion of that tribe relocated to Tylos-Kavzar. Circus is the old ancient heart of the city, and is populated by some of those who came with Tyleus from his exile "in the distant East" but were not of his people; merely those he collected along the way. The traditional story goes they lived somewhere in the modern Badlands, and Tylos slew some Orcs threatening them, and for their service, they walked with him. Brass Quarter is populated by the descendents of converted Norsii; Tylos-Kavzar has a long history of slave raids even that far north, in cooperation with some trusted allied tribes, some of which, because of that collaboration, were also eventually defeated in some intercine dispute or another and who fled south. Pleroma was populated by peoples from Stalia and Tilia who joined the city having been forced out by Elvish expansionism on the coast and from the mountains by the Dwarves; their mutual alliance meant that both great empires could unite to destroy hostile humans, who sought protection in Tylos-Kavzar. The House of Tyleus is descendent from Tyleus and his household, who, as mentioned, "came from the East". It's never been clear exactly where he stemmed from, bar that it was some other city, that was razed and destroyed in a war that lasted "a thousand years" and that his and his family were the only survivors.
A second worldbuilding question and one for a possible omake idea I had. This is not the only Omake idea I have had but the Angelus loss of faith and confidence in himself intrigued me. How many Gods of Law are there and what are there general ideas about them? I have not read much WF and mention of these deities is few. Are they supposed to be foil's to the chaos gods in this quest or not? secondly there is a possible error: on the intro there is: Solkan, Alluminas, Astasis, Daora, Viydagg but
There are five Gods of Law. Xenophon has always been told their names are Solkan, Alluminas, Astasis, Daora, Viydagg. He has never heard of "Yeltse" before his vision. Per the (public) theology of Temple, the Five were created against the Four. This would imply they a) postdate Chaos and b) were created by something, but by what and when is never clear. However, their apparent purpose was to be some sort of "racial gods" for humanity, just as the Elven and Dwarven pantheons. Apparently the Five stood against the Four during the Great Incursion, but were exhausted by it, and the peoples of the world, in time, having no need for the discipline of Law, eventually forgot them. This was except for the Flame, who hope to revive their worship in a world once again tilting towards Chaos.

Worship of them involves monasticism, meditation and self-abnegation. Followers are expected to follow various "Laws of the Universe" which get more and more stringent the higher one rises in the Flame. They start with requirements to not wear dyed clothes and to eat vegetarian, and eventually rise to individuals taking vows against speaking, or to pray continouslly, and eventually - as is rumored - to eventually wall themselves up in cells to have perfect focus to become part of Universal Order.

Solkan is perfect Justice; every wrong repayed, every right rewarded; karmic law.
Alluminas is perfect Truth; that beneath the world there is immutable Law and that is solid and unchanging; the stasis of Order.
Daora is perfect Understanding; every secret revealed; all darkness banished; omniscient knowledge.
Astasis is perfect Form; all natural laws perfected; all corruption ended; the world-as-clockwork.
Viydagg is a sort of angelic figure, "the Perfect Maiden" who appears to those on the Path of Law and guides them on their way. She, unlike the other Gods (and any others Xenophon knows) has actually been "summoned" in Flame rituals as a towering being of energy.
Yeltse is perfect Design; that all things have a purpose, and that will one day be fullfilled; potential actualized.
Secondly Light is a big element associated with all of them and Alluminas in specific; Would a devout but normal everyman think there was any sort of connection between Law and the Light Wind? The reason is that I am imaging how the different but ordinary people of the districts would view the winds that go there.
The winds of Flame and Light wax strong in Temple, as do Death and Life in Summerland, and Metal and Sky in Thunderdome.
Turn Seven Results (Part 1) - Pasts

Safety first.

You're made your choice – you are a Priest of Morr. And with your defeat of Necoho, your old weapon is a pile of cooling slag on your cell floor. But your God always carried a scythe – so you cannot go unarmed. You think a second, on what you might get. There are the weapon shops in the Cloisters, of course, if you want Elven truesteel or some Belthani artefact, but it feels wrong to request something foreign. The magical districts are right out, no matter how much a flaming sword or flying mace might be useful. With the Key, which you now kept on a chain around your neck, tucked beneath your robes, you needed mundanity. No – all of this was City arrogance. You were a holy man, not a warrior. Your victories were of faith, not of battle. You needed no great blade. Morr used what – not a true weapon, but a tool. The harvestman cuts the corn. You have your dagger on your hip. Your dagger which you made your oaths to Dwarfs and Men and Gods. It is plain steel, with simple leather as the hilt. It is not, as the aristocrats favored, embossed with your initials or a tally of victorious duels, or enchanted, or anything such. But it is yours, and yours alone. And that, in this great chaos that is erupting all around you, is what you can rely on.

So, you take the blade, your trusty dagger, and lay it on the altar of your little shrine in your cell. Carved into the hollow is an engraving of a raven, and Pelops has seen that it is otherwise filled with fresh black roses and long lit tallow candles.

You kneel and lapse into silence.

Meditation is the most ancient practice of your order, and one you do not practice enough.

Unbidden, a memory comes to you, as the old metal of your knife reflects the flicker of the flaming wicks.

You are young, very young, and Aoife is cutting fruit. You reach up to grab a slice of mango – quick – too quick, and she just by accident, cuts you. You scream – and she swears and drops to her knees as you begin to blubber. Blood pouring from the little scrape, you tremble, as she embraces you.

"I am sorry, my dear – I'm sorry." Aoife says.

"It hurts!" you cry.

"It will pass." she says, "If you are brave. And you are – because you tried to take this-" and she offers you the slice your tried to steal.

You take it, gladly, holding back your tears. There is a tang of iron – your own spattered blood – but it still tastes sweet.

A flame flickers out, and you're brought out of your reverie.

You Look, and your dagger shines. The steel near glows a pale white; sharp as the full moon cutting the dark night sky.

You pick it up, and it feels right and solid in your hand. It is tied to you, the Roost, to Morr.

It is your faith, now manifest. Of a Good End for all.

You are a holy man, and you are armed.


A sacred dagger. Sanctified in the Roost of Tylos-Kavzar by the Raven himself, it cuts through all spellwork and illusion, especially that which keeps things past their apportioned time.

Cecilia has elected to help you interrogate Her-Ben. With her long experience as a medium for the wealthy, an insane Nehekaran was, according to her "a relaxing change of pace". You would not necessarily agree, considering the amount of screaming he does in his rooms– but help is help, and confidence a bonus.

Your aim here is to figure out what exactly Rosamunde saw with S-Nefer-Ka in Little Khemri with the Ushabti that spat out a sandstorm activated-via-priest-corpse. Her-Ben, who sitting in the corner, skin and bones in his stained linen rags, mumbling to himself some priestly incantation, tearing his fingers raw on his old bronze circlet prying the gem-embedded hieroglyphs of the Gods, is as close to a mummified Nehekaran you're going to get without going all the way over, so here you are.

"My lord?" You're not really sure of the terminology, but Cecilia is trying her best "Lord Her-Ben?"

He does not move from his corner but stops mumbling. There is a beat of silence, then he suddenly screams "SAKHMET, BEGONE!".

Cecilia looks at you. Sakhment is, if you recall from your readings, the Goddess of the Green Moon, wicked concubine of Ptra, the Sun. Well, if you're playing divinities…

"Servant!" you shout. "Dare you speak to your betters with that tone!"

Her-Ben screeches, a noise not unlike the death rattle of a chicken, and curls into a ball.

"Forgive me" he says. "Forgive me, my Lord."

"Yes", you say, and you rack your head – "It is I, Lord, um – Usirian"

Her-Ben laughs with a crazed joy.

"It is over! Am I admitted to the Halls of Judgement?"


"Gods be Blessed!" he says and turns around.

You and Cecilia freeze.

"You are more beautiful and glorious than I imagined!" Her-Ben says. His missing left eye leaves a gaping void as he stares at you adoringly, and you recoil slightly as a scent worse than the grave issues from his rotten mouth as he moves to kiss your feet.

"My thanks, my honorable Servant" you say, stepping delicately backwards. "This is my, er…" and you gesture to Cecilia. "His assistant!" she cries.

Her-Ben stares at you both. "It was not mentioned in the scriptures Usirian had an aide."

There is a pause.

"It is a – mere – innovation" you say. "The glut of souls, you see, has been so great, we have uplifted a lesser spirit called, er – Glycon!"

Her-Ben immediately bows. "The sins of the Great Necromancer no know bounds! They even harry the very Underworld!" he cries.

"It is time then" says Cecilia, her voice dropping a theatrical octave. "For your judgement."

"Yes" you say. "You must answer our questions three."

"Of course, my Lord" says Her-Ben. "The three Riddles of the Gate. My answers are already prepared. The golden scarab crosses the desert plain. The blessings of the Great Father were the clear waters, the desert heat-"

You blanch. "Er – the questions have changed."

Her-Ben stops. "Changed?"

"Security breach." Cecilia helpfully offers. "Nagash."

A pause, again.

"WHAT EVILS CAN HE NOT COMMIT!" shouts Her-Ben. "I await your new queries."

"Right" you say. "Question the first – how does a Ushabti function?"

"Ah a holy mystery!" says Her-Ben "I am glad to be first-born. If I were not a Liche Priest, how could I pass through?"

"The questions are per profession now" adds Cecilia, unhelpfully.

Another excruciating silence.

"How wise, Lord Glycon" says Her-Ben.

Another pause. You cough.

"Oh yes! The question!" Her-Ben says. "By the Great Pact of our forefathers! For our faith, ye gods said you would come to our aid whenever we might wish – and so you taught us the incantations that might bring divinity into the world. It is but a scrap of that to make a construct. Any man with sufficient connection to the divine might do so by speaking those sacred words."

"And you would say" you inquire "that the actual God inhabits the statue to make it move?"

"Why you would know, Lord Usirian – why, half of Nehekara summons you regularly."

"For the sake of Glycon, who is unschooled in such matters?"

"Of course, of course. It is a binding of the divine into gross matter. Hence why we cannot have so many active at once. You are Gods, of course – but we would not want to take overmuch your attentions."

A binding. Like demonology. Separation of a piece of the Aethyr into this world – which would make it vulnerable. Especially when it was transiting from one place to another. Very, very vulnerable. You think of guillotines, and a hungry maw, and a tall tower.

"How does the divinity transferred?" you ask.

"Another technical question!" says Her-Ben. "I suppose the afterlife needs competent professionals as much as anywhere else!"

Nobody laughs. You cough again.

"Forgive me, my Lord – er – constructs, yes – through three sacred words. Th first opens a channel in the soul of the summoner. The scale of the divine flow is per their connection to the God of their choice. Once the channel is opened, the middle part of the ritual gives the target – the Ushabti or whatever other construct. The end – Omega - shuts it off when sufficient power has conducted through. It will remain there until one allows it to return with the contra-incantation, or the construct is destroyed."

"What if someone fails to say the last word?"

Her-Ben scratches his chin. A full flap of skin peels off, as his nail starts to draw blood.

"That was most forbidden, my Lord – the more divinity conducted, the harsher to the summoner's spirit. If one could survive it – one would suppose they could draw from the God infinitely."

Or, you supposed, if the God had a limit too – until the whole of the divinity was dragged out and trapped in some useful vessel. Why did the Princeps want priests? You understood now. If S-Nefer-Ka had the incantation – and he did, from what Rosamunde saw – and could maintain their soul's stability – and you think of Floridus, and his weird daemonic experimenting with your former Brothers – you could capture a God through their faithful followers. And – thinking of the crashing, horrible monster at the centre of your City – a trapped beast was good to eat.

You shake your head. There was still a possibility this wasn't it – the essence of the Princeps' plan.

"Does the incantation apply only to the Nehekaran Gods?"

Her-Ben cocks his head, and as he does, a black tooth falls out of his swollen gums with a SPLAT to the floor. "You mean yourselves? Of course. If it can bind your glories, all the lesser ones – why, even the Orks have managed it, with their awful rough idols."

Your stomach drops.

"Do you know the incantation?"

Her-Ben stares at you. "That is a fifth question."

A pause.

"You are not Lord Usirian."

He rises, slowly, like an unfurling cobra.

You and Cecilia slowly back away.

"DECIEVER! DECIEVER! DECIEVER!" he screams, as he leaps at you, and you see the metal door of the cell dent heavy as you smash it shut into his face.

He screams, as he lies on the floor, gnashing his teeth, tearing his rags and skin and hair.

"DOOMED!" he says. "WE ARE DOOMED!"

And you are not inclined to disagree.

RISKY ACTION UNLOCKED: Search for the Incantation of the Ushabti

FLIP: Petrification (Heads – Success).

You and Pelops set up a ritual circle under the watchful eye of Zaki. At its centre is the petrified form of a Son – you've been told his name is Drek. Unlike most of his brethren, there are few jewels embedded in his body. There is just the red beryl of the rune of Skavor at his nape – otherwise, the fellow could be one of his mountain cousins, if not for the fact that he was made of marbled granite, his face, downturned in sorrow, forever dappled in veins of black and white. His beard is short, too.

A quick, bad life. And that will all it will ever be for Drek.

Unless you have anything to say about it.

You have a theory, from what Fafnir said – about how Skavor remained within himself, barred from the Underearth. Dying is a sort of sleep, and in sleep, everyone dreams.

Pelops lights the many braziers of incense, and soon the scents of frankincense, myrrh and sandalwood fill the air.

You sit cross-legged, facing the statue directly, eye to eye, less than a foot apart. Around you are twenty-one concentric chalk circles made of tiny copies of verses from the Book of Doors.

Slowly, Pelops lowers each and every one of the lights. Zaki stands, unmoving, as the darkness descends. There is perfect blackness, and perfect silence, in this room beneath the Roost.

You see movement.

Your eyes adjust – but they cannot, because there is no light, not even a little to adjust to – but they do, nevertheless.

In a grey stone room, like the one you were in, but you know you are not anymore, Drek's head slowly rises, jerky, like a trapdoor with a rusty hinge. His whole body trembles – it is still stone – but his fists clench and then unclench, and his mouth moves, and there is a noise like two grindstones meeting.

From the dark, a great shape emerges above you – a wall a thousand miles tall, made of shining metal plates like armour for the world. On every one is emblazoned a glowing rune, and engraved in every sheet are lines and lines of khazalid – names and names and names and names. A dwarf stands at its height, proud. He is gauntleted and girded – you cannot see his face. But his essence pours out – divinity. Not like the ones you know; not the cool calm of Morr or the bright inspiration of Myrmidia. This is not a God of fleeting emotion and faltering faith. This is a god of stone; of certainty; of the Dwarfs.

The figure stands far above, untouchable.

But you've almost forgotten about Drek. He has moved – his stone eyes stare at you blindly. A frozen arm reaches towards you, as if to throttle you. And he speaks but one word – "SIN".

There is an earthquake. The God on the Wall stumbles, the Runes flicker. From the distance, there is a great roar – to shake the heavens and the earth, to make the sun and moon fall. You've heard it once – when you saw Tyleus slay the Beast. You see the God raise his hands, and the earth itself rises, in spikes and mounds and towers to fight. But then, in a blast of anti-light, one great dolorous strike falls.

There is an explosion of dust and rubble, and by the time you rise, the wall is gone.

It is in ruins, and within those, the names. Broken memories litter the earth. All that is standing is a little dome of stone, which falls like water to reveal the God, his metal wrought, his pride gone. He is half-stone now, his is bloodied and bleeding – but he is alive.

But he is alone.

Drek speaks again, gravel down a cliffside: "JUDGEMENT".

To your left, a pillar of blue flame, absolute fury radiating off it. To the right, a pillar of orange flame, bitter and cruel.

The God rises, and turns to the right, and cringes away as the shadows of bulls gore him, for he is soft, and he regrets.

He turns to the left, only to be burnt and burnt again for he survived, and others did not.

So, he runs forward, towards you, and as he does he runs into Drek, merging with his form, ghost over statue, and together, they scream: "FAILURE".

And you feel suddenly your limbs lock up, and your eyes freeze and you're just staring at them, and you can't move and but you can think and you are guilty but you can't move and you hate yourself and you can't move and you're sorry and you can't move and you want to die but you can't move and you're stuck and you're dammed and you can feel and you are ashamed but you cannot move, you cannot move, you cannot move.

And you stay like that, for three hundred years.

And you know what it is, to be a Son of Skavor.

Suddenly, you can move.

You're standing in a soft garden, beneath a familiar tree, and a failure figure in a cowl stands next to a familiar gate.

The black void of the sky is above, speckled with countless stars.

"Would you welcome them?" you ask.

A nod.

"Would they accept it?"

A shake.

"Can they be saved?"

A smile.

And from the gate, a flash of orange.

You are back with Drek in the endless grey, and the God slumps defeated between you. He is nearly all stone now. He is sobbing, alone on the earth.

Above you, a tower, comes looming. Taller than the wall, at its height, it burns with the neon green of warpstone.

Corpses tumble from it, as a thousand million rats, attempt to climb, and scratch and gnaw and kill each other, climbing to the top.

And from inside it, something roars – deeper and more awful than the Great Beast.

An evil not from the untamed outside but made from within.

A Sin worse than all others.

A Judgement of your corruption.

A Failure of everything ever built.

The God is shaking below you. He cannot move.

You offer a hand. He trembles more – and you feel the waves of despair.

The Tower is boiling now, rat corpses falling like rain. Above, a grey hooded stranger duels the Princeps and the Lady Myrmidia, and with each strike of their swords reality itself cracks and Something bangs at the door of all.

"GET UP!" you shout at Skavor.

He does not.


He does not.


He does not.

You pull out your dagger from your pocket. Here, it morphs into a single, terrible double-headed axe of dark steel, with two ancient runes.

"DIE WELL!" you say and thrust the weapon in Skavor's hand.

And he looks up, finally, finally, at the Tower.

"Another chance?" he asks.

And you grin.

"Rewrite your end."

And he charges, with you, into the apocalypse.

You wake up.

As you start, Pelops moves to light a candle.

Zaki lets out a surprised snort, as the room is made visible.

Drek's statue has moved. He's not looking down – he's facing you – out, against the world.

Where there was but perfect stone, there is a now a crack, like a tear-track, running down an eye.

An ancient rite unfurls in your mind, one first performed in the furthest North, by a son and his father at the beginning of the world.

You know what you can offer.


VENTURE UNLOCKED: Offer the Grand Rite of Slaying

AN: Sorry for the delay, RL stuff. No vote to get things on a steadier pace. Please enjoy!
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the oath of grimnir, taken by a god... skavor the slayer, skavor the redeemed, skavor the death seeker
The Tower is boiling now, rat corpses falling like rain. Above, a grey hooded stranger duels the Princeps and the Lady Myrmidia, and with each strike of their swords reality itself cracks and Something bangs at the door of all.
And now the pieces come together. The Princeps sets up his mad plan, and the mysterious stranger mentioned in the Skaven Armybooks presumably comes in to twist it further.

"Would you welcome them?" you ask.

A nod.

"Would they accept it?"

A shake.

"Can they be saved?"

A smile.
Okay, in hindsight unsurprising. They're dawi. But at least there's an option.

"DIE WELL!" you say and thrust the weapon in Skavor's hand.

And he looks up, finally, finally, at the Tower.

"Another chance?" he asks.

And you grin.

"Rewrite your end."

And he charges, with you, into the apocalypse.
An ancient rite unfurls in your mind, one first performed in the furthest North, by a son and his father at the beginning of the world.

You know what you can offer.


VENTURE UNLOCKED: Offer the Grand Rite of Slaying
Huh. A glorious doom is supposed to wipe away a Slayer's sins.
We saved the Sons of Skavor. They didnt deserve their fate, but they are too proud, too Dawi, to turn away. So we will give them the only way out, the only escape that they would ever accept.

They are my favorite, I love their aesthetic, their magic, and everything about them. They are my favorite dwarven blorbos and I wonder what will become of them after all this.
"Can they be saved?"

A smile.

And from the gate, a flash of orange.
You pull out your dagger from your pocket. Here, it morphs into a single, terrible double-headed axe of dark steel, with two ancient runes.

"DIE WELL!" you say and thrust the weapon in Skavor's hand.
An ancient rite unfurls in your mind, one first performed in the furthest North, by a son and his father at the beginning of the world.

You know what you can offer.

Fight well, and die for something better than yourself...
Doomed by own choise, cursed no longer
Deed and Sacrifice

Man, that such a cinematic scene. Well done...

Also I get the Grimir part, but who's the son?
Also, also. We are short a dagger... again... at least this one was well placed.

The son is Morgrim, who was the one to witness Grimnir. You also still have the dagger - in dream, things are a little more flexible.
For a moment I was thinking there is some sort of 'Second Slayer' or a 'Slayer Griminirson' out there
Oh, cool. And now I wonder if us blessing the dagger with Morr's light, had some effect that will have knock on effects in future on Scavor's sons...
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Fight well, and die for something better than yourself...
Doomed by own choise, cursed no longer
Deed and Sacrifice

Man, that such a cinematic scene. Well done...

Also I get the Grimir part, but who's the son?
Also, also. We are short a dagger... again... at least this one was well placed.
The son is Morgrim, who was the one to witness Grimnir. You also still have the dagger - in dream, things are a little more flexible.
I like how we are going to get a bunch of dawi slayers going into a Great doom, too bad no one will know of it. Also I wonder how many more people we can get to die well with us.
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Turn Seven Results (Part 2) - Presents


Minutes of the 1st​ Amalgamated Meeting for the People's Self-Defense

Chair: Xenophon, Raven of the Roost (Temple of Morr)

Attendees (organization representing):
  • "Red" Gregorios (United College of Apprentices, Conjurers and Hedge Mages (UCACHM))
  • Father Justice (Friendly Society of Working Soldiers)
  • Titus (Dockworkers League)
  • Dolwen (Fellowship of Vaul)
  • Lord Melui-Akar (Elftown Benevolent Association)
  • Lorelei (the Casino)
  • Cadoc the Blade, Pope (?) (Church of Ranald)

Three workmen, two elves, a pirate and a thief walk into a graveyard.

Your job is to make sure this isn't a joke.

You want to protect your people. All of them – be they man, dwarf or Elf, aristocrat in a tower or beggar dying in an alley. None of them deserve, whatever their sins, what the Tower will bring. So, you've chosen to war against the apocalypse. That's the easy bit. What comes next is much, much worse.


You know the Reds want vengeance after the massacre at the docks they're calling "Bloody Santodi". You know the Elves want protection; both from the riot that resulted from last month's bloodbath, and the one to come, if Ditatis and his Ratcatchers do their intended march. And you doubt the Whites or the Druchii won't take what opportunity they can to sabotage the whole thing best they can; for the former, to make their enemies look bad (Ditatis is still a Red, however nominally); for the latter, because they're sick fucks.

So, you hatched your own plot – collective defense for the Cloisters and Elftown. Protection for the people- never a Bloody day again. Now, that you also plan on using whatever results to potentially war against a nascent rat-god is what you're not saying, but half-truths are the bread and butter of politicking.

But to do that, you have to convince who's come to your little meeting (Melissa had done very well in soliciting attendees) not to strangle each other. That's proving rather more difficult than you'd hoped.

At the little gazebo traditionally used for funeral orations on rainy days, Mervin has set out a delightful array of honey pastries that has done little to lighten the mood.

To one side are the Red unionists – Gregorios, who you're familiar with from the League of Salvation, now missing half his nose in a duel with a corsair he was lucky to survive; Father Justice, the successor to Mother Mercy, a gigantic man, a head taller than you, leaning on a cane thick enough to support a house, and Titus, the dockworker, smelling of salt and sea. They're whispering in their little corner – they don't trust Elves as far as they can throw them, long suspicious of "Ulthani imports" driving out local industry and "agents of the Phoenix Court" driving the Cities towards war. But conversely, after their disappearing act at the riot and his ever-pandering to the aristocratic youth, they are no great friends of Ditatis either.

Standing as far away from them are the Elven representatives. First, levitating slightly is Lord Melui-Akar, the informal "Mayor of Elftown" in flowing robes still embroidered with a rainbow of powerstones (he was a lecturer at Saptheion, before the Fall). Second is Dolwen, incredibly muscled for an Elf, wearing a sooty apron – she leads the closest thing the Uranai have to a union, a collection of craftspeople hired on commission by the Lodge and the Flame. Neither has any particular love for the Reds, who they see at best as xenophobes; but they understand they need some ally in the Cities to survive.

Finally, next to you are what you might generously call your faction, there is Lorely, of the Casino. She is in fine dark leather, with a shining cutlass enchanted with Azyr at her hip. She boasted, before the others came, she used it to take the head off a slave-raider on a ship a league away. Beside her is someone you've never met, or even invited, but showed up anyways. Cadoc the Blade, a short man with long, braided hair as they did in the barbarian north, who wore, of all things, the uniform of a Senatorial page came with a smile as wide as a crocodile. He claims leadership ("papacy") of the "Church of Ranald", a group you've heard only whispers of in the Shambles. You didn't believe him until he reached up and pulled a coin from behind your ear and you felt a frisson of divine laughter. When you asked him why now, of all times to make common cause, he just said that it "felt right."

Melui-Akar is weaving some Hysh around his fingers as Father Justice tries to stare him down. You should intervene before anyone gets blasted.

"Friends!" you say, and all eyes in the room turn to you.

"Everything dies.

That is the wisdom my God brings the world. And from that fact, stems another. That each and every one of us is equal. In death, it is proven – for all of us, Elf or man, rich or poor, happy or sad – there is always the same, inevitable fate, set when we are born.

From this truth of equality, stems a third proposition. That as we are all a single class; no one set of us is entitled to any special privilege. That if one says "I deserve to live"; he extends that right to all others, for they are just the same as him. None stand above, and none below – we are but one.

A wound to any is a wound to all.

So, I call you here today – when the sword of Tlanxla hangs over us. All of us have been wounded by those who would make an enemy of our fair Cities. They threaten to strike again. And though it may appear that an attack on some people or District or faction may be of remote importance – harm to others; a problem for someone else – remember. Harm to one is harm to all. We are all equal; we have the same foes. And we all will die. That is a certain prophecy.

The question is whether we fall apart or fight together to see just one more tomorrow."

There is no applause. You are met with somber faces in steely silence. But nobody makes a heated protest. Nobody storms out. Instead, Pope Cadoc tilts his head and says "Well, what're we waiting for? Let's get to work!"

And in a true miracle, everyone does.


You have, from the contributions made by yourself and the other meeting participants, 18 "points" of resources to spend prior to Ditatis' intended march. Each of the options below is tagged with who would be performing the duty, and how much it would cost. Make sure to consider if any side is being particularly overtaxed, or conversely, not being utilised; the factions present will remember if Xenophon fears or favors them.

Here also is a map of Elftown and the Cloisters to refer to in planning. Please excuse the very rough photoshop work. The (scheduled) march route is marked in neon green.

[] Air-Evac [0] (Morrites)

The Carpet Corps will try to pluck civilians out of danger wherever they can.

[] Custodianship [1 for each unit, for each location, write-in per assignment; you may assign one troop to multiple locales, or multiple troops to one location] (dependent)

There are a great many places to defend, and you can only be in so many places.

  • Talking Waystone (neutral)
  • Shrine to Tyleus the Wanderer (Casino)
  • Forum of Aenarion (Elves)
  • Sundering Memorial (Elves)
  • New Anlec (Elves)
  • Altar to the Heavens (Elves)
  • Altar to the Deep (Elves)
  • Ulthuani Embassy (Elves)
  • The Roost (Morrite)
  • Eagle Gardens (Red)
  • Dockworkers League HQ (Red)
  • Red Campaign Office (Red)
  • Claustro (Red)
  • Stormchasers (Red)
  • Mother Mercy's Sons (Red)
  • 3rd​ Popular Milita "People's Power" (Red)
  • Elftown Sea Guard (Elves)
  • Old Saptherians (Elves)
  • The Conclave of Thieves (Ranaldian)
  • Chainbreaker Marines (Casino)
  • The Ludens (Morrite/Casino)
  • Emir Aklan's Carpet Corps (Morrite)
[] To the Barricades! (New Anlec) [3] (Elves)

Mobilize the Elftown public in their own defense through that most traditional of urban past-times - throwing a bunch of shit in the street.

[] To the Barricades! (Claustro) [3] (Reds)

Mobilize the Cloisters public in their own defense through that most traditional of urban past-times - throwing a bunch of shit in the street.

[] The Big Guns (assign to one (1) location) [3] (Elves)

Unearthed from an ancient vault – an Eagle Claw bolt thrower, enchanted to never run out of ammunition.

[] The Big Guns (assign to one (1) location) [3] (Reds)

Stolen from a cutting-edge library – a Lightning cannon, ready to fire the wrath of the sky.

[] General Strike [3] (Reds)

The Dockworkers are willing to pull enough strings to force a work-stoppage in the Universal Bazaar, meaning that whole side of the Cloisters from the Harbormaster to the Waystone will be a total nightmare to navigate as a hundred scabs attempt to do the work of ten thousand. Though you'll be putting more people – the picket lines – right in the line of fire; Gods know which way they'll turn.

[] Succor from Beyond (Cadai or Cytharai or Morai-heg, can be taken more than once) [3] (Elves)

You're bringing some divine firepower, and the Ranaldites too, but Dolwen is confident with a suitable donation she can get more. Pick those favoured by the Asur or the Druchii, or the one loved best by Elftown itself – for exiles from both sides of the Sundering, who better than the goddess beyond either?

[] Iconoclasm [3] (Morrite)

Ditatis is still chief priest of Myrmidia. Since the banning of his political movement, however, the temple's been closed. It won't do much for protection, but since you know how much the Goddess is involved – why not send some folks to turn the place upside down?

[] Wreckers [3] (Casino)

Lorely has a ship. The Dark Elves have a ship. She's confident, with a little ramming, she can create such a shitshow in the harbour to make the Druchii have a very bad day.

[] the Deed [5] (Ranaldite)

Pope Madoc wants to do a small act of terrorism. Just a little bomb, he says, thrown at the right time at the Legion post "Alpine", and they'll spill out like a kicked anthill, ready to break heads. Just get ready to run.

[] Industrial Sabotage [5] (Reds)

UCACHM has a great number of members who work in the Cloisters' arcano-industrial zone (the Gas-Shrine, the Orchards, and the Generating Station). Magical machinery is oh-so dangerous, though, and you never know what might set it off. It'd be an especially brutal trap or ambush, but very loud, and very, very destructive.

[] the Phoenix [5] (Elves)

Lord Melui-Akar is, by marriage, the grand-uncle to the current Phoenix King. He may burn a thousand years of influence and demand personal protection, despite his many years of exile; this will mean direct Ulthuani intervention on the streets of Tylos-Kavzar

AN: Trying a new mechanic here; 24h moratorium to let people figure things out, vote by plan. Feel free to write in tactics too, if you'd like. Please let me know if you have any questions. And as always, thanks for reading!
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I will say that if we plan on making the Skavorites go Slayer on the Tower we should most definitely not call on the intervention of the Phoenix King, because the Slayers will happily throw themselves at the elves the Karaz Ankor is currently warring against in the wider world.
Voting is open