Okay, I'm back up. Looking through everything, I just realized you guys really picked the most heroic possible combination of stuff for Deirdre. Freeing slaves, crusading against demons, stopping religious conflicts, and participating in the world war. Weight has all those things and more as its background, and heck Memory was close enough as a vote and would've resulted in heroic inclinations too. Dulled got only 1 vote, and the more personal mementos weren't taken. Would argue you guys almost picked the least complicated socially abilities too.
Also, I'm thinking of writing short snippets of each nation and their situation, if you guys would like that? This would be in additional to worldbuilding stuff about religion, magic, the Currents, a list of races/nations (that I have properly formed in my head anyways), and etc. (May or may not have them all released at the same time or even on time though)
Okay, I'm back up. Looking through everything, I just realized you guys really picked the most heroic possible combination of stuff for Deirdre. Freeing slaves, crusading against demons, stopping religious conflicts, and participating in the world war. Weight has all those things and more as its background, and heck Memory was close enough as a vote and would've resulted in heroic inclinations too. Dulled got only 1 vote, and the more personal mementos weren't taken. Would argue you guys almost the picked the least complicated socially with the powers too.
Also, I'm thinking of writing short snippets of each nation and their situation, if you guys would like that? This would be in additional to worldbuilding stuff about religion, magic, the Currents, a list of races/nations (that I have properly formed in my head anyways), and etc. (May or may not have them all released at the same time or even on time though)
[ ] Zhonghua
The clash of old and new seems like something that would strike a pretty deep chord in her.
[X] Yashima
Alright, fine. I must conceed that Yashima is a far more pressing and important situation, and it's probably more in character for her anyway; she certainly hasn't shied away for major international crises before.
A list of the various terminology, nations, races, and other things in this world. Will not have detailed descriptions. All things may be subject to change/updating, and new additions may be added.
General Terms:
Orbis: The name of the world/planet.
Kiengir: The name of the main continent in which much of the events of the world take place.
Currents: The essence and source of all that is in the world and beyond. A place of energy and magic, of thought and belief, of souls and creations, and of death and cycles. Known by a variety of names like the Empyrean, Astral Realm/Plane, Celestial Realms, the Immaterium, and others, but the Currents is the most accepted and neutral term.
Magic: The individual, personal, and pure manipulation and study of the laws of reality and energy from the Currents
(new) Magi Society: An international organization and regulating body for magicians. They handle giving licenses and certifications to magicians all around the world, help form laws, and make various decisions regarding the magical side of Orbis in accordance with various governments and the United Peoples.
The Light: The most practiced and dominant religion in Kiengir. Focuses on the connection of all life and beings in a great tapestry and finding your own inner light or individual path that most suits you.
(new) The Advocates: Worshipers of devils, though some are more reverent than others. They admire the stance the hellish fiends take against sin and chaos, and incorporate it into their own lives. They follow strict guidelines in living their life, are encouraged to pursue particular fields that support the faith, and are determined to structure society in a way that is less vulnerable to the depravities and lows it can sink to. Their faith is tolerated in most areas and they break no laws.
Tablet: A magitech device keyed to an individual's magical/soul signature. Allows for long range instant communication and access to the online web so long as a proper connection can be made to various infrastructure maintaining them.
United Peoples (UP): A diplomatic, political, and administrative international organization with members from every country in Orbis. Though at times controversial, it is an essential part of the international order and stability of the continent.
(new) WATCH: An independent sophontarian organization dedicated to upholding sophontarian rights. They particularly help disenfranchised and marginalized peoples while fighting discrimination everywhere it disappears.
(new) YRRA: Yashima Refugee and Reclamation Association. They are an organization dedicated towards helping displaced Yashimans settle in various places since the Impact hit their homeland. Having long been led by the young but passionate Aoki Junko, they have successfully integrated many of the refugees in various nations, but have not been able to garner support to help those stuck back home.
(new) Lumen Corp: An energy and environmental company, they are renowned for their efficient and clean energy production. They seemed to have cracked the code on how to power modern industry and society without wreaking havoc on the environment. With the most advanced extraction and refining facilities in Orbis, none can match their sheer importance to the stability of the world.
Credits: The currency used by the world and propped up and supported by complicated methods and processes from numerous nations in the United Peoples.
Confirmed Nations/Locations:
Avista: The current world superpower, a nation borne from a union of multiple races. Is the most advanced in various technological and scientific fields, has many corporations within their borders, and is the primary supporter of the United Peoples. Has a multi-party parliamentary republic.
Tarshish: Heir of the former Meso Empire and self-proclaimed as the center of the world. Has a constitutional monarchy with much of the power of the monarch stripped away, though the imperial family is still influential.
Zhonghua(中华): An ancient empire currently in the process of integrating their society with the modern era. A rising great power, the Jade Emperor currently rules with various limits on their power that is often struggled against. Has a significant underground movement in various areas and fields.
Sumeri: A federation of various kingdoms and territories that banded together during the era of Tarshish imperialism. Their land is ancient and the signs of their cultural legacy on the rest of Orbis can be deeply felt. The various regions of the nation bicker however, and the scars of the Incursion can be deeply felt in its southern half.
The Small Republic: A nation formed by an alliance of various groups of smallfolk in order to escape the discrimination of other nations. They hold to their neutrality fiercely and are often wary towards outsiders.
New Hope: A city built from scratch by various nations in the Mana Scar as a show of international cooperation and healing of the land. Has been largely abandoned as a project by most nations and left to fend for itself, leaving it ripe for exploitation by private interests.
Yashima (八島): The formerly most technologically advanced nation in several fields. Due to unknown reasons, Yashima suffered a cataclysmic event referred to as the "Impact" that destroyed much of the nation or left it inhabitable. Refugees streamed towards continental Kiengir and sophontarian aid was quickly dispatched to the island nation, but the nation was eventually placed under quarantine after efforts often failed with horrific loss of life.
Mana Scar: An area largely between Avista and Tarshish and encompasses several former smaller nations and parts of Avista. The air and atmosphere is corrosive and toxic, leading to various mana-related illnesses. It has been slowly healing through time and efforts by various people, but is currently not much less dangerous than the corrupted parts of the far north and south of Kiengir.
Vragzarg: A small nation in Central Kiengir populated predominantly by orcs and ogres, though they are have received more immigration from other nations and races in recent decades. It is a relatively young nation formed by orcs disastified with the state of their people and both inspired/threatened by other, more powerful nations.
Central Kiengir: A general term for the region dominated by smaller nations, has historically been a hotly contested area and borderlands that has successfully resisted full conquest from powerful empires and kingdoms numerous times.
(new) Sindhu: A large nation that was unified a few decades before the World War. Separated from Tarshish by a narrow body of water, it borders Zhonghua and other nations. Was on Tarshish's side in the World War and fought on the eastern front, though they faced relatively light consequences and reparations compared to the former.
(new) Wilwatikta: An island nation to the south of Kiengir. They played a unique role in the history of Orbis as both an island nation and one who interacted frequently with the continent. With a diverse population and unique culture, they blend their strong traditions with an inherent outgoing nature.
Planned/Future/Incomplete(conceptually from me) Places:
Kambuja: A nation bordering Sindhu and Zhonghua.
Goryeo (고려): A nation bordering Zhonghua.
Wyrmhaven(name still pending): A nation ruled by one of the last dragons, and the last ancient dragon.
The Lost Continent(s): Continental landmasses devoid of life with a deathly atmosphere on the other side of the world. Shows some small signs of advanced civilizations, but has been destroyed so utterly and left to the ravages of time that only the sturdiest and lasting of their creations still stand. Many theories abound, but many tentatively agree that the destruction of the continent may be linked with the introduction of demons long, long ago. Many attempts have been made to build a stable base of operations there, but only Avista and Yashima had any semblance of success, and it was rare even for them. It is a common theory that Yashima invited a similar but localized disaster among themselves with the Impact.
(new) (name still pending): A nation that holds two unique hive-minded peoples.
Races and Place of Origin:
Alerion: Avian biped race, their arms and wings are fused together. Their feet are as dexterous as their hands. Resembles heraldic birds.
Merfolk: An aquatic biped race, colorful scales, fins, and gills.
Giants: A tall race that regularly goes over ten feet or three meters in height. Somewhat greyish or blue skin with somewhat furred bodies.
Lacerta: Reptilian race with scales and a tail, less reptilian features than other reptilian bipeds.
Sylvan: Plant-like race made of wood, vines, and other plants with a sap-like blood and leafy/branchy hair.
Myconids: Mushroom-like race with a cap on their head.
Centaurs: Race with a furred horse lower half and a greyish less furred bipedal upper half.
Humans: A furless simian race with a standard bipedal build.
Miu: A feline race with a more narrow/thin bipedal build.
Gnolls: A race resembling a mixture of canid and hyena features (yes I know hyenas aren't canids)
The Small Republic
Halflings: A smallfolk race with more plain colors of their hair and eyes and more angular/square in features
Gnomes: A smallfolk race with colorful hair and eye colors and more round in their features
Goblins: A smallfolk race with green skin similar to orcs
Mus: A smallfolk race with murine or rodent-like features
Minima: A smallfolk race charaterized by their even smaller size than other small races, bright color skin and antennae.
Yuren (玉人): A gem-encrusted race with a standard bipedal build, they are not literally made entirely of gems but do have parts or protrusions made from them. Jade Yuren however have always been the ruling imperial family.
Longren (龙人): A serpentine aquatic race that lives near the coasts of Zhonghua.
Mokujin: A race similar but distinct to the sylvans, they have a body consisting primarily of wood or similar things.
Kitsune: A race with vulpine features that grows multiple tails, though the various tales about them are usually false. Can walk on two legs or run on all fours.
Bake-Danuki: A bushy, furred race resembling the tanuki. Have a bushy tail and can walk on two legs or run on all fours.
Central Kiengir
Orcs: A bipedal race with green or light yellowish skin usually known for their two teeth or tusks protuding from their mouth.
Ogres: A bipedal race with a usually yellowish skin and known for their large sizes.
Kobold: A reptilian race with more saurian features than the Lacerta, usually a little shorter.
Trolls: A bipedal race with more bluish or greyish skin. Larger than normal people but not as much as Ogres.
(new) Sindhu:
Sphatika: A crystalline race with crystal protrusions/encrustment originating from Sindhu.
(new) Wilwatikta:
Batu: A race with mineral/rock features originating from Kambuja and Wilwatikta.
(new) Other:
Myrmidon: An ant-like insectoid species and one of the rare collective minds in Kiengir. They have a strict hierarchy with varying levels of independent thought and action depending on each myrmidon's position.
Myceni: Myconids who've chosen to become part of the Mycelium, they look similar to their cousins but have additional spores and cordyceps on their bodies.
Future, Undecided, Incomplete Conception Races
Porcelain(placeholder name): A race with glossy or ceramic parts and skin originating from Goryeo.
Kappa(tbd): A race known for the turtle shell on their back.
Moon Rabbits: Race throughout Eastern Kiengir resembling rabbits.
I decided to write the short snippets of some situations/events in each nation in the next few days. I should clarify they aren't like additional information, more like a trailer or a peek into the people there. I encourage you to wait, discuss, or change your vote as I try to guilt tempt you for each nation.
Okay, I updated the character sheet at the start. It is definitely not finalized, but I just want to put it out there and give you guys an idea of where I'm at. I had a list of CK2-esque stats and numbers with some weird convoluted system where you'd get bigger bonuses if you have higher stats, but after reading through a bunch of posts on various systems, I feel like this is much better since I can kind of tweak and interpret it how I want.
Basically, each stat will have a rank and each rank will give a higher modifier on the dice roll. Each ability/trait that gives a bonus will act as one-two ranks, possibly more. I'll roll, and depending on how high the value is, the result will be better. There'll be some chance of a bad result if you get terrible rolls with no modifiers against something difficult, but mostly I want it to be a range of mediocre results to really good ones. Depending on what you guys choose to do with various choices and options, I'll add modifiers when an important dice roll comes.
The temporary stats might be involved in rolls but it's mostly to sort of show where you're at, and will decrease/increase based on choices made and whatever happens to you.
I might still implement something that gives a bonus if you have an overwhelming advantage in a particular stat, but we'll see. I probably won't even roll if it's something like that, since I want the rolls to be for something dramatic like "when the fate of this encounter is uncertain and splinters into many different outcomes in the Currents" or whatever haha. I'm also not sure if I should use a 1d100 die and have large number modifiers or if I should do stuff like 3d6 or 2d20. I do want to reduce variance and emphasize the higher stats/capabilities, but lemme know if you guys have any insights or preferences on this?
Going to head out for a bit, but uh, feel free to tell me if this sounds super dumb or whatever. If you guys are cool with this, I'll add in the other, permenant stats. If all else fails I'll try to do something really ad-hoc whenever there's something important/difficult that I think could use a dice roll I guess.
Elias clapped his hands as he saw his best friend cry out while holding her trophy aloft. Alice had just won the interschool championship for flight racing, narrowly beating out her competition by a sliver. He hid a wince when the giant next to him, Astrid, cheered loudly with both her hands cupped around her mouth for her friend. She did the same when they came to watch his wrestling and nearly got kicked out midway. She was a good friend. Everyone in his group was.
When he was a kid, he knew almost immediately he stood out. Avista was the land in which every race and person could find a home in, but you had to really look for it if you were a lacerta. Even though they won the World War, Avista was hit hard in the opening parts of the war. Elias felt sick when he saw the devastation in the history books. Whenever that popped up, every kid would look at him, subtly or blatantly, and he had to learn how to keep his head down and hope people would ignore him.
They didn't.
It was when he was being cornered and asked if he was the son of a war mage for what felt like the hundredth time that Alice came between them and told them to stop it. The other kids sneered at her for it and looked like they were about to shove her small form when Astrid walked in silently and stared them down. Will stepped in right after, the merman grinning as he casually slung insults back at the bullies. He had startled when he felt a hand hold his, the shy human he knew now as Louise asking if he was okay.
Ever since then, they began eating together and hanging out. Alice apologized for not helping out earlier when she saw, but Elias didn't care. He didn't know if he would have had the courage to do the same if the positions were reversed. His parents had a strange look on their faces when he brought them to their house, but didn't say anything as they began cooking and asking some questions here and there.
Avista wasn't perfect. He still got side-eyes occasionally, and there was always some craziness going on with various groups or gangs. His parents warned him to stay out of "Avistan nonsense" enough times for that. But no nation was perfect. He visited Tarshish a few times to see some other family members, but it wasn't home. It didn't have his friends, his precious moments, didn't help his little brother with his programming lessons or his little sister with her engineering classes. He felt more like an outsider there as he struggled to speak the language or adjust to the different customs than at Avista.
So maybe he was too young or naive, but he truly felt Avista was the greatest country in the world. No other country could have given him these opportunities for happiness.
An old alerion sat in a private room alone with a wine glass in his hand, enjoying this brief moment of relaxation before turning in for the night. Rubbing his graying hair-feathers, he took the time to reflect on the past days and future without feeling the need to rush the process in a constant stream of meetings and decision-making.
The election went well for his party and the coalition they were part of, making it a foregone conclusion as to who would win. No rivals had any serious chances of contesting the incumbent yet too. The people, of course, had a variety of opinions, but the fervor that came with the voting process died down without too much fuss. He took a sip. Good. It was always difficult to predict what would happen when things got too heated. A quiet disgruntlement with another victory by the incumbent was something easily manageable compared to the Light fanatics or ruffians from the usual anti-establishment groups causing a stir. Or whatever band of maniacs that would pop up in the future thinking they could do anything because they had a small taste of power.
His thoughts turn to the future. Plotting the course of Avista was always hard work. So much power or influence, yet a single wrong move could send it all crashing down. For him, at least. He took a second sip. Avista would survive if that occurred. It has endured much worse than a bad administration. That was the beauty of it.
The alerion was an old, experienced politician. He did not consider himself to be some great evil, but he knew what had to be done in order to succeed. Rubbing shoulders with those he found detestable and being cutthroat with various opportunities and rivals was the bare minimum. It was enough to make him wonder why he bothered. He took another sip. Some of it must've been pride or ambition, to be unwilling to concede power to another without a fight or concession and to leave a legacy of his time in the office.
He considered himself a patriot of sorts, though. Perhaps he did not go bleating out his love for the nation every second, but he did love his country in a way. Enough to want to maintain Avista's dominance over the continent and role in the United Peoples. He finished the drink. Who else, but them? Tarshish, that land desperate to hold onto its last shreds of prestige with vanity projects and bluster? Sumeri, that land barely keeping itself together through millennia of baggage? Zhonghua, that land stuck centuries in the past that still had a ruling emperor, of all things?
No, he would not leave it to them. The Prime Minister of Avista stood up and set the wine glass down. Not that he thought they could, anyway. Avista was the greatest country in the world, this he said to the people with actual sincerity. Only this nation has the power, will, and vision to be considered such, and the rest of the world could only feel the ripples of their influence as they followed their lead.
A shadowed, nondescript figure watched the various events of Avista from afar. Currently, she was a server in a gala for the rich and powerful. A few days ago, he was hired to act as a tech consultant for a prominent company. She was among the many stressed clerks of the bureaucracy, and he was a nameless grunt in a meeting between the biggest gangs and organized crime organizations. He has worked as part of the cleaning service of important sites, and she has been a harried lab assistant to the finest scientific minds.
Avista had many working parts to it, and the figure liked to have a hand dipped into each one of them. To see what a small push there or a little gesture here could do to influence the nation however they liked. It was fascinating to see thousands, millions of lives be influenced in this way. Yes, there have been times they have failed. They weren't so arrogant as to believe they knew every possible result of a particular course of action.
But, wasn't that the point of it all? To put yourself on the board and see who comes out on top after the scramble of mistakes and successes? There were so many people and groups of differing beliefs, capabilities, and motivations. They didn't mind losing, so long as they could play again.
And play they have. They have been the random bystander catching a controversial video on their phone, the anonymous backer of various criminal activities, and the instigator of various social conflicts. Through guile, planning, positioning, and a little magic, the figure has reaped the rewards of all their little ploys.
Avista has means and methods of tracking and capturing individuals with extraordinary abilities that can so easily tip the balance of society. The various anti-illusion wards in every city and town, the magical signature they record of people that helps them spot large spikes in magical energy and activity, and the mundane methods of preserving a safe and ordered society were all things the figure had to work around.
But the people of Avista have lulled themselves into a false sense of security. They've left their society open and welcoming believing that the ways it can be taken advantage of have been mitigated. Most Avistans don't truly understand the magic that is part of the world. An illusionist and magician of their talent would know how to perform the feats of various spells the mundane way. Walking the fine line of being unnoticed and intervening in something with just the right touch, this was what they did every second they used a spell.
In this nation of so many different possibilities, they have found their calling. They didn't need to be an active piece here to participate in the excitement. Ah, truly Avista was the greatest country in the world, for they have the most fun games to play!
Honestly... not too sure how I feel about this. It sounded good in my head, but the last two parts were pretty hard to write, though the prime minister part was more me familiarizing myself with various government stuff. I think I'll be better if I wrote about this with Deirdre involved though. I didn't want to spend too long on this though so decide to just post it and go to sleep. Went longer than I thought, and I don't think any of this will be necessarily 100% finalized or that you're gonna be involved directly with these characters, but I think the tone/vibe of this piece is mostly correct. Should note that your first visit here probably won't involve instantly solving all the problems in nation in one go, same with all the other choices.
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Whispers from the Currents: Tarshish I and Zhonghua I
Elio smiled as he looked upon his family. On the worn out couch in front of an old screen, his two precious little caps were jostling each other as they played some strange little game with the devices made from Avista. It costed him a ring and stipe, but the cheers the girls let out was more than enough to pay him back for it. Luna has been much much more manageable with something to focus her attention on, and it finally helped open up Lucia from being so withdrawn after…
He shook his head. No need to think on such things when there was already so much to worry about. Elio tried his best to hide it from the children, but things had been touch and go for a while now. They lived in a sizable town that almost bordered on becoming a city, but the place has been on the decline for a while. Not that it was special, Tarshish was struggling as a whole in many places. He supposed it just felt worse since the town was near some of the most beautiful stretches of nature along with having so many tidbits of history.
The myconid wasn't sure how affected his job was, but working as a playwright for the theater was never the most stable of careers. He loved it, of course. Seeing his scripts brought to life was second in bringing him joy and accomplishment in life. Every time he and his wife would have to carefully budget and purchase things for the family, he thought long and hard about his past and future choices.
His wife. Elio turned to his other half lounging on the other side of the room, her beautiful purple cap and flowing veil going from the waist to near the ground. Cecilia was a violinist who used to play for one of the biggest symphony orchestras in the capital, but eventually quit to make her own way as a solo musician. She was pessimistic at times and her jokes could be a little... morbid to some, but he loved her and all her qualities. The both of them didn't have the most stable of jobs, but they put their heads together for family matters and supported each other in their careers.
Cecilia was talking to her brother who was currently visiting. His brother-in-law never quite stopped glaring at Elio whenever they met up, but he was great with the kids. Elio didn't really know what he did for a living exactly. He theorized it was either some sort of law enforcement, investigator, or a kind of craft or engineering job. The man looked like he'd been in some fights, but always came around to fix various things when his wife asked.
Elio sighed in contentment. Things weren't perfect… but everyone was enjoying themselves right now, and that's all that mattered. He would do his best to help ensure that continued.
Druid Azalea huffed as she stormed away from the meeting she attended. Damn Archdruids, couldn't they see the obvious value of her work? She had brought very easily comprehensible graphs and data for her presentation, yet they barely even asked a question after she was done before dismissing her as if she was some academy initiate! They called her inexperienced and naive, unknowing of how the nature around them worked.
Azalea did not study for eight years at the academy to be told she didn't know how soil, plants, water, and animals worked. The sylvan angrily fiddled with a piece of her leafy hair. The druid bet that the old fogeys wouldn't even know what the structure of a cell was, or that they could tell her what exactly was in the soil around them. They would just wave their hands and say that she needed to meditate more in a grove and be more one with nature, and she would see the aura of life in all things around her. Azalea wished she could wave her hand and slap them in the face with her textbooks.
She stopped and sighed, leaning heavily on a tree as she rubbed her forehead. The druid knew she wasn't being entirely fair. The druids have been taking care of the place for thousands of years. It was still here, even after various events threatened its balance. Azalea honestly respected the culture and tradition of the druids here. There was a reason why she focused on subjects related to it in the academy, along with various other topics that would heal the land.
Not many studied magic influencing botany, biology, and nature in general. They either chose the really flashy stuff like slinging the traditional elements and arcane spells or the really out there subjects studying the underlying fundamental forces of the world and realms like her girlfriend. People thought that of course she would pick subjects studying nature because she was a sylvan, but she didn't see many other sylvans in her classes either. She just cared more about the life and environment directly around her then more nebulous concepts.
So, yes, the forest wasn't doing horribly, but things could always be better. Small improvements here and there with the air and water quality, adjustments of various habitats, fighting off pollution from magic and mundane sources, and more. There were things she could do that even the powerful archdruids couldn't because of how she used her magic. She even went to the Mana Scar once during her time at the academy, and it was a dream of hers to be part of the process of removing the corruption there.
Her family and many of the druids were so excited when she was accepted to the academy, bidding her to learn all she could before coming back to help. Now that she was here and ready to do just that, they hemmed and hawed and refused to let her do the very thing they wanted her to do! She growled in frustration. She didn't know if they thought she was spitting on their traditions or insulting their capabilities, but all she wanted was to help.
Governor Alvaro mentally reviewed the reports and data collected from the surveys as he looked over the area of his future development plans and ticket to success. He couldn't rise up any further without doing something big, and the middle-aged lacerta had an idea for just how to do that. It was a dream of his as a teen, really, as he studied the war and the recent history and politics stemming from it. Tarshish was diminished, but it didn't have to continue being that way. The Tarshish that lost the World War had forgotten its roots and great historical successes, and he was adamant on giving a reminder to everyone in the world just what they were.
This land was perfect for it. A sizable, but declining town to use as a base of operations that he could justify as helping the economy. The perfect environment and mana density with which to draw resources and energy from, with the people that might protest against those changes being easily handled if need be. Easy ways of expansion and industrialization for his project as well.
"So, do you like what you see, Governor Alvaro?"
The governor in question turned to the rumbling voice that exited the car they drove here with. It came from a lacerta with dark red scales on his back and tail with a more pale red on his front dressed in an impeccable suit and tie. His eyes were an orange that almost seemed to blaze, and great black horn-like protrusions extended from the top of his head. A rare genetic mutation that could occur in some lacerta apparently, though Governor Alvaro knew what they really were.
"Yes, yes," the governor said distractedly as he turned back to the area. "It's just as you and the reports said. This will be the perfect stepping stone for my ascension as well as Tarshish's rise to greatness once more."
The red lacerta nodded, "Of course. I'm glad my advice has been of service to you. If you require anything else, I will aid you to the best of my abilities as the contract stipulates."
Governor Alvaro rolled his eyes, "Yes, I know about the contract. No need to remind me. You'll get your due for this and any future requests."
"Very well. I assume from your tone that you'd like to take some time to observe the area alone?"
The governor nodded, "Yes. I want to burn this sight into my mind. When the greatest floating city in history is built in these skies and the earth below becomes the most industrious set of land in the world, I can see how far I have come."
The red lacerta complied, inclining his head before turning away. Honestly, the governor thought to himself, he wasn't much different from any other political figure or businessman. He had something that he could do for him, and the governor would have to then minimize whatever other agenda or gain he would want in return.
The red lacerta smirked as he reentered the car. No matter how much things changed in Orbis, it seemed some things always stayed the same with fools and sinners.
An old jade yuren sat outside his house on the steps leading up to the door, smoking as he observed the area around him. It was an old habit from the World War that Zhao Ruohan never broke, and probably never will. He chewed on the stick a bit. Felt like it helped with his blood flow and joints, though maybe he was imagining things. The gem-like material slowly growing over and in his body made it hard to concentrate on such things.
Ruohan watched as a young jade held hands with a ruby, the young couple chatting happily as they walked past him. Not too long ago, that would've been almost unthinkable. Maybe a jade would get together with a yuren of a similar green hue if they really wanted to, if everyone was willing to pretend they were just a weird looking jade. They would have been pressured or outright kicked out of the family if they married anyone else though, which was about one of the worst things that could happen to someone here.
Cars and the occasional motorcycle rushed by him, some occasionally giving off fumes. Not that they didn't have those or roads even a few decades ago, but they weren't as widespread and ubiquitous as they were now. He even saw an open topped sports car zoom past him, the driver barely above the minimum driving age probably breaking all kinds of speeding laws.
Speaking of kids, he observed a group of them probably getting ready to play some ball game in a nearby park. They were all wearing clothes that wouldn't seem too out of place in most other cities and towns outside of Zhonghua. Two of them were on their tablets reading through something, and a third had earbuds on and was bobbing their head to an unknown beat.
And there he was, an old man that found it difficult to move sometimes. A figure people tended to shy away from due to the smoke he was having. He let out a small cloud of smoke at that thought, accidentally sending it near a topaz lady dressed in business wear. She gave him an irritated glare before returning her gaze to her tablet, quickly typing something to someone.
He didn't know how to feel about the new times. There was too many developments for him to really get accustomed to it. And now, his body was weak, refusing to listen and work the same for him as it did decades ago. Still, this world was what he fought for back then. Was it bad that the people here were moving forward now?
The man startled when some young opal girl rushed past him on a bike. Perhaps there are some things he disliked about how fast things were, he thought dryly.
Lin Zihan waved away the smell of smoke as she rode on her bike. Today was a good day, she thought. She got out of the house with little fuss and found a good spot to put up some art. She would need to restock on spray cans, but that was fine. Zihan would find a way, like she always did.
She didn't know exactly what got her into making street art. The yuren always liked drawing and painting, yes, but there were a hundred different ways to express it without potentially running into problems with the authorities. It's not like she disrespected other forms of art either. She learned from a few aunts and uncles that were receptive to her passion and were willing to humor her. Zihan can draw as well on a canvas as she can on a wall.
Was it the thrill of it, the rebellion? Maybe a little. It wasn't always illegal as there were some approved walls if she bothered to look it up, but most times she did her own thing. She couldn't deny that she enjoyed the feeling of secretly moving out to do something her parents would never approve of. The haste she had to work under and the risk of being caught… it scared her, yeah, but it energized her as well. She felt like it gave the drawings a bit of life and character.
But no. She didn't make street art just because of excitement. Zihan… she felt alive when she was breathing color into the world. All the stuff she constantly pictured in her head that she could only express in doodles during class when she was younger could be imprinted on the biggest canvas. With the slew of new, public, and featureless buildings being constructed, it was the perfect opportunity to act on that which always drove her. Countless people would see, and sometimes it would be taken down, especially if there was any hint of criticism towards the Jade Emperor. But there was the rare time it would be left up for a bit by someone who appreciated it, and Zihan would always go back to look at it in her normal attire.
There wasn't any bureaucracy, money, or other things attached to it. From the moment she went out and let out the first spray, the paint would be there. It could be taken down, worn away, or have something insulting drawn over it, but that was also part of the draw and process. It was something that lived in the moment.
Zihan's thought process slowed as she returned home to find a figure she was dreading to see. Her mom stared disapprovingly at her, judging eyes roving from her mask to the baggy pants and jacket. She cursed. Zihan really didn't want to deal with this right now. Guess she wasn't going with the gang to the concert tomorrow.
As the young opal yuren prepared for the chewing out of a lifetime, a colorful depiction of a dragon on a wall shattering a piece of jade twitched.
In an unassuming building in an unsuspecting city, a jade yuren sat surrounded by his most loyal supporters in a meeting room while planning his next move. He was in a good spot with many in the government. If he wanted, he could have the ear of the Jade Emperor. His business investments were paying dividends, and the various charities he funded were receiving a wave of public support. The yuren was straddling the line of lightly criticizing the emperor but ultimately appearing to still support his reign well while he continued building up his support base.
The various criminal organizations and gangs were always ready to act on his behalf when he needed them. Most could not resist the funding and supplies he was willing to give, and those that did were swiftly crushed and removed from sight. In turn, he gained insight and information on their movements and members. When the time came that he had no need of them anymore, he would be able to easily dispose of the pests that were so dependent on him.
When the time came… he clenched his fist. Once, Zhonghua was the true center of the world. Only the Meso Empire rivaled their majesty, and they fell and were replaced by squabbling and small-minded peoples. Tarshish was a pale imitation for most of their history, a bunch of lizards and plants playing at being an empire. Until Zhonghua became weak, and those opportunists pounced and took a chunk of their western coastline in the sea between them. Ever since then, they've lost their rightful place in the world. Even when Tarshish made their own miscalculation, the vultures from Avista feasted on the corpses of their betters. Now, that chimeric amalgamation of a nation strutted about as if they ruled the world.
He would ensure they fell just as Tarshish did. But first, he had to clean his own house. The people of Zhonghua did not suddenly become incompetent and unable to contest the other nations. What, then, was the true source of the ailment that afflicted Zhonghua?
For centuries, the ruling line of the Jade Emperor has been weak and unable to lead the nation to its rightful place. Ever since the chaotic times when Tarshish stole a piece of their empire, the emperor has been inept and incompetent. Little by little, their authority waned, and the nation became vulnerable to corruption from foreign influences. They became appeasers to both their own court and foreigners. The Jade Emperor lacked the strong hand to direct the people properly.
He sneered. The current Jade Emperor even appointed a citrine yuren as his First Sword Under Heaven. Ridiculous. Disgusting. Utterly despicable. To stoop so low for public opinion… he would end this. The room started to glow as his clenched hand started giving off light. The Jade Emperor will fall when the time is right…
…and he will be the next Jade Emperor. One who will restore the authority of the emperor and raise Zhonghua to preeminence once more.
Hey, double update. Hope you guys are enjoying this even if I'm delaying the quest a little. The themes of Avista, Tarshish, and Zhonghua are going to revolve around power and the struggles between the different people in each nation because of that. I hope I added enough of a unique flavor to the "trailers" for them. I'm starting to come around to the Avista segment now that I've slept on it, but I guess the part I'm worried about here is the street artist one. I thought an artist character like that would make for a really cool idea later, but I'm just not the most knowledgeable about the culture and stuff surrounding it.
Anyways, lemme know what you guys think. Four more places to go, and then the vote will really start hopefully. Might update those in batches, don't want to risk double posting too much. If a single vote doesn't change, I, uh, that might be a bit awkward for me haha. Also, kudos to anyone who got the reference in the first Tarshish part. I won't be making them super major characters I think, but I think it's fun have minor references.
The ole demons have new tricks. I thought they would be a hungry horde of monsters, but it seems they've become something much worse, backroom dealers for politicians and merchants.
The ole demons have new tricks. I thought they would be a hungry horde of monsters, but it seems they've become something much worse, backroom dealers for politicians and merchants.