The lack of inflection to her voice gives Yuki some trouble with gauging her mood; whether the girl does it on purpose is anyone's guess.

Not on purpose, she's just too exhausted by the number of times she did this to remember how to talk normally.

"I am likely the most concerned for miss Kaname's and miss Miki's safety out of all of us, as you should be aware."

I am pretty sure Homura's level of care for Madoka alone beats your level of care for both combined actually.

And she does care for Sayaka a little too.

Mami remains wary, but her finger inched away from the trigger.


The remark tokyubey did its job. Mami at least knows we are not a witch and is relaxing ever so slightly as a result.

The way she stands, the look in her eyes, it reminds Yuki of Roland. And that reminder is why she knows Homura is dangerous. This is the look of someone without any expectations left, yet who keeps on moving for a purpose known only to her. And if Yuki gets in the way of that, she will be killed.

Roland: "Come on! I'm not that bad!"

and then is heard no more

You asked for it!


Battling inside a Witch's lair would at least not destroy the environment.

One more reason leaving would probably have been a bad idea: The ver likely to happen fight may not have been in a place as isolated as this one.

"What I do not understand," Yuki wonders once she calmed down, "is why anyone would quit a relationship over the exact preparation of an egg."

"T-That's what I wanna know!" the woman slurs, nodding ferociously. "Who even does that?!"

That is the strangest part of Madoka's teacher's rant, yes. :V

[x] Keep going

Listen to me:

If we come early in the morning we increase our chances to find Oriko in an awkward position with Kirika.

Don't you want to pay her back for her seemingly wrong advice from earlier?

(I say seemingly because I am wondering if we didn't distract Kyouko from the witch that would've made Yuma contract with our presence. We may not have been there to meet the Yuma so much as help her not be a magical girl.)
[x] You should stay a while longer; it's rude to leave without a word. At least learn your host's name.
[x] Keep going

Part of me is tempted to stick around and learn our host's name but my current instinct is to get a move on and stumble upon something.
[X] You should stay a while longer; it's rude to leave without a word. At least learn your host's name.
[X] You should stay a while longer; it's rude to leave without a word. At least learn your host's name.

Carmen didn't raise (read: create) no mannerless girl.
[X] You should stay a while longer; it's rude to leave without a word. At least learn your host's name.

Compared to Ai going around being a Hero of Love and Justice (TM), Yuki is kinda just... existing, something that's enforced by her active attempts to avoid spurring the Servant to action. I'm wondering when the penny will drop, though I guess this is what our choice here may decide. Anyway, if it's just getting a name then it shouldn't be that bad, totally, probably... maybe.
So, some arguments for moving on right now:

Of the two, only Oriko has a potentially short shell life due to her being a magical girl and thus inherently more likely to find herself in a dangerous situation. Meanwhile Madoka's teacher has no reasons to disappear on us and we can always find her later.

Staying *just to get her name* also seems like it will lead to Yuki getting distracted, and maybe missing some important things happening that Oriko could warn us about if we go see her now instead of waiting. (For example: Nagisa is due to witch out at some point not that far from now.)

Going now has the potential of taking Oriko by surprise and embarrassing her by finding her being loveydovey with Kirika in the morning, don't you want to make the Ojou blush?
Choice choices...
[X] You should stay a while longer; it's rude to leave without a word. At least learn your host's name.
Get conscripted into Mitakihara High, providing a reliable point of contact for Madoka, Homura and Sayaka? Or...
[] Keep going
Meet up with Oriko, maintain free time in which we can go fight (verbally or otherwise) with each of the other free MG's in the city, and possibly work with the prophet towards more substantially breaking fate.

I'm leaning towards the first, it'll be good for Yuki to form a more normal relationship with someone as well.
Get conscripted into Mitakihara High, providing a reliable point of contact for Madoka, Homura and Sayaka? Or...

As Yuki tends to remind people: She is an adult, not a child, she has no need of going to school.

Plus, you can't be sent to school without any legal identity, this literally cannot happen.
As Yuki tends to remind people: She is an adult, not a child, she has no need of going to school.
These are unrelated. Being a child and needing information are not the same thing, plus she has reason to want to learn more about Madoka.
Plus, you can't be sent to school without any legal identity, this literally cannot happen.
... This is Mitakihara, and I think you're forgetting just how little Madoka's homeroom teacher cares for proper procedure. And no, people can definitely be sent to a school without identification, you won't get enrolled while you're lacking paperwork but a magical barrier (probably) isn't going to form to stop you from going on school grounds when a teacher brings you there.
... This is Mitakihara, and I think you're forgetting just how little Madoka's homeroom teacher cares for proper procedure. And no, people can definitely be sent to a school without identification, you won't get enrolled while you're lacking paperwork but a magical barrier (probably) isn't going to form to stop you from going on school grounds when a teacher brings you there.

You used the term conscripted, not telling she was going to just visit.

That is what I said was impossible, conscripted means forced to enroll in.

And we don't need help from the teacher to meet Madoka? We can get her address from Oriko or asks Homura next time we see her, or wait for her when school stop, or ask Kyubey since we know he likes to be close to her, or....

We're not out of options, it what I mean.
I'm not saying this is the only possible option we'll ever have, but it is a foot in the door (And we'll get to trigger the same tropes of a meeting in the supernatural followed by showing up in the normal classroom as Homura) and a more normal place to do introductions, one without Mami claiming us to be a liar by nature.

Fair point on the conscription mention, it was a slight exaggeration for comedic effect, given that if Saotome tried to drag her along and she didn't want to go she could do any number of things to avoid it.

Between the two choices, the question is what do we want out of it and what would Yuki want or be interested in. Option 1 is a way to get in touch with three of the main cast and maybe see Yuki getting in a better situation than "Curl up in a ball somewhere" when she's tired. Option 2 is to go spend time with Oriko, and do ____. Whatever happens to come up when we talk to the seer. Both can be interesting, I just have more of an idea and interest in door number 1.
Between the two choices, the question is what do we want out of it and what would Yuki want or be interested in. Option 1 is a way to get in touch with three of the main cast and maybe see Yuki getting in a better situation than "Curl up in a ball somewhere" when she's tired. Option 2 is to go spend time with Oriko, and do ____.

I want to point out that it is not certain at all that we will meet Madoka and co if we stay, as Yuki only wants to do so long enough to learn the teacher's name before going to see Oriko right now.

The actual question is: is there anything that could be time sensitive that could be happening right now we could stop if we go see Oriko without delay?

The answer is yes: we don't know if Nagisa isn't on her way to witch out.

Sure it's not certain either, but the consequences of missing it are bigger than the ones of missing out on learning Madoka's teacher's name.
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