Compared to Ai going around being a Hero of Love and Justice (TM), Yuki is kinda just... existing, something that's enforced by her active attempts to avoid spurring the Servant to action.
That is quite true. Yuki is a less active and particularly a less overeager person than Ai ever was. I have to be careful about balancing her reserved quality against actually writing engaging scenes.

So far, things should have worked well enough because she just goes around meeting people. And as we already saw, she keeps drifting across town.

However, with the votes closed
Adhoc vote count started by Naron on Sep 11, 2024 at 3:57 AM, finished with 30 posts and 21 votes.

It seems we have a clear majority for staying to meet the nice lady properly!

(I did not want to post that response before closing them; figured that might influence the votes. Although I guess it would not have changed the result :V)
(I did not want to post that response before closing them; figured that might influence the votes. Although I guess it would not have changed the result :V)

I had thought about pointing out that we may not want to befriend the woman because we couldn't be sure she would survive it....

Well, too late now, let's properly meet our first victim! :V
As someone who's never played Ruina, how much of hair trigger is Yuki on anyhow?
What was said previously. As the one who gets to decide the finer details, I will add that Yuki can let go if she wants. She is overall stable for the moment, though.

I took some liberty with her mental state because we never really see it from the inside and there is not that much about her to begin with. Plus whatever character development one can read into certain events from Ruina.
6. Candid Conversations New
You should stay a while longer; it's rude to leave without a word. At least learn your host's name.

Yuki's hand pauses right atop the door handle. Her eyes narrow beneath the blindfold as she stands perfectly still in consideration. Then she lowers the hand and turns on her heel.

It is true that walking out without another word would be impolite. And while she does have things to do, none of them are time-sensitive. But at the same time, she wants to do something with her regained energy.

So Yuki begins puttering around, intending to keep herself busy with chores; the place is fairly clean, but a little magic helps drive out the dust and the occasional candy wrapper. Empty bottles in the kitchen are sorted and a single used dish is washed.

For someone who lives on her own, this woman is fairly meticulous in her cleaning. Yuki approves.

By the time a soft groan sounds from the bedroom, Yuki sits at the living room table with a book in hand. She has little interest in Romance as a genre, but it is the only type she found on the shelf. And a fairly smutty sort at that.

"Good morning," she greets once her host shambles in, prompting the other woman to stop dead in her tracks.

Her hair is short and chocolate brown, Yuki can now tell in proper lighting. The hazel eyes behind her glasses come into focus, then grow wider. Memory returns as she blinks down at Yuki, who looks up at her.

"Oh. Ah. Good morning," she greets back, another host of confused noises swallowed back down. "Did you sleep well?"

"I did, thank you."

A beat.

In the silence, the other woman slowly takes a step back. "I, um, I need to take care of something. You just, uh, do what you're doing already, okay?"

Yuki nods and watches her flee the room. Then, after waiting five seconds, she puts the book down and floats up to listen from behind the door. Her motions are completely silent, not that she has to make much of an effort; her host is clearly distracted.

There is quiet beeping noise, followed by rushed words.

"Junko, I need- yes, I know it's early, but I need help! There's a girl at my place and I don't know what to do!"

"What? No! Not like that, and stop laughing! Now isn't the time! She said she doesn't have anywhere to go, and she has her eyes covered too!"

"I don't know! Help. Me!"

Yuki's brow scrunched faintly. She is not sure what she feels about this beyond exasperated. Her host makes a number of understanding noises while the person on the other side tells her something. Whatever they talk about, it takes long enough for her to decide she does not need to know the rest; hence why she sets back down at the table and picks up her book again.

It really is not that well written. Yuki is no expert, but even she can tell how the action contrives to reach the act... again. She still reads it though, if just out of curiousity whether the book will subvert her expectations.

After another few minutes, her host returns with an attempt at a soft smile. "Apologies for taking off like that," she says, clasping her hands together. "You must be hungry, so how about I make us breakfast?"

Yuki started looking at her when she spoke, now she nods. "That sounds good," she offers in response. "May I know your name, miss?"

The other woman was about to turn away, but stops at hearing the question. "Of course, how rude of me to forget. I'm Kazuko Saotome," she introduces herself with a genuine smile. It falters a little in the face of Yuki's unchanging expression.

"I am Yuki. A pleasure."

"Well, alright then. Hold on, what are you reading? Ah!"

With a squeak, she quickly pulls the book from Yuki's hand upon remembering which it is. Yuki strangles the disappointed noise in her throat.

"I was not finished," she tries. Neither was the main character, at that.

Kazuko just flushes and replaces the book in the shelf, never realising it always stood far too high for Yuki to reach. "That isn't something you should read. Here, how about this one instead?"

She quickly pulls out another book and offers it to Yuki, who takes it with a suppressed sigh. She really has to address this sooner rather than later. Unfortunately, Kazuko already bustled into the kitchen.

Yuki wordlessly puts the new book back and gets the other one from its higher perch. Kazuko never notices, even though she sticks her head through the door to check on her every few minutes. She seems happy enough that Yuki is still there, if oddly ill at ease the whole time.

Breakfast is served a quarter hour later; toast and fried eggs, together with some greens. Kazuko places a cup of coffee next to her own plate, then fills a glass of orange juice for Yuki. She likes the tart flavour, but this is just another reminder she needs to say something soon.

"Thanks for the food," Kazuko says, then frowns a little when Yuki only echoes her belatedly. It seems to be a form of manners.

The clatter of cutlery follows for a minute.

Yuki slowly slices through the egg, sunny side up and seasoned nicely. It looks appetizing and, she learns upon taking a bite, also tastes good. Another point in favour of this being just an excuse to break up with Kazuko. Who, she realises, is watching her.

"Is it good?"

Yuki nods, chews, and swallows. "It is," she says. And now that the silence was broken, she can finally bring it up.

"There is a misunderstanding, Kazuko."

Something about her words takes the other woman aback. She blinks at Yuki, tilts her head the faintest bit, but does not say anything. She just nods pleasantly and motions for her to continue. "What is it, Yuki?"

"I am twenty-four."

Kazuko freezes up. Yuki keeps meeting her utterly befuddled gaze, even though her own eyes are hidden. She made up the number because she has no idea how old she actually is. Neither 'I do not remember' nor 'older than you' are good ways to appear legitimate.

Although saying anything at all apparently broke Kazuko. She just sits there, staring owlishly at Yuki.

"O-Oh. I, are you sure?" She giggles softly, trying to hide her embarassment even while her ears burn hot. "My, I'm so sorry. I thought you were younger than that."

Yuki does not react beyond a nod. She keeps on eating, allowing Kazuko to calm herself; the other woman's eyes slide up and down her frame, no longer led astray by her height. Now that she actually looks however, the other glaring oddities jump to her attention. But she is too polite to bring up the blindfold at this point. Or her gaudy suit.

They sit in silence that is awkward for only one of them until the doorbell rings. Kazuko perks up, some leftover tension bleeding out of her body. "Please wait a moment," she bids Yuki, then quickly darts into the hallway.

Yuki finishes her food in the meantime, wondering where this is going.

Hushed voices sound from the other room, then Kazuko returns with another woman in tow. This lady has deep purple hair in a fairly short cut, much like Yuki's own if less voluminous. Her stride is confident even in casual clothes, expression relaxed but eyes sharp.

"Good morning," she greets with some pep, unbothered by Yuki's monotone response. "I'm Junko Kaname, nice to meet you."

"Yuki. A pleasure."

She offers her hand, which Yuki shakes after standing up. Her grip is firm, though the fact Yuki can return it at equal strength seems to surprise her for a moment. Kazuko dances around the table a little awkwardly, offering coffee and juice. Yuki takes another glass.

"Well then," Junko begins, "from what Kazuko tells me, you are homeless right now. Although she originally said something about a child, which I'm fairly sure you aren't."

Kazuko offers an embarassed giggle at the side. Yuki's head tilts faintly, but she nods. "I am an adult," she reiterates first. "And I do not have a place of habitation at the moment, that is true. Is there a problem with that?"

Junko makes a bit of a face, though her expression quickly smoothes out. She glances to Kazuko, who taps her fingers together.

"It's just, you were very kind to me. And I guess I misunderstood a little bit. But I still want to help if I can."

Yuki looks from Kazuko to Junko, who appears more put-together than her even at a glance. Junko herself nods as if she figured as much, then leans in with interest.

"So what's the problem? Do you have trouble finding a job?"

The thought occurred to Yuki before, but was summarily discarded. Even if she wanted to spend large amounts of time held up at some kind of workplace, her chances to get anywhere without qualifications or identification are zero.

"Among other things, yes."

Junko waits for a moment, likely expecting an elaboration. When Yuki holds her silence, she delicately arches a brow. "And why is that?" she prods gently. "Your eyes, perhaps?"

Yuki shakes her head. "My eyes are fine," she says, wondering why a virtual stranger would even bother digging this far. "I only just arrived in Japan a few days ago. I lack the cultural knowledge, the certifications, and the papers for just about anything."

Both women have visible reactions to that. Kazuko gapes in surprise while Junko's eyes narrow. There is suspicion there, but also wonder.

"What about your ID from wherever you came from?"

"I never had one."

At this point she can tell that at least Junko is primarily suspicious. Yuki knows full well that her answers are not adding up, but she will not just make up a whole backstory. Twisting the actual truth beyond making herself look like an illegal immigrant is hardly possible.

Junko rubs her cheek in thought, absently sipping her coffee. Then she firmly places the mug down.

"I think," she announces, pointing at Yuki, "that you aren't telling us the truth. And while I'd love to help, I can't unless you're honest with me."

Yuki herself frowns, this time visibly. She has two options here; Junko is too smart and clearly too invested to be held up with half-truths. Which means Yuki can either end the conversation and leave, or she can reveal the actual truth and see what happens.

Considering she is already here, she reasons that nothing will change if she does not look for opportunities. So Yuki nods and pulls down her blindfold.

Whatever Junko might have expected, being all but nailed to her chair by gleaming red eyes is not it. Her breath hitches at the sudden aura of power emanating from Yuki, though it disperses a moment later. Kazuko's eyes widened to an almost comical degree by now.

"I am not from this world," Yuki explains succinctly. "I do not know how I came here, nor how to return from whence I came. And above all, I am a guardian of people, not a grocer or office worker; it may be arrogant to presume myself above others in that regard, but my duties lie elsewhere."

Junko is still looking owlishly. Her coffee stands forgotten as she rubs her eyes, then stares at Yuki again.

"That... is hard to believe, I hope you understand. Is there anything you can-"

She cuts herself off because Yuki wordlessly floats from her chair. Now airborne, she gently glides over the table until she can gently grasp Junko's head with both hands. Their noses almost touch, the magical girl lying at eye level in the air atop the table.

"I am also a magical girl."

Junko's eyes are blown wide and her cheeks steadily grow warmer. She swallows and wets her lips.

"I'm a married woman, you know?"

Yuki's brow scrunches while Kazuko makes a strangled noise in her throat. Junko manages a little grin while Yuki lets go to float back into her chair.

"Then get your spouse over here and I show you both some magic," she shoots back in that same monotone, derailing the other woman's mirth. Kazuko doubles over in startled laughter, though.

Their current host has time to get a hold of herself while Yuki binds her eyes again. By the end of her episode, she wipes a tear from her eye and sighs contendedly, head still resting on her arms. "Oh, I think I needed that. Never heard anyone clap back at you like this before, Junko."

"Oh, shut up."

Glancing between the two as they banter, Yuki is struck by how different they appear. Yet they seem to be fairly close at the same time.

"How did you two meet?" she asks, curious despite herself.

The other women interrupt themselves, suddenly reminded of her presence. Kazuko fields the questions this time, a little smile on her face: "Junko and I met in kindergarten, actually. We went to school together, and then we even picked the same university afterward. But that last one was an accident, I think. Just shows how in-sync we are."

She giggles, as does Junko. "She's right. Kazuko and I go way back, thick as thieves we are."

After saying that, the purplette grows serious again. "But that aside, this is... a lot. Magic, you say. I think I need some time to really think this through." Here she awkwardly scratches her neck. "I admit I thought this would be an easier one to solve, if I even can."

Kazuko nods along. "Yeah, this is kind of more than I expected, too."

Yuki nods at them and stands. A casual flick of her wrist and a surge of viridian energy clears the crumbs and wipes the plates clean. Then she bows at the once again stupefied pair.

"Then I will take my leave now, so you can speak. I have some business of my own to attend. Shall we reconvene later today?"

Neither of them seems opposed. Junko and Kazuko stand as well and lead her to the entrance. On the way however, Yuki makes a short detour to place the book she borrowed back in its spot. Kazuko averts her gaze, awkwardly clutching her skirt.

At the door, Junko offers Yuki a reassuring smile. "How about you come back, let's say around two?"

She spied the digital clock saying 11:03 just now, so that makes roughly three hours of time. Yuki nods her agreement and bows shallowly, which the other two return.

"Until then."

So saying, she turns and walks away without looking back. The door clicks shut behind her, though she walks out the building and around several corners before stopping to consider her options.

As much as she would like to listen in on their discussion to get an idea of their intentions, Yuki has no good means of getting back. Even if she teleported back into Kazuko's flat, she has no idea where the two women are; revealing that particular power to them ought to wait until she has their measure.

So far however, both of them seemed genuinely interested in helping. Now it depends on what they make of her alien origin and magical powers.

Shaking the thoughts from her head, Yuki gathers her power and focusses. Then, in a flash of light, she vanishes and reappears in another section of town. Just a street away from the Mikuni residence.


And Oriko stands right in front of her.

Her blonde hair is tamed into elegant curls, the girl herself dressed in a long, dark skirt and a cream-coloured blouse, and she wears an impish grin.

Yuki looks up at her, momentarily surprised but overall unimpressed. So her return was foreseen.

"I have returned. And I have questions for you."

"I know," Oriko says, then motions toward her home. "Please, come on in. I prepared a fresh pot of tea and sent Kirika on an errand, it will be just us."

Yuki snorts, the sound barely audible. But she does move, presenting her back to Oriko; if the seer wants to stab her from behind, now is her chance. In fact, a part of her hopes that Oriko will try; her pretensions of superiority already soured Yuki's mood on top of the bad intel. She would love the excuse to let it all out on her.

Alas, Oriko gives her no such chance. She gently closes the gate behind them and opens the door for Yuki, who barely notices the new wave of graffiti taking up half the front wall. Then she is already inside, being led into a rather bare sitting room. Some furniture looks like it was brought from elsewhere and does not fit together, the table has one leg less.

And now that she looks, Yuki notices tears in the carpet and wallpaper.

"Did somebody ransack your home?"

Oriko inclines her head as she sits down, Yuki now opposite to her. "I am afraid so," she says conversationally while pouring a cup for her guest, as if it meant nothing to her. "The hooligans waited until I left for school one day and broke what they could. It devastated me at the time, but I no longer care. If anything, cobbling together what I could from the spares in the attic gives it far more character than it used to have."

Yuki takes this in with furrowed brows. This reminded her that, despite her mature appearance, Oriko is still a teenager. A young woman at most. She is orphaned. And she has to live near people who wish her harm.

"What about attacks on your person?" she asks. A trace of worry wells in her heart, but Oriko dispells it with a soft shake of the head.

"Not before I made my wish upon Kyubey. After that, I had more than enough physical strength to fight back and make that man regret his life choices. I believe he died yesterday," she adds nonchalantly. "A freak accident involving a piano, I heard."

There is something malicious about her nonchalance, but Yuki can not say if that is just her impression. The way Oriko said it implies that she was involved, but it may well just be satisfaction about karmic justice.

She ultimately puts the matter aside and takes a sip of the tea. Black tea, far more bitter than the green.

"Is it to your liking?" Oriko asks while Yuki savours the first sip.

Her guest inclines her head. "It is," she agrees. "I never had black tea before, but I like this blend."

"Very good. Now, I believe you had questions?"

"Yes. You lied to me. Or at the very least, what you told me to do led to nothing."

"That is not a question," Oriko counters, tittering when she sees Yuki frown. She takes a sip of her own tea, eyes crinkling as she smiles. "Please consider, for a moment, what happened that night."

"I was attacked. That was all."

"Indeed. So it was not nothing that happened, no?"

Yuki's expression tightens further. Oriko seems to like playing the knowledge game; she clearly implies that the girl in red was the one Yuki supposedly saved. Or that her meeting that girl saved someone else.

"Speak clearly."

Unsurprisingly, her demand has no effect beyond widening Oriko's smirk. "There is still much in flux. I can not tell you more than that you succeeded in what I sent you for. It is not done yet and until it is, I prefer to keep my cards close to the chest. I think you understand that?"

As much as she wants to growl, Yuki does understand. She is the exact same after all.

"If something like this happens again, you will warn me," she chides; letting the girl off with a warning should be fine. She is young and deserves at least that much lenience.

Oriko nods her agreement and the pair falls into contemplative silence.

Yuki sips her tea, feeling faintly like Binah as she mulls over something or other. The tangy scent and bitter taste on her tongue have something grounding to them. Its heat pools in her stomach before the tea loses some temperature. If only she could read people as easily as the patron librarian of the floor of philosophy.

"Where is Kirika, exactly?" she asks after some time. "I would expect her here for this."

Oriko slowly shakes her head at that. "No, her being near would do more harm than good," she muses. "At least for now. She is, well, fairly protective. And you hardly mince words."

"Have you foreseen this, too?"

It was supposed to be sarcasm. But the way Oriko closes her eyes implies Yuki is right. The blonde puts down her cup with a soft click, then meets her gaze evenly.

"Yes. I had to watch you kill her a number of times. And because I already know you prefer people be up-front with you, I will reveal that I know your abilities by now. Hence why the last thing I want is a confrontation."

"But you are willing to play with my patience."

Oriko huffs and empties her cup. "Oh please. You are not that erratic. But it is a good example," she continues with an idle motion. "Had Kirika been here, she would have taken offense to the implied threat you made there. And then it would have escalated from there."

Yuki nods slowly. She can see the point, even if it annoys her.

"I still do not trust you."

Oriko wordlessly refills her cup, then does the same for Yuki. A platter with cookies is also pushed over, though they fail to bribe Yuki into being nicer.

"Then how about I give you something more concrete this time?" the seer offers genially. "You simply need to follow my instructions, and you will fairly obviously save a life today."

Yuki snorts in response. "I want the details before I decide," she orders.

Much to her annoyance, Oriko keeps her mouth shut. She barely raises a brow when Yuki downs her entire cup in one go to display her annoyance, scalding her throat in the process. It regenerates in minutes while they stare at each other.

After some time, Oriko produces a crisp sheet of paper, folded only once, and gently pushes it over the table. Yuki picks it up to peruse, eyes narrowing as she looks over the contents.

This is not an explanation, this is a list of actions to be taken. Walk down that road at dusk, greet the fifth person coming the other way, kick a rock lying between two buildings, and so on. A series of steps to undertake, but not why.

The seer says no more than that, even when Yuki looks at her again.

"You are playing a dangerous game," Yuki finally says. The air seems to drop in temperature, but even that is not enough to coax another word from Oriko.

Seeing this, Yuki speaks.

"In the world I come from, there is a group that receives similar instructions and turned them into dogma. Because the Prescripts know all, they see themselves free of responsibility for their own actions. Be it benign nonsense or heinous acts, the zealots of the Index commit both with equal enthusiasm. The Will of the Prescripts, the Will of the City, whose true goals none can discern."

Yuki slams her flat palm onto the paper. Both teacups jump, yet not a drop spills.

"You already know what I just told you, yet you still want me to blindly follow such a Prescript?"

This, at last, cracks Oriko. She slowly shakes her head.

"I did not know. There are too many futures I studied to retain much individual information. I knew you were from another world already, but not about this group."

She closes her eyes for a minute, breathing deeply. When they open again, her gaze is hazy.

"I know a number of things that will happen. Good things. But they are inextricably tied to bad things, Yuki. And if I warn you of the bad, or even reveal the wrong bit of knowledge, then none of the good will happen."

Yuki's eyes narrow at that. "And you believe the good worth the bad?" she questions. "Despite professing no longer caring?"

"I can not save the world," Oriko agrees solemnly. "But I can at least maximise happiness with the knowledge I have, for the little time left. Call it a bit of leftover pride. Will you allow me this one bit of trust?"

Yuki frowns. She does not trust Oriko at this juncture. And so, regardless of what these orders are for, she does not want to follow them.


No write-ins

[] Do it.
weight: x0.5

[] You're right. Don't.
weight: x1

-Unlocked Character Sheets: Saotome Kazuko, Kaname Junko
Last edited:
I'm amused by the idea of Madoka bringing Sayaka home and seeing Yuki sitting there with her parents, or Kazuko casually mentioning a new girlfriend named Yuki during class.
But at the same time, she wants to do something with her regained energy.

So Yuki begins puttering around, intending to keep herself busy with chores; the place is fairly clean, but a little magic helps drive out the dust and the occasional candy wrapper. Empty bottles in the kitchen are sorted and a single used dish is washed.
Oh man, a single night and she's already cleaning her place.

That was fast. :V

There is quiet beeping noise, followed by rushed words.

"Junko, I need- yes, I know it's early, but I need help! There's a girl at my place and I don't know what to do!"

"What? No! Not like that, and stop laughing! Now isn't the time! She said she doesn't have anywhere to go, and she has her eyes covered too!"

"I don't know! Help. Me!"

I can imagine Junko is having a good laugh on the other side of this conversation.

"I was not finished," she tries. Neither was the main character, at that.

Really? Must be the annoying versions of those kinds of books.

In the other ones the main character is constantly finishing things.

She quickly pulls out another book and offers it to Yuki, who takes it with a suppressed sigh. She really has to address this sooner rather than later.

Does this new book even have words besides the illustrations? :V

Kazuko freezes up. Yuki keeps meeting her utterly befuddled gaze, even though her own eyes are hidden. She made up the number because she has no idea how old she actually is. Neither 'I do not remember' nor 'older than you' are good ways to appear legitimate.

Too bad she isn't from the main facility.

Because that is a good way to make sure you are older than most people.

Yuki shakes her head. "My eyes are fine," she says, wondering why a virtual stranger would even bother digging this far.

Given Jinko is important in her workplace from what I remember, I think it might be because she's in *job interview* mode.

At the door, Junko offers Yuki a reassuring smile. "How about you come back, let's say around two?"

She spied the digital clock saying 11:03 just now, so that makes roughly three hours of time. Yuki nods her agreement and bows shallowly, which the other two return.

"Until then."

That confirms another thing I was beginning to think on the chances of us ending up in school this day: It is clearly a weekend day.


And Oriko stands right in front of her.

Her blonde hair is tamed into elegant curls, the girl herself dressed in a long, dark skirt and a cream-coloured blouse, and she wears an impish grin.


Would she have been doing the same if we had come earlier?

Yuki's expression tightens further. Oriko seems to like playing the knowledge game; she clearly implies that the girl in red was the one Yuki supposedly saved. Or that her meeting that girl saved someone else.

So we did stop Kyoko from finding the witch that makes Yuma wishes to be a magical girl, it seems.

Most likely explanation given the circumstances.

This is not an explanation, this is a list of actions to be taken. Walk down that road at dusk, greet the fifth person coming the other way, kick a rock lying between two buildings, and so on. A series of steps to undertake, but not why.

*Clear throat*

As the prescript orders!

[] Do it

Possibilities of who we save include:

Saving Nagisa from becoming a witch.

Saving Mami from being killed by Nagisa's witch.

Save Yuma, again.

But on the other hand Oriko is resigned to some bad happening and I can see her thinking that Nagisa witching out or something in the same line is worth it to save someone else. She could have written the instructions in a way that leads to one person witching out from our actions out of our sight only to allow us to save someone from their witch later.

@Naron, since Yuki has read the instructions, are they mostly centered in acting or Mitikihara or in Kazamino?

Because that will decide what I vote, if Mitikahara I am not doing it.

Kazamino would have me... not do it actually. :V

[x] You're right. Don't.

The first step to break fate is not to accept its instructions, Yan had the good idea on that, I would even posit that this is why the Will of the city got out of its way to break him back in line.

I was willing to give Oriko the benefits of the doubt last time because I thought she had slightly broken out of the worst kind of thinking she had in the main manga, but it seems she is right in the middle of it instead.
Exclusively Mitakihara.

So not about Yuma.

The most probable recipient is Nagisa... but there is no need for the kind of things Oriko asks to have Yuki help her in particular, only a *go to that hospital and heal this person*, there, done.

So either Oriko got complexity addiction (not impossible) or she is doing a stupid where we hurt someone to help someone else and she is trying to hide that, or both.

She practically confirmed it with that:
"I know a number of things that will happen. Good things. But they are inextricably tied to bad things, Yuki. And if I warn you of the bad, or even reveal the wrong bit of knowledge, then none of it will happen."

I stand by what I said, Yan's mistake was thinking that because the prescripts has predicted his moves meant there was absolutely no way out.

Now, at the level he is working on, this is an understandable conclusion, but a very large part of the theme of both LobCorp and Library of Ruina is *Face the fear, break the cycle*. Yan couldn't see it because he didn't know what the library was really about but he had a way out in them.

I wonder what his EGO would've been like, his distortion is nothing but a scriptwriter bound in chains, endlessly awaiting instructions, what would a free Yan have gotten?
Thinking about it, I feel like I might have created a misunderstanding. The wording was not that ambiguous, but some people may read the wrong statement from it.

Hence why I changed this paragraph a little bit:
"I know a number of things that will happen. Good things. But they are inextricably tied to bad things, Yuki. And if I warn you of the bad, or even reveal the wrong bit of knowledge, then none of the good will happen."
Emphasis on what was changed. Oriko previously said 'then none of it will happen'; it could be read as 'none of the bad things will happen' but was meant to encorporate both good and bad.
Emphasis on what was changed. Oriko previously said 'then none of it will happen'; it could be read as 'none of the bad things will happen' but was meant to encorporate both good and bad.

Oh, I guess I hadn't told that I did read it that way.

It's just that I do not think Oriko actually really know that the good won't happen if her visions aren't followed.

Or more precisely, I think she saw one form of good happening and got tunnel vision on this particular good being the only good thing that could happen, instead of merely a single possibility.

I stand by the decision of facing the fear and breaking the cycle, the fear here being the unknown outside of Oriko's visions.
[X] You're right. Don't.

I'm mostly just sticking with what Yuki would want. While following Oriko's instructions is likely to help someone and not just screw everything over... Following the instructions of a seer isn't very interesting and Yuki has pretty good reason not to do so.
That sure is an index styled task. That said, this feels like a severe case of tunnel vision on Oriko's part.

A funny thing:

While I think I remember Naron saying he hasn't read any Oriko Magica besides the main one, Oriko has a revelation of exactly this being the case and as a result being able to control her powers far better in the last of the spin offs.

I am alse less certain than Oriko that the good is gated behind following her visions anyway.

Sure, she cannot see it happening without it, but she has low control on her visions and they are extremely draining on her magic. No way she saw everything that could happen.