Succubusekai: The Demoness Just Wanted To Stay With Her Friends! [Original-Ish] [Quest]

Voting is open for the next 14 hours, 29 minutes
[X] (Split 1) Wrong path likely means two encounters.
[X] (Split 2) Right path.
[X] (Split 3) Wrong path winds up on the same route as Split 2, likely three encounters unless you already made the mistake.
[X] (Split 4) Screw that, we cheated for a REASON!
[X] (Split 1) Right path.
[X] (Split 2) Wrong path gets you tantalizingly close to the end of the maze, but is a dead end; you'd guess at least three encounters.
[X] (Split 3) Wrong path winds up on the same route as Split 2, likely three encounters unless you already made the mistake.
[x] (Split 4) Screw that, you cheated for a reason!!!
[x] (When do you Rest?) Only after the final rest.
Taking 2&3 gives us maximum mistakes for minimum extra time and encounters.

Also, about split 2/3
They don't actually meet up in the image. I'm assuming that the image is inaccurate and your description takes priority, but when information is in conflict best to sort it out.
[X] (Split 1) Right path.
[X] (Split 2) Wrong path gets you tantalizingly close to the end of the maze, but is a dead end; you'd guess at least three encounters.
[x] (Split 3) Right path.
[x] (Split 4) Screw that, you cheated for a reason!!!
[x] (When do you Rest?) Only after the final rest.
[X] (Split 1) Right path.
[X] (Split 2) Wrong path gets you tantalizingly close to the end of the maze, but is a dead end; you'd guess at least three encounters.
[x] (Split 3) Right path.
[x] (Split 4) Screw that, you cheated for a reason!!!
[x] (When do you Rest?) Only after the final rest.
[X] (Split 1) Right path.
[X] (Split 2) Wrong path gets you tantalizingly close to the end of the maze, but is a dead end; you'd guess at least three encounters.
[x] (Split 3) Right path.
[x] (Split 4) Screw that, you cheated for a reason!!!
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[X] (Split 1) Right path.
[X] (Split 2) Wrong path gets you tantalizingly close to the end of the maze, but is a dead end; you'd guess at least three encounters.
[X] (Split 3) Wrong path winds up on the same route as Split 2, likely three encounters unless you already made the mistake.
[X] (Split 4) Screw that, we cheated for a REASON!
[X] (Split 1) Right path.
[X] (Split 2) Wrong path gets you tantalizingly close to the end of the maze, but is a dead end; you'd guess at least three encounters.
[X] (Split 3) Wrong path winds up on the same route as Split 2, likely three encounters unless you already made the mistake.
[x] (Split 4) Screw that, you cheated for a reason!!!
[x] (When do you Rest?) Only after the final rest.

Splits the diference between efficiency and XP without being so optimized it looks like you're cheating. The enemy probably can't capitalize on our cheats, but why risk it?
[x] (Split 1) Wrong path likely means two encounters.
[x] (Split 2) Right path.
[x] (Split 3) Right path.
[x] (Split 4) Screw that, you cheated for a reason!!!
[X] (When do you Rest?) Every eight encounters or so.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by NekoIncardine on Aug 4, 2024 at 7:04 PM, finished with 17 posts and 15 votes.
Chapter 1.2.17: Frog Faction
[X] (Split 1) Right path.
[X] (Split 2) Wrong path gets you tantalizingly close to the end of the maze, but is a dead end; you'd guess at least three encounters.
[x] (Split 3) Right path.
[x] (Split 4) Screw that, you cheated for a reason!!!
[x] (When do you Rest?) Only after the final fight before the room.

"Three right out of four, plus a couple right to the dead-ends," you declare.

Helen and Eira nod. "In we go, then," Eira observes, weapons already out.

"Downtime right before we reach their 'throne'," you continue. "So we meet their leader looking completely fresh. Good for pressuring them."

Eira nods.

Okay, long as you don't get turned around too badly…


And then you're facing a trio of basic Bullywugs. Suffice it to say, there's scarcely time for them to draw weapons before you've slammed through them - Helen knocking one into the reed wall enough to leave him tangled.


Three elite Bullywugs, this time. One shouts "For the king!" as he raises his spear.

(Turn order: Senaz, Eira, Bullywugs, Helen)

They're a ways away, though, and even as they begin to approach, you've got a bit of time - enough to remember to go for your bow and take a shot at the speaker (19 + 5 = 24, hit for 5 damage), which Eira quickly matches with her shortbow (14 + 5 = 19, hit for 4 damage).

Their charge in doesn't close the gap all the way - a fact Helen immediately capitalizes on, raising a gloved hand, the holy symbol on her chest glowing. "Sacred Blast!", she shouts, a small beam of holy light striking the one who spoke up (17+5 = 22, hit for 9 damage).

While they're panicking at being struck with what is apparently pure civilization energy or something, you're charging in with your rapier, trusting you can hit harder with it… And keep their attention on you, as you strike the leader's leg (16 + 5 = 21, hit for 8 damage) enough that he drops - not slain or in danger of death, but functionally out of the fight.

Eira catches the cue, ducking low to get some cover from reed growth (attempted hide, Stealth check nat 20) and slip in to one's side…

… Leaving him yelping as she gets a surprise drop on him (9, 14 + 5 = 19, hit for 4 + 5 Sneak Attack damage), causing his spear strike at you to swing wide (4 + 5 = 9, miss), even as the other's thrust pierces into your shoulder painfully (17 + 5 = 22, hit for 6 halves to 3 damage).

Helen charges in, thinking to strike at the same target Eira just hit hard enough to slam him backwards and knock him immediately unconscious. (Nat 20, Critical Hit for 19 damage! O_O)

You look at the last one… But he doesn't look ready to back down, what with the fresh blood on his spear, teeth bared to start biting.

You move to strike first - but he swings to block (6 + 5 = 11, miss). Eira's steps in give her the angle for a decent hit (12 + 5 = 17 for 5+ 5 Sneak Attack damage).

And then he bites into your arm. Ow. (18 + 5 = 23, hit for 6 halves to 3 damage). This leaves him with an awkward position to spear you - so he strikes at Helen instead, managing to slightly pierce into her armor (16 + 5 = 21, hit for 6 damage).

Helen, undaunted by the hits she's taken so far, swings to cut into him (13 + 5 = 18, hit for 9 damage) - freeing you to slam with your rapier (11 + 5 = 16, hit for 7 damage), toppling him.

"They'll be fine," Helen observes. "Keep moving."



Third major intersection -

"Right this time," Eira says. The wrong direction. As planned, this will take you back.

There's been basically no loot so far, either. Kinda disappointing, but as you predicted, any treasure will probably be by their king. You stop for a moment. "Catch breath."

Eira nods a bit.

(Short Rest with Song of Rest. Helen spends 1 hit die to regain 9 + 3 = 12 HP, refilling her to full. Senaz spends 1 hit die to regain 8 + 4 = 12 HP, refilling her to full.)

Then, back to moving. As you turn a corner… One Bullywug, with no weapon in his hand, just… Reins?

And then the giant toad rises up from the mire and muck, as if summoned by some kind of magic. (Arcana Check: Nat 1, you can't tell if that's actually the case.)

(Turn order: Toad, Bullywug, Helen, Eira, Senaz)

Helen and Eira both look terrified. You have to assume it can't be that bad

A GIF from KONOSUBA of a giant frog biting Aqua - it's mouth is so large the combo covers half her torso. This is a depiction of what just happened to Senaz.

(17 + 5 = 22, hit for 5 poison damage, which Senaz is immune to!)


Helen thinks to instead drop a sacred blast on the bullywug (10 + 5 = 15, hits for 5 damage), which sure making sure this toad isn't being guided by an intelligent master is good but GET IT OFF YOU GET IT OFF YOU EW EW EW EW EW

Eira, on the other hand, helpfully dashes in and cuts at the creature (7 = 5 = 12, hit for 6 + 6 Sneak Attack damage) but IT'S NOT ENOUGH TO GET THE TOAD OFF YOU

You swing your rapier wildly (3 + 5 = 8, miss), finding no useful purchase on the thing's tough skin.

IT'S TRYING TO FUCKING SWALLOW YOU NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE WHY DIDN'T YOU TELEPORT oh good the hit to its side keeps it from getting its tongue in place to drag you in further STILL GET IT OFF GET IT OFF GET IT OFF you are screaming and generally having a freakout and Helen clambers up onto the Toad and basically shoves the Bullywug off (17 + 5 = 22, hits for 7 damage), who immediately thinks to scoot before the toad stomps him flat.

Eira keeps cutting at it, but her knife gets stuck in a fold of skin for a second (Nat 1). There's no metal heat metal won't work electrocuting it might not do much STAB IT OFF YOU (12 + 5 = 17, hit for 7 damage) that hurt it but didn't work IT'S STILL ON YOU AND IT'S TRYING TO SWALLOW AGA-

You disappear from your allies' line of sight entirely, as it gulps particularly loudly.



(5 acid damage. Senaz is restrained and blinded.)


Helen is now swinging at the nightmare beast (19 + 5 = 24, hits for 10 damage)... And Eira finishes it off (9 + 5 = 14, hits for 9 + 8 Sneak damage). Or at least it's dropped and isn't trying to eat people.

It ate you.


You barely notice that you've rolled off the wall and inelegantly splashed into a belly flop next to Eira, who jumps in no small amount of surprise.

"I'm okay. I'm okay," you sputter. The swamp water is musty smelling and unpleasant, but it's getting the toad stuff off you and that's okay for the moment.

Helen pauses. "Should we… Stop for a-"

"No. No. I'm fine. This is fine. Let's finish this." In truth, you're honestly not fine, but maybe beating up more small frog-like objects will help you forget the big frog-like object.


The next group of Bullywugs is as easy as the ones from earlier - to the point where you switch to punching one with your demonic claws. He shouts "BARF!" in a strangely satisfying way as he drops against the wall.

Helen blinks. "You're, um. Are you sure you're fine, Senaz?"

"Yes. I don't want to think about it. If I keep saying yes long enough to make it to the end of the maze-"

"We're back a bit, consistent with the plan," Eira helpfully chimes in.

"-I can clean off then and not think about this and it'll be fine."

"... Yeah, um, that toad was-"

"Mention not the watery-abyssal beast." Your expression probably looks very, very haunted as you say this.

Helen just kind of nods, as Eira slips ahead…

"... The one in the middle of that trio," she observes. "Seems different. Like… He's poised as if fighting is a second priority."

"Caster of some sort, then," you observe. "Go for them first, or…?"

Eira considers. "... No, I think breaking the small guys will go better."

Helen nods. "... Here goes, then?"

"Here goes."

You round the corner, and the middle Bullywug looks toward you. There's a bit too much distance to clear - Eira switches to a bow shot (11 + 5 = 16 hits for 6 damage) to the one on the left, Helen blasts the one on the right with her sacred blast (14 + 5 = 19, hits for 1 damage)...

And the croaker sings a guttural but loud note, which seems to form energy over them and their allies; shield magic. Crap.

The other two throw their spears at their respective attackers, though both avoid easily (Nat 1 vs. Eira, 4 + 5 = 9 vs. Helen), reaching to grab additional ones inside the reeds quickly.

You aren't good enough to dispel that shield yet… But maybe overwhelming it works??? You draw your bow even as you approach, shooting at the weakest-looking of the three (11 + 5 = 16, hits for 9 damage). The strike hits, but plinks off the shield, though it seems weakened.

With everyone closed in, Eira stops one step short. Helen pivots a bit to approach the weakened Bullywug, which promptly falls for the ensuing sucker-punch from Eira (15 + 5 = 20 hits for 6 + 9 Sneak Attack) that drops him to the ground… While Helen swings at the singer instead, who blocks with his shield (7 + 5 = 12, miss).

And then the creature sings again… While only you can understand the words, the sense of marsh and doom hits at the heads of all three of you. (Eira's CON save: 16 succeeds; Helen's CON save: 4 fails; Senaz's CON save: 17 + 5 = 22 succeeds. Eira and Senaz take 4 damage; Helen takes 9 and Disadvantage on CON saves until the end of the Bullywug Croaker's next turn.)

It's music is cast too fast to counter that way, and with the shield up… You approach the other add, and take an ineffectual stab (Nat 1 misses). Then, you look at Helen. "You've got this." (Bardic Inspiration d6 provided to Helen.)

The standing Bullywug tries to slice at you, your toughened skin saving you from taking a real hit (11 + 5 = 16 misses)... And opens it to Eira's approach (19 + 5 = 24 hits for 5 + 9 Sneak Attack damage) and second swing (16 + 5 = 21 hits for 5 damage) - not quite bringing it down, but breaking the shield…

… And leaving it open to a pommel strike from Helen's sword knocking it down and out (14 + 5 = 19 hits for 7 damage), leaving the singer alone. Not that he seems concerned as he continues his song of marshy gloom to try and wear you down mentally. (Eira's CON save: 13 succeeds. Helen's Con Save: 13, 11 + 1d6(4) Bardic Inspiration = 15 succeeds. Senaz's CON save: 5 + 5 = 10 fails. Eira and Helen take 4 psychic damage, Senaz takes 9 Psychic damage and disadvantage to CON saves until the end of the Croaker's next turn.)

Eira, now in position, goes for a pair of swings against the Bullywug (15 + 5 = 20 hits for 7 + 7 Sneak Attack damage, shattering the temp HP; 19 + 4 = 24 hits for 7 damage), followed by Helen's sword glowing as she drops holy energy into the strike (10 + 5 = 15 hits for 11 + 9 Smite damage)... And quickly heals Eira with a Healing Word (6 HP).

The Croaker, now too surrounded, raises his spear and tries to strike Helen down for the painful strike; Helen blocks with her sword easily (4 + 5 = 9, miss), giving you the opening to strike (though it blocks with it's own shield, 7 + 5 = 12, miss)...

… Then he whips around to block Eira's shortsword (5 + 5 = 10, miss), only to take a punch-strike with her dagger-holding fist (10 + 5 = 15, hit for 5 + 7 Sneak Attack damage), dropping him to his knees. Taking no chances, Helen throws a punch to knock him entirely on his back, unconscious.


"... Down that path past the corner," you say. "That's the end of the maze."

"No one in sight," Helen observes as you proceed down it. That means one thing…

Door in the reedgrass wall. Eira in first, then Helen, then you.

… Door closed. Time weirdness ensuing in your favor.

… You collapse to the floor, muddied clothes all over your carpet. Fuck it. You can prestidigitate that in a bit. Eira drops to her knees by your side.

"... I'm going to want to wash everything before we go back out there, huh?", you groan.

"Well, I mean, you can probably skip that with your own outfit, given the shapeshifting thing," Helen observes. "... That particular power is really practical."

Eira looks ready to pull her clothes off immediately, but is waiting at the moment, as if realizing Helen's right there, has been going through a swamp in plate armor for the last several hours, and may not be in the mood for underwear on her face.

You have to wonder if Solaria accepts prayers muttered into a mattress face-down; Helen looks that tired as she shuffles toward her room.

You've been running in muck for quite a while, after all. And while you don't sleep, you do tire, as this experience has reminded you.

… Fuck. There's probably still some toad stomach acid on you and now it might be in the carpet.


Begin Long Rest. XP started this post at 1134. 50 from the basic trio I skipped over, 100 from the Elites, another 100 from the Frog Incident because I'm giving extra XP because I couldn't stop laughing the entire time at making Senaz into the wet cat for a bit, 50 from the second skipped trio with the blatant retro reference, and 200 from the Croaker and team. Final total: 500 XP brings everyone to 1634.

[ ] (Okay Now What) Get up and get stuff clean before the floor gets damaged. You have the spell to do that easily enough.
[ ] (Okay Now What) Grab Eira and go shower with her. You may have to use suggestion to motivate her a bit.
[ ] (Okay Now What) Gaming. Now.
[ ] (Okay Now What) Just lie there in pain and let the adrenaline finish draining.
[ ] (Okay Now What) Write-in the first step of Senaz's recovery.

[ ] (Second Thing) Get up and get stuff clean before the floor gets damaged. You have the spell to do that easily enough.
[ ] (Second Thing) Grab Eira and go shower with her. You may have to use suggestion to motivate her a bit.
[ ] (Second Thing) Gaming. Now.
[ ] (Second Thing) Just lie there in pain and let the adrenaline finish draining.
[ ] (Second Thing) Write-in something custom to do after the first thing.
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[X] (Okay Now What) Get up and get stuff clean before the floor gets damaged. You have the spell to do that easily enough.
[X] (Second Thing) Grab Eira and go shower with her. You may have to use suggestion to motivate her a bit.
[X] (Okay Now What) Get up and get stuff clean before the floor gets damaged. You have the spell to do that easily enough.
[X] (Second Thing) Just lie there in pain and let the adrenaline finish draining.
[X] (Okay Now What) Get up and get stuff clean before the floor gets damaged. You have the spell to do that easily enough.
[X] (Second Thing) Grab Eira and go shower with her. You may have to use suggestion to motivate her a bit.
[X] (Okay Now What) Get up and get stuff clean before the floor gets damaged. You have the spell to do that easily enough.
[X] (Okay Now What) Get up and get stuff clean before the floor gets damaged. You have the spell to do that easily enough.
[X] (Second Thing) Just lie there in pain and let the adrenaline finish draining.

I think the best thing we can do right now, once the immediate danger of damage to the apartment is past, is take a dang rest. Sexy times can wait until we aren't so collectively exhausted and gross from monster goop that it'd take mind-affecting magic to actually get a normal human in the mood.
[X] (Okay Now What) Get up and get stuff clean before the floor gets damaged. You have the spell to do that easily enough.

[X] (Second Thing) Grab Eira and go shower with her. You may have to use suggestion to motivate her a bit.

Showering together doesn't have to be sexy times. You can just help each other get clean. (Would I lie to you about that?)
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[X] (Okay Now What) Get up and get stuff clean before the floor gets damaged. You have the spell to do that easily enough.
[X] (Second Thing) Just lie there in pain and let the adrenaline finish draining.
The Toad should be more respectful just because, Senaz is a succubus doesn't mean she consents to vore.

[X] (Okay Now What) Get up and get stuff clean before the floor gets damaged. You have the spell to do that easily enough.
[X] (Second Thing) Just lie there in pain and let the adrenaline finish draining.

I kinda like the idea of just being exhausted.

EDIT: Spelling/grammer/ clarification
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My initial thought was clean the floor and shower with Eira, but the "lay there exhausted" idea is growing on me. I can't decide.
[X] (Okay Now What) Get up and get stuff clean before the floor gets damaged. You have the spell to do that easily enough.
[X] (Second Thing) Grab Eira and go shower with her. You may have to use suggestion to motivate her a bit.

I figure whether the shower becomes sexy is an open question rather than a given. Flopping and/or gaming can come after getting rid of the trauma residue.
[X] (Okay Now What) Get up and get stuff clean before the floor gets damaged. You have the spell to do that easily enough.
[X] (Second Thing) Grab Eira and go shower with her. You may have to use suggestion to motivate her a bit.
[X] (Okay Now What) Get up and get stuff clean before the floor gets damaged. You have the spell to do that easily enough.
[X] (Second Thing) Grab Eira and go shower with her. You may have to use suggestion to motivate her a bit.
Voting is open for the next 14 hours, 29 minutes