Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

[X] Rescue Kallen Diplomatically – You can't take the risk that your covert operations in Japan will be discovered.

[X] Your Leadership of the Chinese Ministry (Psionics)
[X] Taking Over Australia (Finally)
[X] Coordinating Your Personal Relationships
[X] Ancient Ruins Exploration
[X] Target New Heaven
[X] Rescue Kallen Diplomatically – You can't take the risk that your covert operations in Japan will be discovered.

[X] Coordinating Your Personal Relationships
[X] Target New Heaven
[X] Your Private Technological Development (Psi-Tech)
[X] Ancient Ruins Exploration
[X] Personal Training/Achievements
Current Tally, Voting Will Continue.

Adhoc vote count started by Slayer Anderson on Jun 28, 2024 at 9:36 PM, finished with 67 posts and 37 votes.
[X] Through Any Means Necessary – You'll send an elite team in to retrieve your elite pilot and her family.
[X] Personal Training/Achievements
[X] Rescue Kallen Diplomatically – You can't take the risk that your covert operations in Japan will be discovered.

I want to at least try doing things the nice way. We will still have those covert networks - I imagine failure of the nice way will probably lead to a vote to try the not-nice way.

[X] Your Leadership of the Chinese Ministry (Psionics)
[X] Your Private Technological Development (Psi-Tech)
[X] Coordinating Your Personal Relationships
[X] Personal Training/Achievements
[X] Ancient Ruins Exploration
I'd rather not have Kallen potentially imprisoned for years trying to do things the diplomatic way.

Genbu has not shown himself to be reasonable or rational. This is a hill he's willing to die on.
[X] Through Any Means Necessary – You'll send an elite team in to retrieve your elite pilot and her family.

[X] Coordinating Your Personal Relationships
[X] Taking Over Australia (Finally)
[X] Through Any Means Necessary – You'll send an elite team in to retrieve your elite pilot and her family.

Having accumulated all this power, it'd feel wrong not to use it to smack a mofo around. Our ninja got a bone to pick with people who drove them out of the country, too.

[X] Coordinating Your Personal Relationships

This is pretty much essential for our long-term survival, especially since wooing the Empress at least to some extent is desirable as well.

[X] Taking Over Australia (Finally)

'Finally' sums it up, yeah.

[X] Your Leadership of the Chinese Ministry (Psionics)
[X] Your Private Technological Development (Psi-Tech)
[X] Personal Training/Achievements

I want artificial sakuradite project to get off the ground properly, and the last one is whatever.
Current vote tally:
Adhoc vote count started by Resonant on Jun 29, 2024 at 7:32 AM, finished with 74 posts and 41 votes.

"Taking Over Australia" is currently tied with "Personal Training" but it would be preferable if we can put more emphasis on Training so that we'd be ready to take on New Heaven in the next part of the epilogue.

Personal Training is supposed to include stuff like visiting Tibet, which could use a bit more prioritizing. Australia is a bit of a low-stakes option since we've got the full backing of China and doesn't need as much emphasis.

Actually Slayer, how will you resolve options that are tied together for the priority?
@Slayer Anderson I assume the success of either Kallen actions are determined by dice rolls? And the other options we're voting on are based on a dice roll plus a modifier determined by Priority ranking?
@Slayer Anderson I assume the success of either Kallen actions are determined by dice rolls? And the other options we're voting on are based on a dice roll plus a modifier determined by Priority ranking?
Success/Failure will be determined by rolls for Kallen. Narrative consequences will be determined by the action chosen and the resultant success/failure.

The other options will be resolved based on a dice roll plus a modifier determined by ranking, yes.
@Slayer Anderson Do we get any SL bonuses from the ranks we gained from the personal actions from turn 11?
Inasmuch as they'll matter, yes. I'll make sure to include them if they're relevant.
Current vote tally:
Adhoc vote count started by Resonant on Jun 29, 2024 at 7:32 AM, finished with 74 posts and 41 votes.

"Taking Over Australia" is currently tied with "Personal Training" but it would be preferable if we can put more emphasis on Training so that we'd be ready to take on New Heaven in the next part of the epilogue.

Personal Training is supposed to include stuff like visiting Tibet, which could use a bit more prioritizing. Australia is a bit of a low-stakes option since we've got the full backing of China and doesn't need as much emphasis.

Actually Slayer, how will you resolve options that are tied together for the priority?
Indeed. Lelouch has quite a lot of curriculum to go over between new heaven and adjusting to whatever tech Jaeger develops. It would be best if it rose a little. We could even afford for psytech to drop to fourth given the 320 success it experienced turn ten that can build off for human testing.

Yes, with the civil war rapped up, aid from lihua, the children of ching shih, new heaven, and Webers group are really the only people who can give us trouble, and establishing control over the eastern coast and there disparate groups is probably going to be time consuming enough as it is. No point in going to hard on australia. We still have 4 more votes afterall, but if we want the psionic duel, personal training is a must this turn. 6th place is a full 7 votes behind so it's not likely we'll get an upset at this point.
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Indeed. Lelouch has quite a lot of curriculum to go over between new heaven and adjusting to whatever tech Jaeger develops. It would be best if it rose a little. We could even afford for psytech to drop to fourth given the 320 success it experienced turn ten that can build off for human testing.

Yes, with the civil war rapped up, aid from lihua, the children of ching shih, new heaven, and Webers group are really the only people who can give us trouble, and establishing control over the eastern coast and there disparate groups is probably going to be time consuming enough as it is. No point in going to hard on australia. We still have 4 more votes afterall, but if we want the psionic duel, personal training is a must this turn. 6th place is a full 7 votes behind so it's not likely we'll get an upset at this point.
Technically no because Weber really has no support…if the EU tries to fight for him then the non-aggression pact between China and Britannia activates and it risks Europa getting invaded on two fronts.
[X] Through Any Means Necessary – You'll send an elite team in to retrieve your elite pilot and her family.

[X] Coordinating Your Personal Relationships
[X] Taking Over Australia (Finally)
Within Britannia, the year after your upcoming nuptials are announced, your brother and sister also announce an impending marriage. Guinevere and Odysseus, over the objection of the groom's mother, are to be wed shortly before you, yourself.
Even as the rest of the world attempts to take a step back from hostilities in the wake of a major terrorist attack, a civil war, elevated piracy, and an attempted coup, the Rus Republic is determined to engage in increasingly daring acts of brinkmanship with Euro-Britannia.
honestly these two paragraphs are my most favourite parts of the the chapter

cause apparently our marriage to lihua made us enough of a threat that ody and guin decided to tie the knot and combine their factions to stave of us placing euphie or cornelia (they might not know about cornelias plans for russia) on the throne

also the rus republicans continuing streak of shooting themselves into their foot
honestly these two paragraphs are my most favourite parts of the the chapter

cause apparently our marriage to lihua made us enough of a threat that ody and guin decided to tie the knot and combine their factions to stave of us placing euphie or cornelia (they might not know about cornelias plans for russia) on the throne

also the rus republicans continuing streak of shooting themselves into their foot
Actually it's that it made Schneizel enough of a threat that they finally caved. Lelouch is more or less dismissed from contention for the throne at this point since it's assumed he's angling towards domination of Asia between his ties to the Li Britannians, proposed conquest of Australia, and marriage to Lihua.

However, he and Schneizel remain seemingly steadfast allies with both an understanding and a habit of doing each other meaningful favors. We couldn't have signalled this more strongly than we did by meeting him in the same year we made time for the chinese empress and the emperor of HBE. Naturally before he can, in there minds, leverage this alliance to undermine their supporter base, they need to consolidate so they become big enough to secure themselves against him.

Speaking of Schneizel, @Slayer Anderson Can we also get the Social links info page updated with SL 4 Scheizel's trait and Victors character sheet in addition to Lihua?
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