Age of Darkness (A Traitor Legion Captain Quest)
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It is the 32nd Millennium and it has been 200 years since the Lord of Terra has launch his Great Crusade across the galaxy to scour the stars of Xenos and to reunite the vestiges of Humanity to banish the ignorance and darkness of Old Night. Yet within the dark corners of the galaxy and even within the very confines of Terra dark powers seek to corrupt the noble sons of the Master of Mankind, the Primarchs, that will set brother upon brother and shatter the very foundations of the Empire and its noble warriors of the Legiones Astartes.

You will take command as a captain of a company within a legion that would forever be remembered as one of the legions to turn their backs upon humanity and break their oaths to the Imperium. Will you lead your men to follow along with their Primarch to certain damnation and ruin or will you seek to stand against the tide of the darkness ....

Inspired by ThunderOwl's Loyalty is its own Reward
Prologue - Character Creation 1


"Once Upon a Time, I was Me"
Lone Star State
"The Earth is littered with the ruins of empires that believed they were eternal."
- Attributed to Ancient Terran Scholar and Remembrancer

000. M31; Civilized System, 23-56, 'Heruvian System'

The planet of 23-56 was a testament to the perseverance and ingenuity of humanity. The world had been separated and isolated from the rest of Galaxy for a good five thousand years by a particularly ferocious series of warp storms that would tear even the most heavily armored vessel of the Imperial Navy into scrap metal. Yet even with the warp so close to their home the people of 23-56, named 'Heruvia' by its local inhabitants would survive the trials and horrors of Old Night to develop an advanced civilization capable of exploiting their home system to its fullest potential and restoring Dark Age relics.

It was hoped by the 23rd Expeditionary Fleet that the system leaders would gladly throw their arms wide open and welcome their fleet into their home to ensure their compliance and peaceful integration to the Imperium where their technology and developed resources could be used to resupply the 23rd for further expeditions into space for the Great Crusade. Yet the masters of the 23rd would underestimate the arrogance of the 'Heruvian' who scoffed at the ridiculous notion of an Empire whose reach stretched across the stars and whose technology by their standards was inadequate to their own. This attitude and pace of compliance expected of the 23rd would result in a diplomatic incident escalated by both sides to accuse the other side of starting the conflict, thereby allowing them to break off negotiations.

The Fleet Master of the 23rd, Admiral Therebaq lu Coruze and a scion of a prestigious Jovian family deeply entrenched within the admiralty, felt that his martial honour was at stake would then order for fleet to destroy any void capable craft or weapon the Heruvians had to clear the way for the land invasion. Said land invasion would be led by Colonel Olyseus Sichan of House Hydera, son of a long line of Terran born military aristocrats that were among the first to swear fealty to the Emperor.

000. M31; Civilized World, 23-56, Named: 'Heruvia'; Colonel Olyseus Sichan of House Hydera

Colonel Olyseus should've known that the 'honor' of being the first in a planetary invasion was a load of groxshit. It's same kind of honor as when testing a new lasrifle while pointing the barrel to face directly to your eyes to see if it was working.

For the last few days his landings of been interrupted repeatedly by Heruvian skirmishers, his supply lines savaged by Heruvian guerillas and operatives, and his frontline forces decimated by Heruvian fort and barracks garrisons. Despite the training and experience of the 403rd Europa Elite Grenadiers they still struggled heavily against the technologically superior Heruvian forces, the Colonel order the scorching 1/4 of the Planets' forests to secure enough of a buffer zone for other regiments of the 23rd Expeditionary Fleet to land. The ash and cinder from the planet wide flames would help to obfuscate landing craft and the burning eat of the crimson flames would help to interfere with enemy scanning equipment.

Yet even after the landings and numerical superiority of the Imperial forces present on the surface there was a still what could only be considered a stalemate. The Heruvians had, much to the jealously of the Mechanicum forces attached to the 23rd Expeditionary Fleet, been to properly maintain and utilize several military STCs dated to the Dark Age of Technology. Colonel Olyseus had found that these advanced frames of tanks, heavy weapons, and individual infantry armor kits and lasrifles were superior to the weapons at the disposal of his forces. It hadnt helped that the Heruvians a massive complex of bunkers, fortresses, and citadels that surrounded the planetary capital and other strategic regions which were designed with extensive use of kill zones meant to utilize their most lethal weaponry in the most efficient manner. After extensive casualties and reports of deteriorating morale the Colonel would order all regiments to dig in and entrench themselves both to be prepared for a Heruvian counterattack and to begin a long siege.

The Colonel would later be preparing for his last charge after being caught unaware of a Heruvian assault during an inspection of the hastily built bunkers and trench networks near front. There, shrapnel artillery and lascanons tore through the soldiers and armored vehicles like a knife through butter. Heavy mortar shells would turn trench dugouts, trench lines, and concrete bunkers alike into smoldering craters.

Yet, moments for his charge, the Colonel would spot something moving through the sky. The movement was awe-inspiring as thousands of crimson streaks of flame would punch through the the clouds and barrel towards to barren wastelands where the enemy was believed to be coming from. While at feast the screaming streaks of fire were believed to be orbital ordinance of some kind, upon closer scrutiny however the Colonel would see distinctive colors and markings upon the craft and realized soon what they were ....
"Astartes", the infantry officer near him speaking the words he had thought. Indeed Astartes have arrived, and the long and grueling siege would soon be over before it had properly begun. Just before the Colonel could mutter his thanks under his breathe the loud noise of crackling static would bring their attention to the vox-officer.

"Do you c--" *static* "This is Capta---" *static* "of the ---" *static* "-- Legion!" "Who is the commanding officer here! Over!"
The Colonel would quickly grap the vox reciever and hold near his mouth and he barked a response back to the transmitter.

"This is Colonel Olyseus Sichan! I am commander of Imperial Army forces on this planet! I wasn't able to receive your identity could you repeat! Over!"

The officers nearby would tensely await a response from the transmitter until the static came back to life once more.

"This is Captain --"

Choose your legion:
-[] "Gostis Tylion of the Emperor´s Children 9th Company!"

+1 Weapon Skill, +1 Ballistic Skill

-[] "Verronder of the Iron Warriors 17th Company!"

+1 Ballistic Skill, +1 Toughness

-[] "Hrar of the Night Lords 11th Company!"
+1 Perception, +1 Agility

-[] "Drilos Sharrius of the World Eaters 15th Company!"
+1 Weapon Skill, +1 Agility

-[] "Matinos Simeon of the Death Guard 5th Company!"
+1 Toughness, +1 Willpower

-[] "Antasein Invica of the Thousand Sons 4th Fellowship!"
+1 Intelligence, +1 Willpower

-[] "Maklaidin of the Luna Wolves 14th Company!"
+1 Weapons Skill, +1 Fellowship

-[] "Alkost Suro of the Word Bearers!"
+1 Intelligence, +1 Fellowship

Whew that sure took a while to fully write and plan out! But thankfully I forced myself to finish what I had planned to do. I was heavily inspired by ThunderOwl's Loyalty is its own Reward quest. I really liked the quest as I thought that the concept of a traitor legionary stayed loyalists to be very interesting. I also noticed that there was a distinct lack of Horus Heresy quests currently, and I am currently listening to the Audio books I was inspired to do a quest about a Horus Heresy Traitor Legion Captain.

This is my first quest so I appreciate feedback and I will endeavor to improve the quest as much as I can.
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Loyalty will be the scale at which you are untainted, uncorrupted, and untouched by the dark forces of the warp and also a general mark of how loyal you are perceived to be towards the Emperor and the Imperium. Having High Loyalty or Low Loyalty will significantly impact how you are perceived by the Legion command what consequences you may faces for such.

Positive Loyalty indicates how loyal you are perceived to be towards the Master of Mankind, while negative Loyalty, indicates the opposite.

Scale: -5 to 5.


Determine how many dice are rolled for a particular skill check
o Weapon Skill: How good you are wielding Melee Weapons
o Ballistic Skill: How good you are wielding Ballistic Weapons
o Toughness: Resistance to toxins, endurance, and resistance to damage.
o Agility: Speed and stealth.
o Perception: How acute are your senses, and how good you are at reading people.
o Intelligence: How good you are with technology, medicine, deduction, and tactics.
o Willpower: Resistance to corruption, mind control, illusions. For Psykers, it determines skill at using your powers and resisting the perils of the Warp.
o Fellowship: Capability for persuading, inspiring and intimidating people.
Scale: 1 to 10.

2: Average Imperial Army Regiment/Well Trained Mortals stat
3: Average Solar Auxilia/Elite Infantry Regiment Stats
4: Average Astartes Stats*

*Astartes Standard willpower is 2


Armor will determine what pattern of Armor you shall use for the duration of a turn. Armor affects how many more or less dice are rolled for a particular stat. Not all Armor patterns are unlocked at the start.
  • MK II 'Crusade': +1 Toughness, -1 Agility
  • MK III 'Iron': +2 Toughness, -2 Agility
  • MK IV 'Maximus': +1 Toughness, +1 Agility, +1 Perception
  • MK V 'Heresy': +2 Toughness,
  • MK VI 'Corvus': +2 Agility, +2 Perception
  • MK VII 'Aquila': +1 Toughness, +1 Willpower, +1 Fellowship, Cheap, (Loyalist Only)


The Horus Heresy wasn't simply a conflict of power and control, but also a conflict for the very souls of the human race. Dedication to one side or the other will wield various results and boons.
  • Imperial Faith (Loyalist Only)
    • (Level 1): +1 Fellowship with Loyalists
    • (Level 2): +1 Willpower Against Chaos and Demons, +1 Fellowship with Loyalists
    • (Level 3): +2 Willpower Against Chaos and Demons, +1 Fellowship with Loyalists
    • (Level 4): +2 Willpower Against Chaos and Demons, +1 Fellowship with Loyalists, Rolls a 1d10 that will banish a demon if you encounter them
    • (Level 5): +3 Willpower Against Chaos and Demons, +2 Fellowship with Loyalists, Demons flee or banish at your presence
  • Warp Cult (Traitor Only)
    • (Level 1): +1 Fellowship with Traitors
    • (Level 2): +1 Willpower Against Demons, +1 Fellowship with Traitors
    • (Level 3): +1 Willpower Against Demons, +1 Fellowship with Traitors, Can Choose to Dedicate yourself to Chaos God for 'Gifts', Mutations begin to occur …
    • (Level 4): +2 Willpower Against Demons, +1 Fellowship with Traitors, Can Choose to Dedicate yourself to Chaos Undivided for weaker more expansive 'Gifts', Mutations begin to occur …
    • (Level 5): +2 Willpower Against Demons, +2 Fellowship with Traitors, Can Choose to Dedicate yourself to Chaos Undivided for weaker but more expansive 'Gifts', Can become a Demon-Possessed Marine, granting you the power of a demon while retaining your mind.
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Informational - Statistics
  • To be Determined
  • To be Determined
  • To be Determined
  • To be Determined
  • To be Determined
o Weapon Skill: To be Determined
o Ballistic Skill: To be Determined
o Toughness: To be Determined
o Agility: To be Determined
o Perception: To be Determined
o Intelligence: To be Determined
o Willpower: To be Determined
o Fellowship: To be Determined​
  • MK II 'Crusade': +1 Toughness, -1 Agility
  • MK III 'Iron': +2 Toughness, -2 Agility
  • Alignment: None
  • Level of Faith: Level 0

  • Commander (Lieutenant): To Be Determined
    • Armor: To be Determined
    • Weapon Skill: To be Determined
    • Ballistic Skill: To be Determined
    • Toughness: To be Determined
    • Agility: To be Determined
    • Perception: To be Determined
    • Intelligence: To be Determined
    • Willpower: To be Determined
    • Fellowship: To be Determined
  • Veteran Tactical Squad: 'Nickname'
    • Sergeant: To be Determined
    • Numbers: To be Determined
  • Tactical Squad: 'Nickname'
    • Sergeant: To be Determined
    • Numbers: To be Determined
  • Support Squad: 'Nickname'
    • Sergeant: To be Determined
    • Numbers: To be Determined
  • Commander (Lieutenant): To Be Determined
    • Armor: To be Determined
    • Weapon Skill: To be Determined
    • Ballistic Skill: To be Determined
    • Toughness: To be Determined
    • Agility: To be Determined
    • Perception: To be Determined
    • Intelligence: To be Determined
    • Willpower: To be Determined
    • Fellowship: To be Determined
  • Veteran Tactical Squad: 'Nickname'
    • Sergeant: To be Determined
    • Numbers: To be Determined
  • Tactical Squad: 'Nickname'
    • Sergeant: To be Determined
    • Numbers: To be Determined
  • Support Squad: 'Nickname'
    • Sergeant: To be Determined
    • Numbers: To be Determined
  • Commander (Lieutenant): To Be Determined
    • Armor: To be Determined
    • Weapon Skill: To be Determined
    • Ballistic Skill: To be Determined
    • Toughness: To be Determined
    • Agility: To be Determined
    • Perception: To be Determined
    • Intelligence: To be Determined
    • Willpower: To be Determined
    • Fellowship: To be Determined
  • Veteran Tactical Squad: 'Nickname'
    • Sergeant: To be Determined
    • Numbers: To be Determined
  • Tactical Squad: 'Nickname'
    • Sergeant: To be Determined
    • Numbers: To be Determined
  • Support Squad: 'Nickname'
    • Sergeant: To be Determined
    • Numbers: To be Determined
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[X] "Alkost Suro of the Word Bearers!"
+1 Intelligence, +1 Fellowship

Seems like imperial cult kickstarter

[X] "Gostis Tylion of the Emperor´s Children 9th Company!"
+1 Weapon Skill, +1 Ballistic Skill

Being able to meet and fight side by side with the ancient of rites, would be so awesome
[X] "Gostis Tylion of the Emperor´s Children 9th Company!"

I just like the emperor's children, but most importantly, Rylanor will not stand alone in his defiance.

[X] "Drilos Sharrius of the World Eaters 15th Company!"

[X] "Maklaidin of the Luna Wolves 14th Company!"
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Note to any voters or quest watchers
2 things to note:
  • I am not fully versed in how the voting system works so please bare with me if I make any mistakes.
  • You can choose to stay with your legion and side with chaos or stand against your legion and be a loyalist.
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A traitor run would be quite unique, that's for sure! Don't think anyone has done something like that in this format.
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[X] "Alkost Suro of the Word Bearers!"
+1 Intelligence, +1 Fellowship
Screw Rylanor, let's be inspired by Argel Tal, be a word bearer that actually knows how to fight, and possibly stop "Destiny's Hand" from being so successful.
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[X] "Hrar of the Night Lords 11th Company!"
+1 Perception, +1 Agility

Be Spooky Super Soldier.

[X] "Verronder of the Iron Warriors 17th Company!"
Or force the warp to do your bidding with science.
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Just a heads up:
I plan on ending the vote by June 16th, 11:00 PM CDT/GMT-5 unless something comes up in which i will delay the vote.
[X] "Hrar of the Night Lords 11th Company!"
[X] "Gostis Tylion of the Emperor´s Children 9th Company!"
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[x] "Antasein Invica of the Thousand Sons 4th Fellowship!"

"A wizard is never late, nor early. He arrives precisely when he means to."

Be the wizard.