Character Creation
So this band of survivors have managed to reach the relative safety of a rural ranch. Now it is up to them to make their own fate, and survive in a world where humanity is no longer the apex predator. Speaking of survivors, who are they?
Now onto the part you all have been waiting for: character creation. Now, the sex, height, weight, description and backstory of your character is up to the individual quester, but where it gets complicated is PT and IT. I will describe what I mean below. I would also like to shout out
@I.F. Ister for inspiring this character creation and quest.
Player Tokens
Player points are what character is good at, and what makes them a survivor, each player starts with 4 PT, but new players get +1 for each in game half year afterwards, as to let new players have a chance to compete with the long-time players. PT can be spent on one of 3 things.
Quite simple: what is the PC good at? Is it blacksmithing, chemistry, knife throwing, lock picking? Skills are as varied as real life, and could be anything (within reason), as long as it's consistent with your back story. Here are some examples.
-Archery Form
Do you want cat ears? A Snake's Tongue? perhaps Enhanced Senses? This is the portion for you. Mutations are very special at start due to one simple fact: this is the ONLY point you can get non-randomized mutation. If you select this, I will not roll on a table for it, you get to select one. Any mutations you receive later in quest can be negative or positive, and will be random.
Do you want to be a robot man? This is for you. Compact Bionic Modules, or Bionics in CDDA have a wide array of effects, and must be installed by either an auto-doc or experienced. You will get to skip the messy process of selecting a certified physician, and get to start with one! I cloud say what CMBs you can pick, but in CDDA there are over
120, so ill leave it up to you to pick what bionics you want.
A handy list of CBMs.
You start with 2 IT, and new players receive +1 per in game half year that happens. Item tokens can be spent on any item your character could CONCEIVABLY get. So a fireman cloud start with a fire axe, a mechanic could start with a wrench set, but a fast food worker cant start with a CMES Laser cannon, or power armor.
Make sure to think of what you would need, as skills will have to be learned the hard way, through experience and reading books, CBMs will need to be scavenged and installed correctly, mutations will be randomized, and all items need to be found and looted.
With that, character creation opens! There will be a 24 hour timer on voting, and i'm excited to see what you all come up with!