Rule The Waves 3 - A Graphical Experiment - Complete

[X] We should prioritise Fighters, carrying thirty for defence.

The threat of enemy air power must be respected; therefore we need to carry more fighters than we presently are. As for torpedo bombers versus dive bombers... yes, at the moment it seems that dive bombers are more dangerous, but by employing both, we force the enemy to react to more types of attacks; and the more threats they must react to, the greater the chances they make a lethal mistake. Fortunately, rejiggering our air groups should be faster than repairs and refits, and can likely be done whilst the ships are making good their damages. The Reichsmarine will not be given a chance to leverage our losses!
[X] We should prioritise Fighters, carrying thirty for defence.

We'll only need to split five down from each bomber type, and I don't trust dive-bombers.
[X] We should prioritise Fighters, carrying thirty for defence.

Beef up the CAP. The time has come. We need enough fighters aboard to both protect the ship and provide escort to our air strikes, based on the amount of air-to-air combat that took place.
Oh What A Horrible War
Adhoc vote count started by 4WheelSword on May 14, 2024 at 7:26 AM, finished with 9 posts and 9 votes.

Should this be changed? We should prioritise Fighters, carrying thirty for defence.

Better Defences
Sweeping changes are made to the carriers air wings, significantly increasing the proportion of fighters available to protect them from enemy action while still maintaining forty strike aircraft for conducting their primary mission. We also request a new, faster Medium Bomber that will better be able to respond to changing conditions at sea and still conduct strike operations successfully.

Protests are held across France, demanding an end to this war, seemingly unaware of the fact that with enemies on (almost) every border, we are fighting for the republics survival. We shift our war strategy to one of raiding and lay down more submarines. If our enemies will attempt to starve us, then we will starve them faster and with less interest in their civilian population.

In two months, the Soviets manage to catch and sink a pair of German carriers for only minimal losses incurred amongst their own forces. Meanwhile, three French Super Cruisers join a squadron of American Super Cruisers in a blockade mission off the South Coast of England. Majesteux, Ulysse and Veterane are joined by USS Hawaii, USS Oriskany and USS Independence, the latter of which is a massive 45,000 tons but carries an odd array of 275mm guns. The six of them sail in formation until the British come out to meet them, first with three Incomprable-class Super Cruisers and then a pair of German ships, the Stralsund and the Graf Spee. Settling into the fight at 15,000 metres, the three French ships with their quad 350mm guns make a good showing, landing hit after hit on the German and British Cruisers. Eventually, however, the British squadron turns away and then the bombers arrive. Weighed down with Torpedoes and Bombs, then conduct a series of raids on the distant enemy ships, and report at least three hits.

The Gigantic USS Independence with her heavy AA Armament

By the end of the day, the Irresistible and the Inflexible return to Portsmouth with heavy damage, listing and smoking, while the French ships dock in Brest in good order. A good battle, and one that maintains the blockade of Britain comfortably, even if the USS Oriskany was badly damaged in the proceedings.

Army Dreaming
The Armee de Terre, emboldened by the successes at sea and the blockade, request a diversion of funding in order to conduct a general offensive along the German front. We approve, knowing that we have time to repair our ships and bring in more supplies.

The Japanese Prime Minister announces that this will be a total war, one fought until the bitter end. We continue to ignore the Pacific front unless and until it becomes something we actually have to think about. We will have to reconsider once the war in Europe is over but right now we have other things at the forefront of our minds.

And then the United States conduct one of the greatest betrayals we will possibly ever face. They negotiate a peace with our enemies, pulling out of the war and sailing back to the continental United States without another word. Atlante, a Vengeur-class Super Cruiser currently at sea raiding the swollen British convoys, was expecting to rendezvous with an American oiler for resupply and is left at sea without fuel. She attempts to return home, but is forced to scuttle rather than be captured. We are left without half the forces we were relying on and immediately pull back into significantly more defensive positions, giving up the blockade of Britain and Germany.

The Armee's offensive, missing vital supplies from across the Atlantic, falters and then fails. Casualties are high, especially amongst armoured units that are suddenly short of fuel. Defensive positions are established, but not before thousands are returned home dead or injured. Tensions in the Metropole are at a fever pitch, and if we do not seek a peace soon, we may be without a nation to lead. At least the Soviets, secure in their massive landmass, are having more success, sinking a large Armoured Cruisers and a Japanese Super Cruiser, the Iburi.

Iburi as built in 1920

Salvage Operations
We begin making good on what we have. Bois Bellau arrives in the fleet and is equipped in short order with 35 fighters, 20 dive bombers and 20 torpedo bombers. More carriers will be arriving soon and, perhaps, we will be able to make good use of them to fight the rest of this shocking war. However, in making our preparations to fight on, we are faced with several questions:

How should we conduct submarine operations?
[ ] With the Americans out, we must press what little advantage we have - order the captains to sink ships indiscriminately.
[ ] Maintain the prize rules. We must win this war on the physical and the moral planes.

We have budget becoming available. Where do we allocate our spending?
[ ] Submarines, more submarines.
[ ] Anti-submarine ships and mine hunters
[ ] Aircraft above all else!
[ ] Protected Cruisers built for long distance raiding
[ ] Something else - Write in
And then the United States conduct one of the greatest betrayals we will possibly ever face. They negotiate a peace with our enemies, pulling out of the war and sailing back to the continental United States without another word. Atlante, a Vengeur-class Super Cruiser currently at sea raiding the swollen British convoys, was expecting to rendezvous with an American oiler for resupply and is left at sea without fuel. She attempts to return home, but is forced to scuttle rather than be captured. We are left without half the forces we were relying on and immediately pull back into significantly more defensive positions, giving up the blockade of Britain and Germany.
They're just the worst ally in this game, christ.
Fuck it, let's try to starve the fash (and Brits) out.

[X] With the Americans out, we must press what little advantage we have - order the captains to sink ships indiscriminately.
[X] Submarines, more submarines.
Agreed on the rules of engagement, but with us pulling back the blockades on both Germany and England I think I'd prefer more surface ships to try and contest a hypothetical blockade around us, and maybe make those the sub hunters to try and keep theirs away from our shipping.

[X] With the Americans out, we must press what little advantage we have - order the captains to sink ships indiscriminately.
[X] Anti-submarine ships and mine hunters
[X] With the Americans out, we must press what little advantage we have - order the captains to sink ships indiscriminately.
[X] Submarines, more submarines.
[X] With the Americans out, we must press what little advantage we have - order the captains to sink ships indiscriminately.
[X] Submarines, more submarines.
[X] Maintain the prize rules. We must win this war on the physical and the moral planes.

[X] Aircraft above all else!

We don't need a Lusitania-style incident dragging the Americans back in against us.
[X] With the Americans out, we must press what little advantage we have - order the captains to sink ships indiscriminately.
[X] Submarines, more submarines.

We're becoming germans ew
[X] With the Americans out, we must press what little advantage we have - order the captains to sink ships indiscriminately.
[X] Anti-submarine ships and mine hunters
[X] Maintain the prize rules. We must win this war on the physical and the moral planes.
[X] Anti-submarine ships and mine hunters

RNJesus manifestly hates us in this playthrough, we dare not risk another Lustitanaia incident; and if we make our ASW ships more cheap and cheerful destroyers, they'll have some additional use in countering the blockade and such.
[X] With the Americans out, we must press what little advantage we have - order the captains to sink ships indiscriminately.
[X] Submarines, more submarines.
That's valid; and we're certainly at a sweat-worthy moment.

Also, using UA: D to generate pictures of the various ships has been really cool; that part of this experiment has been a rousing success, in my opinion
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