Have any other people within the galaxy gotten super powers from Big E even if we're not likely to meet them?
How much does the MC still look human (I've kind of had the picture of a skeleton gunslinger in my head tbh)?
Since daemons are basically living emotions/stories, would being forced to feel fear change them into a different daemon or something?
Does getting drunk count as being poisoned?

The Emperor is slowly falling apart and thus pieces of his soul (with attendant possibly madness-granting powers) are likely to be found in a few places.

Exactly how the main character appears is open to interpretation and change - drawing on the powers of the Corpse Emperor could very well make one appear to be a corpse themselves, exposed ribcage and all, but it could also reinforce their ego and self-image to make them look increasingly 'perfect'.

You will start out looking mostly mortal, save perhaps for your death wounds, and where things go from there will depend on how you choose to relate to your own (im)morality in quest.
[X] The Contemptuous Scribe

Here is why. I want to see their faces when the nobles are reduced to penury through bureaucratic trickery. I want to see their satisfaction reduced to ashes as their wealth is destroyed.

You can't shoot wealth and power in the face, but you can cause ruinous wounds as terrible as death to it and its holders with a dark word and enough spite.

I like the Scribe because of her spite.

I mean does old age count?
Not usually. Abyssals come about from violent or disturbing deaths - deprivation, murder, suicide from despair, torture, and callous disregard.
[X] The Contemptuous Scribe

I did put it among my top 3 for a reason. Being able to unfuck systems will do immense good for the Imperium.
[X] The Forsaken Templar

I think the daybreak anima lends itself to some really dramatic scenes
The Imperium of Man has rarely if ever lacked the martial might to win its battles. The Imperium has also never had the administrative capacity to do more than win battles. It was designed as a weapon of conquest for the hand of a man who then became unable to wield it and then it rotten for ten thousand years.
I will say that the Daybreak Anima is the most dramatic that doesn't kinda short-circuit a scene. Like, a warp portal's cool but, "Nah, I'd rather not be here" is more a scene ender than a dramatic inflection point.

The Imperium of Man has rarely if ever lacked the martial might to win its battles. The Imperium has also never had the administrative capacity to do more than win battles. It was designed as a weapon of conquest for the hand of a man who then became unable to wield it and then it rotten for ten thousand years.

Sure, sorta, but it should be noted that the Imperium did have an absurdly huge bureaucracy... it's just that it existed for the purpose of causing as much pointless misery as possible, and a level of fine-grained nonsense that'd need an even bigger bureaucracy than that to manage in the way they've decided to make things work.

Every option is kinda part of the problem because something something Ethical Consumption, but there's something to be said for the kind of direct experience with being shit on that comes from being a Hive-born person that's the sort who'd be in a gang, etc.
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