Sorry for the long delay - I'd written most of the update, only to have everything get deleted, which wasn't great for my motivation. So, I've redone the numbers on basically all the actions, making them take less time and progress to complete, as well as adding a few new sections - espionage and security. The only actions that are unmodified are the ones you've already invested in, and some of the construction actions.
By turn 3, I'm hoping to have a section for political actions, as well as one for more legal methods of competing with LexCorp.
As always, please feel free to let me know if you have questions or suggestions, and thanks for bearing with me after such a lengthy break.
-[X] Recruitment Actions
--[X] Go on a recruitment drive (Unskilled) (0/100) 2 AP $30
Rolled: 2D100 => 62
If there's one bonus to living in a decrepit city with sky high poverty and falling employment, it's that it's not particularly hard to find people in need of work. Stagg Industries 'relocated' several Gotham factories to South America soon after you announced your employment drive, letting you snap up a number of experienced workers. You're still onboarding, but you assume you'll be welcoming at least several hundred new employees in the next few months.
Progress: (62/100)
Gained 200 staff (Core)
--[X] Hire Security Staff (0/100) 2 AP $30
Rolled: 2D100 => 59
In a city like Gotham, getting fired as a police officer is next to impossible - unless you commit the cardinal sin of the GCPD: Integrity. Looking through a list of ex-cops, you find plenty of people thrown out for reporting corruption or brutality - or a "lack of teamwork capabilities" as the GCPD would put it. You've found yourself an exhaustible, but surprisingly abundant, source of manpower.
Progress: (59/100)
Gained 100 staff (core)
Progress towards improving Wayne Industries security level
Fuuuuuuck. The Court of Owls this early? The Bats only a fledgling, he is not ready to fight Talons.
So for some reason it didn't click with me until earlier today that this is how we get more dice per turn so after having something in my brain turn over and go clunk and spending a good while thinking over this, the earlier discussion about funnelling money towards Bruce's crusade and some consideration about the espionage actions I'm going to make the following changes to my plan 1. swap Research the other divisions for Research gifted potential hires 2. raise Financial Magic to $300 3. drop Intel Gathering (Subtle) and focus both of Catwomans actions on Court Double Agents and 4. put an Illicit AP Renovate the cave - Step 1.[] Research gifted potential hires: In Gotham and abroad, there are many extraordinarily talented people who would make for an asset to the company, be they brilliant scientists, business experts, or security specialists. It might be worth searching for any interesting individuals (0/30)
Cost $10 per Action Point
Excuse me QM @Tjf, where's the option to tell Bruce about Catwoman?
You're right - I figured it was best to just get the chapter out, or I would have gone over it again and again and never ended up posting.You've got errors from redoing it from memory. Others have already pointed out two, but for me the one that sticks out is that now I don't know if you remember what you wanted to call labor OOC like you did here
You're totally right - I forgot. I'll edit the option into the chapter in a bit.
Sorry I haven't gotten to it yet - of course, the moment I get free time, I get sick.
[] Inform Bruce Wayne about the Cat Woman: Wayne doesn't seem to care much about the company, but he might have thoughts about you teaming up with a criminal. It could be best to see him and inform him of what you're doing before he figures it out by himself. (Free)
Sure thing I just need to ask the QM a question first.@F0lkL0re, could you please add telling Bruce about Selina to your plan?
If you do, we'd better try and grab the more sensitive info, so we have something to bring to Bruce to say that Lexcorp deserves what they're getting.Sure thing I just need to ask the QM a question first.
@Tjf just to make sure I've got it right the Inform Bruce Wayne about the Cat Woman action doesn't require AP does it?
You're right - I figured it was best to just get the chapter out, or I would have gone over it again and again and never ended up posting.
I'll make the changes next turn - still have to remember what I ultimately decided to go with.
P.S.S: Does anyone know better terms I can use than "unskilled" and "skilled" labor? I don't really like implication behind them, but I can't really think of a better term.
The proper if still unofficial terms are Core, Specialist and Elite.
Core Workers are workers you need to keep the business running, Specialist Workers are workers who you need to keep the business functioning as they are the ones who maintain the internal machinery of it and Elite Workers are workers that make business up out of market analysis, fiduciary obligations, financial regulation and whatever else they think of throwing into their idea pile.
No, it doesn't. It says it's a free action.@Tjf just to make sure I've got it right the Inform Bruce Wayne about the Cat Woman action doesn't require AP does it?
No, it doesn't. You're good.Sure thing I just need to ask the QM a question first.
@Tjf just to make sure I've got it right the Inform Bruce Wayne about the Cat Woman action doesn't require AP does it?