Warhammer Fantasy: Thirteen Tolls - An Apocalypse Quest

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I'm not sure why, but this has been my favorite update to read so far. The ceremony for the Everyman, the subdued yet omnipresent presence of Morr, the after party showcasing how normal life could have been here in the Twin Cities. Beautiful.
I also I like he dosent seen bother we have use the chaos-god-sword-of-atheism. You know...the kind of thing it bother people
How about this?

We know the killing blow is coming, we know it cannot be stopped. Therefore, how do we deflect the killing blow such that when it falls, it will not be the end of us, of our people? How do we hijack the ritual so that it can be survived? Whatever the price of such survival might be?

We cannot save the poor, the innocent, the desperate, or the downtrodden by ourselves. Any ratlines we create can only save a fraction of the people. To save the most, we must instead draw our sword as the Princeps has drawn his and deflect his killing blade, though the wound may be grievous, at least we will continue in some form, with our souls and minds and bodies relatively intact.
Skaven don't exist until Horned Rat does. But unless you're arguing full-on "Chaos Gods always existed in the warp so they'd always be born" recursive Archeon stuff, we're still doing proper Warhammer Fantasy rules.

And you can kill Gods in Fantasy. You just need to be a bold, badass, bad-enough-dude and not cower in the face of hellish horrors.
Skaven don't exist, but Skavor does.

In the oldest of old lore that dwarven god, forlorn and abandoned and seemingly betrayed, becomes the horned rat.

We don't just have to kill an unborn god, we have to kill an unevolved one.
In the oldest of old lore that dwarven god, forlorn and abandoned and seemingly betrayed, becomes the horned rat.

Dont think he is a changing god but probably another sacrifice to hornet rat.

Also the hornet rat often have four aspect: shadow killer(eshin), mutator(Mulder),creator(Skrye) and spreader(pestilen) were this four aspect come from?

I think the issue is that we have just survive, reunite information or just hit each now and them
I think making the question simple is a priority. I think a simple "How can I save the most people I possibly can" is a good one in regards to that. There may be a hidden solution we haven't explored, or a trap ready to snap shut around us that we could not have predicted without Morr's help, and so hopefully this susses those out.
I think before we ask something, I want to ask you stuff

What IS our duty?

we peak duty, is clear some people here manage xeno for love to people or for fury against princep and the civilization on himself. but that aint posible anymore so Duty it is, question its....what is our duty?

To stop the plot?

To save as many people?

To destroy the princeps?

Many of this reject the others, the former means we focus on the idea we can stop the plot and "save the day" which is a closer to a high fantasy series like sigmar, the second we can do but is very much admiting we forfit the city and what we can do about it and focus on saving the people, the third one is more material but it get us face to face with the monsters

Why I said this? because this:

The black-robed figure tilts its head. You have a vision of you falling from the Tower. You have another, pushing someone off. Another, you inside, holding the Princeps dying. Another, the Princeps striking you down. The monster in the Tower tears you to pieces, then, you rip out its heart. The Tower falls, and every light in the world goes out.

This is no one fate but many, a sort of two side coint dilema if you will: in one we fall into many dooms, ether someone pushed from thr other, you destroy the other and the monster destroy you.

It seen we are in a fucrum in history, that moment that can decide a lot.

So my question is this

[X] Can we reach the edge of the coin?

Like....sometimes we can avert faith, alcadizzar foil nagash becoming a god of death after all, Malekith was tharted and hell even it happen in reverse thanks to Manfred betrayal.
I'd ask if we can actually save the twin cities. We know OOC the answer is almost certainly no, but having it confirmed would still be valuable, and certainly immensely impactful from a narrative standpoint.
Like if we want to hurt the princeps and the red then we should just acept ambrosious and help him in his quest.

If is about helping more people then that would take us in the underworld of the twin cities, meaning that YES, we do have to save the beastman* and strike against the slaver and more.

If we want to halt or damage the ritual...well that can be done, we did when he banish the plant god(as I said before, I belive that is so far the first and only hit we got against the god) maybe if we do the same it will starve.

But all have his up and down and whatever we save, something else will perish.
... How can we allow eternal rest to as many souls of this city, instead of eternal torment under this new God?

Sounds like a question that fits with Morrite duty. Allow not force, but at this point collateral is welcome, frankly... wait! How about:

How can we destroy of the gods of this city (Princess, Skavor) as much as possible?

Harm prevention through maximizing harm.
I am a little concerned about how in our vision, bringing the tower down results in the snuffing out of all lights in the world, since I'm pretty sure those lights are souls.

I swear if this just a tortured vision way of saying the skaven are needed to prevent Nagash from killing the world with his grand necromantic ritual in the future I shall be very cross.
I am a little concerned about how in our vision, bringing the tower down results in the snuffing out of all lights in the world, since I'm pretty sure those lights are souls.

I swear if this just a tortured vision way of saying the skaven are needed to prevent Nagash from killing the world with his grand necromantic ritual in the future I shall be very cross.
I mean, the aftershocks of the Great Bell falling down when Quex moves the continents kill a lot of dwarves. By my understanding of the scenario, the continental shift causes major damage to the World's Edge Dwarfholds from below, and then the Grey Lords' Great Machine - of which the Great Bell is a major part - fucking explodes in the middle of a ritual, and the aftershocks batter those same holds from above. And we are in the middle of a ritual involving that same bell, right now. Interrupting the ritual might cause a massive, explosive cataclysm, is what I'm getting at.
Rather than just which question would give us the most use, I have to wonder which question he would actually have the answers for. Because if he knew exactly how how to kill this nascent abomination, or to save the cities, or whatever, he probably would have done more than just send vague visionsto one guy in range after the local cult capsized.
He's a god, but gods aren't all-knowing. Otherwise this situation never would have happened.

Maybe this one specific question is a case of him expending large amounts of power to give us whatever answer we seek through his domain of prophecy, so we really could ask anything, but we don't know that.

Questions he'd be sure to know about would be stuff like "How do we 'save' the souls of the Skavorites/provide them an a path to resting with him?", but that might also be something Xenophon already would have some idea of IC.
that might also be something Xenophon already would have some idea of IC.
Xenophon is not aware of any Morrite stricture that would preclude Dwarves from being buried per Morrite ritual and welcomed to Morr's afterlife. He however knows no examples of that actually ever happening, the closest being Kakrum trusting him with a peripheral part of the Gazulite funerary tradition. Further, he is also aware of some major discrepancies between Dwarven and Morrite burial traditions (for example, Dwarves seal their tombs permanently underground, while Morrite graves and catacombs are expected to be continually visited and tended to). Further he is not quite clear the link between the Underearth that Gazul guards and Morr's Realm, insofar as directing a soul to one would irrevocably and potentially problematically cut them off from the other, if they are connected, and all else that goes beyond the final Portal.
[X] How can we put the most souls of this city to rest, saving them from damnation of this city and it's gods?

A morrite asking a morrite question.
Princeps is the main problem, but there are other's here, too.
[X] How can we put the most souls of this city to rest, saving them from damnation of this city and it's gods?
[X] How can we put the most souls of this city to rest, saving them from damnation of this city and it's gods?
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