"Good." Your clone pauses for just long enough for a hint of tension to fill the air. "Now I don't normally do this, but your dedication has been... acceptable."
...I think Infinium is a bit of a tsundere. Or the god is just reflecting Leviathan, which is also valid.
Doctor Infinium
You the contracted will create a device with a complexity rating of at least 30 points. In exchange, pick a scientific effect of T5 or less. Forevermore you may incorporate it for one third of its usual cost.
Hmm. As other people have said, it's doable enough if we get some Weight, money and farm a bit of inspiration. We shouldn't do this one experimentally though, we should research the effects separately first so as not to risk losing inspiration on a whiff. But the real question what kind of T5 effect we want to make the cornerstone of our future endevours. I've seen people think about a generalised compatibility organ, but I think the
true cool thing is to make our T5 effect a creature creator tag of some sort. I've got a few ideas, but I'll put them in the end.
Now, since my favoured plan is contract-illegal I'll go ahead and post my own:
[X] Plan: View the Expedition
-[X] Skill training (Course of study) (Science (Biology)) (4 TAP)
-[X] Work: You have a clinic to run now. Pay based on Medicine + Surgery + Pharmacology roll (2 AP)
-[X] Draft a schematic (Tactical Retreat Injector (TRI)) (1 SAP)
--[X] Adrenaline booster: T2 Biology. Cost: 6, Benefit: +6 to Athletics (Running)
-[X] You are far too dignified to show off your new contract to your brother. That doesn't mean you can't hang out and act smug. (3 AP)
-[X] The expeditions will be starting soon. Get involved in the preparations. Figure out what will be needed and how to prepare. (4 turns remain) (3 AP)
-[X] Come up with a name for your new avian friend (Kutkh) (0 AP)
I think it's fine to do one social per turn, starting with our brother. The mercenaries can wait until we have Biology 5 (and maybe Science 4 too) so that we can guarantee getting the implant analysis right. But more than that, getting the info for the expeditions ahead of time is key, as otherwise we won't have the time to prepare properly. It seems like a big opportunity, after all, so it makes sense to invest in it.
The fancily named adrenaline booster is there because it's easy +2 inspiration once it comes up, yes? Field test it when running away for +1, then get another +1 for succesfully running away. Should only take 5 AP to craft or so. Useful too.
I think bird training shenanigans should wait until Animal Handling 2 (instead of 0), though that will have to wait until we have Biology 5 for unlocking the good stuff.
Our next god can likely be MD... and we probably should do MD pretty soon as well, considering that it will put us at 7 Weight, giving us 16.7% faster training. Plus the extra AP, which is 10% more time. More HP too, which is useful for safe(er) inspiration farming. I'll vote for it next turn.
...The bird name vote probably shouldn't be part of the plan vote, but what can you do.
@JayTar, I'd like to run the following effect ideas by you? Here:
Creature Chamber (T?)
A madman's idea of biology, this contraption is the outlet of the Sigma Technology, which combines the DNA of two different creatures seamlessly. For example, a porcupine and a rhino becomes a massive spiked beast which combines the best traits of both creatures, combining great strength and toughness with a weapon which makes even glancing hits from a charge deadly. The chamber itself uses a "blueprint" and flash-clones it into existence using vast amounts of energy and carbon after a period of charge-up, making the creature enter the world with a blinding flash of lightning.
Once upon a time, in another world, a madman tried to take over the world with an army of beasts made with this technology.
+Given energy and raw materials, flash clone creatures into existence which obey rudimentary commands from the controller of the chamber.
Protoform (T5)
A sphere made of shifting, interlocking bone plates, it contains within it the essence of a living creature. Fed a specially processed slurry of nutrients and biomass, it can quickly grow into a fully-sized creature as dictated by the DNA encoded in core while it is in its resting state. The mind is stored within the core and the creature can be bonded and trained with the knowledge kept between forms in case of the death or obsolesence of the generated body.
+Create a creature with a pre-designed form which can be bonded and trained.
+Core can be extracted and be used to generate a new body, which retains training and skills.
+Combine effect with others to enable the core to innately generate bodies with improved abilities related to the added effect.
Also, unrelated question: Does spending a single inspiration do nothing? Since it's divided by X?