Whatever He Choose (No SV, You are Jaime Lannister)

Damn, so Jaime spent 2 years trying to convince his dad to let him squire for someone? And he became a squire later than he originally does?

But don't worry... we can make up for lost time in our training by having Bobby B be our sparring buddy.
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I wish I could say I was filled to the brim with confidence. That I believed Jaime had ascended from his mortal plane and transformed into a lion god. Yet I doubt it.

Jaime was tired, he had been tirelessly witling down his father inch by inch. Breaking down his resolve by demonstrating his own. He would squire, with someone, anyone at this point. If he had to sit through one more lesson with uncle Kevan he may just fling himself from the cliffs. His training was the only thing keeping him sane at this point, the sweat beading down his face, his heart pounding so hard it is fit to burst. If he got that excited over simple sparring he could hardly wait until he faced real combat, to let the whole world silence, to hear only the beating of his heart and the flow of his own blood. He didn't dare assume it would be sunshine and rainbows, but he wouldn't be denied the sweet idea of it now.

He found himself seeking comfort with the caged lions after every abysmal day of fruitlessly trying to convince his father to let him leave. He found the simplicity of animals endearing, their nature on show for all to see. No secrets. No games. Not like his sister, he still loved her deeply but he just can't shake this feeling that her love for him isn't the same. Ever since his trip to Kings Landing, he just didn't feel her calling to him, not like she used to. He had discovered his purpose, to be the very greatest, and the sweet and seducing allure of his sister grew foggier every day.

Whilst Jaime idled himself in the presence of the beasts beneath the Rock, he heard a familiar voice call out to him. He almost tucked tail and ran than gaze upon the ever serious and pinched face of his uncle Kevan, but was met instead by his uncle yes. Not Kevan, but Tygett. Jaime had no grand opinion of his uncle, he doubted anyone did as harsh as that sounded. Also it's set during the two year timeskip.

"This is no place for children, boy." Jaime could barely hide his annoyance, he was not fond of that word however true it may be.

"I just…came to visit the lions, they must get lonely down here. Mustn't they?" Jaime responded with as confident a voice as he could muster. He didn't want to submit meekly to his uncle, especially for something as harmless as looking at a few lions. He would try to tame one if he didn't know better, a Lannister with a lion. There was never a better match conceived in his mind. Unfortunately, Tygett did not seem overly pleased and yet he said nothing. Glaring at Jaime with a look that he couldn't read, the silence quickly becoming unbearably awkward. Tygett finally broke it with a small sigh.

"These lions are cared for enough, I assure you. Now go on, and don't come down here again."

Jaime nodded weakly and scurried off, not that he was going to listen. He liked those damn lions, and they were the only animals around that were interesting. Weeks go by and Jaime is missing his lions, he would visit but Tygett watches him like a hawk around the Rock. On one particular day, Tygett glares as usual, but his look in his eye is different, lighter. He didn't expect him to summon Jaime to his chambers that day either. A million thoughts run through his head as he makes his way there. "Is he going to scold me? I haven't even done anything…yet. Although he was looking at me differently…yes, Yes! That's it. He knows I like the lions, so he got me a young one. To train for sure!"

Jaime strolled into Tygett's chambers with a smirk, he was right. He got him a falcon. Wait…what?

"W-What, what is that? That's not a lion." Jaime almost collapsed from sheer disappointment.

"A bird. A Peregrine Falcon. Who told you that you were getting a lion? Who told you that you were getting anything at all. This isn't yours, it doesn't belong to you."

Now Jaime was lost, a falcon wasn't very Lannister at all. No… it was. Jaime felt the ideas flow through his head like a river, the pieces coming together perfectly. He knew exactly who he could squire for.

"A lion…is too much for you boy. I want you to care for this bird, to respect it and when the time comes. Let it go. Perhaps it will teach you some responsibility, and be a better use of time than dawdling in the bowels."

Jaime couldn't agree fast enough. This was going to be a piece of cake, how hard could it be to train a bird?

P.S, sorry again. I know I'm not the best writer but since we are squiring for Jon the idea popped in my head. This is also one part of what I wanted to write, I was going to write Jaime starting to train the bird and suck at it. But I didn't want to clog the thread with something that people might not like. So I figured I'd just post this for fun in case it's not that good.
As I Grew
As I Grew:

You wondered just what made your father think about finally letting you out into the wider world, to show him that you were capable of something, anything even, of greatness and hope for this family.

Swordsmanship:D100 + 40 => 140

Was it your continued prodigious, in the words of the Maesters and the masters at arms, Swordsmanship? You were without a squireship, no master to train you personally, so all you had was time, and training, gathering yourself, and your own wishes.

You wanted to fight, so all you had to do, was simply fight, and fight, and fight, whoever came. Knights, squires, traveling blademen… all learned and sought out the Young Lion, even as you tried your best to downplay it. You just wanted to fight.

Everyone knew it, not to kill, and they all walked away with a newfound respect for you, and your Lord Father, if he ever really cared.

Uncle didn't care. But he made sure you remained on top of your studies.

And you didn't want to.

Reward: Swordsmenship upgraded to (A-) Rank.

Mounted Combat:D100 + 40 => 100

Or maybe it was because you were basically a fully-trained knight already. You did the chores of a knight. Did the cleaning, the training, and the horse riding.

You loved riding horses. One of your favorite things to do was take your horse, a Stalleon you called the Lightbringer, and ride around Casterly Rock, to Lannisport, and beyond, before being forced to come home.

You managed to ride 30 King's miles in an afternoon without hurting your horse… and it was a freeing sight… something incredible. But you always returned home. Because that was your duty.

But you learned how to be in the saddle, fight, and never leave it.

Reward: Horse Combat increased to B- Rank
Acting: D100 + 40 => 59

You thought it was…your ability to play the part.

But it would not be.


Stewardship:D100 + 40 => 136

Or perhaps…

It was just because you studied.

You did your best to help the thing. Helped Uncle. Work in Court. Maybe do something else.

Reward: Stewardship increased to C.

The Vale was something else entirely.

The mountains were entirely different from the Rock, and the hills of the Westerlands. They were cold. Very cold.

The fog hung on the tops of the mountains as you rose up on the elevator to the Gates of the Moon. And it was dark. The sun had not poked through the clouds in ages, and all you could see was the peaking bits of light…

And the five people at the Eyrie that were the most important to your stay.

Denys Arryn, the Lord's cousin, was doing something that you did not expect. He was helping with the elevator as if he enjoyed using the lever to bring it up. "Alright, he's up!"

Robert Baratheon was rather interesting. He was tall, broad, and very very happy to see you. "Oi, ned… come on, he's here."

Eddard Stark… Ned only huffed, and remained quiet, watching you with his glare. He was uncomfortable. But did not want to see what was going on.

Elbert swore something, but instead, he was slapped on the back of his head by Jon. "be quiet."

And finally, old Jon Arryn himself. He was ancient, even in a younger age, but he smiled, happy at your arrival. "Jaime." he said loudly. "Welcome to the Eyrie, and to the Vale itself."

You nodded and gave a bow. "Thank you ser." You replied as you stood up straight. "I'm hoping that my father's letter met you well?"

"It did, though I'm going to be honest, reading between the lines, he had no choice." He smiled. "You proved to your father that you would not cock it all up when he was gone, and he decided to let you out for glory and adventure."

"I'm hoping for a lot of that." You smiled.

Jon nodded. "Well not many tourneys to be had here, and I have responsibilities here… but… there are problems. Mountain Clansmen are raiding Gulltown and Redfort, we may need to deal with them if it comes to it… but if they are dealt with, there is a tourney at Saltpans… I'm sure we can go there for a nice tourney for you lads."

You smiled. "I'm not going to let you down my lord."

You have time for yourself, so time to use it.

Choose 2

[]Learn a new Skill: You want to try something new, and learn it.
-[]Write in

[]Train a Skill: You want to Master a skill you already know.
-[]Choose one of your skills.

[]Talk to the Other Wards: You want to speak to Robert and Eddard. See what they seem to think.

[]Talk to the Arryns: The Two Arryn boys are both very confident, and very capable, but both seem on edge for something… like they fear Lord Jon?

[]Talk to Lord Arryn: You want to speak to Lord Arryn, see why he accepted you.

[]Write home: You want to give a letter, and write one to your family.

Lord Arryn is riding to Redfort with Elbert, and Robert to fight the mountain Clans. Eddard and Denys are staying behind. Do you join them?

[]Join them: You want to fight in a real battle. Fighting these savages will be a good change of pace.

[]Stay Here: Something feels off… You have had dreams again, of Mother… and the Stranger. Something was coming.

AN: Enjoy and please vote in plan format please!
question: can we still progress Swordmanship by training (outside of Crit success) or do we need real fighting (actual battle or Melee?) to progress?
[X]Plan: Peers and Fighting
-[X]Talk to the Other Wards: You want to speak to Robert and Eddard. See what they seem to think.
-[X]Talk to the Arryns: The Two Arryn boys are both very confident, and very capable, but both seem on edge for something… like they fear Lord Jon?
-[X]Join them: You want to fight in a real battle. Fighting these savages will be a good change of pace.
At the end of the day, no dream can compare to the sweet feeling of cutting through some crazy hobos. I can respect that. Though I do wonder what could be coming, or maybe it's just a nothing burger trying to throw us off.
Dunno, the something is coming could be another treat that isnt the attack on Redfort like a group trying to attack the Eyre while Jon Is gone, or like a more distant threat like Aerys.
Ehm, what would happen if Aerys tried to get rid of Tywin? I mean, he is the hand of the king and is really powerful. By the way, is the defiance of Duskendale still on schedule?
At the end of the day, no dream can compare to the sweet feeling of cutting through some crazy hobos. I can respect that. Though I do wonder what could be coming, or maybe it's just a nothing burger trying to throw us off.
Never doubt the curves I can throw.

Cause oh boy will that be… interesting.

Ehm, what would happen if Aerys tried to get rid of Tywin? I mean, he is the hand of the king and is really powerful. By the way, is the defiance of Duskendale still on schedule?
Right now?

It would be seen as a dick move but Aerys has the clout to have it be accepted and everyone moves on.

After all… duskendale has yet to happen… but in saying that…

After Duskendale… well let's just say that if on Tywins canon response is how we're doing things with the roll that Aerys had when he was watching us?

He'd imprison Tywin and charge him with treason and burn him alive before killing us, Cersei and Tyrion…

Because let's just say he thinks old friend Tywin is trying to murder him.
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