Whatever He Choose (No SV, You are Jaime Lannister)

The Tournament
The Tournament:

[] Because I like fighting, I am great at it and I will become the Best if I continue doing it.

A moment passed, a heartbeat or more if you had to guess before you gave your answer. It was an answer, that, like all the others you had ever given, was impulsive… but it was the truth. The only truth that matters. "Because I like fighting, I am great at it and I will become the Best if I continue doing it."

Bonifar seemed to stop at those words as if contemplating those words. And he almost laughed at them, as if you had told a joke towards him, and were insulting him…

And then he shook his head, a smile on his face. "Then don't be afraid of failure. But now you are one mistake from death. And it will follow you like a specter, for the rest of your life."

Then Bonifar Left, and before you had a chance to go after him… he had seemingly disappeared.

[]Be with your father and sister: You will follow your father's orders.

The crowd was almost suffocating in their energy as you sat down next to Father and Cersei, and you were almost stopped…

You didn't want to be here, watching… and instead, you wanted to move away, towards the action, to smell the mud and the blood, and battle your own.

Yet your father was quiet, and his men were keeping you close. "Something is bothering you, Jaime? That fight?"

"Not as much as I suppose." You replied as the crowd seemed to become silent as the joust was about to begin. It was Ser Arthur vs some Crackhall knight that came with your father. It was not even close.

"You made a fool of yourself." He said. "The King had expressed interest in making you Rhaegar's Squire that is why we came here." He paused. "You ruined it. He claimed that you were not going to be strong enough or able enough to be a squire for the Prince."

You remained quiet. There was nothing about anything that they wanted to do. "The King railed how you were not strong enough. And how much of the court seemed to be making jokes about you, and me."

Your father seemed almost… wistful in his voice, lost in his own words before he realized what he was saying. "You have become an embarrassment. He does not wish for you to be here…"

At that, you found yourself slinking into your seat to try and not be seen. But Cersei was outspoken. "Father, you are the-"

"I know what I am, but that does not matter. The King demands that you leave Jaime back home." He said.

"Then what can I do? Sit with Uncle Kevan and try to learn the politics and the monotony of statecraft?"

Father almost chuckled, and it worried you. "The greatest lords of the past were the most able of politicians as well as warriors. It would be better for you to emulate those that came before you. It might do you well."

"But I don't want to stay at the Rock." You said as you stood. "I want to be a knight."

"You can be a knight and a lord as well." Father seemed to be adamant that he would be obeyed. Yet you did not move. Hells, you just stood there, looking at him, drawing attention to yourself and Father only sighed. "Sit down Jaime."

You sat and were not paying attention to the joust. You wanted to speak to your sister, about anything, mostly your frustrations. But instead, you were focused on the words Bonifar told you before he seemingly disappeared, and you wondered just what he meant.

Was he being facetious, and playing to old stories, or was there something else? You didn't know.

The Strange Finale:D100 => 3

Yet even as you thought about it, you did notice once thing that was quite strange, that you think no one noticed but you.

The King, Areys, never stopped looking at you. Never once in the hours of the tournament… did the man ever stop looking at you.

And all you could see was his wild eyes looking outwards… as if he wanted to hurt you.

You returned home to the Rock.

Father was keeping you here… and you didn't want to stay any longer.

What do you do?:

[]Complain: Father promised you would get to squire elsewhere, so you will make sure he honors that promise.

[]Politic: You will talk to father, and try to weasel you way into finding a solution that will benefit him, as well as let you leave.

[]Ask for Cersei's help: Your sister was always the better of the two of you at the whole politiking, maybe she can help you.

[]Write in
all omake and art gets roll bonuses, or skill upgrades. to a point.
Ok! Thanks.

[X]Complain: Father promised you would get to squire elsewhere, so you will make sure he honors that promise.

Who will Jaime will squire with? My guess is either a Westerland Lord or if Tywin wishes to build some alliance with other regions I would bet on Blackfish since he considered marrying Jaime to Lysa.
[X]Politic: You will talk to father, and try to weasel you way into finding a solution that will benefit him, as well as let you leave.

Fuck this shit I don't want to be in King's Landing anymore.
[X]Politic: You will talk to father, and try to weasel you way into finding a solution that will benefit him, as well as let you leave.
[X]Ask for Cersei's help: Your sister was always the better of the two of you at the whole politiking, maybe she can help you.

I just want to find out what crazy stuff Cersei will do.
[X]Write in: go questing, rather than sitting around letting your skills wane or going through the issues of politik you think you will instead make a name for yourself and win glory through traveling the Lannister lands. perhaps at most you might fight some bandits but even your father will agree that making a name for yourself among all levels of society within the lands in your own right will serve you better than being known as only another Lannister.
[X]Politic: You will talk to father, and try to weasel you way into finding a solution that will benefit him, as well as let you leave.
[X]Complain: Father promised you would get to squire elsewhere, so you will make sure he honors that promise.
Well, I can't say I'm surprised. As I said, fortune favors the bold. Our trip to KL was one big embarrassment for all parties involved. Too late now though. That being said, politicking is the way to go at this point. After embarrassing ourself and not making up for it, I doubt complaining will do anything to move Tywin despite promises he made. Cersei and Jaime just equal bad choices in general, and I don't want to owe her or make Jaime think he can't do these things and has to rely on Cersei.

Cersei is fun to read, but I think Jaime is just too impressionable rn to start having Cersei hold stuff over him.

Seriously praying we wind up at the tourney at storms end, just to make up for whatever that was. Aerys probs has his eyes on Jaime more than ever. For what reason though, I don't know.

[x] Politic: You will talk to father, and try to weasel you way into finding a solution that will benefit him, as well as let you leave.
[x] Politic: You will talk to father, and try to weasel you way into finding a solution that will benefit him, as well as let you leave.
[X]Politic: You will talk to father, and try to weasel you way into finding a solution that will benefit him, as well as let you leave.
[X]Ask for Cersei's help: Your sister was always the better of the two of you at the whole politiking, maybe she can help you.
[X] Politic: You will talk to father, and try to weasel you way into finding a solution that will benefit him, as well as let you leave.

Well people this is why you don't take unnecessary risks.

Regardless let's try to up his cunning so Jamie can become a cunning Warrior.
[X]Politic: You will talk to father, and try to weasel you way into finding a solution that will benefit him, as well as let you leave.