Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

[X] Plan A Better China with Uncle Victor
-[X] The Empress' Hand in Marriage.
--[X] As First Husband.
-[X] A Place in Her Administration.
--[X] Stewardship
-[X] Psionic Recruitment & Research Foundation on Chinese Soil.
-[X] The Taklamakan Desert Research Grant & Small Political/Trade Favors (For Charles).
As a "there is still 20ish hours left" compromise vote, I have constructed this new plan, which drops key extraction monopolies for things Charles and the Directorate want.

It does not have the mutual defense treaty, as I still do not find inadvertently escalating Anti-Psionic terrorism and us expanding our psionic efforts into both mainland China and soon enough Australia, spreading our security pretty thin, a good idea. I also still want the third learning action so we can develop Jaeger and Hashima tech trees faster.

My plan is the only one doing this, as there is a difference between our Piety research and Learning research. I feel getting more Stewardship and Learning now, and Piety later when we absorb New Heaven, is a much better balanced approach that again, does not spread our security quite so thin in the short and medium term as plans with Piety and the treaty which results in an escelation of Anti-Psionic Terrorism as Europe starts to feel cornered.
Why is the option with most votes the one with least rewards for us
There is a faction of voters leaning hard for trading as much of the reward as possible for good will with Charles and the Directorate. A bit overdone in my opinion and missing a few downsides. I'd suggest voting for one of the four main plans in opposition.
I suggest picking a favored vote from among the four in the lead specifically. Keep in mind that a place in her administration is control over Lihua's action pool, and we likely get to use at least one of her actions for personal projects. In particular, Stewardship likely has the greatest number of actions, and there is likely some overlap between Prosperity for her people and things profitable for lelouch, so even the actions tied up in obligations have some chance of benefiting us, and will earn Lihua's good will besides.
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Why do some people want Lelouch to be the first husband? We'd build a better relationship with her if we let Xingke take the top spot.
Isn't Piety position in China redundant considering our plans for Australian cult?
Mostly. And we most likely will only get a single AP for China Piety actions. For the simple reason that Lihua most likely has 3 actions in Martial, Diplomacy and Stewardship (due to being her focus and stronger points of China), 2-3 in Intrigue (due to lesser focus and not having a loyal spymaster), 2 in Learning (I doubt it is 3 as China isn't focused on tech) and 1 Piety due to being ignored.
Isn't Piety position in China redundant considering our plans for Australian cult?
Redundant, risky given it forces us to spread our security between facilities in mainland China, Caledonia, and Australia in the medium term, extra risky in conjunction with with the Treaty which escalates Europe Espionage in response to Europe feeling more cornered than ever. It's sort of a plan that does as much as possible to get in the good books of our new allies while vastly over extending and overfocusing on piety.

[ ] Plan A Better China on the other hand gets us at least one of Lihua's stewardship actions to play with to build up Australia faster once we take control(we can practically start this turn with the crowns and having the majority outside the big three rapped up over the course of turns 12 & 13 likely) and a third Learning action for Hashima(rocket) and Jaeger(Psionic) tech now, and New Heaven for Piety later, plus Eezo monopoly for fully active Piety workshop.

Why do some people want Lelouch to be the first husband? We'd build a better relationship with her if we let Xingke take the top spot.
A variety of reasons. Interest in the greater drama, interest in interacting with Lihua more even if things start off a bit Rocky, Security in the knowledge our SL will still be high given Chinese civil war was a crisis event for her, we did far better than expected, given the more than 2 dozen rolls over 100 that followed the page 600 info post.

Some of the plans support is interest in the stewardship ministry, the more balanced and less risky set of rewards favoring efforts in more than just piety.

some of it may be the funnies at the thought of pulling this again with Euphemia, Kaguya, and Cornelia to become the quadruple first Consort :V
Mostly. And we most likely will only get a single AP for China Piety actions. For the simple reason that Lihua most likely has 3 actions in Martial, Diplomacy and Stewardship (due to being her focus and stronger points of China), 2-3 in Intrigue (due to lesser focus and not having a loyal spymaster), 2 in Learning (I doubt it is 3 as China isn't focused on tech) and 1 Piety due to being ignored.
Indeed, we have heard nothing of Psionics in China, and on the whole the super polity seems to be rather independent initiative in terms of who uses it and doesn't from nation to nation. I imagine it's a mix of the Die off of regional taoism, competition from south asian Buddhism, and China's frequent collapse into independent warring states and reformation into new dynasties, when it's the concentration of Royal or noble blood that increases Psionic latency, would be the likely explanation for it's lack of prominence.
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@Slayer Anderson a question about the state psionics in the Federation: would it also include India, even if not as directly as the Chinese mainland? Because checking on what you have written on them, their culture sees psionics fairly positively, at least when it appears in the higher castes.

Also, I'm thinking that some sort of cooperation with Tibet might help, if we manage to actually visit the place also on the personal business we have with them already. Basically I'm thinking that geographical proximity would hopefully allow accelerating the development of the Federation mainland's own psionic development, if we are there to arrange things and give it a push. Combine with having a permanent Directorate presence? Hopefully enough to make it not too taxing effort if we play things right.
@Slayer Anderson a question about the state psionics in the Federation: would it also include India, even if not as directly as the Chinese mainland? Because checking on what you have written on them, their culture sees psionics fairly positively, at least when it appears in the higher castes.
It's not an automatic inclusion, but you could work up to it without too much difficulty.

A few actions, bribes, or blackmail (some combination thereof) would do the job.
Also, I'm thinking that some sort of cooperation with Tibet might help, if we manage to actually visit the place also on the personal business we have with them already. Basically I'm thinking that geographical proximity would hopefully allow accelerating the development of the Federation mainland's own psionic development, if we are there to arrange things and give it a push. Combine with having a permanent Directorate presence? Hopefully enough to make it not too taxing effort if we play things right.
None of which does anything to resolve spreading our security thin, and expecting the directorate to get involved in Chinese Piety is a bit unrealistic given their already spread thin before the OSI losses, protecting this new thought elevator reconstruction site, and fending off increased Anti-Psionic Espionage as a result of the treaty.

There is going to be ground work. What's there won't be what Lelouch is using, and he'll need to establish himself to a degree, and deal with mixed priorities. We already have the integration of New Heaven and reform into a more civilized living state ahead of us. We don't need the responsibility of building China's Psionic culture on top of that, let alone the vulnerability from spreading our Ninja's thin defending China and Australia and New Caledonia.
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None of which does anything to resolve spreading our security thin, and expecting the directorate to get involved in Chinese Piety is a bit unrealistic given their already spread thin before the OSI losses, protecting this new thought elevator reconstruction site, and fending off increased Anti-Psionic Espionage as a result of the treaty.

There is going to be ground work. What's there won't be what Lelouch is using, and he'll need to establish himself to a degree, and deal with mixed priorities. We already have the integration of New Heaven and reform into a more civilized living state ahead of us. We don't need the responsibility of building China's Psionic culture on top of that, let alone the vulnerability from spreading our Ninja's thin defending China and Australia and New Caledonia.
My idea here is that we offer to work with the Directorate here, and use them as a core to grow our own version inside the Federation. Make it an investment to them by growing a native psionic knowledge base that works on this particular Thought Elevator, so that they won't need as much of their own personnel there in the future. While the need for secrecy would limit the growth to a degree, I'm pretty sure that Charles and Victor would be willing to bend a bit if it will facilate both a deepening alliance between the two factions and a greater degree of psionic development in humanity.

And all of this is made more attractive due to the unique advantages Lelouch has, by having access to the memories of a person with first-hand understanding how the Thought Elevators were built and how they should work. If they can work together with him in building a working institutional knowledge base about them... Yeah, lets say that I'm pretty confident about our negotiation position.
I'm distinctly starting to regret that crit landing in homecoming. Charles and the Directorates influence on the vote is definitely skewing our priorities somewhat. Over fixating on Psionics and the directorate and winning Charles favor.
My idea here is that we offer to work with the Directorate here, and use them as a core to grow our own version inside the Federation. Make it an investment to them by growing a native psionic knowledge base that works on this particular Thought Elevator, so that they won't need as much of their own personnel there in the future. While the need for secrecy would limit the growth to a degree, I'm pretty sure that Charles and Victor would be willing to bend a bit if it will facilate both a deepening alliance between the two factions and a greater degree of psionic development in humanity.

And all of this is made more attractive due to the unique advantages Lelouch has, by having access to the memories of a person with first-hand understanding how the Thought Elevators were built and how they should work. If they can work together with him in building a working institutional knowledge base about them... Yeah, lets say that I'm pretty confident about our negotiation position.
Why are we growing our own version in China rather than Australia? If we want a secret Psionic society modeled after the directorates methods that likely follow hierarchy similar to the Ancient Psionic civilization, then wouldn't the cities of New Heaven in Australia be the logical place to start as an area we can reshape with impunity once we defeat there leader?

Doesn't that run into the immediate problem of making our own directorate not necessarily aligning with what Lihua thinks is good for her people and potential cultural obstacles? I feel your overly optimistic about pulling this off in the CF.

Negotiation leverage means little if the person your negotiating with can't sell you what you want. The directorate doesn't have the spare manpower to shift to aiding Lelouch between the new site, ramping up security in Britannia, the losses suffered during the assassination, and another thought elevator to guard, as Anti-Psionic attacks ramp up in response to the treaty. Honestly, between all this there probably going to be undermanned without divertimg people to assisting Lelouch.
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And all of this is made more attractive due to the unique advantages Lelouch has, by having access to the memories of a person with first-hand understanding how the Thought Elevators were built and how they should work. If they can work together with him in building a working institutional knowledge base about them... Yeah, lets say that I'm pretty confident about our negotiation position.
We don't have the memories of the creator of the Thought Elevators. We have the memories of the student of a student. And those memories are fragmented and we are still recovering them. Here is the quote about our relation to the the creator of the Thought Elevators:
"Van-Rannen," you breathe, your mind unlocking some deeper part of memories that weren't entirely yours. "The Trees of Van-Rannen."

Charles' gaze reoriented on you intently. "A phrase to that effect has come up several times, Lelouch. Would you happen to have more information on the subject."

You blink rapidly as flashes of scenes roll over your mind's eye and you shake yourself as you reach up and massage your temples. You barely notice Marianne begin to rise, but held back by your father as you try to draw the information into a cohesive whole. "They were... defensive. We - they - used them to quell slave rebellions, stop natural disasters, and help with large-scale construction projects. They were only altered recently - right before they fell - to account for asteroid impacts."

You reach for more and the memories slip through your grasp like sand between your fingers.

You grimace, one final shred coming through. "I-I think... the ancestor... or teacher? The person who created the artifact, I think the person who taught them, or the person that taught that person might have been Van-Rannen."

You are being very optimistic about our abilities and available resources. Slayer did confirm that your choices would be in line with your goals. What wasn't mentioned due to the "training wheels being off" is how much work it will take to accomplish your goals using the position as the Piety Advisor.
Remember our super success with the shinobi that lead to us having a 3rd Intrigue action? How many turns and actions we needed to spend to get that action. The Piety advisor will most likely either eat up our personal Piety actions to get it up and running (and maybe diplomatic actions for contacting the Chinese Federation psionic based groups) or we will still be setting it up 5 turns from now.

The difference between Stewardship and Piety is do we want to be the influential servant in the Capital or the ruler in the Wasteland. We have more freedom in the wasteland but to turn it prosperous will require a lot of work.
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People are once again doing the same thing that happened back during the finale of the Indonesian Conference: taking a reward that offers benefits only in the long term and after a significant amount of effort is used into getting there and insisting that those benefits can actually be gotten in the short term and with little effort, despite the fact that said belief isn't actually true (in the case of the Indonesian Conference, that was either of the port rewards, be it the Indonesian one or the Chinese one).
As it is, the only plan that has the Stewardship advisor position and still has a chance to overtake the plans that are hyperfocused on long term is Plan A Better China, so if you want to ensure that the Stewardship advisor position reward is taken, then vote for that plan.
Why are we growing our own version in China rather than Australia? If we want a secret Psionic society modeled after the directorates methods that likely follow hierarchy similar to the Ancient Psionic civilization, then wouldn't the cities of New Heaven in Australia be the logical place to start as an area we can reshape with impunity once we defeat there leader?
Because even beyond the psionic and psionic technological development, I also want to spread the positive stance on psionics to the Federation as a whole. As they will most likely modernize and open up globally under Lihua's rule, having them weight on the matter will be most useful for spreading the message of pro-psionics. Not to mention the sheer number of people they have, with untapped potential.
We don't have the memories of the creator of the Thought Elevators. We have the memories of the student of a student. And those memories are fragmented and we are still recovering them. Here is the quote about our relation to the the creator of the Thought Elevators:
Good thing we are meant to work towards unlocking the Code very, very soon. If we don't see yet another spike in Lelouch's power and understanding about psionics, I will be very disappointed. And even without it, Lelouch is still the expert on the whole planet on this subject at the moment. Even fragmented memories is much better than what Charles, C.C. and Victor are working with, at least based on their reactions.

Also, we have Kenshin. That mad scientist is already providing preliminary results that are proving his worth, not to mention the curveballs like psychic trees.
You are being very optimistic about our abilities and available resources. Slayer did confirm that your choices would be in line with your goals. What wasn't mentioned due to the "training wheels being off" is how much work it will take to accomplish your goals using the position as the Piety Advisor.
Remember our super success with the shinobi that lead to us having a 3rd Intrigue action? How many turns and actions we needed to spend to get that action. The Piety advisor will most likely either eat up our personal Piety actions to get it up and running (and maybe diplomatic actions for contacting the Chinese Federation psionic based groups) or we will still be setting it up 5 turns from now.

The difference between Stewardship and Piety is do we want to be the servant in the Capital or the ruler in the Wasteland. We have more freedom in the wasteland but to turn it prosperous will require a lot of work.
Which is why I'm not planning on starting from the scratch, but instead drawing on nothing, but multiple sources. India, Tibet, Lelouch's own cult researchers. And the Thought Elevator offers a good reason to give to Lihua for a reason to give us more resources to collaborate and at the same time, learn from the Directorate. Because I don't think she will want to fall off from the psionic industrial and warfare developments, with what all that it has to offer.
People are once again doing the same thing that happened back during the finale of the Indonesian Conference: taking a reward that offers benefits only in the long term and after a significant amount of effort is used into getting there and insisting that those benefits can actually be gotten in the short term and with little effort, despite the fact that said belief isn't actually true (in the case of the Indonesian Conference, that was either of the port rewards, be it the Indonesian one or the Chinese one).
As it is, the only plan that has the Stewardship advisor position and still has a chance to overtake the plans that are hyperfocused on long term is Plan A Better China, so if you want to ensure that the Stewardship advisor position reward is taken, then vote for that plan.

My objection to a better China is that our new waifu would be angry at us for keeping her beloved out of the first husband position. Not a good way to start off a relationship with her. My plan was specifically designed to get us a back door to everything everyone wanted. It's not perfect but it's better than nothing.
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Personally I'm happy with Left Hand winning, while it doesn't have stewardship, it at least includes a minister position, along with it having the second husband position, the treaty and the favour for Charles.
People are once again doing the same thing that happened back during the finale of the Indonesian Conference: taking a reward that offers benefits only in the long term and after a significant amount of effort is used into getting there and insisting that those benefits can actually be gotten in the short term and with little effort, despite the fact that said belief isn't actually true (in the case of the Indonesian Conference, that was either of the port rewards, be it the Indonesian one or the Chinese one).
As it is, the only plan that has the Stewardship advisor position and still has a chance to overtake the plans that are hyperfocused on long term is Plan A Better China, so if you want to ensure that the Stewardship advisor position reward is taken, then vote for that plan.
I have to say, I do not care much for any of the things except Lelouch not being the first consort. So I support any of the high-up plans that go for second consort or marry Meihua.

Speaking of, I should update my vote to include the one Meihua plan.

[X] Plan: Left Hand of the Empress
[X] Plan Backdoor to Everything
[X] Plan Alliance without Imperial Marriage
Good thing we are meant to work towards unlocking the Code very, very soon. If we don't see yet another spike in Lelouch's power and understanding about psionics, I will be very disappointed. And even without it, Lelouch is still the expert on the whole planet on this subject at the moment. Even fragmented memories is much better than what Charles, C.C. and Victor are working with, at least based on their reactions.
Then you will be very, very dissapointed. The expedition to Anatolia won't be starting this turn as both our ninjas and military forces are tied up in China. I won't be voting on any plan that sends Jeager and our scientists into a potential warzone without support just to get shinies. And the excavation itself will be a multi turn project unless we super crit on the same level as this war. The action says that it has a cost over time until the excavation finishes. And we will most likely need a couple of actions after that to use any knowledge artifacts we find to progress our quest.
And I'm pretty sure the Mantle quest will be finish on the Moon and in Anatolia we just have another step on our path and not the end.

As to us being "The Greatest Expert in Psionics in the World" that others will run to provide aid to. The guy running his own literal cult of psionic warriors and artisans in New Heaven might have something to say about that. You remember the kid with enormous psionic potential we got? He was one of a string of sacrifices to enhance their leader's power. And the actions we could spend preparing to face him in a duel will have to be spent in setting up our Chinese Piety organization.

It was also stated when prepared that a Code Bearer like VV or CC are our superiors in power. Victor was distracted when we met him.
Which is why I'm not planning on starting from the scratch, but instead drawing on nothing, but multiple sources. India, Tibet, Lelouch's own cult researchers. And the Thought Elevator offers a good reason to give to Lihua for a reason to give us more resources to collaborate and at the same time, learn from the Directorate. Because I don't think she will want to fall off from the psionic industrial and warfare developments, with what all that it has to offer.
All those resources you think we have absolute control over? Those are either Piety or Diplomacy actions we will need to spend convincing them that our goals are a better way to spend their limited resources than what they would have spent those resources on. Unless it is a direct reward from a crit then nothing is free. Even the aid we got in Indonesia from OSI in the form of assassination and swords was due to us having a decent roll on the action to ask Britannia for aid.
Another example of nothing being free. Remember those mercenaries and ships we have for this little war in China? We traded 3 years of Indonesian tax fre sakuradite exports for that. Any other help will be give and take.
Because even beyond the psionic and psionic technological development, I also want to spread the positive stance on psionics to the Federation as a whole. As they will most likely modernize and open up globally under Lihua's rule, having them weight on the matter will be most useful for spreading the message of pro-psionics. Not to mention the sheer number of people they have, with untapped potential.
Still not Ideal for "building our own Directorate" as I said previously your underestimating the scale of the project and the opposition we will face and overestimating the aid the directorate will be able to spare.
Which is why I'm not planning on starting from the scratch, but instead drawing on nothing, but multiple sources. India, Tibet, Lelouch's own cult researchers. And the Thought Elevator offers a good reason to give to Lihua for a reason to give us more resources to collaborate and at the same time, learn from the Directorate. Because I don't think she will want to fall off from the psionic industrial and warfare developments, with what all that it has to offer.
Yes, let's start a ridiculously ambitious Psionic cooperation project that will take as long as it took us to get to this point to see success in because a lot of that is diplomacy and intrigue with psionic follow up, when we should be focusing on conquering Australia and preparing for forge our own nation. This is a complete realigning of our course on a whim because of Homecoming Crit putting us in contact with the Directorate, and it's not at all a sensible move.
My objection to a better China is that our new waifu would be angry at us for keeping her beloved out of the first husband position. Not a good way to start off a relationship with her. My plan was specifically designed to get us a back door to everything everyone wanted. It's not perfect but it's better than nothing.
Other than extraction, the least important of my picks, I'm really not getting what I want. Quite the opposite. Piety Admin + Treaty is a dangerous combo that will spread us thin in the medium term when it comes to security on our Psionic facilities while increasing the pace and possibly scope of Anti-Psionic attacks.

I feel we'll be able to work past initial rocky start, particularly with how high we are starting either way and if we are contributing to Lihua's aspirations of bettering her peoples lives by overseeing her Stewardship efforts. Half the process will simply be a function of fulfilling the obligation part of the stewardship minister process to unexpected levels of success.
Personally I'm happy with Left Hand winning, while it doesn't have stewardship, it at least includes a minister position, along with it having the second husband position, the treaty and the favour for Charles.
The combination of Piety position with Treaty, while accounting for our Aims for new heaven, generate a security risk with a high probability of negative impact on our operations. Increased tempo of Anti-Psionic attacks plus spread thin Ninja's greatly increases the odds of damage to facilities or even important individuals.

Frankly the plan focuses a little too much on Charles and his "Favor". The wedding by itself would have been sufficient. The desert research and small political favours a job well done. The treaty pushes things into excessive focus on him and the directorate benefiting over our personal aims. Frankly the tone the discussion of what we should do with all of this is taking has me worried it will detract from conquering and developing Australia.
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I honestly wonder if this vote would have been better as non-plan vote; and just allowing people to vote for their preferences. It would have resulted in some form of compromise result, but at least the vote result would have been voted on each individual merit rather than people having hang-ups about plans with particular things they don't like.
I honestly wonder if this vote would have been better as non-plan vote; and just allowing people to vote for their preferences. It would have resulted in some form of compromise result, but at least the vote result would have been voted on each individual merit rather than people having hang-ups about plans with particular things they don't like.
I'm fairly certain we would still be discussing the overall impact of certain options together as well as how they relate to other actions on our agenda. In the end Slayer considered several ways to handle rewards and settled on this one. Frankly the marriage aspect shouldn't be that much of a deterrent to assessing and measuring the value of the other three quarters of a plan vote that is the current focus of debate. I'm support voting for plans that don't have my ideal marriage, I don't see what's stopping others from doing the same. At this point, I'm as opposed to the piety minister + treaty as I am to marrying Meihua instead.
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I'm fairly certain we would still be discussing the overall impact of certain options together as well as how they relate to other actions on our agenda. In the end Slayer considered several ways to handle rewards and settled on this one. Frankly the marriage aspect shouldn't be that much of a deterrent to assessing and measuring the value of the other three quarters of a plan vote that is the current focus of debate.

It generally really is. I personally prefer to stay on good terms with Lihua and Lelouch taking First Husband position seems kinda forced.

But other aspects that influence the plan are dedications we already have. Yes India might get us some more personal power but this also means that we would need to dedicate a lot of our time and actions into running it which means ignoring some of our already ongoing projects and this will also add up once conquest of Australia happen. This means dividing our attention between developing of Australia and running the entire subcontinent. India doesn't mean more resources, it also means less time for everything else, same with Australia.

Yes other plans may be giving to much to our allies and are focused on getting on their good side but this isn't all bad, it also means more opportunities in Brittania (remember forgein politics party is a thing and us striking alliance with China would give us some strong allies in Brittania).

On top of tighter cooperation with Directorate.

Then there's Piety option, yes Lihua isn't as focused there but that also means a lot more freedom to pursue our projects independently paired a lot more resources we would have to direct towards Psiconic research letting us to personally focus on other things.
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[X] Accept. Kallen may return to Japan and spend this year at her leisure.

[X] Plan Alliance without Imperial Marriage
-[X] Her Cousin's Hand in Marriage.
-[X] A Place in Her Administration.
--[X] Piety
-[X] A Formal Non-Aggression Treaty & Defensive Treaty Between the Federation & Britannia.
-[X] The Taklamakan Desert Research Grant & Small Political/Trade Favors (For Charles).
At this point, I'm as opposed to the piety minister + treaty as I am to marrying Meihua instead.

Personally, the only option I'm opposed to is marrying Meihua, I simply see absolutely no reason to do so. I would even favour no marriage at all then that option. In terms of minister position, I'm happy if we get one, with a strong preference towards Stewardship but Piety and Intrigue are fine too.