Creation's Re:Creation (Riot God Quest)

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[X] Shrimp of the Woods
When I think of necromancy, I think of mushrooms. So, have a mushroom.
[X]Divinity: Takes a Name: The Mushroom-God Shroomi
[X] Souls
[X] Lifestar
[X] Fox spirits
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Authored Act
[X] Obscurity (Fear of the Unknown / Paranoia)
There's always something lurking in the shadows... but what could it be? Is it familiar, is it known, is it comprehendible... or is it something more? Have you seen this sight before? Heard this sound before? What could it be? This nagging question haunts the mind, never vanishing. The idea of this inherent unfamiliarity everpresent, never vanishing. Somethings different, somethings wrong. What could it be?

[X] Divinity: Takes a Name: Locura, Patron of Madness

Supported Acts
[X] Spirits
[X] Give Ante Some Minions
[X] The Shining Sovereign
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Authored Act
[X] Give Ante Some Minions
-Make some mortals tough enough to do labor and smart enough to make stuff for you (Ante) when told to. Since there ain't any real food sources at the moment try to give 'em the ability to eat rocks, metals, and other similar inorganic materials so that they can don't die to starvation (to be clear this doesn't mean they can't eat organic food at all, though they wouldn't get much out of it). Appearance-wise they should be crustacean and stone like (picturing them being similar to the Rock Lobsters from "Don't Starve"). They shall be dubbed Rocacrustas, the Spades Of Ante. Place them near the mountain range so they got plenty of rocks to eat, then give 'em a grace period to get their sh*t together and establish themselves before getting them to actually worship/serve you. Ya got dibs on their souls considerin' you made them, mark their souls so you don't lose any and if anyone wants a large amount of souls they'll have to go to you.
-[X] Authored Act
[X] Divinity: Takes a Name: Ante

Supported Acts
[X] Necromancy
[X] The Shining Sovereign
[X] Obscurity (Fear of the Unknown / Paranoia)
Create an update for "Chaos"
Don't really get what these are suppose to do, could I get an explanation on what you two are intending to do with these Acts?
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I sure can't wait to poach some crab people to be my worshipers...
Are they able to die?
Also, I can't wait for the gods to form factions against each other. It is inevitable.
With Ante I'm trying to shape him into being some type of evil that can be worked with, like will be ruthless in attaining whatever he might want but if being a "good guy" helps him out then he's happy with that too.
Regarding the minions (name pending) I had a thought of another deity raising up a champion amongst them in the future who would go on an epic quest to either bargain with or confront Ante for the freedom of their race. (Although a funny idea I had was the minions not being clever enough to care about their servitude to Ante).
With Ante I'm trying to shape him into being some type of evil that can be worked with, like will be ruthless in attaining whatever he might want but if being a "good guy" helps him out then he's happy with that too.
Regarding the minions (name pending) I had a thought of another deity raising up a champion amongst them in the future who would go on an epic quest to either bargain with or confront Ante for the freedom of their race. (Although a funny idea I had was the minions not being clever enough to care about their servitude to Ante).
Oh No! A capitalist!
I'm fine taking the dead for my servants, so it won't be me championing them, that's for sure...
Frankly, I think everything you would need to know about Psol is said by the fact they saw the creation of souls and immediately sought to make it exploitable...
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Capitalist is pretty much what I was thinking of ye.
A team up between Ante and Psol could be called Death & Taxes, lol.
Not sure how many votes I need for minions though since while what I described for them might theoretically be possible it could also just be too ambitious for a non-magical creature.
[X] The Shining Sovereign
The Sovereign is a golden worm six inches long who can bewitch the minds of others, trapping them in illusions and dominating minds to serve its immortal will, it is extremely intelligent but is held in check by its immense hubris and disgust for its true form which it hides with illusions whenever possible and schemes to silence those see past them. Additionally it shall know its creator's name and spread its worship alongside its own wherever it goes.
-[X] Authored Act
[X] Obscurity (Fear of the Unknown / Paranoia)
[X] Give Ante Some Minions
[X] Souls
[X] Divinity Takes A Name: The Panoply of Mayhem

Would anyone like to trade?
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[X] The Shining Sovereign
The Sovereign is a golden worm six inches long who can bewitch the minds of others, trapping them in illusions and dominating minds to serve its immortal will, it is extremely intelligent but is held in check by its immense hubris and disgust for its true form which it hides with illusions whenever possible and schemes to silence those see past them.
Sure hope this creature doesn't learn necromancy...
Also, very relatable.
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