Wild Card: A Fallout New Vegas Post-Game Quest

[X] Plan Top Protection for a Price.
-[X][AIRPORT] Reactivate McCarran as a military outpost.
-[X][HOOVER] Gradually return the Dam to its prior capacity.
-[X][MILITIA] Enlist your loyal tribes as peacekeepers.
-[X][FUNDING] Maybe a little squeeze.
-[X][GOMORRAH] Convert it into a trade emporium.
-[X][FREETIME] Get in touch with Graham.

We know we're going to have armed conflict eventually. Certainly we don't have to go all in this early, but a dedicated base of operations for our Security Forces is difficult to overstate in this world.

I'd like to move towards a more professional army, but until we've got things stabilized, our Tribes will do fine in the interim. Similarly, once we've got a handle on things we can think about dropping taxes, but we need that income. The Gomorrah is in a prime location to help bump our economy if we can set it up as a sort of mall. We can always convert the Luxe into a hospital later on, but I feel like the clinics and followers are doing fine at the moment.
Here are a few other write-ins I thought up we could do during future turns.

-[][WRITE-IN] Contact Cannibal Johnson and see if he's willing to share some of his skills teaching the new recruits of your new militia.

-[][WRITE-IN] In the Brotherhood of Steel's rush to evacuate the Hidden Valley bunker they left behind the vast majority of the technology and power armor. Use it to outfit and improve the capabilities of the New Vegas Milita

-[][WRITE-IN] There are dozens of rogue malfunctioning and damaged robots across the wasteland. Most notably in Cerulean Robotics, H&H Tools Factory, Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters, New Vegas Steel, and REPCONN Headquarters. Send out skilled technicians and Engineers with protection to gather repair and integrate these robots into your military.

-[][WRITE-IN] Thousands upon thousands of abandoned vehicles cover the 15 and 95, Strip them for parts and raw materials to help reconstruct Freeside, Westside, and even parts South Vegas.

-[][WRITE-IN] Research the ARCHIMEDES II system at HELIOS One to see if it could be used for military applications.
[][AIRPORT] Reactivate McCarran as a military outpost.
Naturally, Mr. House didn't plan for a future where his entire Securitron army would be operational and in need of maintenance, and the Lucky 38 simply isn't set up for the upkeep of all those robots. McCarran has lots of space and is well-defended, though, making it an ideal nucleus of patrols by both human and robotic troops, and you could even build dedicated repair bays for the latter.

Our power, at the moment, rests on the backs of the Securitrons. And right now they're stretched thin and overworked, and from my understanding we don't have adequate facilities for their repair. Reactivating McCarran to house them, and be a facility for their repair, could do a great deal to shoring us up.

That's a very good point.

I feel like if either McCarran or Gomorrah are turned into a trade depot it should one or the other, not both. They'd be competing for traffic.

On the military it feels like having our loyal tribes acting as peacekeepers could help keep the peace, but would stretch their manpower a bit thin. They've been boosted previously, so it's possible that they'll step up recruitment to help meet manpower demands.
That's a very good point.

I feel like if either McCarran or Gomorrah are turned into a trade depot it should one or the other, not both. They'd be competing for traffic.

On the military it feels like having our loyal tribes acting as peacekeepers could help keep the peace, but would stretch their manpower a bit thin. They've been boosted previously, so it's possible that they'll step up recruitment to help meet manpower demands.

Honestly the Gomorrah could be a good spot for a trade depot, but both it and McCarran strikes me as overkill.

For the non-robot part of our army...honestly if feels like it'd be best to either go for the Westside style militia or the seedling of a professional army. Putting more work on the Chairmen and Kings strikes me as unwise. I personally don't have much of a stake in which is chosen here, if I had to give my two cents I'd say the Westside model is probably the better way to go. Easy to form, casts a wide net in terms of warm bodies that'll shoot things for us, and most of them will probably arm themselves. Maybe, that last bits just an assumption. Sure they won't be as flexible as a professional army, but we wouldn't need them to be, especially when we have the Securitrons. All we need them to do is listen when we give orders, and thats about it.
Yeah I like the militia mainly because they will be great at defending their homes from low level threats like bandits and wasteland monsters and that's really what we need right now.
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[X] Plan: State of New Vegas

Honestly a decentralized militia just seems a great way to get a bunch of people killed. That and even a small centralized army of trained light infantry would save a lot of hassle and prevent someone from just setting themselves up as the local gang leader.
Yeah I like the militia mainly because they will be great at defending their homes from low level threats like bandits and wasteland monsters and that really what we need right now.
These raiders aren't organized bands and their standing up to rocket launcher and rapid fire grenade barrages. Decentralized means their is no command chain to bring them together in the face of a concentrated push or more discliplined foe. There one deathstalker from a ton of people ending up dead.

You can say decentralized is what they need for the day to day, but in the next few updates something beyond their ability to deal with is certain to find it's way to our outskirts and kill a whole mess of people before we can respond. Their not going to have the Armaments to deal with real threats, or even these raiders by the sound of things.

If we don't at least take responsibility for getting at least our guys armed and ready for more experienced threats, expect the wasteland to punish us for it.
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We can... in fact train the militia and provide them with weapons. This is setting up the basic model, whether it's just trusting the Kings and Chairmen, the local communities, or creating our own seed for a centralized army under our direct control. There's nothing to say we can't provide resources and training.
[X] Plan: State of New Vegas

Honestly a decentralized militia just seems a great way to get a bunch of people killed. That and even a small centralized army of trained light infantry would save a lot of hassle and prevent someone from just setting themselves up as the local gang leader.
It's Fallout, where everyone with a little bit of creativity has access to rocket launchers.

Don't think neighborhood watch, think Territorial Defense Forces.
[X] Plan: Power To The People--Securitron Edition

Yeah I think even militias will have plenty of access to explosives here. Especially if we go with cultural exchange/militia coordination on future turns and let the Boomers loose.

I mostly think it's absolutely vital to have somewhere to fix and refurbish the Securitrons considering how much is riding on them.
Hell, if we have any Brotherhood surplus we can give some of those goodies to the militias if we really need them to have a certain oomph. But even if what they're using is leather armor, hunting rifles and dynamite thats fine. The Securitrons are our hard hitters, with the militia taking up patrols and security efforts we can hold our robots in reserve to act as...well, I was gonna say rapid reaction force but I'm not sure how quickly they can move. A response team, effectively. If the militia has any trouble, we'll send in the robots to blow the area to kingdom come. And boom, no more problem.

Its not perfect, obviously, but this is the wasteland. Not perfect is good enough, and good enough is lifesaving.
It's Fallout, where everyone with a little bit of creativity has access to rocket launchers.

Don't think neighborhood watch, think Territorial Defense Forces.
Umm, no. Like, the feinds had them because of raiding a vault armory, and only sparingly. The Kahns don't have them, even the Omerta's have more automatic submachine guns than rocket launchers. I don't remember either of the main sides having them. the westside militia itself only has single shotguns, and they weren't in the best of shape.

If NCR hadn't been at the airport as an obstacle and westside wasn't the home of a supermutant, the feinds would have killed it by the start of new vegas. We should expect the militia to prove very insufficient very quickly.
Umm, no. Like, the feinds had them because of raiding a vault armory, and only sparingly. The Kahns don't have them, even the Omerta's have more automatic submachine guns than rocket launchers. I don't remember either of the main sides having them. the westside militia itself only has single shotguns, and they weren't in the best of shape.

If NCR hadn't been at the airport as an obstacle and westside wasn't the home of a supermutant, the feinds would have killed it by the start of new vegas. We should expect the militia to prove very insufficient very quickly.
And we can...arm our militia better than rusty single shot shotguns? We're modeling it after Westsides way of doing things, not arming them like Westside. If the issue is their decentralized nature, then yeah fair enough, there'd definitely be some advantages to a more centralized command structure. But I sincerely doubt equipping them will be an issue.
But I sincerely doubt equipping them will be an issue.
You don't see how their might be difficulties in getting quality rifles and sufficient amounts of ammunition distributed to a few dozen seperate militias with no one notably in charge who are sure is trustworthy and will distribute the guns and ammo properly and not try to cheat us to get more high quality ammunition to sell for profit? This is the cheapest option for a reason. Even arming up the Chairmen and Kings was going to be a difficult process. It's going to be much worse for a decentralized militia. Odds are we aren't even sure on how many people are in the any one militia to buy the appropriate amount of guns to arm them come next update.
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You don't see how their might be difficulties in getting quality rifles and sufficient amounts of ammunition distributed to a few dozen seperate militias with no one notably in charge who are sure is trustworthy and will distribute the guns and ammo properly and not try to cheat us to get more high quality ammunition to sell for profit? This is the cheapest option for a reason. Even arming up the Chairmen and Kings was going to be a difficult process. It's going to be much worse for a decentralized militia.
Oh I see the issues, I just don't care too much about them. We can take some of the hit off of it by using McCarran as a central supply hub to distribute stuff, but otherwise its fine. Their defensive in nature, and supplementary to our main Securitron force. They're going to be doing what I want from them: taking pressure off of our robots and acting as a tripwire to alert us of any serious threats. They don't need combat armor and assault carbines to do that, though it'd be nice if they had those.
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