Wild Card: A Fallout New Vegas Post-Game Quest

Plan: Slow & Gentle
[][AIRPORT] Reactivate McCarran as a military outpost.
[][HOOVER] Gradually return the Dam to its prior capacity.
[][MILITIA] Enlist your loyal tribes as peacekeepers.
[][FUNDING] Maybe a little squeeze.
[][GOMORRAH] Hand it over to the former workers.

I'll personally be voting for this.

As for the write in, I've been thinking of:

[] [WRITE IN] Begin Excavating Vault 21
House committed a huge injustice when he emptied out Vault 21 only to fill up all but the top-most levels with concrete. Provide Sarah Weintraub with some equipment and repurposed protectrons to start clearing out the shoddy-placed cement. Clear out Vault 21 to provide more space for the new New Vegas.

I've always had a soft spot for Vault 21, and wished the basement level you can access from the Tops had more to it. So much potential for an independent Vegas!

Also, @Etranger what is the status of the Gun Runners factory/store? Did they pack up and leave with the NCR?
Any feedback on my plans in the less than 15 minutes that we have until the vote opens? Particularly the Graham write in? I feel it's the best of both worlds in solidifying trade and kneecapping our growing raider problem while we prep for attention from NCR and Try to stay in the Black.
Any feedback on my plans in the less than 15 minutes that we have until the vote opens? Particularly the Graham write in? I feel it's the best of both worlds in solidifying trade and kneecapping our growing raider problem while we prep for attention from NCR and Try to stay in the Black.
I'm gonna vote for local militias regardless, but I will say that on your second plan there's no need to devote two of the listed options to trade. I'd rather have a military base or a hospital, plus one new trade depot. And tbh I'm leaning toward the hospital.
[X] Plan: Power To The People
-[X][AIRPORT] Convert McCarran into a regional trade depot.
-[X][HOOVER] Gradually return the Dam to its prior capacity.
-[X][MILITIA] Adopt the decentralized Westside model.
-[X][FUNDING] Maybe a little squeeze.
-[X][GOMORRAH] Convert it into a trade emporium.
-[X][WRITE-IN] Democratize the Sharecropper fields.

With the knowledge that we can eventually turn the Ultra-Luxe into a hospital once the refugees leave, I'm much more comfortable with the option to turn the Gomorrah into a Trade Emporium. That way McCarran can work as a resource depot / brahmin stable for the caravans while the actual deal making happens in The Strip. Manure doesn't make for pleasant surroundings after all.

[][WRITE-IN] Democratize the Sharecropper fields.
While dividing up what little farmland New Vegas has would leave each farmer without enough capacity to break even, establishing farmworkers' cooperatives out of the Sharecropper fields along the lines of the Westside co-op should provide the farmworkers with similar amounts of workplace control and income without sacrificing farming efficiency.

[X] Plan: Power To The People--Securitron Edition
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[X] Plan: Power To The People
[X][WRITE-IN] Converse with the Think Tank
We have some brilliant minds on tap. Time to get them focused on solving the Mojave's immediate problems.
I'm gonna vote for local militias regardless, but I will say that on your second plan there's no need to devote two of the listed options to trade. I'd rather have a military base or a hospital, plus one new trade depot. And tbh I'm leaning toward the hospital.
Actually, there is only one option which gives us a depot. Gomorah trade option is more of an indoor Bazaar. It's a place for wealthy trade barons to come, look at samples of products stored somewhere, possibly the Airport, and negotiate a price for however much they want to load up their empty caravans they unloaded earlier in the day/week with. Very different from a depot.
Actually, there is only one option which gives us a depot. Gomorah trade option is more of an indoor Bazaar. It's a place for wealthy trade barons to come, look at samples of products stored somewhere, possibly the Airport, and negotiate a price for however much they want to load up their empty caravans they unloaded earlier in the day/week with. Very different from a depot.
That doesn't even come close to addressing my point but thanks for telling me I'm wrong over an offhand use of terminology.
Actually, there is only one option which gives us a depot. Gomorah trade option is more of an indoor Bazaar. It's a place for wealthy trade barons to come, look at samples of products stored somewhere, possibly the Airport, and negotiate a price for however much they want to load up their empty caravans they unloaded earlier in the day/week with. Very different from a depot.
I mean smaller traders or internal new vegas markets would also be able to set up shop at the Gomorrah, stuff that doesn't need a caravan to transport but also is more complex than something homemade.
[X]Plan: Slow & Gentle
-[X][AIRPORT] Reactivate McCarran as a military outpost.
-[X][HOOVER] Gradually return the Dam to its prior capacity.
-[X][MILITIA] Enlist your loyal tribes as peacekeepers.
-[X][FUNDING] Maybe a little squeeze.
-[X][GOMORRAH] Hand it over to the former workers.
-[X][WRITE-IN] Democratize the Sharecropper fields.
While dividing up what little farmland New Vegas has would leave each farmer without enough capacity to break even, establishing farmworkers' cooperatives out of the Sharecropper fields along the lines of the Westside co-op should provide the farmworkers with similar amounts of workplace control and income without sacrificing farming efficiency.

I really like this write in.
[X] Plan: State of New Vegas
-[X][AIRPORT] Reactivate McCarran as a military outpost.
-[X][HOOVER] Gradually return the Dam to its prior capacity.
-[X][MILITIA] Plant the seeds of an actual army.
-[X][FUNDING] Maybe a little squeeze.
-[X][GOMORRAH] Convert it into a trade emporium.
-[X][WRITE-IN] Send out armed survey team to check if Quarry Junction is clear of Deathclaws and if it is possible to restart extraction. / Send out armed survey team to check Searchlight North gold mine and if it is possible to start mining.
Hoover: Long-term, the electricity from hoover is our big bargaining chip to maintaining peace with NCR and getting some real expansion currency being paid consistently. It's worth some investment to make sure we have a decent surplus to offer them if they come knocking.

Militia: a decentralized militia is one difficult to organize to face a concentrated or heavily armed threat, but a professional military is just not in the budget right now. So we stick with the kings and tops. Given the kings have been protecting people this way for years, I'm not sure why it's so annoying for them to start doing it outside freeside. Seems like pretentions of independence that are a bit ambitious for former refugees driven from their homes.

Funding: minimal just isn't going to cut it, maximum is too provocative.

Gomorah: we need some kind of boost to trade income in the short term whatever we take, and this will do.

Freetime: we need either more trade or more military whatever we pick for airport. Graham can provide either of we get him to come down here.

Airport: either we use it for a base to give our military the extra oomph to be effective on their own and work out trade agreements with Graham, or we use it as a trade depot and work out a raider breaking joint military campaign with Graham.

Either way, this should allow us the best of both worlds in encouraging trade or defending our people. Honestly I'm in favor of Top Protection most. It's a more lasting solution to securing the Mojave against outside threats, while an alternative trading depot can always be constructed later.
[X] Plan Top Protection for a Price.
-[X][AIRPORT] Reactivate McCarran as a military outpost.
-[X][HOOVER] Gradually return the Dam to its prior capacity.
-[X][MILITIA] Enlist your loyal tribes as peacekeepers.
-[X][FUNDING] Maybe a little squeeze.
-[X][GOMORRAH] Convert it into a trade emporium.
-[X][FREETIME] Get in touch with Graham.
Whether to call upon him to lead his warriors south to help you with your own Raider problem or negotiate further trade, there was plenty to be accomplished by inviting one of your few allies to come visit your city now that conditions were improving.

[X] Plan Top Profit for a Price.
-[X][AIRPORT] Convert McCarran into a regional trade depot.
-[X][HOOVER] Gradually return the Dam to its prior capacity.
-[X][MILITIA] Enlist your loyal tribes as peacekeepers.
-[X][FUNDING] Maybe a little squeeze.
-[X][GOMORRAH] Convert it into a public hospital.
-[X][FREETIME] Get in touch with Graham.
That doesn't even come close to addressing my point but thanks for telling me I'm wrong over an offhand use of terminology.
It's a double taxable income, and we need both in the long-term, still, I guess we could eventually repurpose the dilapidated motel outside the Airports entrance for that purpose when we have a good deal more desposable income.
I mean smaller traders or internal new vegas markets would also be able to set up shop at the Gomorrah, stuff that doesn't need a caravan to transport but also is more complex than something homemade.
I think that's covered by the shops mentioned earlier in the update? The ones our refugees took over?
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[X]Plan: Slow & Gentle

Continuing sharecropping was my biggest gripe with last vote, so this would ease my conscience there.

I think the former workers might keep Gommorah as a casino, and the idea of the sole surviving Casino in new Vegas being run by those it used to abuse is very compelling (Also New New Vegas should have at least one casino, come on guys). But then again, they might just tear it down to it's foundations, or do something weird with it. Either way, I'm extremely interested.
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[X] Decentralized government for all
-[x][AIRPORT] Convert McCarran into a regional trade depot.
-[x][HOOVER] Gradually return the Dam to its prior capacity.
-[x][MILITIA] Adopt the decentralized Westside model.
-[x][FUNDING] Maybe a little squeeze.
-[x][GOMORRAH] Convert it into a public hospital.
-[x][Free time] Visit the super mutant town.
Super mutants are part of the wasteland ecosystem, so you'd want to check-in the friendly group and see if there's anything you can do to normalize them like the ghouls.
[X]Plan: Slow & Gentle

McCaran seems best suited as a military outpost/Seceruitron repair station to me, especially with how stretched thin are robots are. I'm not even sure where else we'd put them, especially since we already lack adequate places to store and repair them. Control over them got Six into power, and right now its the thing thats keeping them there.


[X] Plan: Power To The People--Securitron Edition
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[X] Plan: Power To The People

This looks good

[X] Plan: Power To The People--Securitron Edition
approval voting for this as well
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[X] Plan: Power To The People--Securitron Edition
-[X][AIRPORT] Reactivate McCarran as a military outpost.
-[X][HOOVER] Gradually return the Dam to its prior capacity.
-[X][MILITIA] Adopt the decentralized Westside model.
-[X][FUNDING] Maybe a little squeeze.
-[X][GOMORRAH] Convert it into a trade emporium.
-[X][WRITE-IN] Democratize the Sharecropper fields.

I really think that not having somewhere for a military base will bite us in the ass.

e: approval vote...

[X] A Government Without Tyranny
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[X] A Government Without Tyranny
-[X][AIRPORT] Convert McCarran into a regional trade depot.
-[X][HOOVER] Gradually return the Dam to its prior capacity.
-[X][MILITIA] Adopt the decentralized Westside model.
-[X][FUNDING] Keep it simple.
-[X][GOMORRAH] Convert it into a public hospital.
-[X] [Write-In] Grant the former sex workers and employees of Gomorrah possession over Vault 3 and aid them in establishing a fortified settlement of their own in western New Vegas.

Credit to Baboush, but I want to vote for his plan and I'm gonna.


[X] Plan: Power To The People--Securitron Edition

Also approval voting for this one because I'm sticking to my guns of "one trade thingy".
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[X] Plan: Power To The People--Securitron Edition
-[X][AIRPORT] Reactivate McCarran as a military outpost.
-[X][HOOVER] Gradually return the Dam to its prior capacity.
-[X][MILITIA] Adopt the decentralized Westside model.
-[X][FUNDING] Maybe a little squeeze.
-[X][GOMORRAH] Convert it into a trade emporium.
-[X][WRITE-IN] Democratize the Sharecropper fields.
[X] Plan: Power To The People--Securitron Edition
I know there is some tension between us and the share croppers, but is it really something that needs to be dealt with immediately when there are Raider capable of taking on Securitrons on our outskirts and our finances in the gutter?
I know there is some tension between us and the share croppers, but is it really something that needs to be dealt with immediately when there are Raider capable of taking on Securitrons on our outskirts and our finances in the gutter?
The goal of focusing on the sharecroppers is to work out the economic kinks in the basis of our food supply before it becomes entrenched as a system we can't change without people starving. Regardless of how immediate the need is, it's something that's going to cause fewer problems if we do it sooner rather than later. That said, I am preference-voting for a plan with both that and a FOB for our Securitrons on purpose.