Wild Card: A Fallout New Vegas Post-Game Quest

There are a few hundred nations on the planet with basic community service as a punishment for minor crimes.
But these aren't minor crimes. A conspiracy to commit terrorism and mass killings on a civilian population, the rampant murder of sex workers, keeping sex workers under their control on pain of death, and more!

Importantly, their drugging, rape, and muder of sex workers isn't a new trend for the omertas. When they were the slither kin, they did the same to anyone unfortunate enough to come under their crosshairs, and that's why House chose them! This behavior was rewarded and permitted under House's rule, and they will not accept anything that changes that state of affairs if they have anything to say about it. So don't let them have a say, kill them quickly and let that part of Vegas's past lie dead in the grave where it belongs.
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While I appreciate the engagement and interest, let's keep things from getting too heated in the thread. Remember to abide by forum rules and remain civil.
[X] Plan: Strip-ped Clean
[X] Plan: Second Chances for the Lesser Evil.

The thing is about leaving the Omertas around to "deal with later" is, as others have said much more coherently, letting a lot of sex workers suffer with no chance of escape for however long it takes for purging the Omertas to become an option again, and a lot more of them might get hurt in the crossfire of whatever the future purge option looks like. I feel like bombing them and being done with it with no additional casualties is probably the best we can hope for.

As for the White Glove Society...
Honestly I think they'd be a lot more interesting in the "people we have to deal with for a while before figuring out how to purge them later" role, and I want to see how that turns out. Unfortunately the option for blowing up the Omertas while keeping the White Gloves alive isn't doing so well but maybe this can change, if not I'd rather everyone be purged.
[X] Plan: Don't Rock the Boat... for Now

Lets deal with Omertas inquest and avoid using their wmd.

Alternate vote if people insist on wmd:
[X] Plan: Second Chances for the Lesser Evil.
[X] Plan: Don't Rock the Boat... for Now

[X] Plan: Strip-ped Clean
Our New Vegas will have zero tolerance for Legion collaborators or cannibals.
But the White Gloves aren't cannibals anymore, it's literlly a plot point that this is the reason that some of their members were not happy with that. It even leads to the actual cannibals being exiled/leaving in one of their quest paths.

[X] Plan: Strip-ped Clean
-[X][OMERTAS] Took out the whole murderous bunch.
-[X][GLOVES] Exposed them to the world.
-[X][CHAIRS] Incorporated them into your efforts.

The overwhelming focus on casinos as a purely extractive affair is incredibly poor a foundation to build a society on. Wipe out the entrenched bastards and shift the useful ones over to more useful things than fucking people over.
I honestly dislike this attitude of removing anything remotely interesting in regards to cultures meta wise because the reality is that this attitude is so common that most CK2 quests feel the exact same. Like one of the things that makes Vegas Vegas is the gambling and casinos. While I get making some changes like getting rid of the Omerta but getting rid of all of it is pretty much taking a dump of everything that makes Vegas unique instead of the typical cookie cutter SB/SV civs.
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Just discovered this quest and looks interesting, Despite it's flaws I've always enjoyed the fallout setting.

[X] Plan: Second Chances for the Lesser Evil.

The Omertas have to go and while it pains me I'm willing to give the white gloves a pass as long as they don't return to their cannibal ways.

As for other factions and what I think will be chosen.

Fiends: Killed to a man without mercy, they were psychotic violent raiders, slavers, and IIRC cannibals that attacked anyone they thought they could get away with. Once cleared out Vault 3 could be a good source of housing.

Powder Gangers: Samuel Cooke and the members of Vault 13 are reasonable and a group I think we can work with. As for Eddie and the gangers at the correctional facility, death.

HELIOS One: Having an active Archimedes II would be an enormous military asset to New Vegas but we should probably redirect the power to the whole region so that citizens can keep the lights on.

Those are the only remaining obvious choices that I can recall.

edit: [X] Plan: Strip-ped Clean
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[X] Plan: Second Chances for the Lesser Evil.
-[X][OMERTAS] Took out the whole murderous bunch.
-[X][GLOVES] Kept their secret.
-[X][CHAIRS] Incorporated them into your efforts.

After thinking and reading the discussions, I think I have come to a decision

Omeratas have to go, full stop, even if the method of using chemical weapons is a bit much for me. If Nero and Sal are both taken out, it's most likely Cachino who takes their place. And pretty much his only redeeming quality is that he doesn't want to do a mass slaughter on The Strip. If his journal and the testimonials from the sex workers working at Gomorrah is to be believed, he is probably just as bad, if not worse on the sex slavery front.

White Gloves: If Mortimer and his inner circle of pro cannibals are dealt with, I think the chance of them relapsing is quite low.

The way I see this, it's kind of a middle ground regarding dismantling the gambling system. One casino destroyed (Gomorrah), one scaled down (Tops), and only one left fully intact (Ultra Luxe). This way, we're less reliant on the casinos, but not knee capping our entire income. Later on I want to scale down the power and influence and our reliance of the casinos further
[X] Plan: Second Chances for the Lesser Evil.

[X] Plan: Don't Rock the Boat... for Now
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There's also Big Mountain. There's gotta be a crap ton of tech there that we can loot.

Yeah, but the major choices involved in Big Mountain seem fairly obvious. I can't imagine anyone would vote to kill off the think tank or Mobius.

Same with Jacobstown or the Bright Brotherhood. They're not contentious situations that require a vote IMO.
Oh yeah, at the end of the independent run, Yes Man said he was going to update his personality to make himself more assertive. Will we be exploring that at all?
Oh yeah, at the end of the independent run, Yes Man said he was going to update his personality to make himself more assertive. Will we be exploring that at all?

I always took that to be a joke and not meant to imply that he was going to take control of the securitrons or start acting against the Courier.

I'm curious if the author has any plans to do some world-building on some of the unexplored parts of fallout. Caesar's legion is currently defunct which means every settlement from Phoenix to Denver (I think that's as far east as the Legions borders went) is in a state of abject chaos, if we have any plans to expand we could try and claim some of their old territory. If Joshua Graham is still alive we could link up and form an alliance with him and New Canaan. Further north than that are Idaho, Oregon, Montana, and Washington which we have basically no canon info on so it's whatever the QM decides to world-build.
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I always took that to be a joke and not meant to imply that he was going to take control of the securitrons or start acting against the Courier.

I'm curious if the author has any plans to do some world-building on some of the unexplored parts of fallout. Caesar's legion is currently defunct which means every settlement from Phoenix to Denver (I think that's as far east as the Legions borders went) is in a state of abject chaos, if we have any plans to expand we could try and claim some of their old territory. If Joshua Graham is still alive we could link up and form an alliance with him. Further north than that are Idaho, Oregon, Montana, and Washington which we have basically no canon info on so it's whatever the QM decides to world-build.

Oh yeah, I'm aware that's it's probably not as sinister as it sounds. iirc, one of the writers for New Vegas said all the update would amount to would be Yes Man only obeying the Courier as opposed to just doing anything anyone told him to. But that's just word of god, it's not in the canon text of the game.

Of course, all up to the QM, as whether it be that, something else, or nothing at all.
I have to say that the leading plan of removing all our casino's and thus all our income is just a flat out monumentally stupid decision. On top of that seems like it's also pretty likely to piss off a shit ton of people since it's also a huge revenue for New Vegas and thus the rest of the Mojave.

Like this seems like a true instance of where the vote is entirely based on morality while ignoring every other thing and not even considering the negative consequences of nuking the entire New Vegas economy would be It says a lot that people seem to be ignoring the fact that just removing the Omertas alone would nuke a third of the strips income.

Seems like going for a full clean slate would likely lead to a ton of New Vegas and Mojave residents to be absolutely pissed off at suffering financially and economically from the decision. I don't think that it would even be surprising if a ton of people demand that we step down from power for making such a decision. Because let's be honest, the main positive that could be pushed for going independence is actually being independent. If players aren't willing to step down than that really doesn't make us better than House who planned on forcing his rule with his robot army.

Basically I'm saying that people really need to think things through and also need to accept that refusing even any grey options is likely to bite us in the ass because as much as people don't want to admit it compromise is pretty important for a functioning society as well. Also saying that while one or two major screw ups may not doom us that multiple ones seem like they absolutely will and that we should be taking multiple factors into account instead of just purely morality.
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