Wild Card: A Fallout New Vegas Post-Game Quest

[X] Plan: Tight Leash and Loyal Friends

1. Chlorine Bomb aftermath is gonna be a headache to deal with
2. White Gloves gotta go to allow for better diplo (and commerce) with the NCR
3. The Chairmen would be better as our officials, save us time & resources laying the foundations for a wholly new one too

Approval voting for:

[X] Plan: A Modicum of Restraint
[X] Plan: A Modicum of Restraint

[X] Plan: Don't Rock the Boat... for Now
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[X] Plan: Strip-ped Clean

[X] Plan: Don't Rock the Boat... for Now

The idea of leaving the Omertas untouched but getting rid of the White Gloves for a minor bonus to diplo with Braumon Barons in the NCR who aren't particularly big friends of ours is insane. I'd rather kill them all or leave them both alone, if you are going to leave the drug peddling pimp terrorists around might as well leave the people who are actively trying to redeem themselves who own most of the food around as well.
Hmmm....hard one. Only thing really holding me off from going scorched earth on the Omertas is the fact we're essential using a WMD to get rid of them. Will be a real bitch to clean up that mess. Not to mention it being in the middle of our main population center.

Aside from that, I'm tempted to just uproot the whole casino/gambling system altogether. Just takes money from wasteland travelers on false promises, and produces nothing of real value. It's not sustainable at all, epically in the long term
Aside from that, I'm tempted to just uproot the whole casino/gambling system altogether. Just takes money from wasteland travelers on false promises, and produces nothing of real value. It's not sustainable at all, epically in the long term
Indeed. The problem is we need it in the short term to generate revenue to invest in other ventures. After a handful or so of turns where we expand our economic porfolio and become more self sufficient, we can begin to dismantle them in favor of a less gambling based entertainment venue. Until then however, it's unwise to shoot ourselves in the foot by completely ruining New Vegas's main economy before we have anything else in place.
[X] Plan: Don't Rock the Boat... for Now

I'd rather *not* use chemical weapon, even if I want to remove Omertas. And the argument about blowing up our economy is persuasive.
[X] Plan: Strip-ped Clean

ahaha nevermind, educated myself on the game's lore again and uh yeah no, death before mimicking the legion
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[X] Plan: Second Chances for the Lesser Evil.

EDIT: And, approval voting for

[X] Plan: Strip-ped Clean

Because as much as I'd rather keep the White Gloves around, I care about getting rid of the Omertas more.
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[X] Plan: Second Chances for the Lesser Evil.

2. White Gloves gotta go to allow for better diplo (and commerce) with the NCR
Outing the White Gloves may lead to the opposite of the desired result ; that action lead to better relations with a single Brahmin Baron , but it might tarnish the reputation of the casino and of New Vegas by association even if we put someone else in charge
[X] Plan: Strip-ped Clean

Casinos, drugs, and such service industry can be staffed by non-thugs and raiders, we have no pressing need of the baggage.
Consider that in Fallout and in New Vegas , former thugs and raiders represent a good part of the population , and certain part of the population are still active thugs to this day ( the Kings for all their charisma and their statut as our allies , are still a gang , and they were charging people for access to the well )
[X] Plan: Don't Rock the Boat... for Now
[X] Plan: Second Chances for the Lesser Evil.

Are we going solely by the game or can make it a bit more true to life? Because there are ten times more casinos on the strip in real life.
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[X] Plan: Strip-ped Clean

Casinos, drugs, and such service industry can be staffed by non-thugs and raiders, we have no pressing need of the baggage.
I think your missing the fact where the Chlorine gas poison saturated Casino will need to be cleared before we can reopen it, taking with it a third of our primary yearly income, possibly for multiple turns.

also consider the fact that just because we can hire replacement staff for the other two, doesn't mean those staff will be as competent or even remotely familiar with the work as the Chairmen or White Gloves. New Vegas has neither people experienced with playing old world gentry nore an abundance of old world movie enthusiasts.

New Vegas has 2 intact, healthy population centers outside the strip not populated by junkies, gangs, and maniacs, since we need sloan for quarry work. Good spring & Primm. I highly doubt we have the facilities to staff all three casinos between them, and it rather limits the number of individuals we can put towards sustainable farming. Let's hold onto the Omerta's and charge them for their crimes so we can put them to work in the farms the NCR just vacated.
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