Warhammer Fantasy: Thirteen Tolls - An Apocalypse Quest

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It's only because you walk that you notice the picket. Pleroma might be an isle only half a league wide, and sickeningly clean, but you were still cursing the effort you had to take to keep your formal toga clean as you picked your way to the theatre, keeping your back to the Tower as much as you could. You felt a stab of vertigo every time you looked at it, and tonight, you couldn't afford to vomit. But you shuffle on, and eventually reach the golden gates of the Great Amphitheatre, illuminated by bright red illusionary letters that declared to all "Tonight: The Righteous Spear!" as a floating comedy mask laughed and a tragedy mask sobbed. But to get to in, you had to cross the road, which was unfortunately blocked carriage to carriage owing to some dispute up ahead with some balding member of the Brotherhood of Moulder screaming at the operator of a magic carpet cab. So you loop around to the side entrance, which no self-respecting aristocrat would think or dare to use.
Moulder what a curious refrence I wonder what they could possibly be involved with def not genetic expierment or anything involving the body no not at all. Also see they are already well like moudler too lol. Also love how our chac just constanlty shit on aristocrat it funny

There, by a small wooden door, is an odd gaggle of five people. There is a young man with bright red hair, a blue tunic and pants, with a lightning-bolt pin that signaled he was a Hand of the Lodge of the Harvest Moon, a sort-off catch all category for wizards, for whatever reason had fallen off the cutthroat ladder of personal advancement in Thunderdome and were reduced to effectively manual labour – cloud-catching, smelting, electric work. To his right and left were two other men, though older, in similar blue tunics (a uniform?) covered by leather aprons. Laborers too, you thought. The latter was carrying a flag – the deep crimson of the Reds. The three were in intense conversation with the two main actors in tonight's show – Junius, the most famous dramatist in the Twin Cities, and his wife, Melissa. He is almost underdressed; clearly about to go into costuming; she is in a thick grey travelling cloak. There is a thin smell of a flowery perfume in the air.
guess here are some of the bfentis of dressing plainly coming about we get to talk with people like this who they wouldnt talk to otherwise and hmm it called the thunderdome lmao also despite it not being similar to the colleges I'd bet these are perutapl type folks
Junius, comparatively, seemed perfectly calm. That made it only odder that within him was more Shyish than had been in Brother Sanguine, albeit mixed with scatterings of divine energy that you associated with those who had recently prayed. He said "Because I regained some sense, Gregorius. We- you- the cause needs to be safe. Go home." And at that word, a miracle. The scatterings join into a shimmering golden thread that issues forth from Junius and wraps tight around and then sinks into the younger man's soul. The rage suddenly drains from the wizard's face, replaced with an unnatural solemnity.
hmmmmmm this is quite suspcious indeed why there be some much shyish with them and well shyish is most assoicated with death....this does not lend well to whatever gonna go on at the theater to say the least. Also I'll note that they appearing to be conversaing with a RED too. I'd really like to know what god they are praying here too cause I suspect it not as friendly as moor.

"As you like, Junius. Come on boys." He whirls on his heel and walks off into the city, his companions confusedly following. As they leave, Junius sighs, then turns to his wife, and gives her a deep kiss. They stand a while, embracing. But then they notice your arrival and break apart.

"Ah! Welcome to the Grand Amphitheatre!" Melissa says.

"Thank you," You reply, presenting your ticket. You're surprised it still smells, and then you realize the scent on the air is the same that was on the original letter.
so she was the one who helped give the very first inviation! the one said we were glad that you came home and we can discuss that old dream we had and mellisa is the exact name too! So boldly I think she not gonna be manovlent toward us or anything maybe not supportive of our goals but I do think she a potenitally not ally but someone we can work with which is great!

You look up, shocked, but Junius is still perfectly placid while Melissa beams, the very image of a good hostess.

"Master Xenophon!" she chirps "Oh, we're so happy you're here tonight".

Your name isn't on the ticket.

"So am I?"
Junius speaks.

"You won't be."

Melissa blanches, but then recovers, forcing a laugh.

"Oh, dear – what he means is that it's a tragedy tonight – twice over, you know, because I have to miss it."

"Why's that?" you ask.

She gives a smile – all teeth.

"A death in the family.".
this is why I am not sure she will be a ally at all lol lmao her and junnuis give off not great vibes at all. not tottaly sure she will be someone we can work with they very well might be a group not algined with the hornered rat or anything but comdies were the way to point out in medival time poltical comemtarty with them talking to the red and shyish in the air there goals may be more...radical

There is a beat of silence. She grabs her husband's hand, gives it a squeeze, and lets go.

"Well, have a lovely night!" Melissa of Pleroma says, and then walks out into the city dark.

At this point, you're wondering if the doom foretold was that everyone in these fucking cities would only be able to speak in sinister generalities. Junius seems in no hurry to clarify, as he takes advantage of your shock to breeze past you and into the theatre. You rush to follow, but by the time you get into the grand lobby, crowded with hundreds of guests, you've lost any sight of him.

"Wine?" a waiter asks. You take a glass and chug it.
def we should try to talk to her a little more to get a number on what up with her
You consider leaving but think better of it. No one said anything explicitly threatening - perhaps Junius was just sad because of his wife's departure. Sure. Also, the canapes were pretty good, and you were sick of eating only bread and figs with Pelops to drag out your savings. It was the Grand Amphitheatre, in Pleroma! What threats could their bloody be, bar an irate aristocrat. It was going to be fine. Absolutely fine.
but fair yah it might very well be this and they did invites us but this may just be us kidding ourselves as well. Xenohpehn tends to try to make things seem not as bad as it seems it feels like sometime.
Having perfectly regained your confidence, you choose to do that most terrifying of tasks – mingle with the upper classes. You awkwardly sidle up to the first conversation that is not about how hard it is to find good slaves nowadays or who someone's aunt's sister's brother's cousin's daughter married, interrupting a chat between a person wrapped in an illusion so thick you can't actually see him past the waves of Ulgu and an Elven woman in black mourning silks.

"Rather good turnout!" you say.
lol lmao "you choose to do that most terrifying of tasks – mingle with the upper classes." very true

"The Princeps is due, so rather better than that," declares the illusion, who might have grey hair. "I am not sure we have met." He (?) bows. "I am the Senator Nivet of Circus, and my friend" he gestures to the Elf "is the Lady Tophania" She curtsies and asks "And you are?"

"Xenophon of … Terramorta" you say, indelicately substituting your adopted parish. "I am new to the Cities, er – just visiting for a funeral" Great save, really.
oh wow we are talking to a senator really minglin with the big and powerful here

You are mercifully saved from further advice on funerary protocol by a shout from the other end of the lobby. Two members of the Cleansing Flame seem to have drawn weapons on each other, while a third holds them apart. A short bald man wearing red robes embroidered with thousands of eyes in gold thread and the ten-pointed iron crown of the loyalists of Solkan has summoned a flaming sword so hot it blazes blue. He is screaming "BLASPHEMY!". His opponent, wearing robes of the same color, but unadorned, has summoned a glowing Hysh net between his hands in a cat's cradle, while shouting "THE WARP LIES!" Between them, an ancient woman in robes that might once have been red, but have faded to a dull pink, holds up a single crystal key, from which a great transparent dome blooms, blocking her and the debaters inside. From her issues the power of LAW, a magic that always makes your teeth ache and your stomach churn as all that is Morr within you cringes from the merciless light. She appears to start scolding the others, as you watch their magic visibly weaken trapped in the dome, the sword sputtering, the light fading.
no idea who the thousands of eyes in gold thread cult could be but they are def part of a cult of some time I'd bet maybe one of the other god of laws but not tottaly sure. Also a solkan! the lord of cengance hmmm that is worrying to say the least they are def gonna come to blows these 2 soon enough. Also guessing not only our morr priest reciviing visions of the future bet the warp is also fortelling what gonna happen in the future to the twin ciites. Also looks like the old lady might be a cultist of solkan too or used to be ith how her robes has faded away from red. Also I know it not but the single crystal key makes me think of the one tomb that a god of law is locked in. More likely however is that the one who shouted law used to be a cultist of solkan but now serves Astasis or is using her crystal key to have acces to her powers
The Lady Tophania whispers to you. "That's Mistress Marvos, the Grand Consecrator. Those two that are being disciplined like schoolchildren are two of the Flame's finest "Patriarchs of Truth" - Floridus Ennius – head of that new rehabilitative asylum, you know the one – and Angelus Spania, my brother-in-law and Keeper of the Prison of Mirrors –oops" she winks at you "that's confidential."
"new rehabilitative asylum" hmmmm wonder what triggered the arising of a new rehabilitative asylum and allow them to be one of the patriatch of truth def something affot there. Prison of mirrors...got no idea what that could be about
"Hysh always makes one unbearable" says Nivet. "Not surprised daemons flee from it. I would too."

"He's an elf?" you ask, admittedly indelicately. You didn't realize elves could be bald. Or that short. Or grow (bad) moustaches.

"No. I married a man." she notes, with a delicate shrug of your soldiers. You've never heard of an interspecies match before.

"They're angling for her position" the Senator notes.

"And that is?" you say.
hmmmm intresnting

"She is Temple's representative to Myrmidia's Spring – I am not sure someone from the colonies would be aware – the great font of magic beneath the Tower." He sighs and even through the layers and layers of illusion, you see a deep frown. "She is doing a bad job."

Before you can ask why, there's a blast of trumpets, and what seems like a whole legion of soldiers troops into the lobby, clearing a path directly to the Amphitheatre. Then, through the double doors strides the Princeps Suttar.
unrelated but I wonder why he is using someone many layers of illusion to hide his true self from the world quite suspicious if you ask me could have mundane explaton he simply wants to hide what he looks like to the public allowing him to be in the world without the illusion or I dunno he a rat or something :V I don't think he is though lol. The giant font of magic is quite intrestning though def think it a massive waystone they have repuropused for there own benfeit but wonder why she doing a bad job.

He looks younger that you thought he would be, perhaps thirty-five at most, though with Moulder age treatments, he may well be far older. He has handsome; dark brown eyes, an aquiline nose, and a cleft chin, with wavy blonde locks that fall down past his ears. He is in ceremonial armour; a gromril muscle cuirass, on which is engraved the legendary marriage of Tyleus and Myrmidia. From his shoulders and hips are ilthmar pturges, and at his side hangs his legendary truesilver sword, Bellerophon. On his head sits his horned crown of office, the barbs of the dragon Tyleus slew to found the Twin Cities, set in gold. All of this is enormously enchanted, the full rainbow of magic blasting out from him – but you really Look and see that beyond all of his panoply, his soul is extraordinarily, shockingly radiant; brighter, bigger, realer than any you've seen – even your own.

Lord Suttar waves, but speaks to no one, and proceeds to his box, his guard following. The rest of the audience takes that as a signal to proceed to their seats, so the great exodus begins. You check your ticket, and follow, ready for the show to go on.
damm this dude is fucking bad ass ngl and his soul being so...everything than everything else makes me think some god is backing perhaps Alluminas who is the master of light afterall. Of course it might not be a god at all some people are really built different and with all those magical artifacts might be causing that.

[X] By the Lady Tophania, in the front row.

She seems pretty neat and I like the chac interactions we have going on
Ok friends, time to break out the conspiracy board:
WARPSTONE BANNED - After the catastrophe at the Battle of Nova Gramona where a Wyrdstone weapon "Morr's Breath" was turned against our brave soldiers through the perfidy of an enemy weather-witch, General Vocula has announced a total ban on the usage of the substance. Rumors that the weapons inventor, Hieronimus Ovidius (Senate candidate for Thunderdome), might be charged with manslaughter have so far been unsubstantiated
"She is Temple's representative to Myrmidia's Spring – I am not sure someone from the colonies would be aware – the great font of magic beneath the Tower." He sighs and even through the layers and layers of illusion, you see a deep frown. "She is doing a bad job."

On his head sits his horned crown of office, the barbs of the dragon Tyleus slew to found the Twin Cities, set in gold. All of this is enormously enchanted, the full rainbow of magic blasting out from him – but you really Look and see that beyond all of his panoply, his soul is extraordinarily, shockingly radiant; brighter, bigger, realer than any you've seen – even your own.
Ok so, my current suspicion is that this guy will fuck around with divine magic somehow (probably trying to become a god and get mutated into the horned rat in the process) and be the cause for the destruction of the cities.

Note a total ban on the use of warpstone while possession is still legal. My guess is that its being stockpiled for the previously mentioned divine fuckery.
While a divine magic spring underneath the accursed tower of the rulers is already bad news. But i want to point people to the fact that that this is myrmidias spring and a later myth tells of myrmidias mortal incarnation being slain by skaven. I think that these are connected and symbolize the birth of skavenblight by the ruin of this spring.
Id be grateful for anything other people habe noticed that supports or contradicts this.
These were assuaged by having a representative from Thunderdome attend and verify the safety of the ritual, that being a Master Steward of the Lodge of the Harvest Moon, one Parlenius Patrocline, head of the Bureau of Future Financial Forecasting.
Im also of the opinion that this guy messed with the ritual, whether due to petty reasons or to prevent the morrites scrying the purpose of the tower im unsure.
No, your fellow visitor's skin is unmarred, what little you can see, for he is wrapped in a thick black robe that seems to disguise a sword on his hip that glimmers out of the corner of your eye with some unfamiliar magic
Probably a priest of gazul and a good future contact.
"A death in the family.".
I think this still has to do with divine shenanigans, considering we are a (apparently) known priest of morr and myrmidia is his daughter.

Sorry for any formatting issues, i typed this out on mobile.
Id be glad for other people to share their observations.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Graf Tzarogy on Feb 5, 2024 at 9:56 PM, finished with 25 posts and 21 votes.
Turn One Results (Part 3) - Crescendo

You sit. You are the Audience.
[RISK: Break the Fourth Wall – Tails (Failure)]


Dramatis Personae
Jephthah, a great general
Idomeneus, brother of Jephthah
Adah, wife of Jephthah
Selia, daughter of Jephthah
Old Slave, servant of Jephthah

SCENE: In front of the tent of Jephthah, amid an army camp.
: Dusk.

Old man, come out. Come out!
Hurry up!

OLD SLAVE (entering)
I'm hurrying – and I'm not asleep,
Mercy! Time's a vise for the old.

JEPHTHAH (pacing back and forth)
What stars are those
That move across the sky?

Why Talios, denier.
The stubborn goat that rebukes all comers
What'soever their grand designs.

JEPHTHAH (stopping still)

My lord, what ails you?
Why have you been rushing up and down
Outside your tent – there is peace
And quiet in the camp – none
Move save for your command.
Can we not go inside?

This silence mocks me, slave
As does this cloying peace
What glory have I promised
And what little we have won!
What warrior can I be fighting nothing?

I don't like words like these.
You were begat, not to have all good things.
No, it is necessary and fated
That you be glad and that you be
Sad too.
What the gods will comes true.
But it is not some mere
Obscurity of valour that ails you
In your hand I spy a letter
You've been writing and tearing them
Each time with sharp tears.
O Lord! Tell of your woe.
Idomeneus picked me for your service
Because I was honest.

JEPHTHAH (explaining the situation)
That gods play dice with the lives of men
Is the font of my grief.
See before you fifty legions
Fitted with all accustomed pomp
Their standards, each
Topped with golden eagles
Ready to march to war.
But all is still and silent!
And ill stars converge to mock me.
The prophet Xenophon spoke to me in despair
Saying we would win only ignominy.
That the God had taken offense
At our grandiose aims
To conquer all
And had forsaken us.
One way alone could we keep our honor.
To Sacrifice on the altar
my own daughter to Him
And my army shall find battle.
At that instant, my heart filled
With shame and horror comixed
I moved to make a loud proclamation
To dismiss the army and avoid cruel brutality.
But cannot face my loss alone.
I cannot write away my destiny.

My sweet lord, my good lord
Hail your wisdom and your grace
And your mercy most profound!
I have not envy of the powerful
Who must carry the sky on their backs.
But let this worm take the burden.
And deliver your words to the men.
Whatever slings and arrows are flung for this
I consider a worthy sacrifice.

Yes, taken the reigns
And shake them – send them back!
Go out! Run! Hurry now!
Forget you are old!

(He hands the letter to the OLD SLAVE)

(the OLD SLAVE goes out)

No mortal man has happiness
To his end – we are all born
To our own grief.

(JEPHTHAH goes out)

(IDOMENEUS and the OLD SLAVE enter, quarrelling, the prior armed with a spear)

Keep your place, or you'll pay for it.

OLD SLAVE (shouting)
You had no right to the letter I carried!

Nor had you the right to carry a message
That would bring evil and ruin to all.

Give it!​

This stick will beat you to bloody pulp.

For my master, a worthy sacrifice.

(the OLD SLAVE lunges forward)
(IDOMENEUS strikes him)
(the OLD SLAVE falls)


(IDOMENEUS strikes him)


(IDOMENEUS strikes him)


(IDOMENEUS strikes him)
(IDOMENEUS strikes him)
(IDOMENEUS strikes him)
(IDOMENEUS strikes him)
(IDOMENEUS strikes him)
(IDOMENEUS strikes him)
(IDOMENEUS strikes him)
(IDOMENEUS strikes him)
(IDOMENEUS strikes him)
(IDOMENEUS strikes him)

(THE ACTOR PLAYING THE OLD SLAVE lies bloody and unmoving)
(JEPHTHAH enters)

What is this, a brawl?
Right at my own door?

Look upon my face, Jephthah
And listen to my story.

Do you think I would
Shrink from your eye?

Your shrink from much
If this letter is true.

I see the letter – give it here.


What treason is this?
You won't allow me to rule my own men?

No, it is your mind that is treacherous.
One day, you plan one thing,
Another day another.
Tomorrow you will shift again.

You frame your lies neat.
I hate a honeyed tongue.

A disloyal heart is false to friends
And a thing of evil.
Now you I want to question
To see from whence this madness sprung.
Have you forgotten when you were eager
And anxious to lead us out
To win glory unrecorded
And to shake the world?
Eager for command,
You won power then, opened hearts,
By granting to every man what they wished
To set be set apart.
From the barbarian,
from the mob
You gave them destinies!
And now you seek, on your judgement alone
To take back your gift
And send us cringing home?
From all, you become nothing!

You know what Xenophon spoke.
You know the cost of our sweet dream.

For one life
You let the barbarians, even the basest,
Slip from our grasp and make our name a mockery!
How many men
Have we yet tread
How many, by your command
Have run into the gale
And been swallowed up by fate?
And you balk at this cost
No less then you have asked yourself?

This enterprise, against law, right,
And the child I fathered, each day, each night
Would wear me out in grief.

For our country, a worthy sacrifice.
You are a warrior!
Boast and puff yourself up!
If you do not.
I have other means, and other friends.

JEPHTHAH (shouting)
You unman me!
You unmake me!

IDOMEMUS (smiling)
What I do,
I do for us all.
What is a life but a candle's flame
Measured against the sun of

JEPHTHAH (stiffly)
Here it is. You have won the challenge.
I now face the trial of my defeat.
Go to the army, but take all precaution
That my wife learn nothing of this,
Till after I have seized the child and
Sent her to her death.
And you, who are our guests,
See that you guard your lips.


(JEPTHAH and SELIA enter)

(the OLD SLAVE'S body remains

Father, how many days since I saw you last!
But now, seeing you again
I am happy!
Are your troubles calmed?
Is the way cleared?

Seeing you, I am happy too.

But why do you call me
To this camp of men?
A messenger came in all due haste
But was mum on your meaning.

JEPHTHAH (putting her hand on his forehead)
There is a long parting soon to come
For the both of us-

I don't understand
Father – I don't understand.

I must equip and dispatch the armies
I am still hindered and held up.
But I will leave with all haste and soon
Before the turn of these wicked stars.

You're going away – far away from me!

No, daughter, your situation is like mine.
You're going on a long voyage – leaving me.

But if only our journeys could be one!
A new home for me you're making Father
Where will it be?

JEPHTHAH (driven to speak what he has hidden)
It is not for a girl to know all these things.
But first – right here – we must offer homage to the God.

Oh yes, of course.
We must sacrifice to heaven.

My dear daughter, my lovely one – so pious and so pure.
O rosy cheeks! O golden hair!
You are more right than you know.

SELIA (smiling)
Shall I ready the altar, ready myself
To dance, round and round?

JEPHTHAH (embracing her)
What burden I lay upon you!
What would I give
To lose these spearmen, lose my pomp
To stay here
But I cannot close my eyes forever
As now they water – damn your perfume.
Go, daughter, now!
(SELIA goes out)

Forgive me, child.
And forgive me, God, for this self-pity.
(He turns)
Who comes now – a woman!
Lord, your punishment is swift!

(ADAH enters)
(THE ACTOR PLAYING IDOMENEUS enters, with bloody spear)

All is well.


(An altar appears. The OLD SLAVE's body is mangled in the mechanism.)
(JEPTHAH and SELIA enter)

I love my child.
Know that.

And I my father true.

JEPHTHAH (crying)
Bind her.

(IDOMENEUS enters with a rope)

Father? Uncle! What alien passion seizes you?

(IDOMENEUS ties CELIA to the altar)

What dirty work.
O child, here is my compulsion absolute.
Behold the armies, their armour bright
Their spears arrayed in even lines.
All rely on me
To lead them to their glory
But none shall be found
No cities sacked
None laid low
Until, as the prophet Xenophon has decreed
I make you the victim of this sacrifice.
Terrible it is to me, to dare this thing.
But terrible too, not to dare it.
O child,
Fate turns to you, to me, and now
It lies in us to set her free.

I see now the reason for your sorrow.
Will it be, but for my life
We shall fall into the shadow?
Hungry oblivion will take its toll
And leave not dust for remembering?

It has been foretold.

Then there's nothing to it.
No need for snares.
Don't weep, father! I am not lost
But saved! With my meager strength, I may redeem us all
And you, through me, will be remembered gloriously.

O noble heart.
Is it not that right I mourn your death?

No! For I
Die favoured by fate and the God.
What could be better?

I will come with you.
Let me touch your gown.

No – trust me. Here you must stay.
For you, and me, and all.

Oh, my love.
You are going, then?

And not to return again.
To dwell beyond
In the glorious light.
Farwell! Farwell!

(IDOMENEUS sets the altar aflame)

Aah! It's really burning! Help me! Please, help me!

(She catches flame)


(She screams and burns and burns)


(IDOMENEUS stab SELIA'S corpse in the heart. He is sprayed with broiling blood, his skin puckering and peeling. His spear pulses and grows red hot. THE ACTOR PLAYING IDOMENEUS turns as he catches flame, bows, and falls down dead.)

(THE ACTOR PLAYING JEPHTHAH picks up the spear.)

O Goddess,
You who joy in human blood,
Now be our guide
Give to this spearman
A crown of victory
And touch these cities
With glory everlasting

(JUNIUS throws the spear)

The Audience applauds and cheers.

Show's over.

You awake.

The spear flies above your head.

You twist to watch its perfect course.

It flies towards the Princeps, steady as a swift, even as the swing of a pendulum.

You raise your hand – to what?

There is a crack of magic.

The spear changes course.


Below the Princeps.


Below his box.


And strikes Mistress Marvos dead.

Someone screams.

And chaos reigns.

You are in your seat. You remember exactly what happened in the play, having watched it happen in front of you. As soon as you sat in your seat, you were compelled by a magical force from an unknown source to simply watch the play, regardless of what happened, a spell only broken with the drama's ending.

Junius is still on the stage. He is in a deep bow. Around him are the corpses of his fellow actors. The stage and curtains are also on fire, and increasingly so.

The audience is screaming, and beginning to stampede for the exists. The Princeps has been dragged out and away from this box by his guards. The Lady Tophania is looking at you with some interest, seemingly immune to the total anarchy around her.

What do you do?

[-] Go for Junius.
[-] Run.

AN: Is this a blatant Warhammer rip-off of Iphigenia in Aulis? Yes. Please forgive the indulgence (and all credit due to Charles R. Walker's translation, from which the above is heavily drawn). If you have any questions about the situation in the theatre, I'm happy to answer them, though be aware that what Xenophon knows is limited to his so far fifteen seconds of conscious awareness since the end of the production.
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well this ain't good guessing the fail on this was to realize we were being controlled in retrospect should have gone backstage here could have prevented this all well early learning curve of a quest. I will try to do another reaction post but understanding play prose is not my for te lol though we are def featured a lot in this play to say the least and I am little confused why a bit lol


[X] Go for Junius.

can't let this fucker get away he got answer
Rip-off or not, you had fun writing this, didn't you?

[x] Run.

Not our business.
It's our business in that we came here because of prophetic dreams and then this person is one of a pair that knew our name and that we had come here, and then had us come here.

Also, with our position of ranking priest of morr by default we probably have SOMEWHAT more protection from this association than we otherwise would, so, definitely uninclined to let this lead go loose.

[X] Go for Junius.

(More broadly the "not our business" thing to do would be to fuck off from Tylos because it's full of bad juju right now, but then we'd have no quest.)
I really don't like that the play specifically called out Xenophon. It's definitely not a coincidence.

So, the victim, Mistress Marvos, the Grand Consecrator. We can infer she's high up in the Temple of the Cleansing Flame, and not just politically high but able to suppress two other important individuals. Of note is that she is mentioned to wield a crystal key. The crystal key is linked to Astasis, also known as Arianka, a god of law who is/will be sealed in a crystal coffin by Tzeentch that can only be opened by a crystal key.

There's a crack of magic that occurred just before the spear changed course. Do we know if the spear changed course because of the magic @Graf Tzarogy? I suppose we'd also need to find out if it was always intended to go for Marvos and the redirection was intended to muddy the waters or if it was a defensive action to protect the Princeps with Marvos as collateral.

Still, not good. The Gods of Law would be one of the few powers potentially capable of preventing the Doom to come. Cripple them and the coming dark has an easier time.

[X] Go for Junius.
We didn't come to this city to flee at the first sign of strife.
in retrospect should have gone backstage here could have prevented this

Even if you went backstage, the Fourth Wall flip would have happened - the magic suffused the whole theater. The difference was that if you were in the wings, the magic would have identified you as an actor, and Xenophon would have been in the show proper.

Do we know if the spear changed course because of the magic?

The spear definitively changed course because of the crack, though it was suffused with magic already. However, you have no idea from where the course-changing spell originated from or whether it was an intended part of the play-ritual.
Even if you went backstage, the Fourth Wall flip would have happened - the magic suffused the whole theater. The difference was that if you were in the wings, the magic would have identified you as an actor, and Xenophon would have been in the show proper.
In that case it is probably better to be "I want to know why the fuck i was mentioned in that play the same as everyone else does" rather than "so uh I know I looked like an active participant in the play, but I swear I'm not involved I was just sneaking around backstage."

Being the ranking Morrite at this point hopefully gives us SOME protection even if it's Ranking Morrite by default.
Also, with our position of ranking priest of morr by default we probably have SOMEWHAT more protection from this association than we otherwise would
Shouldn't the character trait that we got during chargen mean we have less protection when it comes to magic shenanigans?
Non-Euphoric: The worship of gods outside those of order is, in Tylos-Kavzar, at best gauche, at worst, actively persecuted. Actions involving yourself with wizards are [RISKY] instead of [ORDINARY].
Well that was not what I was expecting. It's ominous that the play mentions us as delivering the prophesy. I am very glad we were not backstage to get pulled into the play.

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