The Lonely Lioness - Cersei Lannister Quest

Yeah, I can only imagine how awful it would've gone if we'd just in for the ride instead of having a hand on the controls, so to speak. Also glad we spent an action gathering together more troops, since it seems like Rykker's not getting the backup we'd hoped for.
Well. Without it you'd definitely have a better understanding of how Jaime died. But so would Cersei.
Edmure did accept the Hand position. Does put pressure on the Riverlands to join Joffreys side. Though seems like the major players in the Riverlands are making each other not able to support our Crownland army even though Edmure is heading there. Then there is Robb who is planning something that's for sure and he has lords of the Riverlands with him.
Well. Without it you'd definitely have a better understanding of how Jaime died. But so would Cersei.
It would not do to have Cersei jumping at shadows. The Red Keep is not terribly well-lit at the best of times.

Edmure did accept the Hand position. Does put pressure on the Riverlands to join Joffreys side. Though seems like the major players in the Riverlands are making each other not able to support our Crownland army even though Edmure is heading there. Then there is Robb who is planning something that's for sure and he has lords of the Riverlands with him.
He may also have his father and/or sister. Jaime was supposed to be guarding them before he got sidetracked.
We must have a positive outlook, I'm sure that this experience will help make Joffrey a better king. Everyone knows that murder attempts build character, it is not like kings have a tendency of becoming paranoid after surviving said murder attempts.
I really just want to know what the fuck Jaime was doing. This whole information blackout in that riverlands shit show has been infuriating.
[X] Despair

I think it will temper her much better than just raging around, or trying to bring him back in some way.
I really just want to know what the fuck Jaime was doing. This whole information blackout in that riverlands shit show has been infuriating.
There would be no Riverlands shit show if Tywin's ego wasn't big enough to have its own gravitational pull.
Make sure to debrief Edmure when he shows his face.
Is Edmure even coming to King's Landing? Cersei, in theory, is on Tywin's side and he just tried to murder him.
Is Edmure even coming to King's Landing? Cersei, in theory, is on Tywin's side and he just tried to murder him.
To Duskendale, anyway. Close enough to recall if we want. He might even listen.

Your fathers men acused Edmure Tully of betraying us and turned on his riders. There were some losses on both sides. One Frey page and one of the Brackens are the only notable dead we are aware of. Edmure himself got away and I believe he is following the road to Duskendale. He wanted to use his status as Hand to take command from Rykker and then attack the Targaryen host.
The Riverland situation is about the get a whole lot clearer as Cersei IC figured out why she didn't get any letters from there.
The Riverland situation is about the get a whole lot clearer as Cersei IC figured out why she didn't get any letters from there.
Oh thank god. The intel needs to come through more clearly at this point. Jaime is dead and I don't think Cersei can handle more of this shit

Edit: Also where the fuck are all these pretenders coming from!
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Oh. We're working against other people? Oh dear. Can a collective thread beat Azel's handpicked schemers? I guess the shared council between people with fundamentally incompatible end goals makes more sense now. Sucks to be the Volantis Player, hopefully they have fun heckling/watching.
@Azel quick question, the people of interest section on the info post says both Gaemon Blackfyre and Visenya Redfyre wield Blackfyre, is this a mistake or are they both claiming to have the sword?

As ever, Tywin continues to be a nuisance. According to the info and maps post (not sure if that's up to date yet) Edmure is travelling with Joffrey and some Lannister men, and is calling on his authority as Hand, which seems to bode well for our attempts to get him on our side. My guess that after the skirmish he is no longer travelling with Joffrey (what with Tywin accusing him), and is hoping that dealing with Caern for us will prove his loyalty.

I'm tempted to tell Joffrey to take the Mountain into his custody and bring him back to KL so we can make a show of trying him for the Tullys and Martells, but Tywin would probably find some way of refusing or convincing Joffrey to let him keep the man. It's hard to say what's best with this little information, but I'm leaning towards having him return to KL, and perhaps leaving some troops with Edmure to whom we give the go-ahead.

And finally, still on the theme of vague plans fuelled by too-little information. We need to figure out what's going on with Renly and Stannis. Storm's End is either taken or wholly destroyed, and Stannis is rather close to Renly and Mace, close enough to threaten them in Summerhall. I could see this being quite good or quite bad for us; things look at lot worse for Renly so the Tyrells may be looking to jump ship either to us or to Stannis, so we'll have to make sure we make the better offer. The Reach's religiosity may help here too. What Renly himself chooses to do matters quite a bit as well, of course. I see four main possibilities:
1. He attacks Stannis (either staying independent or doing so gain favor with us)
2. He surrenders to Stannis and not us
3. He retreats to Highgarden with Mace (likely staying independent, but possibly surrendering to us)
4. He surrenders to us and comes to KL

(I'm assuming he won't stay in Summerhall long as it's presumably not very defensible). If he does one of the latter two and tries to get away, he'll probably have to north to get to the Rose Road or Kings Road, or travel west on rough infrastructure for longer until he gets to the Rose Road. Or if he/Mace have rivers boats in the area, they could travel along the Mander river and it's tributaries. It's hearth season so this would be difficult, but he still might go for it.

For now the best we can do is speculate, but this could still possibly turn out in our favor.
I wonder If the options are basically following the 5 stages of grief, with Despair being the closest step to acceptance? Changing my vote.

[X] Despair
I wonder If the options are basically following the 5 stages of grief, with Despair being the closest step to acceptance? Changing my vote.

[X] Despair

Ehh obligatory "5 Stages of Grief" has no real scientific backing behind it, and even originally was meant for a specific use case not general grieving. The Queen of Dying

And damn honestly no idea what to vote for. None of them seem good. So I guess yolo into rage? I think I'll enjoy it more than despair or denial

[X] Wrath
And damn honestly no idea what to vote for. None of them seem good. So I guess yolo into rage? I think I'll enjoy it more than despair or denial
Yeah, my biggest reason for voting wrath right now is just that I feel like it might be the least "unfun" option to deal with if that makes sense? At least compared to Cersei being actively in denial about things that have happened and dealing with an unreliable narrator, or her possibly wallowing in despair and not doing as much.
There's no reason to be concerned about preventing/causing a murderous rampage - Cersei will do that for all three options, I'm sure. The question is what she'll be feeling.
Yeah, my biggest reason for voting wrath right now is just that I feel like it might be the least "unfun" option to deal with if that makes sense? At least compared to Cersei being actively in denial about things that have happened and dealing with an unreliable narrator, or her possibly wallowing in despair and not doing as much.
I'll not get into any details here, but none of these options are mechanically better or worse than each other. And I'll make sure none of them are unfun.