The Lonely Lioness - Cersei Lannister Quest

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After fifteen years, the king was finally dying, and the queen could not even enjoy the sight. The knowledge that Joffrey Baratheon is a bastard has been spreading at court and events are moving rapidly towards chaos and war.

Play as Cersei Lannister and preserve your children's claim to the Iron Throne against the coming storm.
The Kings Will
The Kings Will

After fifteen years, the king was finally dying, and the queen could not even enjoy the sight.

It was not that she was repulsed by the scene. The boar had opened Robert from the groin to the chest and the wound was festering. The stench was overpowering. Easily worse than even Flea Bottom or the sludge flowing down the Blackwater. It was turning her stomach, but at the same time, she had to be there. She needed to be here. To witness it. To behold the results of her work with her own eyes and nose, in all it's horrible details.

It was not the onlookers either. They did not pay her any attention anyway. Eddard Stark was conversing with the dying lout, Pycelle was measuring out medications and Renly Baratheon seemed engrossed in his own thoughts. Nobody would have seen it if she grinned. They likely would not even have noticed if she openly gloated. Nobody paid attention to the queen when the king was commanding their attention. Part of her was sorely tempted to just yell 'I killed him' into the room and see who was the first to call her hysterical and usher her out with a bottle of poppy milk to calm her dainty nerves.

No. The bitter truth was that she just felt nothing. Weeks ago, when Robert finally admitted that he never cared for her, she told him it meant nothing to her. It was supposed to be a lie. She just said it to deny him the satisfaction of having any power over her feelings. But the more she thought about it, the more she realised that it was the truth. Instead, she lied to herself. Tried to convince herself that it would be a grand day when she finally killed him. That it would feel good to see the source of her torments suffer and die, never to trouble her again.

And now there was nothing. No elation. No grief, thankfully. He had loomed so large. Always loud. Always overshadowing everything. But now he was just a tiny pile of pain and sweat. He was just a man. All the indignities big and small. All the times the drunken monster forced himself on her. All the welts and bruises his meaty fists left on her. All the years lost to him. Nothing would undo it. When he finally breathed his last, all of it would still have happened. There would be nothing more added to the mountain of her pain, but nothing taken away either. It was an ashen victory.

Though it was a victory at least, even if Cersei could not muster to wring even a shred of joy from it. Maybe that was the most fitting epitaph for this marriage. Here dies Robert Baratheon, denying his wife her happiness one last time.

She was so deep in her ruminations that Cersei nearly missed that the temperamental idiot was throwing everyone out of the room. Nearly everyone, that was. Stark was staying with him for yet another of their conspiratory discussions. Only when she was already outside and the door firmly closed did she realise what they might be talking about. Eddard knew about her children. He had promised not to reveal it to anyone, out of fear of what Robert would do to them and her, but what could he do now? He could barely lift his arms and would anyone obey a dying king ordering to snuff out his heirs?

Fear was creeping into the emptiness in her heart nonetheless. A nameless dread that something would happen. She nearly rushed away, looking for something to do about it as was her first impulse, or maybe just to share her fears with Jaime. Her sweet brother could be such a fool, but in his arms, she could at least shove away the worries for a moment. Longer if they found a quiet spot.

"Something the matter?" Renly was suddenly beside her before she could act on her fears or her lust. "I would have not expected you to be so concerned about my brothers health."

"Nothing that concerns you." She spat the last word almost and some confidence crept back into her spine as she saw him recoil ever so slightly. "There is nothing for you to pick from your brothers corpse, so why are you even here? Go and hide with Loras in the godswood as usual and leave the queen alone with her grief."

Something passed over his face, stuck between grief and anger at her words, but he did not rise to Cersei's bait. "Perhaps, you are right for once. I should probably leave."

And then he did, just like that, leaving her to stare at his back and wonder if she had missed something. This left only her and Pycelle to stand outside the chamber. The latter was carefully pretending to be part of the tapestry behind him to avoid becoming the next targets of Cersei's ire. This, of course, had quite the opposite effect, though she had no time to either act on it or go back to her worrying.

The door to the chamber they were letting Robert die in opened and Stark called them back into a document he had laid out on the small table. "A testament," he quietly said while heating some seal wax. His voice was weak and halting as he continued. "For when the king passes to the Strangers care. So that everything is in order."

She nearly balked at the implication, but bit her tongue and read it first. "You make yourself regent," she then balked anyway.

"No," came a cough from the cot. "I did. I ain't dead yet, woman. And I'm still king."

"You are giving this man the throne," she spat back. "Over your own flesh and blood."

"Only until Joffrey comes of age. The boy isn't ready." He tried to muster up the strength to yell at her, perhaps for the last time, but just trailed off in a defeated tone.

Cersei did not care though. She quickly read the document again. "It says 'his heir' here. Not Joffrey."

"That's..." He coughed once, twice, then choked up some blood prompting Pycelle to rush to his side. Robert just waved him away though, not that the Grand Maester was stopping to wipe the blood from his chin. "That's the same bloody thing woman."

She was not watching him though, Pycelle's ministrations byplay. She watched Eddard Stark, who was staring back with a firm gaze and curtly nodded. It was not the same. They both knew that. And Lord Paramount Stark, soon Protector of the Realm and honourable fool through and through, would soon make sure all of Westeros would know. "We will find an arrangement," he told her while rolling up the parchment. "All I ask you is to verify that this is Roberts will and to seal it, so that it can be read to court when the time comes."

There was nothing that she could do, except mutely watch as Stark sealed the message, shortly after followed by Pycelle, the bloodless toady. "I will give it to Varys for safe-keeping," Stark absently said while dripping a third blotch of wax onto the document. "We all should prepare for the day it is unsealed again."

He had told her that he knew. He told her to run. Take Jaime and their three children and flee to the Westerlands. Maybe to Essos, where no one would be overly concerned over their love. The honourable fool through and through. Cersei looked straight into his eyes as she pressed the seal of house Lannister into the wax, nodding ever so slightly to confirm the deal being struck. A promise she had no intention to follow through on. Her son Joffrey would sit on the Iron Throne and she would bury anyone who stood in the way of that.

King Robert is dying and Eddard Stark will soon make it public that his heir is a bastard. That can't be allowed.

[] Speak to Varys. Talk him into altering the will. That should be trivial for a spymaster of his calibre and Pycelle will not contest the changed document.

[] Speak to the High Septon. The fat priest is pliable and with some pressure, he can object to the will in the name of the faith on some pretext.

[] Speak to Jaime. Maybe he has an idea how to resolve this.

AN: Been a while since I did anything Game of Thrones related and over the last weeks, the mood took me. There are some subtle and some not so subtle differences between this world and canon, so canon knowledge is not always accurate. I also have some players lose in the world that will spice things up, so this will not be the stations of canon for very long.

With that said, have fun with playing Westeros least liked queen everyone.
Informations and Maps

Shields denote (presumed) location of important figures.
CoAHousePersonRegionExact LocationNotes
House Baratheon-LannisterCersei Baratheon-Lannister née LannisterKings LandingKings Landing
House Baratheon-LannisterKing Joffrey IUnknownUnknown
House RykkerRenfred RykkerKings LandingKings Landing- Master of Ships
House Baratheon of Storms EndRenly BaratheonShipbreaker BayGriffins Roost
House Baratheon of DragonstoneStannis BaratheonKingswoodUnknown
House StarkRobb StarkWickendenBloody Gate
- leading a host of Northmen and Riverlanders
House BoltonRoose BoltonRiverrunRiverrun- leading a host of Northmen and Riverlanders
- sieging Riverrun
House TullyEdmure TullyKings LandingKings Landing- Hand of the King
House ArrynLisa Arryn née TullyGiants LanceThe Eyrie
House TyrellMace TyrellHighgardenHighgarden
House TyrellOlenna Tyrell née RedwyneKings LandingKings Landing
House LannisterTywin LannisterHarrenhalHarrenhal
House GreyjoyBalon GreyjoyCasterly RockLannisport
House GreyjoyEuron GreyjoyUnknownUnknown
House MartellQuentyn MartellBroken ArmSunspear
House BlackfyreGaemon BlackfyreVolantisVolantis- heavily wounded and likely dead
House BlackfyreShasta BlackfyreTyroshSiege Camp- no claim made yet
- leads the Golden Company
House BrightfyreValarr BrightfyreEastwealdOld Anchor
House RedfyreVisenya RedfyreVolantisVolantis- Scourge of Volantis
- wields Blackfyre
House TargaryenRhaenys TargaryenBroken ArmSunspear- travelling with Oberyn Martell
- travelling with Arianne Martell
House TargaryenSymon Wyne DrinkerLysLys- represents claimant Perianne Targaryen
House BloodfyreJaherys BloodfyreUnknownUnknown
House WildfyreHelaena WildfyreStepstonesGrey Gallows- proclaimed King of the Stepstones
House PlummfyreAerys PlummfyreGiants LanceUnknown
House HeartfyreMatavarra HeartfyreIronoaksIronoaks- sieging the keep of Ironoaks

Current Small Council

Queen RegentCersei Baratheon-LannisterLooking good on that chair.
Hand of the KingEdmure Tully
Acting Grand MaesterQyburn
Master of CoinPetyr Baelish
Master of LawsOlenna TyrellCan't be dismissed.
Master of ShipsRenfred Rykker
Master of WhisperersVarys
Lord Commander of the KingsguardSandor CleganeCan't be dismissed. Not a knight.
AdvisorHigh Septon (the fat one)

Current Kingsguard

HolderCurrent DeploymentNotes
Lord Commander Sandor CleganeUnknownNot a knight
Ser Meryn TrantUnknown
Ser Boros BlountUnknownLast seen fleeing Maidenpool after the attempt on Joffreys life.
Ser Mandon mooreUnknown
Ser Preston GreenfieldUnknown

Special Items in the Treasury
  • First Light - Valyrian Steel Longsword
  • Dragon Egg

The Lesser Seasons of Westeros
1st Season
Sowing Season​
2nd Season
Harvest Season​
3rd Season
Curing Season​
4th Season
Hearth Season​
The NorthRivers swell due to thawing, making crossings treacherous and hampering movements.-Rain and cold weather hamper campaigning.Called Snow Season

Mild snows even during summer, making campaigning all but impossible.
Mountain and ValeSnow melt keeps rivers elevated, making crossing more difficult.--Heavy rains cause rivers to swell and snow falls in the mountains. Travel is severely impeded.
Riverlands--Increasing rains make river fording difficult.Heavy rains cause the soil to become soggy and almost impossible to traverse. Even unpaved roads become nigh impassible.
Westerlands---Rains swell rivers and can cause mud slides.
Iron IslesMild storms make the waters dangerous for those not used to the weather.--Severe storms sweep the islands.
CrownlandsRunoff from the Riverlands keeps the major rivers elevated and floods--Cold rains sweeping in from the Kingswood soften the ground and make campaigning difficult.
Stormlands-Mild storms make the waters dangerous for those not used to the weather.Mild storms make the waters dangerous for those not used to the weather.Storms and cold rains make travel difficult. Infrequent but heavy rain showers wash out roads and can damage houses.
The Reach-Severe heat can occur in the southern regions.-Heavy rains swell the rivers and flood meadows, making travel and campaigning difficult.
Dorne-Severe heat makes travel through the desert dangerous and the supply of fresh water is severely depleted.Supply of fresh water remains difficult after the summer heat away from the major rivers.-
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[X] Speak to the High Septon. The fat priest is pliable and with some pressure, he can object to the will in the name of the faith on some pretext.

I usually don't comment on quests as I am shy. But I want more people to see this quest and see where it goes.

My decision is based on Varys being untrustworthy at best and Jaime being unsubtle. The high septon is unreliable but honestly the faith is powerful in Westeros so would be good to get him under Cersei.
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[X] Speak to the High Septon. The fat priest is pliable and with some pressure, he can object to the will in the name of the faith on some pretext.

Cool idea, with the way SV plays odds are we will try to mitigate at least the worst of Cersei's monstrous acts, but at the same time we are in too deep to alter the core of things. We have to win if we want to survive.
[X] Speak to Varys. Talk him into altering the will. That should be trivial for a spymaster of his calibre and Pycelle will not contest the changed document.

Varys is probably the most useful guy out of those options
[X] Speak to Varys. Talk him into altering the will. That should be trivial for a spymaster of his calibre and Pycelle will not contest the changed document.

Varys is probably the most useful guy out of those options

He is also the least trustworthy as far as Cersei is concerned. She knows he betrayed the Mad King and that probably suspects that he betrayed Robert by not mentioning the bastards earlier. The other option is that the spymaster was somehow more oblivious than Ned Stark which.., yeah, would not speak well of his competence.
[] Speak to the High Septon. The fat priest is pliable and with some pressure, he can object to the will in the name of the faith on some pretext.

I usually don't comment on quests as I am shy. But I want more people to see this quest and see where it goes.

My decision is based on Varys being untrustworthy at best and Jaime being unsubtle. The high septon is unreliable but honestly the faith is powerful in Westeros so would be good to get him under Cersei.
You'll have to put an X into the box so that your vote is counted by the tally.
[X] Speak to the High Septon. The fat priest is pliable and with some pressure, he can object to the will in the name of the faith on some pretext.
[X] Speak to the High Septon. The fat priest is pliable and with some pressure, he can object to the will in the name of the faith on some pretext.
So... what are we doing long term? Specifically about King Joffrey the First of his Name? Because ideally we now have a balancing act on our hands, one that would lead to no or very limited war, but that is hard to do with boy wonder at the helm. Cersei can become regent, but given his age and temperament our control is going to be very iffy. To be honest I am tempted to summon Tywin as Hand. His interests align very well with our own while also having the inclination to hit Joff upside the head enough times that something might actually penetrate his thick skull. On the other hand Tywin as Hand would eclipse us in power. Cersei has a very long reach at the moment, but her grasp is weak since she has no claim to power other than being the mother of the king.

Ideally from a purely pragmatic perspective would be if Joff discovered he had a vocation or something and then we would have a longer regency for an actually sane prince, but that is not really in character for Cersei to arrange, so we are just going to have to work around him.
[X] Speak to the High Septon. The fat priest is pliable and with some pressure, he can object to the will in the name of the faith on some pretext.
[X] Speak to the High Septon. The fat priest is pliable and with some pressure, he can object to the will in the name of the faith on some pretext.
[X] Speak to Varys. Talk him into altering the will. That should be trivial for a spymaster of his calibre and Pycelle will not contest the changed document.
To be honest I am tempted to summon Tywin as Hand.
While Tywin would be eager to fill that role once more, Cersei is not ready to call on him. It would be tantamount to admitting that she can't handle the situation in King's Landing on her own and things are not remotely dire enough for her to even consider that.

You can try that when an army is at the gate.
While Tywin would be eager to fill that role once more, Cersei is not ready to call on him. It would be tantamount to admitting that she can't handle the situation in King's Landing on her own and things are not remotely dire enough for her to even consider that.

You can try that when an army is at the gate.

Realistically speaking she can't handle it, she is a fair to middling plotter and no kind of ruler at all, far from he best regent even in peace time. Hopefully she gets enough character development to realize this in time.

Still first thing's first, we have to keep the great Joff one from murdering Ned Stark and get him to take the Black instead. This will serve the dual purpose of hopefully avoiding the North rising in rebellion and sending a sane and well regarded man to the Watch to deal with the Others. After that if it works... Try to get Lysa Tully on side maybe? She at least has no reason to hate us, which when you're talking Lannisters circa 300 AC might as well be oathsworn friends.
[X] Speak to the High Septon. The fat priest is pliable and with some pressure, he can object to the will in the name of the faith on some pretext.
Ooooh, Cersei Quest. Me likey.

Let's light this dumpster fire.

[X] Speak to the High Septon. The fat priest is pliable and with some pressure, he can object to the will in the name of the faith on some pretext.
Another thing we can do is take advantage of the two qualities Joff has, he's new and he's pretty to look at from a distance. We can parade him around the capital (make it fancy and stroke his ego) and offer some free food to the populace. People are naturally inclined to like a king who starts his reign with generosity even if in the grand scheme of things it isn't much. On top of that later when Stannis or Renly threaten the city and the grain stores run low they can be the villains of the piece.
[X] Speak to the High Septon. The fat priest is pliable and with some pressure, he can object to the will in the name of the faith on some pretext.
[X] Speak to the High Septon. The fat priest is pliable and with some pressure, he can object to the will in the name of the faith on some pretext.

Playing as Cersei, the ultimate Nightmare Hard Mode character? Extremely intriguing.
[X] Speak to the High Septon. The fat priest is pliable and with some pressure, he can object to the will in the name of the faith on some pretext.

Jeez hard mode much?
I guess playing anyone else would be to easy since even Jaime would be mildly competent and we can actually play on his traits to force him to coup his sister and totallynotSon.
Realistically speaking she can't handle it, she is a fair to middling plotter and no kind of ruler at all, far from he best regent even in peace time. Hopefully she gets enough character development to realize this in time.
Ultimately you can make her a better plotter and ruler by making better choices. You'll have to work around her hang-ups, but you are not locked into doing the dumbest thing possible at every point.
Another thing we can do is take advantage of the two qualities Joff has, he's new and he's pretty to look at from a distance. We can parade him around the capital (make it fancy and stroke his ego) and offer some free food to the populace. People are naturally inclined to like a king who starts his reign with generosity even if in the grand scheme of things it isn't much. On top of that later when Stannis or Renly threaten the city and the grain stores run low they can be the villains of the piece.
I'll add an option to that effect at the appropriate time.
I don't exactly trust Varys, but I think he'll be able to do a lot more for us than the high septon. After all, if the church comes out swinging over the wording of the will being "the king's heir" and not "Joffrey Baratheon" that would be basically the same as admitting the Joff is a bastard. And Jaime would probably do something stupid like trying to arrest or kill Ned and bring us towards war.

[X] Speak to Varys. Talk him into altering the will. That should be trivial for a spymaster of his calibre and Pycelle will not contest the changed document.
[X] Speak to the High Septon. The fat priest is pliable and with some pressure, he can object to the will in the name of the faith on some pretext.
I don't exactly trust Varys, but I think he'll be able to do a lot more for us than the high septon. After all, if the church comes out swinging over the wording of the will being "the king's heir" and not "Joffrey Baratheon" that would be basically the same as admitting the Joff is a bastard. And Jaime would probably do something stupid like trying to arrest or kill Ned and bring us towards war.

[X] Speak to Varys. Talk him into altering the will. That should be trivial for a spymaster of his calibre and Pycelle will not contest the changed document.

That is not what would get attacked most likely, the easiest thing to attack is the King's intent to disinherit his son in favour of his brother, in an obvious abandonment of his fatherly duties. Basically you attack Robert on religious grounds or even claim it was the heathen Northerner who poisoned the king's mind against his heir. The word used is pretext, not 'wording'.
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