Humble Beginnings, a Cultivation Quest

[x] Plan: A Light In The Dark
- [x] An innkeeper
-- [x] Performance Specialisation: Oratory
- [x] Perception: A character's awareness, both for the environment around them, as well as the mental state of those around them.
- [x] Compassion
[X] Plan: A Light In The Dark

I'm sold. Also, while all of the option 3 choices are reasonable subjective responses, I think Compassion is probably the most interesting for a protagonist, followed by Hope. Determination is a bit too common in Cultivation stories already,
[X]Plan Spy ninja girl
-[X] An innkeeper

[X] Plan: Selling Revolution
Composure + Resolve + Realm for CTN
Charisma/Influence + Socialize + Realm against the CTN
Dexterity + Wits + Perception + Realm for Initiative
Melee/Ranged Combat + Dexterity + Realm for Attack
Defend + Dexterity + Realm for Defense
Intelligence + Skill to train Skills
Intelligence + Realm to train Qi and clear Meridian
Intelligence + Resolve + Realm to Break through
Constitution + Resolve for Health

Attributes in bold and skills in red.

What could we cover in character creation with the choice of 2 of the former and 5-7 of the latter?


Intelligence and Resolve are the Attributes that appear in every category that doesn't also involve a skill. So those are the 2 picks on that front. It really helps that both (but Intelligence in particular) are the most important Attributes for progression, including when it comes to Realm progression, which seems to be the most frequent modifier in this system.

Socialize, Perception, Defend and either Melee or Ranged Combat cover the remaining categories.


What kind of character does this build inspire and what other skills or specializations would fit and fill it further? How about:

[X] Plan A Flavorful Optimization
-[X] Write in: a Gunsmith
Hou Yanlin, a retired handcannoneer, has turned his expertise towards gunsmithing in a city teeming with cultivators. His firearms are a testament to his years on the battlefield, designed for efficiency and precision. Xiǎo Nú was made to assist him in the workshop, learning not just her master's current and previous craft, but also the tales of war that shaped his life.
--Attributes: (+Intelligence, +Resolve)
--Skills: (+Defend (Dodge), +Ranged Combat (Firearms), +Perception, +Craft (Artificing))
-[X] Socialize
-[X] Compassion
I'd like to propose an alternative to the bright starry-eyed protag.

[X] Plan: Voice of the Revolution
-[X] An innkeeper
--[X] Performance Specialisation: Oratory
-[X] Perception
-[X] Vengeance

[X] Plan: Selling Revolution
[X] Plan A Flavorful Optimization
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[x] Plan: A Light In The Dark
- [x] An innkeeper
-- [x] Performance Specialisation: Oratory
- [x] Perception: A character's awareness, both for the environment around them, as well as the mental state of those around them.
- [x] Compassion

[X] Plan A Flavorful Optimization
-[X] Write in: a Gunsmith
Hou Yanlin, a retired handcannoneer, has turned his expertise towards gunsmithing in a city teeming with cultivators. His firearms are a testament to his years on the battlefield, designed for efficiency and precision. Xiǎo Nú was made to assist him in the workshop, learning not just her master's current and previous craft, but also the tales of war that shaped his life.
--Attributes: (+Intelligence, +Resolve)
--Skills: (+Defend (Dodge), +Ranged Combat (Firearms), +Perception, +Craft (Artificing))
-[X] Socialize
-[X] Compassion

I really like this idea too!
[x] Plan: Selling Revolution
[x] Plan: Voice of the Revolution
- [x] An innkeeper
-- [x] Performance Specialisation: Oratory
- [x] Perception
- [x] Vengeance
[X] Plan A Flavorful Optimization

This has a highly cohesive theme that I really like (a mix of proto-industrialization and learning from reality), and is also very good mechanically.
Either would be good on its own. Both is amazing. I really, really like Creative Optimization, and this is absolutely that.
In addition, aside from the creative optimization standpoint, I also have a bias towards highly intelligent characters. This plan satisfies that bias.

A Flavorful Optimization is the best plan offered so far mechanically and has very strong characterization, which shows up in the mechanics. It exemplifies how mechanics and flavor can guide and strengthen each other in well-executed creative optimization. I encourage people to vote for it.
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I still like Light in the Dark but Flavorful Optimization does look good both mechanically and thematically...

[X] Plan: A Light In The Dark
[X] Plan A Flavorful Optimization
[x] Plan A Flavorful Optimization

I'm good with both A Light In The Dark and A Flavorful Optimization, but I favor the latter. Since the former's in the lead right now, I'm going to pull for the latter. These handcannons are one of the more notable unique setting elements that we've been given in the initial post, both in character (it's new to them, as portrayed) and out (it's not something I see much in cultivation stories).

This sounds like the start that can lead into a character who's the cultivation version of a Wild West gunslinger, someone who mixes some hilarious gun-fu into the fights. From what we have so far, I don't immediately see anything mechanically unoptimized about going for a ranged combat build anyway, and making and firing our own high-realm pistols, one in each hand, is just a great visual.

(The Ecstasy of Gold begins playing)
[X] Plan: Selling Revolution
[X] Plan: Voice of the Revolution
[X] Plan A Flavorful Optimization

I've had my fill of compassionate Quest PCs for now. Time for some classic vengeance. Although the guns plan is interesting enough that I'll throw it in.
[X] Plan: Selling Revolution
[X] Plan: Voice of the Revolution

Adding in the other vengeance plan. Leaving out the gunsmith although the effort is welcome because Compassion is for all the other quests.