This is going to be a viking quest where your character goes around raiding and pillaging places so he can get loot and gain prestige to grow stronger. He will be something of a villain protagonist or at least morally grey because people are complex and I'm aiming for the Norse in this quest to be neither the good guys or the bad guys, but people with their virtues and their flaws. It doesn't mean they won't be monsters, but they won't be pure evil about it.
Sometimes the vote will be what evil thing you are going to do like a choice of raiding targets. Other times, it will be the aftermath of an evil deed like choosing what loot you get from pillaging a village rather than whether or not to raid the village in the first place. You won't always have to be a bad guy and you won't be some moustache-twirling villain who kicks puppies for fun, but this is a quest about playing a raider who goes out and attacks people with deadly force so he can still their stuff.
Now with that disclaimer/warning out of the way.
You are Torvald Sigurdrsson, younger son of Sigrudr Torsensson. Your father is a nobleman in Agdir in the lands of Nordvegr and an infamous viking, known across the lands for his many raids.
The Christians in lands overseas call him the Princess-Taker, a monster known for his habit of targeting women of the highest birth and claiming them as his concubines. Your fellow Norse respect him, envying his legendary might and admiring his vast collection of wealth and treasure.
You will know him as your loving father, born to him via his wife, the daughter of a thane in Gotland. You won't be his firstborn and you may not follow in his footsteps as a nobleman, but you will follow his path in becoming a viking. Should you have your way, you will be famous across all lands for your unstoppable raids by the time the Valkyries come to bring you to Valhalla.
You will garner prestige to strengthen your body and piety to empower your mind. You will gain steadfast companions to serve as your hird. You will become a mighty warrior whose legend will be told for all eternity until Ragnarok itself comes to end the world.
No plan voting.
What title does Sigrudr Torsensson the Princesstaker hold?
[ ] Your father is a chief under the Jarl of Agdir.
Hard Difficulty.
[ ] Your father is a high chief under the Jarl of Agdir.
Medium Difficulty.
[ ] Your father is the Jarl of Agdir.
Easy Difficulty.
What traits do you inherit from your father? Pick 2 Options.
[ ]
Strong. You have a degree of innate strength from your father, allowing you to get more out of your muscles no matter how weak or great they are.
Gain Advantage on Strength.
[ ]
Tough. You are just tougher than most, able to take more of a hit pound for pound than the majority of people out there.
Gain Advantage on Constitution.
[ ]
Swift. You are just naturally speedy, able to run a little faster and react in time just a little quicker.
Gain Advantage on Agility.
[ ]
Stubborn. You have a raw determination that refuses to be beaten without a fight, no matter how long the odds.
Gain Advantage on Will.
[ ]
Clever. You are quick witted, just able to grasp and see things that elude most others, no matter how intelligent they are.
Gain Advantage on Intellect.
[ ]
Handsome. You just have something inherently attractive about you, a spark that draws the attention of others.
Gain Advantage on Presence.
This setting is a mixture of CK2 and D&D where I have got inspiration from playing a Norse king in CK2 who likes to raid rich and/or vulnerable lands overseas. I wanted something a bit more magical for the setting so I took some ideas from D&D-like games and settings to turn this world from a low fantasy one into a high fantasy one. I also drew a bit on Mutants & Masterminds as the RPG system I know the best.
Anyway, the magic of the setting is simple. You get prestige and piety from doing deeds and what deeds count depends on your culture/religion. Prestige lets you improve your body while piety improves your mind. At certain breakpoints, you unlock traits that let you stand out from the rest or specialise down a certain path. Magic works by drawing upon your mind stats.
Onto the vote, the difficulty you are choosing is how much prestige you start with from being the son of your father. A more powerful father means more prestige and more opportunities for you growing up.
For your traits, the system works on D20s and having an Advantage on a stat lets you roll two D20s and pick the highest when making a check using that stat. Strength, Constitution and Agility are Body stats while Will, Intellect and Presence are Mind Stats. Additionally, which traits you pick here will narratively influence your protagonist's character and choices as someone who is Strong and Handsome will be different personality wise to someone who is Stubborn and Clever.
The world will also have a bunch of anachronisms and fantastical elements in it as I will be including what I consider to be cool or interesting for the setting. Such as the knights in plate armour will be running about while the British Isles will contain the Kingdom of Wessex, the Kingdom of Jorvik and the Kingdom of Camelot all fighting for dominance over England.
There will also be monsters and mythical creatures running about like dragons, trolls, griffons, giants and so on. Some will be animals while others will be sapient. Some of them will exist naturally as mundane animals whilst others are created via supernatural means.
Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.