Across the Pond (Worm Quest)

I think the girl there is another of our cluster mates. perhaps with a power of superhuman beauty or allure. she might be helpful in the investigation
I think the girl there is another of our cluster mates. perhaps with a power of superhuman beauty or allure. she might be helpful in the investigation
I'm about 90% sure she is our clustermate and we have our first Kiss reaction. Or she is a clustermate but not a Kiss target, just a primary source of either one of those powers:
Minor Power (Stranger ?): You go unnoticed with people either not realising you are there or if that isn't possible, they assume that you are allowed to be present. If you draw undue attention to yourself, then the effect breaks.
Minor Power (Changer ?): You can physically transform to fit a role. This grants only a physical transformation with no knowledge, skill or memories nor any ability to convince people of your chosen role.
But Kiss dynamic is more likely, both of those don't really mesh with the effect we've seen. Which can be either pretty nice (if it's mutual Kiss), annoying (if she has no reaction) or dangerous (if she has Kill impulse for us). Our 6-person cluster is on a larger side of the phenomena, which means Kiss/Kill dynamic is more pronounced than usual. So we probably should check this girl ASAP.
[X] Investigate that (hot) girl.
[X] Disguise yourself as a teacher.
The vote is now closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Oshha on Sep 18, 2023 at 2:36 PM, finished with 11 posts and 9 votes.
Infiltrating the Investigation
[X] Disguise yourself as a teacher.
[X] Stay focused on your task.

Deciding to put the girl who is making you question your sexuality to one side for now, you stay focused on your task. You have come here for a reason and if your power is anything to go by, you have a limited window of opportunity to carry out whatever it is.

You go back a couple of streets until you can find a spot where you won't be spotted. Your power might let your transformation go unnoticed, but you would rather test that out in a friendly environment first. As things are, you call upon your power to take the role of a teacher and you feel the strangest sensations as your body changes.

And a quick glance down reveals that it isn't just your body that has changed as your outfit has been altered to match your new body. You're wearing a long black skirt, a white blouse and your coat has become a woolly beige turtleneck sweater. You also have the id badge of a teacher called Fionna Brady and you have apparently gained a decade in age from the date of birth on it.

Extensive as it is, this transformation is only physically deep. You have no memories or skills to go with the transformation so you'll have to wing getting into school. You aren't even sure how useful your id badge will be. It should fool anyone who looks at the physical copy, but you doubt it will be any help with the electronic systems. You doubt that your power extends to adding your transformed self into the IT systems of the school.

Taking a deep breath, you begin your return to school and you quickly realise that your transformation is no fitter than your regular self. You march up to school and thankfully none of the gates before the reception building are closed. Nobody pays any attention to you and a quick showing of your fake badge is enough for the disinterested receptionist to let you into the building.

Great, you got into the building without any hassle. Now you just need to find out what is going on with the investigation. While you expect they will later once they realise that no Fionna Brady is employed by King George VI Secondary School, you should be able to avoid discovery for now. Certainly long enough to get out without being arrested. Hopefully.

You go looking for the closest police officer, who turns out to be a youngish man who appears to be older than your actual self, but younger than you currently are. He is currently occupied with his work rather than a member of staff, which is good because you don't want to risk any of the real teachers calling you out.

"Excuse me, sir," you say as you walk up to him, drawing his attention, "But I was wondering if you could explain to me what was going on? I came into work today only to find that it is apparently closed and undergoing a police investigation. I might have an email about it, but I usually check those upon arriving at work."

"One of the students gained powers during an after school fight, ma'am," replies the policeman, "As policy, we are investigating the matter, especially since several other students were hospitalised in the fight by the newly triggered parahuman."

"Ah, are you allowed to share the name of the student?" you ask since you can't reveal that you already know that it is Charles Rainbridge, "I might be able to provide some insights into his behaviour and personality."

"Charles Rainbridge, ma'am," replies the policeman

"Oh," you say, letting your distaste for him show on your face, "Can I provide my insights anonymously? There are some things you ought to know about him, but I'm fairly certain that I would lose my job if the headmaster found out what I told you. He's friends with Charles' father you see. We're a private school and the Rainbridge family has made some notable donations."

"I'll have to speak with the inspector," says the policeman and for good or ill, I have his attention now, "If you could follow me…?"

"Of course," you say and you follow the man further into the school, feeling distinctively out of place to walk through these corridors, not as a student.

It isn't long before the two of you reach a pair of police officers, a blonde policewoman who reminds you of that hot girl outsider and another policeman, an older man who is talking to a real teacher. You almost tense up for a moment before remembering to keep your cool and wonder how you can avoid dealing with the true teacher

Fortunately, you don't have to as the policeman you are with marches up to one of his fellows and whispers something in his ear. This man gives your policeman a nod before passing off the teacher to the oddly attractive policewoman and making his way over to you with the first policeman.

"Miss," says the second policeman who must be the inspector, "If you could step in here."

"Of course," you answer and follow him into an empty classroom.

"Okay, Miss…Brady," he says as he peers at your fake id badge, "I am Inspector Harper. Constable Moore said you had some insights into our new parahuman that you wished to share discreetly?"

"I do," you tell him, trying to put some confidence into your voice, "The first thing to understand is that Charles comes from a rich, white family who have connections and donate to the school. Because of that, his blatant bullying gets covered up. I don't know how many other teachers will speak up, but if you speak to any minority students or their parents, I'm sure they will have stories to share. You should also be aware that Charles runs down with White Lightning members and heavily associates with them. Nothing on record thanks to his family, but it is something I feel you should investigate if he now has superpowers. Even if he is innocent until proven guilty."

"I see," says Inspector Harper as he notes down what you are telling him, not sounding particularly surprised by my words, "I can't promise anything will come of it, but we will be looking into what you have reported. A shame that this case couldn't be simple, but in hindsight, it was to be expected."

"Are parahuman cases ever simple?" you inquire, genuinely curious.

"Only when it is a false alarm and there isn't actually a parahuman involved," answers Inspector Harper with a sigh, "Anything else to share, Miss Brady?"

"Only that I am curious about what is happening with the students involved," you reply.

"Charles Rainbridge is with the King's Men and the other students are still in the hospital," Inspector Harper informs you, "Anything more than that is confidential, you see. I'm only telling you this much because they are your students and it is semi-public knowledge."

"And I appreciate it," you say, "If there isn't anything else, I would like to get back to work. Even if there aren't any classes, a teacher never has any shortage of things that need doing."

"You may," replies Inspector Harper, "We may need to get back in touch with you regarding what you reported so expect a possible call or visit in the future."

Not likely given you aren't a real teacher here, but you give an affirmative response before disengaging yourself from the investigation. After that, it is easy enough to slip back out of the school and you change back into Finn Blaney as you no longer have any need for Fionna Bradey.

Now you have the rest of the day ahead of you.

What do you do next?
[ ] Experiment with your powers.
[ ] Research becoming a superhero.
[ ] Look into the local cape scene.
[ ] Write-in. Subject to QM veto.

You are a sixteen year old girl of Irish descent and a working class background. You aren't a genius, but your smarts and work ethic have made up the difference to do well in class until your final year of secondary school. You had a mental breakdown on the first day back at school following the Christmas holidays, resulting in triggering and becoming a hero.

Your current goals in life are to get into a college, preferably a good one, and to kill that racist monster Charles Rainbridge.

You are an attractive if chubby redhead young lady who has a natural talent for getting along with others. You have also allowed your fitness to get away with you thanks to your overfocus on academics, resulting in an overweight and physical unimpressive body.

Primary Power (Thinker ?): Thinker ability to have an eureka moment where you have a moment of clarity or breakthrough towards trying to figure something out. Except it isn't a real eureka moment because your power only grants you the final result and nothing on how you came to that conclusion, giving you an answer without understanding. You cannot pull an answer out of thin air, but so long as it is technically possible, you can do it. The more relevant information that you have, the easier it is to get an answer while working on minimal information is an instant Thinker headache.
Minor Power (Tinker ?): You feel the urge to make things, but you have no idea what sort of things.
Minor Power (Thinker ?): You gain instant mastery of any tool you are wielding so long as you are holding the item in question. Mastery is instinctive and lasts as long as you are using the item.
Minor Power (Stranger ?): You go unnoticed with people either not realising you are there or if that isn't possible, they assume that you are allowed to be present. If you draw undue attention to yourself, then the effect breaks.
Minor Power (Changer ?): You can physically transform to fit a role. This grants only a physical transformation with no knowledge, skill or memories nor any ability to convince people of your chosen role.
Minor Power (Striker ?): You can make close-ranged attacks in rapid succession, faster than what is humanly possible.


So short updates might be harder than I expected though part of that was my fault. I had mostly written up the update last night, went to bed and then woke up and got an idea that led to me rewriting half of the update.

Anyway, we are here. Finn has concluded her impromptu investigation and infiltration of the school and next is for her to do some research.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
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[X] Experiment with your powers.

Before we do anything else, we should at least try figuring out what our powers are. Also it looks like we're cluster mates with a cop, which is certainly interesting. That is, if they even are a cop.

While we didn't get to know the kind of powers Charles has, we did slander his name a bit so let's just see what comes of that.