Succubusekai: The Demoness Just Wanted To Stay With Her Friends! [Original-Ish] [Quest]

[X] (Dom On Dom Combat) Senaz resists long enough to deploy her own charm s, and then they both fail their saves.

Wait this is funnier I'm changing my answer.
[X] (Dom On Dom Combat) Senaz resists long enough to deploy her own charm s, and then they both fail their saves.
[X] (Dom On Dom Combat) Senaz resists long enough to deploy her own charm s, and then they both fail their saves.
[X] (Dom On Dom Combat) Senaz resists long enough to deploy her own charm s, and then they both fail their saves.

[X] (Dom On Dom Combat) Senaz resists long enough to deploy her own charm s, and then they both fail their saves.
[X] (Dom On Dom Combat) Senaz makes the Intelligence save, but favor negotiation instead now that you've established yourself as up to the task.
[X] (Dom On Dom Combat) Senaz makes the Intelligence save, but favor negotiation instead now that you've established yourself as up to the task.
-lets first establish some boundaries
[x] (Dom On Dom Combat) Senaz fails the Intelligence save, this is some kind of dream sequence anyways, let Senaz lose for once.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by NekoIncardine on Sep 3, 2023 at 2:14 PM, finished with 20 posts and 18 votes.

I'm still finalizing who is typing....
Last edited:
Fluffy Tail Touches YOU!
(Dom On Dom Combat) Senaz resists long enough to deploy her own charm s, and then they both fail their saves.

… And she's trying to use some high-powered Enchantment magic on you. And she openly admitted it, even. How cocky.

"Mmm, perhaps you have a point," you respond with a chuckle towards Tammy. "Or perhaps you need to just stop thinking and do as I say."

And to emphasize your grip on the situation, you step in and grab one of her tails, even as you're looking into her eyes.

Her eyes that are rapidly losing focus as your rather blunt suggestion takes hold. You just need to charm her and take control of the situation as firmly as you've taken control of one of her tails.

One of her fluffy tails. Her tails that are still moving almost on reflex.

They're so fluffy.



Fucking Fluuuuuuufffffffffffyyyyyy…


… I feel like this situation's just gotten so, so very much weirder, honestly.

Because neither of the two girls staring at each other's eyes and not moving as if they've lost all situational awareness is dressed in any class starter gear I've ever seen. And those horns, that's more like the Succubus enemy than a player character. I don't think there's a shop item for that.

The Vulpecian's tail movements, that's a feature some classes can unlock I think? I'd need to check the Wiki. Though they seem to be having some kind of effect on the other girl.

… Slowly walking up, I start to catch on to something, maybe?

Reflexively, I reach into my inventory, and pull out some sunglasses I logically shouldn't have. And put them on. A perfect disguise. (Though I don't think either of these two knows me?)

But this does confirm that this is some kinda weird dream thing. Check.

Wait. Is this my dream, or someone else's? It couldn't be someone else's, because then I wouldn't be narrating, right?

… Maybe I shouldn't think about this. It's probably more interesting to go to the two who are right there, and see what I can figure out.

The Succubus - okay, being presumptive but based on the outfit she's at least totally going for that aesthetic - is just kinda standing there, eyes dull, muttering something.

The Vulpecian, meanwhile, was positioned as if she were actively trying to use her tails as a seduction tool somehow, but now is just kinda frozen, eyes just as flat.

… I move into sight. Neither moves.

Step in close. Neither moves.

… Wave a hand between their faces. Neither moves. But now I can hear what the Succubus is muttering. "Fluffy."

I mean, the tails are fluffy, but… Unless she was using some magic that she stopped using, it's not like they're compelling me to put my face in them or anything. Though that's absolutely a kink someone in the region has, calling it now.

… Maybe that's the case. "Can either of you hear me?"

The Vulpecian doesn't respond. The Succubus, on the other hand, responded, "Yeesssss."
Her voice sounded far away, almost like she was in a hypnotic trance. One waaaay stronger than would be possible.

Fuck me, did they actually somehow manage to hypnotize each other?

"Okay, tell me what happened," I respond. If I can get her doing things, maybe I can… Um. I'll figure out what in a minute or three.

The Succubus nodded, and spoke, her tone quiet and level. "Fought a crab. Tammy tried to hypnotize me. I used my suggestion power to try and make her stop, but her tails were too fluffy…"

… Tails being fluffy does not make them hypnotic. I look towards 'Tammy'. "... Do you have some sort of tail magic?"

… There's no response. Right. Because the Succubus took control of her, it'd be HER voice she'd react to. Turn back to the Succubus. "Um, tell her to do as I say and answer my questions."

The succubus nods again. "Do as the foxgirl says and answer her questions."

The other Vulpecian nodded. "Yeeeessss," she responded, her voice dragging from the trance.

"... Seriously, do you have some sort of tail magic?", I ask, clearly of Tammy.

"Yes," she responds, continuing, "A kitsune's tails can be irresistably hypnotic. Even after I myself was ensorcelled, Senaz's will was brought low by them."

… So she's also not from this game. Vulpecians can't get that power I don't think. Or maybe they can with the new expansion?

Well, this just keeps getting weirder and weirder. From what I can tell - this is the Shores of Awakening again, but I'm higher level so it's not a time loop. And two people who shouldn't be able to be in Another World Online at all are here, and put each other in a hypnotic trance state using, as near as I can assume, magic.

I've got to assume this is some kind of weird and horny dream scenario for me. Not like, the kind of situation I dream about in the Hopes sense, but a collection of my thoughts assembled weirdly and not quite logically. It'd explain the booba on display at least.

Either that, or some cosmic author's fucking with me. Or maybe it's one of these two they're fucking with?

That'd make a lot of sense. The question remains: What do I do about this? I have no idea how long they'll stay under this spell, after all. Given that, I'm thinking I should…

[ ] (Don't Do What Deedee Does, Or Do) … Get them to someplace safe and comfortable, so they're more likely to be able to be communicated with when they wake up.
[ ] (Don't Do What Deedee Does, Or Do) … Try to wake them both up right now and hope neither tries to use hypnomagic again.
[ ] (Don't Do What Deedee Does, Or Do) … Try to put a post-hypnotic suggestion on them to not do hypnomagic again, then wake them up.
[ ] (Don't Do What Deedee Does, Or Do) … Feel up the Succubus, Senaz, while I have the chance.
[ ] (Don't Do What Deedee Does, Or Do) … Feel up the Kitsune, Tammy. Her tails aren't hypnotic right now, so it's safe I think.
[ ] (Don't Do What Deedee Does, Or Do) … Ask the audience for an idea, because there's an audience right now, isn't there. Sheesh.
[ ] (Don't Do What Deedee Does, Or Do) … Just get the heck out of here, now, because this can only get weirder.

Special rule for this vote: Talia B's vote counts as three votes.
[x] (Don't Do What Deedee Does, Or Do) … Ask the audience for an idea, because there's an audience right now, isn't there. Sheesh.

This is head explodingly meta.

It must be done!
You're giving me too much responsibility here. Of course our Mysterious Narrator also feels this way, so…

Waiting on the vote for shiggles.
[x] (Don't Do What Deedee Does, Or Do) … Ask the audience for an idea, because there's an audience right now, isn't there. Sheesh.

Breaking the fourth wall for fun and...ok well maybe there isn't any profit but at least we'll be amused.
[x] (Don't Do What Deedee Does, Or Do) … Ask the audience for an idea, because there's an audience right now, isn't there. Sheesh.

*cups my hands around my mouth and hollers* Tell them to make out!
[ ] (Don't Do What Deedee Does, Or Do) … Try to wake them both up right now and hope neither tries to use hypnomagic again.
This is the "Deedee gets domdommed" option, isn't it?

[x] (Don't Do What Deedee Does, Or Do) … Ask the audience for an idea, because there's an audience right now, isn't there. Sheesh.
-[x] Run a comparative tactile analysis (feel both of them up at the same time)
This is the "Deedee gets domdommed" option, isn't it?

[x] (Don't Do What Deedee Does, Or Do) … Ask the audience for an idea, because there's an audience right now, isn't there. Sheesh.
-[x] Run a comparative tactile analysis (feel both of them up at the same time)

VOLITION: At her current Resolve of 5, this option is locked out.

ENDOCRINE PROMENADE: Okay now you're doing that just to spite me.

NEUTRAL GAME: Or maybe it's warning you against making it a triple KO.
...I'm almost tempted to have Deedee find out if she can get them to hypnotize each other into obeying her instead of each other. paraphrase a certain Crow, the reasons that would not work are only outweighed by the reasons it would be a disaster if it did.

"It'd be funny, tho."