Also, for context. I've been sitting on this one for awhile. Once upon a time, when Hunger freed the Azure Ring from the Temple of the False Moon, we had a couple choices to make. His approach towards achieving its vengeance, and his disposition towards it thereafter.
By parallel to the then-unknown history of the Forebear, in retrospect it was a fairly clear opportunity for us to choose Hunger's views on the eventual fate of the Hidden Ones, and his own retirement thereafter. And we chose the following:
[ ] The Blade - Let this business be done with. Quickly, cleanly. Complete the objective and go; dwell not on the past which is beyond your power (yet) to change, but cut onwards and through into the future. Sever the Ring from its tormenter, its tormentor from his life, and the profits of that torture from the society he upheld.
This reckless hate is beneath your dignity, Azure. You are a Ring of Power, not some mewling simpleton of mortal span. Eternity lies before you; why dwell on enemies already buried? 'Slays Keeper, ruins town, and beats high temple down.' Let him be one hero more whom time has felled; let that be enough.
[ ] Ruler & Vassal - Rescue for leal service, that was the bargain and he shall see it fairly enforced. Freed of its unnatural vise the Ring Azure will be entirely capable of exerting its energies to a typical degree without undue suffering. A Ring's psychology is not a man's; the agony inflicted by Plerion's vise dealt not true lasting damage to Band or Jewel. Let it do as it promised and offer the full complement of powers in commission for freedom from harm.
Neither provide perfect orientation, of course. But it should be made clear, that though he views both vengeance and gratitude as absolutely necessary, in either case these are in the context of
damnation to eternal struggle.
Hunger's view of the Forebear is one of unflinching approval, but his opinion of the Procession of Worlds and all it entails are anything but. Even despite the power reincarnation offered, and the sheer legacy it enabled him, his concerns thereabout lie solely in preserving what shreds of self-respect he might along the way.
So, if Hunger has an unweighted choice between spending his remaining eons of Indenture under the Apocryphal Curse or not, I'm just not convinced he'd assume it worthwhile. Is ending the Doom of the Tyrant a greater good than liberating worlds beyond number from the cruel yoke of infinitely incrementing evils? Perhaps, but in a manner only visible from this side of the fourth wall. Is the execution of the Hidden Ones a greater obligation than escaping their cycle? Certainly, but only if you haven't already done so.
For me, what I see here are two questions. Firstly, Hunger is being asked if being the Forebear was a good thing. And frankly? No, I don't believe it was. But
having once been the Forebear has been the greatest blessing Hunger could ever have hoped for. It bought him the attention of the Accursed. It earned him the second chance he had not even the will remaining to ask for.
The second is, can he tell the difference?