Your Hero* Macadamia - A BNHA/MHA Quest

High Intelligence: Nezu
Precognition: Sir Night Eye
These are good options, but to be honest, I'm a little afraid of Sir Night Eye if he uses force on us, he will be able to find out that Oroku is a potential villain. In order to maintain our lies, it will be necessary to behave accordingly to our role every moment of the time for many years.
These are good options, but to be honest, I'm a little afraid of Sir Night Eye if he uses force on us, he will be able to find out that Oroku is a potential villain. In order to maintain our lies, it will be necessary to behave accordingly to our role every moment of the time for many years.
That is fair, however I suspect so long as we're not going down or planning on becoming a villain the QM can not act upon nonexistent intentions.
That is fair, however I suspect so long as we're not going down or planning on becoming a villain the QM can not act upon nonexistent intentions.
Although we are not planning this, we are not against this option. But the power of Nighteye is really quite difficult to implement within the quest. I suspect that the result of the prediction will be decided by a throw for luck at a high value, Sir Nighteye will see that we will be heroes at a low we will become villains. If events do not follow the predicted path, QM can attribute this to the fact that quirks that change the flow of time were used somewhere.
Although we are not planning this, we are not against this option. But the power of Nighteye is really quite difficult to implement within the quest. I suspect that the result of the prediction will be decided by a throw for luck at a high value, Sir Nighteye will see that we will be heroes at a low we will become villains. If events do not follow the predicted path, QM can attribute this to the fact that quirks that change the flow of time were used somewhere.
I suspect Night Eye's going to not see how we turn out, but rather key scenes that give an idea of what we're capable of in nebulous situations. It's the easiest and works the best with his quirk.
I suspect Night Eye's going to not see how we turn out, but rather key scenes that give an idea of what we're capable of in nebulous situations. It's the easiest and works the best with his quirk.
Judging by wikipedia, his prediction is much more accurate if specifically:

While his Quirk was active, Mirai could see as far as years into a person's future. The future he saw was shown in great detail (second by second) and it had always been 100% accurate, even when he tried to change the events he had foreseen.

However, the question arises, why are villainous organizations able to conduct large-scale operations? After all, if it noticeably affects at least one person whose future Sir Nighteye viewed, then it will immediately become known to him.
Or does he always know this, but because he can't change it, he has to silently watch in advance knowing what will happen?
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Judging by wikipedia, his prediction is much more accurate if specifically:

While his Quirk was active, Mirai could see as far as years into a person's future. The future he saw was shown in great detail (second by second) and it had always been 100% accurate, even when he tried to change the events he had foreseen.

However, the question arises, why are villainous organizations able to conduct large-scale operations? After all, if it noticeably affects at least one person whose future Sir Nighteye viewed, then it will immediately become known to him.
Or does he always know this, but because he can't change it, he has to silently watch in advance knowing what will happen?
His Precognition is highly accurate within the hour, he only gets snippets of times after said hour(though still accurate. Remember he had no idea All Might was going to give One for All to deku despite him using his quirk on him a lot). Not only that but its pure visual no audio.


Foresight (予 (よ) 知 (ち) , Yochi?)[1] was the Quirk used by Mirai Sasaki. Foresight granted the user the ability to accurately predict all of the target's future moves and actions for an entire hour.[1] Foresight activated by first touching a target and then making eye contact with them. Once...
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His Precognition is highly accurate within the hour, he only gets snippets of times after said hour(though still accurate. Remember he had no idea All Might was going to give One for All to deku despite him using his quirk on him a lot). Not only that but its pure visual no audio.


Foresight (予 (よ) 知 (ち) , Yochi?)[1] was the Quirk used by Mirai Sasaki. Foresight granted the user the ability to accurately predict all of the target's future moves and actions for an entire hour.[1] Foresight activated by first touching a target and then making eye contact with them. Once...
Then it makes a significant difference.
Even if he can accidentally see our villainous future, he simply will not look so far for fear that he will impose a bad fate on Oroku.
V: Homes, temporary and otherwise
You sigh as you lean back in your favorite chair – the police safe house you've been staying in is well furnished – and contemplate the list before you. "I'm supposed to have one of each of these every other day?"

Doctor Mechazawa nods, "The iron in the morning and the vitamins before you go to sleep. You'll probably hit a growth spurt in a few months – your body catching up on lost time." He creaks forward and takes an oiling can out from inside his head, "Every body needs maintenance." The doctor – who may or may not actually be a robot – starts oiling his joints.

"Right," you nod.

"I hear that you might be aiming for a heroic path," Doctor Mechazawa continues, with significantly less squeaking, "If you plan on going for a Heroics course rather than Support or Management, I suggest an increased consumption of protein, and a focus on a healthy diet and exercise regimen. And no matter what you choose, strong bonds of friendship and camaraderie with your fellows is key."

"I will absolutely keep your advice in mind," you say seriously.

"Good!" Dr. Mechazawa rises, "My son is planning on going into hero management, and he's always stressed that if you don't know your classmates, you don't know yourself. And even then, you still probably don't know yourself." He waves his metal claw, and leaves you to your thoughts. And the click-clack of Mrs. Yamamoto's laptop.

You hadn't been sure exactly how you'd be placed – generally, the way heroes pick promising students is through the UA Sports Festival and then arrange internships, though the other schools must have some way of getting their students noticed. Perhaps private demonstrations?

For you, various offers and notices of interest had been sent due to your 'daring escape', and Mrs. Yamamoto had prepared a short presentation. She'd been happy that you hadn't chosen to go to Detnerat, there's some kind of grudge there.

"Saki," Mrs. Yamamoto says, smiling at you, "are you ready to begin?"

You nod.

"Alright." She turns her laptop around, showing a picture of a blond Hero wearing a blue costume with silver pauldrons. "This is Captain Celebrity. Despite his name, and former reputation, he's reformed himself as the Family Man Hero." She clicks something and the image changes to one of him with a pair of mask-wearing toddlers in his arms, all three grinning. Another click shows him with what you presume is his sidekick and a handful of interns. "He tends to use his 'Celebrity' to uplift his students and colleagues, and is known to frequently collaborate with other Heroes, regardless of their Ranking. He's expressed interest in giving his children an older sibling, as well as possibly getting an additional sidekick in the future, as SkyCrawler's participating in the International Hero Exchange program."

"He's… genuine?" You ask hesitantly, not entirely sure about the name 'Captain Celebrity'.

She shrugs, "His old reputation comes back to haunt him sometimes, but he's apparently very devoted to his wife and children." She clicks again, showing… what?

"Is that a washing machine?" You ask incredulously.

She laughs, "Yes! Wash, the Washing Machine Hero! He considers it his mission to keep the public both safe and happy, and apparently feels that you have potential. He has a very good track record, and is known to take students from Hero schools that are less well-known than UA or Shiketsu, out of a sense of fairness."

"...I wouldn't be expected to dress like a dryer, would I?"

Mrs. Yamamoto shakes her head, "Unlikely, but if you're interested, I don't think there's currently an Ironing Board Hero!" Still chuckling, she goes to the next picture, showing a cowboy. "This is Snipe, the Cowpoke Hero. He's both a veteran hero and a veteran teacher. Apparently he feels that he could coach you in using your Quirk, and he's definitely well-suited to help you…" She trails off, "academically."

"I'd appreciate it," you say, shrugging. You never needed more than basic literacy and numeracy, and despite what some people seem to think, your lack of 'common' knowledge doesn't embarrass you. Knowledge is just another tool, and you aren't going to quibble about how you get your hands on that tool.

"Good," her proboscis shifts into what you've learned is a smile, "education is important, and the process of getting you 'caught up' is much easier if you're invested in it."

The next picture is a centipede dressed like the Phantom of the Opera (you've been subjected to mandatory cultural enrichment since being rescued, and so far you've enjoyed it).

"This is Centipeder, he's a Sidekick at Sir Nighteye's hero agency," Mrs. Yamamoto shrugs, "The dossier says that Centipeder is married and has a master's degree in literature. I don't know much more than that."

She smiles again, and seems excited "The last 'hopeful parents' are the Wild Wild Pussycats!," the image shows four posing Heroes dressed like cats. "They're well-liked Heroes who focus on remote rescue – usually natural disasters, though they have their fair share of villain captures. They regularly take students, have experience with a large variety of Quirks, and apparently one of their members recently took custody of a relative. They think that a 'big brother' figure could help their new charge acclimate to his circumstances."
"I don't know," you begin slowly, "if I'm surprised that so many heroes are interested in me, or that they all seem…"

"High-tier?" She asks, and you nod.

"There are two factors to that," she says seriously. "The first is that your description of your Quirk pinged a lot of radars. The second factor," she sighs, "is that we curated the list. There are a few Heroes that aren't in good standing whose interest has been… politely ignored."

You narrow your eyes, "Not in good standing?"

"...sympathies with extremist groups," she says carefully, "of one kind or another. Suspected of crimes, or bribery. Bad reputation. Unstable home environments."

You nod. You wish you had all the options before you, but on the other hand, you appreciate that the two-bit yakuza hoodlums were turned away.

"Oh, and Uwabami showed interest," Mrs. Yamamoto mentions, "but lost it when she learned that you weren't a 'bombshell' that could help get brand deals."

(Pick one)

[] Captain Celebrity
– Formerly 'the Playboy Hero', in recent years Captain Celebrity has become more serious, and in his few meetings with the press either praises his associates or quietly gushes about his children.

[] Wash, the Washing Machine Hero – Wash wash wash wash, Wash wash wash. Wash wash wash wash; wash wash wash wash wash.

[] Snipe the Cowpoke Hero – A veteran Hero and teacher at UA who can help you both with your Quirk and your studies.

[] Centipeder, senior Sidekick at Sir Nighteye's agency – Married, no children, highly educated. His hero costume suggests a certain level of whimsy.

[] The Wild Wild Pussycats! – A close-knit Hero team that mainly sticks to the mountains, with a new addition to their family that may be extremely traumatized.

AN: Captain Celebrity is from the BNHA spinnoff prequel, Vigilantes -- it ended recently, actually, I should go back and finish it. I was really happy to learn that The Crawler (also known as The Hauler) ended up becoming a licensed Hero, that feels good. Especially since the only reason that he missed the entrance exam to a Hero school was that he was... saving someone's life... I feel like they should've given him an exception and let him take the exam anyway, but whatever.

So, as for TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, heroes in a half-shell, turtle power. Where Oroku Saki aka the Shredder is the primary antagonist), no full-on crossover. There will be references and cameos, but you don't have to worry about OFA secretly being a robot with Krang in his chest.

Also -- there will of course be references to things other than TMNT, as seen already. Mechazawa's son... ok, in BNHA a robot, a gorilla, and Freddy Mercury are actually plausible highschool students.

Not shown on-screen: around 5 days at the safehouse, getting various check-ups, and regularly meeting with Mrs. Yamamoto to make sure that Saki's de-stressing and relaxing. Because they think he's been living on his own since he was 5, and that's tough on a kid (and he's actually been living in a dog-eat-dog villainous bunk house, which is also tough on a kid).
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[X] Centipeder, senior Sidekick at Sir Nighteye's agency
This is why you don't look for the heroes that suit you. You won't find them when the time comes, that said... This is apparently? the only way we'll get into contact with one of the two ideal teachers, so might as well choose them.

[X] Snipe the Cowpoke Hero
Dont like him, but he is likely the right choice.
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[X] Snipe the Cowpoke Hero

I really was leaning towards the Washing machine hero, but Snipe makes so much sense. Only reason I'm not picking Centipeder is because it feels weird to sidekick with a guy in the hopes to 'upgrade' to another hero. It's like someone sidekicking to Nightwing because they want to get close to Batman.

Also Snipe could probably teach us how to use a gun, which really could only be a benefit given our quirks are more limited in CQC than other quirks.
[X] The Wild Wild Pussycats!

A few reasons to pick this.
1. Learn the strengths of effective teamwork
2. Get training in combat against multiple enemies at once
3. Raggdoll has a quirk that can locate people easily so good stealth training
4. One of the members has telepathic comunication that we could use to train a resistence to some mental effects potentialy

And a few other ideas i can't think of right now with just waking up.

Edit: just searched up Raggdoll's quirk and it gives her the knowledge of a persons weakpoints which would give us the abillity to almost constently refine ourselves.

Also 5th reason we would be traind by Cats which hate rats so it would be poetic.
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[X] Snipe the Cowpoke Hero

It's perfect for us learning experience using quirks and academic knowledge is exactly what we were looking for. Perhaps training in the use of firearms serves as a nice bonus.
eh, I doubt we'll get an upgrade, however Nighteye is probably one of the few people that can give us a hint on our quirk.
All the Heroes who put their names forward would have useful training and advice for Saki. All of them would have Quirk-related advice too, even ones with very different Quirks, like Wash. Running a Hero agency takes talent and brains. (Or a lot of outside money, but those agencies weren't allowed access to Saki.)

Centipeder would have his own experience + his experience with Nighteye + direct access to Nighteye, as Nighteye's Sidekick. Snipe would have his own Quirk + all his experience as a teacher and a Pro + Nedzu. The Wild Wild Pussycats! have a lot of experience working with different Quirks and weaving together strategies involving different Quirks. Captain Celebrity... Okay, to be fair, Captain Celebrity would have some advice, but he put his name forward because he felt like it was a good thing to do. And finally, Wash wash wash wash wash + wash wash wash wash wash.
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[X] Snipe the Cowpoke Hero – A veteran Hero and teacher at UA who can help you both with your Quirk and your studies.
[X] Centipeder, senior Sidekick at Sir Nighteye's agency

Snipe is probably the better choice for hero training but I think Saki need someone to be a parent rather than a mentor. I also think some whimsy would do Saki some good.
[x] The Wild Wild Pussycats! – a close-knit Hero team that mainly sticks to the mountains, with a new addition to their family that may be extremely traumatized.
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I still think the Wild Wild Pussycats are the best choice out of them. Like sure we would get in contact with either Nezu or Sir but what does that actualy give? Snipe would give us gun training and Centipeder can train us on how to react to being swarmed but the Pussycats provide much more.

Raggdoll: stealth training and constent refinement of our weaknesses so they arn't weaknesses anymore.
Tiger: flexability training and unpredictability in both attack and defence.
Mandaly: Mental resistence training against telepathy(?) and training to not get suprised by sudden noises.
Pixie-bob: training against opponents that constently change the terran and training to fight multiple high strength and durability enemies at once.

Plus what the Xamaplak said of learning how to weave strategies together with different quirks is highly valuable in Hero or Villain work. Plus if we get along with Kota we could have our first Minion/Sidekick. Also i don't think The Wild Wild Pussycats were used that much after the Forest Training Arc so it would be interesting.
I still think the Wild Wild Pussycats are the best choice out of them. Like sure we would get in contact with either Nezu or Sir but what does that actualy give? Snipe would give us gun training and Centipeder can train us on hct to being swarmed but the Pussycats provide much more.

Raggdoll: stealth training and constent refinement of our weaknesses so they arn't weaknesses anymore.
Tiger: flexability training and unpredictability in both attack and defence.
Mandaly: Mental resistence training against telepathy(?) and training to not get suprised by sudden noises.
Pixie-bob: training against opponents that constently change the terran and training to fight multiple high strength and durability enemies at once.

Plus what the Xamaplak said of learning how to weave strategies together with different quirks is highly valuable in Hero or Villain work. Plus if we get along with Kota we could have our first Minion/Sidekick. Also i don't think The Wild Wild Pussycats were used that much after the Forest Training Arc so it would be interesting.
Let's not talk about Centipeder. Let's talk about Snipe.

Snipe is a teacher, one so highly skilled and capable that he's used as a third year teacher for the most prestigious University in the country. He is flat out the best quirk trainer of the list. No arguments. Not only that, he's also the most capable of teaching us the education we're currently missing, not something any of the others are skilled in.

Checks option a and b as the highest ranked of the list.

Edit: are there better options? Of course they're just not available to us.
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