Your Hero* Macadamia - A BNHA/MHA Quest

Somehow finding out how All for One and One for All Works and create a fusion that combines best of both wrolds while amplifying it to the maximum.
It is probably worth finding a way before this that will relieve the load on the body otherwise we will simply die within a few days.
But by the way, since we are talking about these forces, I think it's worth hiding the presence of a quirk as much as possible, since it is insanely attractive to Shigaraki as soon as he finds out about it.
Well, besides, if everyone thinks that we don't have a quirk, then they will use such forces as Erasure on us.

Hmm, I wonder how the Shredder will feel the loss of his power? For him, it will probably be like having his brain damaged. know intelligence is one of the hardest to define things, however I do think an intelligent person might think they have that as their quirk ability unless they're really stupid.

Also, I'm not calling our character Shredder, he is Oroku Seki and can become anyone voters wants him to become i do not know why people want them to be a character from another source of fiction.
Last edited: know intelligence is one of the hardest to define things, however I do think an intelligent person might think they have that as their quirk ability unless they're really stupid.
It will be funny if Oroku really doubts that he has a quirk.
Curious, to upset or comfort Oroku the answer to this question?
I'm sorry this part confuses me.
I mean, using the example of Izyku, we can see that in the world of MHA, the absence of a quirk is considered a disadvantage and this can hurt Oroku, because despite his intelligence and other excellent abilities, he is unable to correct this fact.
But on the other hand, his intelligence is certainly his pride, perhaps he is even part of his self-identification and to find out that he is not really his "real" can be quite a painful revelation.
I mean, using the example of Izyku, we can see that in the world of MHA, the absence of a quirk is considered a disadvantage and this can hurt Oroku, because despite his intelligence and other excellent abilities, he is unable to correct this fact.
But on the other hand, his intelligence is certainly his pride, perhaps he is even part of his self-identification and to find out that he is not really his "real" can be quite a painful revelation.
OK now I get it. The question of... a hidden quirk.

He doesn't have mutagen, or Notepad. So, from an outsiders perspective and one that he might even fall prey to despite his intelligence, he is effectively quirkless. On the other hand the one ability he would rely on the most in his life would be his quirk something he took as a refuge, but ends up being a quirk he was bullied for not possessing. It is actually a really interesting Dynamic, because of how Society feels on even the most useless quirks being inherently superior to ambitious and talented Quirkless.
I -- The beginning
Your earliest memory is the smell of smoke. Then glimpses of sterile hospitals, solemn faces, and a vague impression of being juggled between foster homes. When you were three years old, your Quirk showed up. It wasn't something glamorous, eye-catching, or "heroic". You see lines - lines on people, on their necks, their wrists, over their hearts. Lines on objects - doors, walls, even cars. Soft spots, weak spots, spots that when hit can disable, cripple, or destroy. And you see lines in front of you, wherever you go. Lines that you once hesitated to cross.

The first line you crossed was leaving the foster care system, the second was petty theft. Picking pockets is remarkably easy when you have a visual guide-rope to follow. By the time you were 10, you almost never got caught.

And then one day, your mark turned out to be a villain in civilian guise. Luck is fickle and you don't rely on it, but on that day it saved you. Rather than killing you, or having you beaten, the villain laughed. And suddenly, you had a roof over your head, regular access to hot meals, and an education. Of a sort.

A far cry from the education young samurai would have received centuries ago, your 'tutors' focused on unarmed combat, and though it often ended up being more of beating than a lesson you still learned a great deal – how to fall, how to properly brace yourself for a blow, how to throw a punch, which stances worked and which left you vulnerable, all the while helped along by your guide-lines. Occasionally your benefactor would drop by and give you a real lesson. Tactics, profiling and analysis, how to use a knife, as well as the odd bit of history.

But the two most important lessons you learned were that the strong conquer the weak, and that the way to strength is through adversity. Your name is Oroku Saki, and your life has never been easy. You're satisfied with that; if each step forward is a battle, then you plan on winning the war.

You are 14 years old and have been sent on a "training mission". Not your first such mission, but certainly the most difficult. Your task was to infiltrate a cell of the Creature Rejection Clan, which, over the years, had largely moved away from being a violent hate group and turned into more of a social club for bigots. But this cell was different; they had regressed to their group's origins and were committing hate crimes once more..

You were to direct those hate crimes at troublesome heroes, then exfiltrate. (2d20 , DC: 10,15. result Dice Roller • 2d20 3 +5= 7. Abject failure.)

You managed to make contact with the cell, and were invited to meet a contact in an alley. You arrived early, to scout it out – but not early enough, as you felt the hair on the back of your neck bristle and jumped over a line – narrowly avoiding a blow to the head. A quick look around the alley showed that the man who tried to hit you on the head had very few lines on his body, indicating a defensive Quirk. He wasn't alone, and while his companion was more vulnerable, he also had a gun trained on you.

So this is where you find yourself: restrained and stuffed into the trunk of a car, thinking about how you got here. You were thoroughly searched, and all your weapons and tools removed from your person. Your saving grace is that they don't know your Quirk, and thus decided to keep you conscious – you can see exactly where you need to kick to open the trunk.

Unfortunately, as your hands are cuffed to your legs, and both are behind your back, kicking the door open would be difficult, and escaping even more so. But the alternative is simply waiting, limply, for whatever fate the CRC have planned for you.


[] Attempt to kick open the door and make a getaway. Hard and risky, but few side-effects if successful.
[] Attempt to kick open the door and scream for help – higher chance of success, potentially major side-effects if successful.
[] Wait.
[] Write-in (subject to veto)

Write-in from @Fghubyygvb
[] Carefully hit your head several times to create the appearance that someone was trying to stun us. After that, try to open the door with your foot and call for help. Start playing the role of a homeless boy who has no quirk in advance. If some hero saves us, try to ingratiate yourself with him, pretending that we are very impressed with his heroism. After that, try to take his contacts for further communication.
If no one came, then without leaving the role, try to recreate a map of the city in your mind to create a confusing route, and then try to escape.
(Similar to screaming, but different roll modifiers)
Write-in from @CoreBrute
[] Psych Moves
-[]We feel for the breaklight, or perhaps are guided by our Quirk Guidelines. Then we kick it out, allowing us to see the back of the trunk onto the road in question, looking for clues of where we might be. Once we have a better idea of where we are in the city, we can decide how to deal with the problem.
-[]If we're in a very busy part of the city, where police and heroes might be present, we call for help.
-[] If it looks like we're in the woods or somewhere where we won't be heard, we instead try to free ourselves.
--[] We are hopefully wearing socks, so we're gonna push our quirk and insane ninja training to the limit to try to remove our socks with our hands, and use them to free ourselves from the cuffs**. Once our hands are free, it'll be easier to escape from the trunk.
---[]Use our free hands to escape from trunk, breaking our way free.

I can change his name to 'Seki' if enough people ask, I thought 'Seki' in the vote was a typo. The hardest part was deciding which villains he caught the interest of, and which ones he got captured by. I was originally going to have him trained by the Creature Rejection Clan, but then came up with this instead. The CRC are canon to BNHA, though they appear for about 5 panels. I'll post a character sheet in a bit that'll expand on bonuses.

The lines aren't the only component of Saki's Quirk, they're just the only component he's noticed. 'Guide-line' is the placeholder name for his Quirk, there'll be a vote on that later. I'll post a character sheet in a bit.

As for the roll: You were going to get discovered by the CRC no matter what, the roll was about how far you got. A would a successful infiltration, a 15 would've gotten them to attack a hero, and a 40 would've given you a substantial bonus on your next roll.
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I'd prefer it as Seki not Saki, but I also don't want to be beholden to being a shredder knock off. So any distancing is preferable.

[X] Psych Moves and ouchies
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The rescue option would be a good way to ingratiate yourself with some hero that would lay a further foundation for introduction into their society. Well, besides, it's better to return to the clan bringing at least some good news.
Well, in the end, why have super intelligence if not to implement crazy plans made right on the go?

[] Carefully hit your head several times to create the appearance that someone was trying to stun us. After that, try to open the door with your foot and call for help. Start playing the role of a homeless boy who has no quirk in advance. If some hero saves us, try to ingratiate yourself with him, pretending that we are very impressed with his heroism. After that, try to take his contacts for further communication.
If no one came, then without leaving the role, try to recreate a map of the city in your mind to create a confusing route, and then try to escape.

@xamaplak Is it suitable?
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Character Sheet
Name: Oroku Saki
Code Name: None
Quirk: Guide-line (placeholder name)
-Known effects: Quirk's user sees lines that can serve to guide his actions.
Affiliation: Heroic, technically
-Status: Known to certain Heroes
Crimes: Petty theft, breaking-and-entering, driving without a license, unregistered Quirk use (known by authorities, no action taken)
Heroic deeds: None
Known deeds: Rescued self from criminals

Dexterity: 9 +2+1 = 12 (+1 modifier)
Strength: 7 +2+1 = 10 (0 modifier)
Constitution: 6 +1 = 7 (-2 modifier)
Intelligence: ??? (-1) = (??? modifier)
Charisma: 11 -1 = 10 (0 modifier)
Wisdom: 12 +2 = 14 (+2 modifier)

Orphan: Smoke, fire. That's all you know for sure about what happened to your family.
Mental Quirk:
that can guide your actions, +5 to all physical actions. (A fight, chopping an onion, whittling - all applicable. A conversation, a math test that isn't multiple choice, interpreting body language, fighting off a bout of the flu, finding a book in a library - not currently applicable.)
You're adept at rifling through peoples' pockets without getting caught. +5 to picking pockets, +2 dex.
Combat training:
, the basics, along with a lot of practical experience. +3 to unarmed combat rolls, +2 str
-Knife, basic knife training, primarily good stances and how not to cut yourself. +1 to knife combat rolls, +1 dex
Street smarts: Even with your Quirk, surviving on the streets as a prepubescent was tough. You learned how to survive. +2 wis
Unconventional upbringing: Math class, Japanese, Science? Playing with other children? Not quite. -2 on rolls to do with conventional education, -1 Int, -1 Charisma, +1 Dex, +1 str
Competent Care: After freeing yourself from villains and rejoining law-abiding society, you've begun reaping the benefits of having access to doctors, nutritionists, and generally people who know that growing children need to eat actual food, not just instant ramen. +1 Con
Debt: You owe a substantial debt to the villain that took you off the streets.
Thirst for Power: Physical power, institutional power, it doesn't matter what form it comes in – you want it. You've spent virtually your entire life powerless, without autonomy. You're going to change that. +3 to actions that would lead to more power, cannot take actions that would shirk power. (Ex. can't vote for someone else in a class election)
Villainous Past: You never committed any major crimes, but you spent roughly 4 years raised by capital-v Villains. And the Heroes you're now living amongst don't know it.
Internet Diver: +1 on all web-related research & investigations.

For the stats, 10 is a +0 modifier, every 2 below that is -1, every 2 above that is +1.
I'm using D&D stats, but there won't be a D&D-style level-up system, though it will be possible to increase stats over time. Quirks in BNHA can grow and improve, but it takes an awful lot of work. Your quirk is pretty powerful, even just the parts you're aware of right now. Improving a Quirk isn't just about actually improving it, but also improving your knowledge of it and how you leverage it. So far, your Quirk training has been mostly combat-based.

As for affiliation, the more well-known you are as a villain, the harder it would be to switch to Hero. Currently, you're not even technically a villain.

I rolled for all the stats, even Int, though you can't see that one. 3d6 on dex, str, and wis, and 3d4 on char and con. An in-story explanation for the low constitution can be malnutrition. The villains fed Saki most of the time, but it wasn't always food high in nutritional value. Lots of Kraft mac'n'cheese, and potato chips as a treat. The head villain might be smart, but the lower-level ones... not really. You have an extensive vocabulary of swear words and know how to get blood out of clothes, that's a reasonable trade-off to having possibly stunted growth, right?

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[X] Attempt to kick open the door and make a getaway. Hard and risky, but few side-effects if successful.

The Chapter isn't Threadmarked
It looks like some kind of curse of dice, especially considering that we were able to get only 3 on the 2d20 roll. I hope this curse at least bypassed our intelligence, otherwise it will be a very sad sight.
I'm surprised that (base) Charisma is so much higher than (base) Strength honestly.
I'm now convinced we have an int of 2 until proven otherwise.

Seriously though, if orokos ends up cursing us with consistently low rolls I'll find another dice site. For now, I'm satisfied with it.
I'm surprised that (base) Charisma is so much higher than (base) Strength honestly.
I think from the point of view of history, this can be explained by the unconscious use of a quirk to find the best communication strategies.
Although, to be honest, given Oroku's environment, quirk would have to choose from bad and very bad options.
that's a reasonable trade-off to having possibly stunted growth, right?
Did I understand correctly that Oroku is quite short for his age now?
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I think from the point of view of history, this can be explained by the unconscious use of a quirk to find the best communication strategies.
Although, to be honest, given Oroku's environment, quirk would have to choose from bad and very bad options.

Did I understand correctly that Oroku is quite short for his age now?
Yep; he could easily pass for 12 if he needed to.
A little sad I missed the vote for mutagen powers, but oh well. Let's see if we can super genius our way out of here.

Taking a hint from Psych* we should try to get as much info as possible about our surroundings. So I propose the following

[x] Psych Moves
-[x]We feel for the breaklight, or perhaps are guided by our Quirk Guidelines. Then we kick it out, allowing us to see the back of the trunk onto the road in question, looking for clues of where we might be. Once we have a better idea of where we are in the city, we can decide how to deal with the problem.
-[x]If we're in a very busy part of the city, where police and heroes might be present, we call for help.
-[x] If it looks like we're in the woods or somewhere where we won't be heard, we instead try to free ourselves.
--[x] We are hopefully wearing socks, so we're gonna push our quirk and insane ninja training to the limit to try to remove our socks with our hands, and use them to free ourselves from the cuffs**. Once our hands are free, it'll be easier to escape from the trunk.
---[x]Use our free hands to escape from trunk, breaking our way free.

If it looks like we're in the woods or somewhere where we won't be heard, we instead cut ourselves somewhere (probably with the chains but not a vital artery) and start leaving a trail of blood to hopefully lead someone where we are going
--[] If we have something else to use to leave a trail, like a very visible liquid or something, I'd prefer that to blood, but I don't know what we got on us.

EDIT: Realized cutting ourselves was a terrible idea, changed it.

@xamaplak Is this suitable?
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[X] Psych Moves and ouchies
This plan is well worked out so I'm changing my voice.
@CoreBrute I noticed that your plan is compatible with mine. If you and those who voted for you are not against the development of events presented in my plan, is it possible to include it in your plan?
EDIT: Realized cutting ourselves was a terrible idea, changed it.
If you want to leave a visible trail for rescuers, then you can break branches on your way, turn over stones and trample grass and moss. This should work, at least it is recommended by rescuers for those who are lost in the forest.
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