Fake Name: Ga'la Frey Moonshadow
Real Name: ???

Playbook: Scion/Witch
STRESS: 1/10
XP: 0


Estate: You have an Estate (the town of Cinterburn.) It has a wealth score of 1 (max 5). Each Routine, roll 2d10+Wealth. On a 16+, it gains 2 wealth. On a miss, it loses 1 wealth. At any time, you may tap the resources of the estate, reducing the wealth by 1 and gaining 10 gold coins. When you visit your Estate, you may give it 15 gold OR do a single job pro bono once per session to add +1 wealth. At -3 wealth, they revolt.


The Finer Things: Each routine, you must spend an additional gold coin on your personal upkeep. If you do not, gain +2 stress. The second time you Burn Out, this move goes away.

Teacher: You can teach other characters how to use Magic as part of a Move Exchange. The student gains a Wild of -1 and a Focus whose nature matches their character. You can also help them create Bonds to a Focus: you take the Stress, they get the Focus

Don't You Know Who I Am: When you use your title and bluster to get what you want, Press the Issue + your personal Company Value.

Annexation: When you incorporate a new town into your Estate, add +2 Wealth. If they join willingly, add +4.




Once per battle: Advantage with Hard
Once per battle: Set Enemy ON Fire Fire
Once Per Battle Advantage with Eyeball or Bomb a Target

Air: Flighty, spontaneous, unbound! Reveal what's hidden, move things, deceive, trick, escape, fly, Induce or stop a Stall, push things away, catch a falling person. Reveal hidden foes, create illusory distractions, fool scouts, raise a fog or bitter wind, accelerate or lift vehicles, throw aside incoming aircraft or bombs, or even teleport.
Fire: Destruction, rebirth, anger, hatred. Consume with flames or rage, destroy things, provide light. Start a fire, deal 1d10 damage/2 Injury, double a weapon's damage. Blind the foe with light, illuminate a dark night, burn down cover, tear apart buildings, strike fear into your foes, reignite a dead engine, give attacks a burning edge, or even shield yourself from harm in a halo of flame.
Water: Soft, gentle, kind, life-giving. Communicate, heal and repair, gain empathy, induce sympathy. Repair a part, heal 1 Injury, fix 10 Damage, revive someone. Act as a human radio, turn the ground into mud, put doubt in your enemies, repair vehicles, heal wounds, summon and control beasts, or even bring a lost comrade back.

The Sky Destroyer Malevelous
Speed: 5 | Handling: 15
Hardness: 9 | Soak: 0

DAMAGE: Fine | -1 Speed | -3 Guns | -1 Speed | -3 Guns | Sinking

Two Light Egg Tossers | Fore (x1) | Starward (x2) | Sunward (x2) | Aft (x1) | Up (-)
Six Heavy Sticks | Fore (x2) | Starward (x1 [2 damaged]) | Sunward (x3) | Aft (x2) | Up (x6)
Two Automatic Ballistas | Fore (-) | Starward (- [1 damaged]) | Sunward (x1) | Aft: (-) | Up (-)

Light Egg Tosser
Egg: 1 Mass | Fire Rate: 3 | Accuracy: 2 | Min Range: Close

Heavy Stick (Blast)
Hits: 5 | Damage: 2 | AP 0 | Range: Long
Burst, +1 AP versus Unarmored Vehicles, -3 to hit airplanes
Special: Can fire rapid fire (roll x2 burst attacks)

Heavy Stick (Beam)
Hits: 1(2)| Damage: 16 | AP 3 | Range: Close
-3 to hit airplanes

Automatic Ballista
Hits: 3(6) | Damage: 2 | AP: 1 | Range: Long

x5 launch catapults

0 Eggs, 0 Ballista reloads


Dropoff: 11 | Reliability: -3 | Overspeed: 24 | Altitude: 0-29 | Fuel: 6
Visibility: -2 | Stability: +2 | Energy Loss: 4 | Turn Bleed: 1

Toughness: 21/21 | Max Strain: 51/51 | Escape: +2 | Crash: -1 | Stress: 1

FULL FUEL: Boost: 2 | Handling: 95 | Climb: 5 | Stall: 7 | Speed: 19
HALF FUEL: Boost: 2 | Handling: 95 | Climb: 5 | Stall: 6 | Speed: 19
EMPTY: Boost: - | Handling: 96 | Climb: - | Stall: 6 | Speed: 0

Twin Fixed Forward Accessible Automatic Crossbow (Interrupter Golem)
Hits (knife/close/long/extreme): 8/6/4/2 | Damage: 2 | AP: 1 | Ammo: 10/10
Rapid Fire (can spend +1 ammo to get advantage while shooting) | Jam [1/2] (jams on a 1 or 2)
Gunsight: +1 to attack
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It's as of yet unclear, and will be revealed eventually! Or, alternatively, never.

Also, you didn't do a body swap, you just happen to look exactly like her for unclear reasons, prince and the pauper style
Adhoc vote count started by DragonCobolt on Apr 21, 2023 at 8:51 PM, finished with 14 posts and 7 votes.
  • 8

    [X] Hide the princess by shoving her under the edge of the cockpit!
    [X] Plan Obvious Solution
    -[X] You're in a plane. Fly away.
    [X] Hide the princess with a spell!
    [X] Amended Obvious Plan
    -[X] You're in a plane. Make the princess spin the propeller.
    [x] Play it off as no big deal, princesses regularly end up deflowered by drow! It's just how things go in Skyvros!

There aren't really skill checks in Flying Circus you try just try things and accept the consequences and the consequences are...


This quest is stupid! I quit! *storms off!*
Grounded Sky Head (2.2)
You grabbed onto the Princess, then shoved her down as several guards entered into the alleyway. This ended up with her face mashed up against certain parts of your anatomy that...okay, both you and she were quite happy to have her mashed against. You grinned, sitting up slightly as the guards walked forward.

Their leader was a burly looking human male with broad shoulders and and a thick gas mask - huh, weird, maybe the Molemen were using magic gasses? - surrounded by half a dozen other guards who were all wearing heavy guard armor and helmets.

"You're the hero who saved the princess from the skyship?" You asked.

The very faint muffled sound of Airia's indignation sent very nice vibrations through a certain part of your drowish body that made keeping a straight, cool face extremely difficult. You managed to keep your face calm and settled and smiled at the guard. "WHY! Yesssss I...did do...th-AT!"

An important part of hiding, it seemed, involved a hand. And bobbing one's head.

The guard in the gas mask nodded. "Where is she? We need to...secure her...safely..." He said, his guards all nodding as he glanced back.

Your eyes narrowed slightly.

Hmm...everyone here was wearing masks. ANd when you peered closely, you saw that the human was wearing thick gloves and armor that covered his skin as well. You had just assumed he was human because of his build. You noticed, also, that they all had a mixture of cut down, short ranged sticks and automatic crossbows.

"Yes...protecting the princess is our job," one of the other guards said as they started to fan out.

"Well!" you said, about to respond, then gasped. "F-Fuck, twelve inches, damn."

"Excuse me?" The 'human' leader of the guards said.


[ ] Trust these guards! they seem on the level!
[ ] Don't trust the guards and start blasting! With magic!
[ ] Don't trust the guards and use an illusion to hide the princess's identity - make up a cock (heh) and bull (hehe) story and claim she's actually a maid or something!
[ ] Don't trust the guards and use your HAND CROSSBOW! Pew pew pew pew!
[ ] Don't trust the guards and try and start your plane...WITH MAGIC! Then escape!
[X] Don't trust the guards and use an illusion to hide the princess's identity - make up a cock (heh) and bull (hehe) story and claim she's actually a maid or something!

I think this is the funniest one, though I'm also partial to trusting them...
[X] Don't trust the guards and use an illusion to hide the princess's identity - make up a cock (heh) and bull (hehe) story and claim she's actually a maid or something!
[X] Don't trust the guards and use an illusion to hide the princess's identity - make up a cock (heh) and bull (hehe) story and claim she's actually a maid or something!
If I said this wasn't what I expected I'd be lying.
[x] Don't trust the guards and use an illusion to hide the princess's identity - make up a cock (heh) and bull (hehe) story and claim she's actually a maid or something!
Seems legit. If the illusion fails we can claim that she's a body double or something mb?
[x] Don't trust the guards and use an illusion to hide the princess's identity - make up a cock (heh) and bull (hehe) story and claim she's actually a maid or something!
[x] Don't trust the guards and use an illusion to hide the princess's identity - make up a cock (heh) and bull (hehe) story and claim she's actually a maid or something!
[x] Don't trust the guards and use an illusion to hide the princess's identity - make up a cock (heh) and bull (hehe) story and claim she's actually a maid or something!
[x] Don't trust the guards and use an illusion to hide the princess's identity - make up a cock (heh) and bull (hehe) story and claim she's actually a maid or something!
[x] Don't trust the guards and use an illusion to hide the princess's identity - make up a cock (heh) and bull (hehe) story and claim she's actually a maid or something!
Adhoc vote count started by DragonCobolt on Apr 22, 2023 at 10:05 AM, finished with 10 posts and 10 votes.

Roll +Wild!
Cock and Bull (2.3)
You hastily touched your air materia and focused. Magic tingled and then, when you said: "I actually saved the, um...mmm...housemaid." You grabbed down and pulled back, revealing the faintly shocked expression of a...cute little mouseling housemaid, with big cute mouse ears and a button nose. Airia froze as she was peered at by the guards - clearly expecting them to recognize her as the princess. "The Princess got on one of the escape balloons!"

"Ah! ...good..." the guard leader said. "We're...glad...about this. Very. Glad."

He and his comrades exchanged glances with one another, nodded as one, then started to jog off, while Airia's look of horrified revelation started to look like confusion. The guards jogged off, their boots clattering and clinking against the stone floor of Airlandia's sprawling city. People were beginning to peek out of their windows to peer down at the commotion, now that the sky battle was over and people could start getting out of storm cellars and shelters.

Airia blinked a few more times. "How..."

"Magic!" you lifted your arm, beaming at her.

"Oh right," she said, then whistled, her fingers touching one materia orb, then another. "You did...quite well." She wiped at her mouth.

"And so did you...for a virgin princess," you said, grinning as you waved your hand and her disguise melted away.

"That's none of your business," she said, arms crossed over her chest as she wriggled and tugged at the tattered remains of her nightclothes. She actually managed to get herself mostly covered as she slid out of your cock(heh)pit(hehe) and dropped to the pavement beside the plane. Her little aasimar wings beat once or twice as she huffed. "Still, I...do...thank you."

"You're welcome, Princess!" you said, swinging yourself out of the plane - after zipping, of course. "Now, why did those mole men want to grab you so bad? Bad enough to infiltrate Airlandia in disguise - like, I've read the Airneva Convention, if you're wearing the uniform of another air army you can get shot as an air spy! Without even an air trial!"

"T-They're...desperate to get this," Airia said, reaching up to tug at the collar of her gown.

"I mean, they're great tits, but-"

"No, this, you slutty drow!" Airia scowled at you and you realized, there was actually something between and above those tits: A necklace! How in the sky had you missed that necklace?

Your eyes drifted from it down to the delicious, luscious swell of Airia's gorgeously perfect golden-brown tits.

It was a mystery all right, maybe the...necklace was...

"LOOK AT THE NECKLACE!" Airia snapped.

"Right!" You leaned in to get a very good look at the necklace. It was a small bead of pure midnight blackness surrounded by an jade-blue pendant that glittered and crackled with raw energies. It looked a bit like a materia, but something, it felt different. For one thing, you couldn't sense what magical attunement it might even have. Which meant...your finger rubbed along your chin. Mantifrey said that the Umberhole had been broken into pieces... "It's some kind of materia - what is it?"

"it's the Heart of Airlandia," Airia whispered. "The sacred gemstone of our people. A hundred years ago, Airlandia was one land, joined by the Heart together in peace. But then, the evil Molemen decided to steal the Heart. They attacked the Temple of the Heart and, during the battle, the Heart was shattered into two pieces. They took the evil half, and we took the good half, and ever since, the two of our lands have been at war. It's said that their half of the Heart is worn by Prince Damion Darke, the most evil and hideous of all molemen - and he lusts for nothing more than my half of the heart, so they can rule Airlandia forever!"

You narrowed your eyes slightly.


This is interesting. What's your plan now?
[ ] Get Princess Back to the Castle (Tally Stress and Begin Downtime before the next day's adventures)
[ ] Follow those Guards and see what's up (Continue on foot and hope for more answers - but risk being captured by the malevolent Molemen of Wroth!)
[ ] Write In
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[x] Get Princess Back to the Castle (Tally Stress and Begin Downtime before the next day's adventures)

Well, those guards were probably on the level, so no reason for them to need to worry about the fact that we lied to them! No follow-up necessary, no notes, on we go, no time for dallying!
They took the evil half, and we took the good half, and ever since, the two of our lands have been evil.
I think this is the wrong word, but I dunno what you meant to put there!
It's said that their half of the Heart is worn by Prince Damion Darke, the most evil and hideous of all molemen - and he lusts for nothing more than my half of the heart, so they can rule Airlandia forever!"
Yeah, how dare he lust for her heart - wait a minute...
[X] Follow those Guards and see what's up (Continue on foot and hope for more answers - but risk being captured by the malevolent Molemen of Wroth!)

Nothing ventured, no treasure gained! Onwards!
I feel like the Moleman version of the Heart's breaking in two is going to be very different from Airlandia's.
[x] Get Princess Back to the Castle (Tally Stress and Begin Downtime before the next day's adventures)
[X] Follow those Guards and see what's up (Continue on foot and hope for more answers - but risk being captured by the malevolent Molemen of Wroth!)