Fake Name: Ga'la Frey Moonshadow
Real Name: ???

Playbook: Scion/Witch
STRESS: 1/10
XP: 0


Estate: You have an Estate (the town of Cinterburn.) It has a wealth score of 1 (max 5). Each Routine, roll 2d10+Wealth. On a 16+, it gains 2 wealth. On a miss, it loses 1 wealth. At any time, you may tap the resources of the estate, reducing the wealth by 1 and gaining 10 gold coins. When you visit your Estate, you may give it 15 gold OR do a single job pro bono once per session to add +1 wealth. At -3 wealth, they revolt.


The Finer Things: Each routine, you must spend an additional gold coin on your personal upkeep. If you do not, gain +2 stress. The second time you Burn Out, this move goes away.

Teacher: You can teach other characters how to use Magic as part of a Move Exchange. The student gains a Wild of -1 and a Focus whose nature matches their character. You can also help them create Bonds to a Focus: you take the Stress, they get the Focus

Don't You Know Who I Am: When you use your title and bluster to get what you want, Press the Issue + your personal Company Value.

Annexation: When you incorporate a new town into your Estate, add +2 Wealth. If they join willingly, add +4.




Once per battle: Advantage with Hard
Once per battle: Set Enemy ON Fire Fire
Once Per Battle Advantage with Eyeball or Bomb a Target

Air: Flighty, spontaneous, unbound! Reveal what's hidden, move things, deceive, trick, escape, fly, Induce or stop a Stall, push things away, catch a falling person. Reveal hidden foes, create illusory distractions, fool scouts, raise a fog or bitter wind, accelerate or lift vehicles, throw aside incoming aircraft or bombs, or even teleport.
Fire: Destruction, rebirth, anger, hatred. Consume with flames or rage, destroy things, provide light. Start a fire, deal 1d10 damage/2 Injury, double a weapon's damage. Blind the foe with light, illuminate a dark night, burn down cover, tear apart buildings, strike fear into your foes, reignite a dead engine, give attacks a burning edge, or even shield yourself from harm in a halo of flame.
Water: Soft, gentle, kind, life-giving. Communicate, heal and repair, gain empathy, induce sympathy. Repair a part, heal 1 Injury, fix 10 Damage, revive someone. Act as a human radio, turn the ground into mud, put doubt in your enemies, repair vehicles, heal wounds, summon and control beasts, or even bring a lost comrade back.

The Sky Destroyer Malevelous
Speed: 5 | Handling: 15
Hardness: 9 | Soak: 0

DAMAGE: Fine | -1 Speed | -3 Guns | -1 Speed | -3 Guns | Sinking

Two Light Egg Tossers | Fore (x1) | Starward (x2) | Sunward (x2) | Aft (x1) | Up (-)
Six Heavy Sticks | Fore (x2) | Starward (x1 [2 damaged]) | Sunward (x3) | Aft (x2) | Up (x6)
Two Automatic Ballistas | Fore (-) | Starward (- [1 damaged]) | Sunward (x1) | Aft: (-) | Up (-)

Light Egg Tosser
Egg: 1 Mass | Fire Rate: 3 | Accuracy: 2 | Min Range: Close

Heavy Stick (Blast)
Hits: 5 | Damage: 2 | AP 0 | Range: Long
Burst, +1 AP versus Unarmored Vehicles, -3 to hit airplanes
Special: Can fire rapid fire (roll x2 burst attacks)

Heavy Stick (Beam)
Hits: 1(2)| Damage: 16 | AP 3 | Range: Close
-3 to hit airplanes

Automatic Ballista
Hits: 3(6) | Damage: 2 | AP: 1 | Range: Long

x5 launch catapults

0 Eggs, 0 Ballista reloads


Dropoff: 11 | Reliability: -3 | Overspeed: 24 | Altitude: 0-29 | Fuel: 6
Visibility: -2 | Stability: +2 | Energy Loss: 4 | Turn Bleed: 1

Toughness: 21/21 | Max Strain: 51/51 | Escape: +2 | Crash: -1 | Stress: 1

FULL FUEL: Boost: 2 | Handling: 95 | Climb: 5 | Stall: 7 | Speed: 19
HALF FUEL: Boost: 2 | Handling: 95 | Climb: 5 | Stall: 6 | Speed: 19
EMPTY: Boost: - | Handling: 96 | Climb: - | Stall: 6 | Speed: 0

Twin Fixed Forward Accessible Automatic Crossbow (Interrupter Golem)
Hits (knife/close/long/extreme): 8/6/4/2 | Damage: 2 | AP: 1 | Ammo: 10/10
Rapid Fire (can spend +1 ammo to get advantage while shooting) | Jam [1/2] (jams on a 1 or 2)
Gunsight: +1 to attack
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alright let's see if i know how to press buttons. i remember hearing you have to edit after postingto do it
Levana threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: 3d10 keep highest +1-1 Total: 15
8 8 3 3 4 4
i figured that it was courteous to wait for others to do it but nobody did so hopefully it's fine if i do

darn no explosion it seems
Levana threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: 1d20+4 Total: 19
19 19
i figured that it was courteous to wait for others to do it but nobody did so hopefully it's fine if i do

darn no explosion it seems
Remember that SV doesn't really do Dice Rolling Macros. You rolled a nat 19, we add 4 to that, so 23. Meaning, CRIT EXPLOSION! We get to roll 1d20+2 to see if we get a second crit.

If you rolled a nat 20, you just would have auto-hit the pilot instead of the crit hitting a random location. But man we are critting HARD today.

Edit: Damn, rolled a 6. No bonus crit.
SweetJackal threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: CRIT EXPLOSION! (Add +2) Total: 4
4 4
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Scratch Two! (1.9)
Now, it was time to show people why the Arcane Aviators were so dang deadly. Wind whipped past your cheeks and tufted your hair as you craned your head around, then threw your plane into a turn, bleeding off less speed than they thought possible. But you weren't aiming for the two interceptors! Oh no! Before they even began to open fire with their crossbows or mounted sticks, you touched your Sky Materia with one finger of your free hand, the other gripping your joystick.

The power that flowed through you was intoxicatingly powerful. Your eyes flashed and you shouted a magic word to the heavens - whisked away by the slipstream. The two interceptors that were trying to get between you and your target were hit by a suddenly visible gale of swirling blue wind that seemed to slap into existence out of nowhere.

The two planes heeled in the air and started to tumble, their mole pilots crying out in alarm and shock as the planes started to spin and tumble away from the battlefield - allowing you to stoop right on the next torpedo bomber. You were able to come in close - and then open fire without the torpedo bomber having any chance to jink or dive, too focused on loosing their attack on the sky ship.

Again, the crossbows rattled.

Again, the torpedo bomber trembled in the air and then started to tumble away, having lost enough of something in its guts that the propeller was now a sputtering mess. It corkscrewed down and down and down - but then the pilot was out, his chute popping open again. He started to shake his fist at you .

When you had a moment to look around, you saw that the sudden and destructive impact of your fighters had scattered the molemen pilots, who were starting to scramble back to Invertoland, flying down towards the underbelly of Airlandia. Unfortunately, you also saw that there was a serious problem with the princess's sky ship. While the torpedo bombers hadn't been able to launch their deadly cargo, more than enough crossbow bolts and beams had hit the ship and fire was spreading along two of her nacelles. The crew looked like they were split between fighting the fire and those that were scrambling onto life-balloons, which were starting to bloom and drift away from the sky ship.

Sari flew up to buzz along your wing. "What do we do now?" She shouted curiously as you throttled back.

The fires were definitely spreading. And you had no sign of the princess. Was she even on the ship anymore.

You wanted to impress her, obviously!

And one of the most impressive things was to keep her from being immolated when her skyship burned to the airline, right? Still, if she was in a life balloon...

You'd have to make the call quick - the fire was getting fiercer and the crew fighting it were beginning to notice the life baloons and, clearly, thinking about getting their own rumps saved!

[ ] Create a Deluge with water magic to douse the fires! Hopefully it won't be...too much water!
[ ] Fly in close and buzz the princess room - if she's there, she can jump into your cockpit (heh.)
[ ] Escort the life balloons. For all you know, the Molemen are planning to attack again once they realize how vulnerable they are!
[ ] Write In
[x] Fly in close and buzz the princess room - if she's there, she can jump into your cockpit (heh.)
Torn between this n the water.
Vote changed, this is much better

[X] Use fire magic to create an impressive explosive fireball just off of the burning nacelles to snuff out the flames, a little trick you learned playing with magic in the gardens, the force of the blast can push out the flames or suck out the air, both snuff them out. You've got full control on how to do this right this time, unlike how learning that set Mother's favorite nightshade bush ablaze.
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There is only one correct choice- We have to save their ship.
Because while catching the princess and saving the day directly for her would no doubt still get everything we could desire- the bed on that ship is likely more comfortable.

So I say we have 3 ways of doing it:
[X] Create a Deluge with water magic to douse the fires! Hopefully it won't be...too much water!
[X] Create a Rainstorm with air magic to douse the fires! It's not likely for that to turn into a Thunderstorm or anything
[X] Use fire magic to create an impressive explosive fireball just off of the burning nacelles to snuff out the flames, a little trick you learned playing with magic in the gardens, the force of the blast can push out the flames or suck out the air, both snuff them out. You've got full control on how to do this right this time, unlike how learning that set Mother's favorite nightshade bush ablaze.

The difference here isn't just the flavor but the complications. Making too much water might put the crew at risk or damage the ship. Making a storm can obviously get worse and complicate flying in the area for a bit (if they are fleeing it might make pursuers catch up.) Going the explosive route I would say has risks of not only causing more damage to the ship or crew but also setting something else on fire or even risking a different ship (like Mal) if it is too close.
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[X] Use fire magic to create an impressive explosive fireball just off of the burning nacelles to snuff out the flames, a little trick you learned playing with magic in the gardens, the force of the blast can push out the flames or suck out the air, both snuff them out. You've got full control on how to do this right this time, unlike how learning that set Mother's favorite nightshade bush ablaze.

This is badass.
[X] Use fire magic to create an impressive explosive fireball just off of the burning nacelles to snuff out the flames, a little trick you learned playing with magic in the gardens, the force of the blast can push out the flames or suck out the air, both snuff them out. You've got full control on how to do this right this time, unlike how learning that set Mother's favorite nightshade bush ablaze.

Explosions are cool and sexy and everyone should do them.
[x] Fly in close and buzz the princess room - if she's there, she can jump into your cockpit (heh.)
Could we try some thing like:

[X] Use our air magic to pull the oxygen out of the flames.

@DragonCobolt is that something we would be aware of? Or is it too "real world sciency"?
Adhoc vote count started by DragonCobolt on Apr 17, 2023 at 9:04 PM, finished with 10 posts and 8 votes.
  • 9

    [X] Use fire magic to create an impressive explosive fireball just off of the burning nacelles to snuff out the flames, a little trick you learned playing with magic in the gardens, the force of the blast can push out the flames or suck out the air, both snuff them out. You've got full control on how to do this right this time, unlike how learning that set Mother's favorite nightshade bush ablaze.
    [x] Fly in close and buzz the princess room - if she's there, she can jump into your cockpit (heh.)
    [X] Create a Deluge with water magic to douse the fires! Hopefully it won't be...too much water!
    [X] Create a Rainstorm with air magic to douse the fires! It's not likely for that to turn into a Thunderstorm or anything
    [X] Use our air magic to pull the oxygen out of the flames.

Roll +wild!
That fire burning that ship? Pretty brave actions for something within Fireball range.

Edit: Alright, so that -looks- bad, but we get to add +2 to it. So 11, it's a hit!
SweetJackal threw 2 10-faced dice. Total: 9
8 8 1 1
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Fire Fighting Fireballs (2.0)
Author's Note: Yes, I am adding +1 word to the chapter title every ten chapter titles, wanna fight about it!?

You twisted on the stick and the wings of your Black Widow hummed as you swept down and flew alongside the airship. The fire looked like it was getting more and more fierce by the second. Well! Easy solution for this. You grinned and then touched one of your Materia - the red gemstone of fire. It glowed and pinged with energy as you glared at the spot above the fire. A bead of white light appeared, then exploded and imploded at the same time. Concussive force swept outwards and trembled your wings. The fire winked out as the oxygen was blown away from it and the men who had been fighting it were bowled over. You grinned. "Hah! Perfect solution! Explosion beats-"

You realized the airship was beginning to tilt. The motors had been twisted aside and the entire thing looked like it was beginning to go into a death spiral - fire or no fire.

"...ah dang," you said.

The workmen on the nacelle leaped away, their parachutes thumping open. But a figure dropped from one of the windows and you realized...it was the Princess! You threw your plane into a dive - screaming forward and shooting underneath the falling figure. You could see that she was beating her wings as hard as she could, but being only part angelic meant that she didn't get any lift from them. You adjusted your Black Widow slightly, throttled back and-

"Oof!" You and she exclaimed at the same time as she landed right in your lap, thighs sweeping past your thighs, crotch to your crotch, and her breasts mashed right against your face. Said breasts were quite heft for such a little girl - she wasn't that tall. Not goblin short, but, also, not goblin pettie. She had the human stackedness on a short human frame. Add to that luscious golden brown skin and short golden hair and a little halo on her head and you were fully convinced you had a lapful of the heavens. You grinned up at her, and she glared down at you.

"You blew up my ship!" She said as you shifted and sat up just a bit, so that you could peer over her shoulder. Problem was, your little dive had given you extra acceleration - and now, you were about to end up directly under Invertoland! And they had ground firing fully automatic crossbows, heavy sticks, and fused egg-launchers that were designed to toss eggs up (well, down, in this case) and explode them near flying machines.

Flying machines like yours.

"Only a little!" you said as, behind you, the airship smashed into a passing sky-boulder. It crumpled inwards, crunching in half like a can of fizzy drink beween the palms of a giant. "I-It's fixable!" you said, craning your head back. The airship exploded into flames again, the fuel sparking off and then started to blaze merrily. "Maybe we can put the fire out?" You suggested. The fire reached the power crystals and the entire airship exploded into a million fragments, which started to rain down toward the sun, drawing smeary, greasy lines of black smoke.

"...in my defense, I did try!" You said, grinning at her, your free hand resting on the curve of her rump. To keep her firmly in the cockpit, of course.

"You little drowish-" The princess hissed.

Fortunately, by then, you were being shot at. Beams hissed and sizzled as they shot past the wings of your airplane, and eggs began to tumble from the launchers as the mole-men of Invetroland did their best to knock you out. You had a choice...

First, vote for this!
[ ] Boost to get through it and hope you're okay! (Roll Withstand Flak with +Calm and hope for the best!)
[ ] Pull up and start weaving through the groundscrapers jutting from the Invertoland. They can't shoot you if you get close! (Roll +Keen to evade danger, but avoid flack!)
[ ] Magic? (write in)

[ ] Seduce Princess!
[ ] Don't seduce Princess (yet)
[X] Pull up and start weaving through the groundscrapers jutting from the Invertoland. They can't shoot you if you get close! (Roll
+Keen to evade danger, but avoid flack!)

Just like flying through the church-towers.
You just wanna crash in Invertoland and have to do hurt/comfort with the princess while seducing a sexy moleman!
Yeah, that sounds like a pretty good life goal!

[X] Plan Frankly Too Sane To Go With
- [X] Boost to get through it and hope you're okay! (Roll Withstand Flak with +Calm and hope for the best!)
- [X] Don't seduce Princess (yet)

We've got a good calm and something in me says the Princess will be annoyed a little before aroused if we try to brush off the consequences of our very good idea by going "good points, but look! I've got tits, don't they look soft?!" :p
[X] Plan Frankly Too Sane To Go With