You're sinking. Deeper and deeper into a black abyss you slowly fall, darkness engulfing you. In the back of your mind you know that if you don't do something you will be lost in it. Despite the pain you feel in your body you force it to move. It weakly responds, moving as if trapped in sand, slowly growing less weak and restrained as you struggle to do anything, to grasp anything that could slow or stop your falling. Eventually you succeed, your hand grasping at the edge of something, a platform obscured by the dark. You move your other hand to grasp onto this ledge, your refuge and savior, and pull yourself onto it. Crawling forward blurred vision finally starts to clear, revealing what you are on, A platform of glass that once might have been full of color, now stained black and lifeless. You struggle to your feet, trying to clear your head so that you might figure out what's happened here, to this place, and to you, but your mind refuses to provide any answer. It fails to provide anything, and the more you try to dig the more it seems to blur, melting away as if the mere act of trying to recollect is hazardous to your health. So instead of killing yourself seeking memory, you seek discovery, of where you are and how you might free yourself of it.
You wander to the edge of the platform to peer over its edge, perhaps to find an exit from this void or some sign of life, but you find yourself seeing naught but more of this limbo, this oblivion. Turning back however you find a change to this place, a speck of glass unearthed from where you had tread upon it. you move and kneel beside, swiping away some more of the murk with a tattered sleeve. What you clear away you feel resonate you with, perhaps revealing some aspect of your heart or soul that your mind had tried to keep hidden from you. what is revealed to you? choose one
[] in your heart there is a fire, one ready to break out and unleash itself upon your foes. Gain fire magic, the fire spell, +2 strength and +2 dexterity
[] in your mind there is a storm, crackling with power and potential. Gain lightning magic, the thunder spell, +2 intelligence and +2 constitution
[] in your lungs there is wind, a breeze that might turn into raging chaos. Gain wind magic, the aero spell, +2 dexterity and +2 agility
[] water flows through your veins, a steady stream that could become a raging torrent. Gain water magic, the water spell, +2 constitution and +2 wisdom
[] in your bones there is stone, strong and unflinching, able to weather whatever it faces. Gain earth magic, the stone spell, +2 strength and +2 constitution
[] in your eyes there is a coldness, ice frozen and unfeeling, ready to destroy any who think they can overcome it. gain ice magic, the blizzard spell, +2 intelligence and +2 wisdom
[] it seems that while once there had been something within you, this darkness has taken its place. If this darkness is all that is left to you, then its what you must use. Gain darkness magic, darkness will augment some of your abilities, the dark bolt spell, +2 dexterity and +2 wisdom
You rise away from your discovery, some shred of knowing yourself gained, to find that once more there's been a change. Whether this place enjoys its tricks against you or it only revealed itself thanks to your self discovery there is now a small sliver of light coming from a silvery surface that slowly is taking form. While you do not yet know what that form will be, it does give you the opportunity to discover your own. Looking into its reflective form as if it were a mirror you get a look at yourself. Your clothes are foul, stained and torn, the front ripped open as if something had torn its way out of there. The sleeves end in tatters as well, dirt and what might be blood staining its cuff, or what remains of it. your pants are similarly ragged, torn and ragged up to the knees and not even any shoes or sandals on your feet. How do you look as a person however, underneath the dirt and grime?
[] tall and broadly built, muscles showing below your ruined clothing, your hair long brown and untamed on your head, short but untended on your face, and dark eyes peeking out from behind your hair, you imagine someone might appreciate how you look if you weren't quite so unruly.
[] pale hair, blonde that's nearly white, lean from effort or hunger, and eyes that gleam like emeralds, and skin baked by the sun, you wonder what life you've lived.
[] black curls in need of taming, bags under your eyes showing a lack of rest, long nails showing a lack of grooming, and a maze of cuts and scars along your body, evidence of a life hard lived.
Before you are fully done taking yourself in the silvery mass finishes taking form, that form being a door, one ornate and carved with the symbol of a crown at its peak. Despite the obvious fact there is nothing behind the door you know that if you were to open it and go through you would find yourself somewhere other than this void, perhaps to where you had been before arriving here. You feel however that whatever is on that other side it wouldn't be anything good, some voice in your head telling you that there is some unknown danger that would destroy you if you let it. but what other choice do you have? To languish here, afraid of your only means of escape, accepting this void or worse, flinging yourself down from this platform so it might fully consume you? no, you know you have to go through the door, despite what might be on its other side. You ready yourself, against what you cannot know, and grasp the handle of the door. Cold in your grasp you turn it as light spills from the crack in the door, growing brighter until it overwhelms you until you are forced to close your eyes against this blinding light or be blinded.
You don't remember stepping through the door, or even moving, but even with your eyes closed you know you are no longer in the void. You try to open them but a tiredness in your soul makes them resist, so instead you focus on what else you can take in. the stone below you, rough gritty and cold, is at odds from the heat you feel around you. It's not the comforting heat of a campfire, but something more intense and all consuming. Your ears hear crackling, crumbling, the sound of destructions aftermath. Further in the distance you hear what might be screams, the sound of steel on flesh, the sounds of battle and death. Nearer, worryingly near, you hear the sound of something approaching you. not a person, it isn't the sound of boot nor foot approaching, but the movement of some other form of creature. You finally beat that weakness within you and force your eyes open as you struggle once more to your feet. The creature, for that's the closest thing to its appearance, is one of shadow given form. Its short, roughly four foot and six inches in height from your guess, and its body resembles that of childish caricature with little detail. Its arms end in three clawed fingers, its eyes too yellow bulbs on its face, tendrils growing up from the sides of its head. You wouldn't think something like that too threatening, but from the destruction around you cannot risk underestimating it. you need to defend yourself, you need a weapon with which to do so, find one before the monster is upon you.
choose the weapon type you will use in the quest
[] Laying among the wreckage that surrounds you you see a sword, one handed and unadorned. Its edges are sharp and the steel clean, it should do a fine job. Gain 5 strength, 5 Agility, 4 dexterity, 3 constitution, 2 wisdom, 1 int
[]leaning against a charred wall is a staff, a gem socketed into its wooden head. It should serve as a fine focus for magic. The staff uses wisdom for its damage and is ranged. Gain 5 wisdom, 5 intelligence, 4 agility, 3 constitution, 2 dexterity, 1 strength.
[] in a half ruined building there is a shield displayed on the wall. Not strictly a weapon but its heavy and blunt so it will have to do. Gain 5 constitution, 5 wisdom, 4 strength, 3 intelligence, 2 agility, 1 dexterity
[] you can see hung by its holster outside someone home there is a gun, a pepperbox revolver, with enough powder and shot to last you through the week. The gun uses dexterity for its damage and is ranged. Gain 5 dexterity, 5 intelligence, 4 agility, 3 wisdom, 2 constitution, and 1 strength,
[] plunged into the side of a building as if thrown with great force there is a spear. Tear it from its prison and unleash it upon this creature. Gain 5 strength, 5 agility, 4 dexterity, 3 constitution, 2 wisdom, 1 int
[] half buried in a pile of dirt you see a greatsword, a long two handed beast of a weapon. Perhaps it will take a beast to slay the one that threatens you? gain 5 strength, 5 constitution, 4 agility, 3 wisdom, 2 dexterity, 1 intelligence
[] all that you can find is a lone dagger, forgotten, abandoned. It may not be the perfect choice, but it is your only one. The dagger uses dexterity for its attacks. Gain 5 dexterity, 5 agility, 4 intelligence, 3 strength, 2 wisdom, 1 constitution.
[] you find nothing. Not even a kitchen knife or decent club. Fine, you shall use the weapons all have, you fists, your legs, your teeth if need be. Gain 5 strength, 5 dexterity, 4 agility, 3 wisdom, 2 constitution, 1 intelligence.
[] write in. whatever you decide to add has to follow the pattern set by the other weapons, 2 fives, a four, a three, a two, and a one assigned to the stats and must also be allowed by me, don't wanna write something I'm uninterested in after all
You prepare yourself, settling into something you hope resembles a fighting stance, hoping your first fight won't be your last.
Yes hi hello I've made the poor decision to start another quest while already running one. Why, pit, did you suddenly decide to do such a thing, I don't hear you ask? Well its simple, I am a person who can't help but make bad decisions and have had this idea on the mind for a while. Now to skip over the rambling a few things to note mechanically so you aren't floundering in the dark trying to figure out what the numbers mean. First of all all your stats start at 10
Strength is, well strength. It increases the damage of most melee weapons and abilities, allows you to do increasingly ridiculous things as you level up and improve it, and makes certain non combat strength options more likely to succeed.
Agility is a characters personal speed and agility. Increasing it increases how fast they are, how many actions they have, and allows them to jump good, sometimes really good.
Dexterity is their skill with their hands and general accuracy, and is added to any critical damage dealt and the higher it is the more likely you are to crit
Constitution is the health of the character, how many hits they can take before getting knocked out or worse.
Wisdom is tied to a characters magical power, added to any spell attacks as damage, and improves a characters innate magic, letting them learn new tiers of said magic as they improve wisdom. For example at lets say 18 wisdom a character with fire as their element would learn fira, and apply that logic to all the other types of spell.
Intelligence deal with a characters knowledge of the world and of magic. If it gets high enough they can begin learning new schools of magic. Other than increasing the variety of spells it increases the quantity of spells that can be cast, mp points equaling half of intelligence unless I decide otherwise down the line.
In the future you will have the opportunity to find party members so don't think you need to be a complete generalist, feel free to specialize in what you like.