Wow. Ok, a lot to process here.
The core node graphic:
The core node artwork is really neat, and there's actually some implied information from the aesthetics of the core node.
- The colours of the central gem: We have gray, green, blue, purple and orange. Rarity colours, I presume.
- The colours of the Hands: Red, Yellow and Blue. Anybody able to figure out what they mean?
- Number of Hands: There are presumably, a maximum of 8 trees per core node. Though there's space remaining inside the gem if the intention is to leave room for something there, and more room in the surrounding.
The build:
So our fighting build is...
Flameclawed, blade-wielding, astral, druidic, farsighted, close-quarters, autoshooting, stealthed, situational-tank, ambush predator.
With our exploration/crafting abilities
Woodshaping, Mining, Herbalism.
Let's see if we can pick a direction.
Felixar core nodes:
Right away, we have a legendary(?) and a common(?).
- We can't reroll the legendary, so now we have no choice but be firecatfox.
- The common core node improves on the Felixar's racial passive, so I'm content to leave it.
Eclipsed Orphan Passive:
Yesss, Stellar Tap from Astral Mage!
Eclpised Orphan Core Nodes:
We got Hicys/Tranquil Village core nodes.
- Druidic Training: I have no idea if woodshaping is a crafting ability or a combat ability. Really, this core node just doesn't mesh very well.
- Floramancy: Not sure if the barkblade is a floating sword or normal sword. If it's a floating sword, then great! It'll go along nicely with our floating gun. If we need to hold it.... we can't hold it. Not only do we have no thumbs, but our claws are on fire. We could hold it in our mouth... but our bite might do more damage since it's on fire too.
It's notable that these are blue and purple. Rare(?) and Epic(?). A reroll here could get us Noble Scion/Astral Mage core nodes instead. I would happily argue for a reroll, except that these two core nodes complement each other quite well. With mutually complementary skills being so rare in our build already, there's something to say for leaving these two as they are.
Gun Archivist:
- Thank fuck for Steel Halo. Something solid we can use as is, that isn't mutually screwy with anything else!
- Close-quarters gunplay wasn't the style I originally imagined, but it's solid, and the skill trees seem usable at any range.
- It's mining. I've got nothing against it, it's a reasonable exploration skill if we ever do the space exploration route. But like, well, I bet we could have picked it up in a side quest somewhere.
- Perception is great. Farsighted close-quarters combatant is silly as hell, but silly or not it's still good. I want it.
Damn it, I wrote all this to try and find something to re-roll, so we could concentrate on a sensible build. But now I've argued myself into not re-rolling anything.