[X] Plan: Dark Dancer
-[X] Loec, the Dancer. Deep is the joy He brings, even in the Wild Places.
-[X] A mighty tree of black upon a field of blue. House Nightwood, one time protector of the grove of the Nightwood, a subspecies of the Starwood of Anhara Draconis that grew black as the night. The nascent Dark Elves, of course, sought to claim the stuff for themselves, for reasons both Aesthetic and practical alike. As they did with all other sources of that famed Starwood they burned the grove to the ground when they realized they would have none of it, and so the Dragon Ships were lost to your people, slowly fading, slowly dwindling, slowly passing as yet another wonder you were unworthy of. The disgrace hangs heavy over every head bearing the name, and you are not an exception; and one day you will rip into Druchii hide for what they have done to your family. But you live too, you live, and where there is life there is hope.