TreeQuest: Magitech (Riot Quest)

Robinton is still rolling some stuff, I think.

I would guess a project that's about upgrading a type of magic, Hevel for Steam magic is the latest example.
So choosing Flesh or Bone would create one to get Flesh or Bone magic at something like Novice or Competent.
I see, I see. Since I booted Earth to Novice already, trying to acquire Bone will already be easier.
I've decided… @Robinton I'd like to go with the 2nd option please, for Flesh Mashjik.
I think I've rolled almost everything. Possible projects for the Forest from the Speakers and Herbalist are still on the list to roll, I think? And I need to write up the Speakers and Herbalist sections - which won't be easy - and do some last tweaks. But that's everything left.

Wolves rolled terrible for fighting. Not quite as bad as it could have been, but an absolute maximal critfail would have been a slaughter no matter their armor. As its stands, they still took severe damage.
Lots of wounds, but only two deaths thanks to a lot of effort to keep them safe with gear. Plus the Bees doing some scouting. Plus a certain Deer that wanted to repay her savior. Plus a Medic Mole on-site. Plus a Tree from the Forest keeping the Connection fully aloft despite the distance.

Bears, by contrast, rolled well. They also found they'd been fighting with a mallus - the Vines have some concerning chemicals in their sap, that very subtly interfere with reflexes and reaction times. But the Bears mostly don't care - their fighting strategy was never "dodge" and always "just tear the thing to pieces or out of the ground by its roots."

The Bees aren't affected - and were mostly scouting anyway - and the Moles arrived last and got the benefit of prior painful experience.

Like a never-healing wound, for example.
Plausible. Very plausible.

Okay, so I'm not saying this in an anyway negative way that is asking for things to be rushed - but I didn't miss an update right? The last thing official was the "vote for Christmas reward" post, right? Just making sure.
Nope; no missed updates. I'm just posting occasional updates on my progress, since it helps cheer me up during the long dozen-odd-hour slog of writing a full update.

Ooh! Interesting! I don't believe I'd ever heard of that before!

Monster Energy would be a very interesting field to develop further. So Is monster 'moral neutral'? Because if it can be applied to 'good creatures' then us having our Forest be full of 'monsters' that are friendly to our allies sounds awesome.
Finish the initial project to find out!

I can say: developing your equivalent to Monsters would definitely be morally neutral, at worst.

So I never thought of this before but us using our gained resources to basically get as many magic books as possible sounds AWESOME! Can we create a Library in one of our trees? That would be soooo cool!
You could create a Tree-Library, but the Science action is already going to give your Light Computer a database (including all books you can access).

Feel free to propose further book actions, though!

By the way, what's an upgrade quest?
I would guess a project that's about upgrading a type of magic, Hevel for Steam magic is the latest example.
Tarumath is correct!

Addendum: +1 Upgrade Quest from Fire Salamander.

I see, I see. Since I booted Earth to Novice already, trying to acquire Bone will already be easier.
I've decided… @Robinton I'd like to go with the 2nd option please, for Flesh Mashjik.
Well, that's Ben and Betty Grimm written up. It was going along, a bit heartwarming, and Ben came up with a pun, which his sister heard telepathically. Then I realized, "Oh, a pair of barely-teen siblings just gained mutual telepathy," and the two semiconsciously realized they had better master "keeping their thoughts to themselves" really quickly. Which they succeeded at with aplomb (and a pair of prepared parents).

Then came their reactions to the Forest - in all their similarities (which are many) and differences (which are fewer but still numerous). Plus a discussion of dog and cat body-language.

Heartwarming, hilarious, and emotionally exhausting to write. All within a few paragraphs of each other.

...And I'm out of time and need to head towards bed anyway.
Good night (or day or whatever, per timezone), all!
If you want to absorb sun from the surface to direct Light underground... I'm tempted to suggest you research methods of using Lenses to result in the desired outcome. That's probably you best bet, yeah.
If you want something like electricity - then something like a solar panel might be available, maybe, if you roll well.
That reminds me that something like that may be needed once we open that cave thing full of anti magic dust, that suspiciously look like an attempt to stop any form of light magic so getting light there without magic may be necessary.

For Electricity, something like Growth/Electricity Combination may work to make a lightning rod tree converting lightning into stored ressources and conduct electricity with plants (like vine cables).
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Wolves rolled terrible for fighting. Not quite as bad as it could have been, but an absolute maximal critfail would have been a slaughter no matter their armor. As its stands, they still took severe damage.
Lots of wounds, but only two deaths thanks to a lot of effort to keep them safe with gear. Plus the Bees doing some scouting. Plus a certain Deer that wanted to repay her savior. Plus a Medic Mole on-site. Plus a Tree from the Forest keeping the Connection fully aloft despite the distance.

Bears, by contrast, rolled well. They also found they'd been fighting with a mallus - the Vines have some concerning chemicals in their sap, that very subtly interfere with reflexes and reaction times. But the Bears mostly don't care - their fighting strategy was never "dodge" and always "just tear the thing to pieces or out of the ground by its roots."

So the Speaker vote resulted in Ben and Betty?
8 votes for 2; 6 votes for 1. A close-run vote, but Two Speakers wins!

I'll count #1 as 4 points, down through #4 as 1 point. I'll assume that K von Carstein was intending his first written Speaker vote as #1 and his second as #2. Then we get:
Betty: 7*4 + 3*3 + 1*2 = 39
Ben (jr): 1*4 + 5*3 + 2*1 + 1*2 = 23
Materson: 4*4 + 1*2 + 1*1 = 19
Gustav: 1*3 + 3*2 = 9
Herbalist: 1*4 + 1*3 + 1*2 = 9
Mr. Tavish: 1*3 + 1*2 = 5

I'm sure there are alternate prioritization schemes. I can't imagine they would result in any differences except for possibly swapping Ben-Jr and Materson.
Almost there. Marta Yarrow greeting, and a last pass to check tenses (present/past tense).
Not sure if I'll manage it tonight, but I'd certainly like to!
Eh. If problems arise, we'll look for solutions.

Until the problems show up, no reason to spend lots of brain cycles worrying.

It's not like a human teenager would lack embarassing thoughts if mentally connected to Old Man Materson or some other adult. I teach high school; I can assure you that the majority of thoughts in the average teenager's brain are kind of embarassing.

And just think, when it's time for them to learn about the Birds and the Bees, they can get instruction from ACTUAL birds and bees!

(Yes, as members of a pre-modern agricultural village, they already know a lot about where babies come from. Leave the joke alone!)
Turn 25 - Year 2 Fall
4+4=8 automatic successes into Grow Wise Tree
4+2=6 automatic successes into Light/Darkness Negacion (Magic Research)
4 automatic successes into Contain / Control the Wraith
4 automatic successes into The Right to Arm Bears -- give fighting animals weapons and armor to help fight Evil Vines, or anything else at the portal sites. (GM: There was a tie. I chose this since it could count as an implementation of the pair of Portal Hunt votes.)

Razzocnor 2d -> 1 success to Ice/Fire and Fire Within (to get a small item off the lists soon)
Page 119: The two omake auto-successes are going into [X] Make Shields for any interested creatures.

32 dice - (14,11)+6 successes - into: [X] Light/Darkness Negacion (Magic Research)
30 dice - 13 successes - into: [X] Store Resources Against Future Need
18 dice - 13+4 successes - into: [X] Contain / Control the Wraith
16 dice - 6 successes - into: [X] Finish Laser Computer
15 dice - (2,5) successes - into: [X] Cultivate the Surrounding Plants
13 dice - 8 successes - into: [X] Growth Incorporated
10 dice - (2,5) successes - into: [X] Mining
7 dice - 2+5.25 +~10 successes - into: [X] Raise the Shield
7 dice - 2 successes - into: [X] Connect to the Dire Bat
7 dice - 4 successes - into: [X] Feed the Swarm (Bees)
7 dice - 5 successes - into: [X] Fuego! Pyrofuego! Burn!
7 dice - 6 successes - into: [X] Analyze Mundane Movement (Biology Research) (Movement Research)
6 dice - 3 successes - into: [X] Grow the Forest
5 dice - 4 successes - into: [X] Upgrade Lens Tree to Elder
5 dice - 3+8 successes - into: [X] Grow Wise Tree
4 dice - 2 successes - into: [X] Ice/Fire and Fire Within
2 dice - 1 success - into: [X] Research Vine Shield-Piercing (Magic Research)
2 dice - 2+1+2.8 successes - into: [X] Empty Veil (Void)
0+10 dice - 4 successes - into: [X] Weather Analysis

Dice Rolled=201; succeeded=95. Decidedly below average. Somewhat below even with rerolls. The Write-in and similar rolls were mostly kinder, but that wolf roll…

Tall Tree bonus: 3 ranks; x1.0303

Jack727 - [Seer], level 1 - "These Vines devour Coherent Light, and ignore all but the fiercest Flames."

Space Jawa, "Portal Hunt - Search & Destroy!"
Happerry, "Try to grow wooden equipment for the wolves and bears."
Sir Plusse, "Make Shields for any interested creatures. Start with the Bears, since they're likely to use them soon."
Nigerian Duck, "Once more, attempt to swallow a hostile animal to the forest whole, and recreate the flesh and muscle and tendons and meat and uh…other stuff that makes it up!."
mastigos, "Mining Mushrooms Manifold: grow the mining portion of the fungal network and infrastructure for separating out samples of any interesting minerals that it might find for the researches to poke at."
BelligerentGnu, "Make one more push to extend telekinetic range, aiming for coverage enough to protect Newton Village." -[Telekinesis, Write-in bonus], level 2
ConfusedPotato, "The difference between science and screwing around is writing it down. Organise and curate a library of all that we know. Include tags and references." -[Research, Write-in bonus], level 2. Major bonus for Omake.
Pyro Hawk, "Write In: Connect with Void Flora? - You've found a new region the Forest can potentially grow into. Shortly followed by discovering things exist there that were happy to munch on you. Which just raises the question of: is there already existing 'Void Plants' you can either connect to or investigate to ease the process of growing into the Void? Oh, and get all sorts of potential benefits. Shouldn't forget those either." -[Write-in bonus], level 2
Tarumath, "Try to teach Growth Magic to Arthur Scrat (Write-in)." -[Write-in bonus], level 2
Razzocnor, "Study Void-Tree biology. How exactly does this work anyway? It has a lot of potential though, especially if it is possible to make trees capable of passing back and forth." -[Magic Biology Research, Write-in bonus], level 2
Phigment, "Ask Old Man Materson to teach us his "build a house" ritual. The forest can provide magic lumber to power it. Anyone who needs the house can have it afterwards. Maybe the herbalist?" -[Write-in bonus], level 2
EldritchObserver, "Begin research into Magic that can enforce effects such as "Trespassers are made known to the Forest regardless of abilities" and "Portal creation in and around the Forest is significantly more difficult without the Forest's authorization". Working name until more is known, "Law Magic"."
Toboe, "Research life magic, get help from the animals that already know it if possible. Focus on learning to heal our friends and connected creatures."
BeepSmile, "Research life magic, get help from the animals that already know it if possible. Focus on learning to heal our friends and connected creatures."

Animal actions:
Squirrels: Continue the Life magic lessons, include the Forest.
Deer: +4 automatic successes, probably to Growth, bonuses apply.
Moles: Support the Portal Hunt.
Beavers: +3 automatic successes to Growth, bonuses apply.
Bees: Support the Portal Hunt.
Ants: Reroll top two (three) lagging actions. See above.
Wolves: Support the Portal Hunt.
Corvids: +10d to help the Forest improve its Weather Manipulation.
Bears: Support the Portal Hunt.
Dire Bat: Scouting.
Lesser Wraith: HUNGRY!
Lesser Fire Salamander: Teach the Forest the Art and Wonder of Fire.
Speakers Ben and Betty Grimm: Connecting to Forest.
Herbalist: Study Special Tree Growth!

Herbalist: Yes.
Gift: A free rare and useful insight into the Laws of Magic in the TreeQuest Universe.
Speaker: 2, Ben and Betty Grimm.

Turn 25 Results

(Christmas Present, 14 votes: 5 votes + tiebreakers to [X] A free rare and useful insight into the Laws of Magic in the TreeQuest Universe.)

There are four ways to gain Magic: two to get it, and two to be given it.

Some take some concept and meditate on it; some just meditate in general; some live many years and find they've managed this way by accident; but you can gain Magic with enough time and meditation - and understanding, usually, even if you can't quite put the understanding into words; also, devotion to a field or substance or concept can often help, as can identifying with it or expressing its attributes. (Additionally note that, if you study an Element enough, you will tend to become like it - Negacion Pairs are an interesting way to counter this.) This is how the Grimm siblings learned Magic. This is the normal way to further your Magic rank.

Sometimes, a person, when pushed beyond the breaking point, will find further reserves there, beyond anything they thought they were capable of. Sometimes, these reserves are Magic, and the ability to access it. This is how Arthur Scrat learned Magic. This was also the typical means of achieving Legendary among Elves in the elder days - though it wasn't something they typically tried for, since it necessarily had a horrifying fatality rate.

Some are given Magic. Essentially nobody around can just go, "Oh, have Magic, here's Competent Rank in three different Elements, enjoy." That said, a Wish or two have had effects like this, GM will hereby confirm that Last-Star-Rachel became a Seer just after birth due to a Blessing, and it is normal for a neophyte attempting to gain access to their Magic to have one or two decently skilled Mages attempt to run Magic through them repeatedly to help them sense it. (Yes, the Grimm siblings were certainly given this advantage!)

Some are born with Magic - this is vanishingly rare among Humans or Elves, but it seems to be normal for Monsters (and, I suppose, the Trees of the Forest). Foresight may be an exception to this, in that it seems normal for Two-Legs to pick it up seemingly from birth? Technically speaking, the ancient Elves had this in a very limited way: Elves aged about 100x slower than Humans, and learned about 10x slower. But each Elf had a Gift, a single subject (usually a Magical Element but not always) at which they would learn just as fast as a similarly-talented and similarly-dedicated Human. (Occasionally two Gifts, though each was usually slightly weaker to compensate. Three had happened just enough times to be provably possible. Four was theorized but never confirmed.)

A note at this point: It took a dedicated and skilled Elf, working in their own Gift, one to one-and-a-half millennia to train their way to Grandmaster. Adrian reached this point at twelve centuries of age total, which was a combination of incredible natural talent, dedicated drive, good training, plenty of opportunities for practice, the occasional bit of desperate combat, and his undying drive to protect his close friends and family. He was, in essence, a one in ten-thousand best-case-scenario as far as reaching Grandmaster quickly was concerned.

(OOC: A further note: while I'm still debating the fine points of the chronology, I believe Adrian had actually reached Grandmaster shortly before Apocalypse 111: Wish-forge. If he didn't make Legendary during Wish-forge - and it's practically impossible to make the jump without another 1-1.5 millennia of training - I don't think he would have had a chance to until after 112: Cataclysm. So sometime while on the Last Star station, or not at all. There's a chance he'll make Legendary next year, actually, in an event that I guarantee won't directly impact the Forest (barring the Forest being insanely overpowered at that point, and/or deeply affiliated with The Last Star, and even then it's just "+1 extreme-range laser battle"; Rachel already knows about this and has been setting things up to win for decades now). Idrial, I think, made the jump to Grandmaster for Starlight and Healing both in the aftermath of 112 - using a "barely possible feat" to skip training time - and Rachel would have made the jump to Grandmaster Seer during 112, for much the same reason.)

(OOC: Further note on my further note: Rachel was considered a prodigy for reaching Grandmaster at her age. Given that Idrial has two Gifts - half the training time each, and a slight malus to training-speed - she was quite impressive as well. Though neither of them managed Adrian's record. Like I said, he was one in ten thousand. I'd say that "being around a Fairy, which messes with your odds and brings in more danger" would explain Adrian's record, but no - he became friends with Idrial after making Grandmaster. See the 111 Interlude for more details.)

First note continued: Getting Legendary by pure training would take around seven hundred centuries, or about seven consecutive Elven lifetimes, for a particularly skilled and dedicated individual. So, consequently, it was considered unusual. Quite unusual. Around 80% of Elves eventually made Grandmaster - though for the lazy, insanely unlucky, and/or talentless, it was only after they turned 50 (centuries) or some such - but only a percent or two of Elves ever made Legendary. You had to train to Grandmaster, train that much again (and typically then some), and pull off a feat that should have been beyond you - and you had to risk a lot and know that - and even then a lot of the time you just wouldn't make the jump. Being around a Fairy seemed to provide a boost to your chances, but then, Fairies were always the exceptions to a lot of the Rules.

(Fairies had rules of their own, of course, but even the ancients weren't able to precisely describe them.)

(Barring the OOC bits, the Forest knows all of this in-character, via a very strange note that a random traveler along the path dropped, with bits of Newton-Village specific info added after-the-fact.)

For the first time, the eighth sense of the Sensing Trees noticed… something. A slight murmur, distinct from the normal approximately-daily crashing surf-like sound. You had no idea why - and a careful check showed nothing wrong within range of any of your other senses - but it did happen. Everything was back to normal the next day, and the next, and the next - all the rest of the turn, in fact.

The Forest put in a huge chuck of effort to Connect to first the Wraith, and afterwards the Dire Bat. Both have been fully Connected to the Forest by halfway through the turn. The Dire Bat doesn't quite have a Mind, even by the end, but it is incredibly smart compared to any mundane Bat. It also is fully capable of scouting the area, and happily started to do so - while eating odd mosquitoes and such to feed itself. Not any of your Bees, by request, of course - indeed, they often ask it for protection in particularly dangerous flights. It gives you a modest bonus to the Monster Energy project. (GM: I will owe you an expanded map in a turn or two.)

The Lesser Wraith is hungry. Always hungry. It doesn't seem to be able to be full, though you can tell that it can survive on very little energy with enough lethargy. You immediately see a pair of great research projects based on this - one to create other Magical Construct/Creatures like it, and one to learn from its Energy-Draining ability. Studying it gives you a substantial bonus to the Monster Energy project.

Smoke rose, yet again, on the horizon this turn, as the first dead leaves of fall threatened to turn into a massive Fire. The Bees didn't want to scout near Smoke - and with some reason - but the Dire Bat braved the flames and found, in the center, a Lesser Fire Salamander.

The Forest, seeing a potential fight coming and always wanting more friends, decided to Connect to its third Monster this turn, and - with some difficulty - claimed the Lesser Fire Salamander this turn.

It turned out to be the same Lesser Fire Salamander that distracted you from the Shadow Spinner a few turns ago. When you peered into its memories, you found it had actually been quite cross at that time - "Nothing is quite as it seemed! I can't find a good place to rest and roast! … … OK, everything is back to normal, but - there isn't much around to Burn! I'm hungry…" You were fairly certain that the Shadow-Spinner just used the Lesser Fire Salamander as a distraction, and after a very thorough scan, you were also fairly confident that said Salamander wasn't under any Illusions, nor was it carrying any diseases (barring a Fire-loving slightly-Magical Fungus that goes completely dormant the moment it cools down, and seems to like living in the Fire Salamander's fur).

(Yes, the Lesser Fire Salamander has very short flaming fur; no, a Salamander shouldn't have hair; it's physically a Salamander aside from the fur so a Salamander it gets called… Its larger cousins apparently have scales and could have inspired the legends of Dragons… well, some of the legends of Dragons.)

If it weren't for the bit of Foresight, you'd have asked it to burn some ornery Vines for you. But, since you believe that these Vines are extraordinarily Fire-resistant, you instead asked it to teach you further of the art of Fire. With what is quickly becoming an unlimited supply of fallen leaves, it happily obliged! (Note: Your Lesser Fire Salamander has Fire at, effectively, Expert rank. New upgrade quest unlocked, with some fairly major bonuses.)

Since you didn't think the Lesser Fire Salamander would be effective against the Vines, you considered options for additional support… and the Lesser Wraith was really hungry… So you sent it as backup, to the first Portal team to have significant problems, namely the Wolves. (More info later.)

(5 prior successes from Connect to Local Wildlife: Monsters and 10.98 from Connect to Lesser Wraith used. This turn added 2*1.25*1.03=2.575 Connect to Dire Bat successes and 17*1.25*1.03=21.8875 Connect to Lesser Wraith successes. Full success on Dire Bat costs 5; full success on Lesser Wraith costs 15; full success - without prior preparation and interrupting what could have been a combat and doing a lot of extra checks - on the Lesser Fire Salamander costs 20. Overflow contributed to Connect to Unspecified 9.35->12.22.)

After extensive debate, the Forest chooses to try to make two members of Newton Village into Speakers for the Forest: the siblings Ben and Betty Grimm. They were the first two to volunteer, they work well together, and their competitive tendencies are explicitly aimed towards driving both to greater heights. They're also young enough to get a lot of benefit from the Connection, but old enough to remember clearly what it is to be a mostly-just-plain-old-Human. They're also two smart cookies, and already starting to study Magic.

(You are also delighted to be able to answer their mental pleas of "Can I? Can I? Can I?" with a "Yes." If that had been a poor decision, you could have disappointed them, but you're glad you don't have to.)

You have an instinctive knowledge of roughly what you want to do, but you've never actually done it - aside from, perhaps, once by accident, with Arthur Scrat - so you aren't sure how long it will take or how difficult it will be.

But in the end, all it takes is having the two stand together in the middle of the Forest, and ask a question:

"Will you represent us? Will you care for us as kin? Will you teach us of Two-Legs and learn of Trees in turn? Will you stand with us - until one of us meets Death, or one of us chooses to go our separate ways?"

And they both, wholeheartedly, trusting you, Accept.

And suddenly, it's no longer an effort to see from their eyes, hear from their ears. They aren't quite a part of the Forest as-such, but the limits of the Connection fall away.

'I wasn't just trusting you,' Ben mentally insists to you. 'I was too in-tree-gued to not further investigate!'

His sister mentally laughs at him. Then they both turn and face each other, and their eyes get big, realizing: 'Telepathy!'

Betty promptly thinks of the silliest face Ben has ever pulled, and he fires back with the weirdest dream he's ever had, and…

They seem to be having a blast. There's an occasional memory that they didn't mean to send, but they both gain enough control to avoid accidentally sending thoughts or memories fairly quickly. Both do have a brief thought along the lines of 'Well, that could have been traumatic,' but they process it all well.

They're also quite delighted to be able to claim to be "Twins, with Real Twin Telepathy!" now, since they'd occasionally joked about being twins in the past.

After things settle down, and they have a good night's sleep (they're initially quite exhausted) and a talk or five with their parents about the experience (with 'our oddest / most-concerning thoughts' being a significant topic, for obvious reasons, that thankfully their parents had actually expected and were prepared for - or maybe being prepared was just a side-effect of raising a pair of barely-teen children…), they try looking through the Forest's memories.

Both are intrigued and delighted by the Laser Computer, though its finer principles would take a bit to comprehend. Both have a blast playing around with Fire, though Betty first switches to shaping ever-more-elaborate snowflakes with Ice. Both nearly fall unconscious when they first seriously try to process everything that the Sensing Trees can perceive, and later carefully limit themselves to small subsets of the data. Both try Flying with Telekinesis briefly, though it costs a fair bit of energy and can't be sustained long-term - Ben is actually more scared of heights than his sister, and though he doesn't want to admit it, she probably would have known even without Telepathy.

Both are surprisingly weirded out by the way Ants see the world, but actually think Bees make a lot of sense, but only if you look at the world from a Bee's point of view. Both have a dozen "aha!" moments on how Dogs and Wolves communicate and react. Both point out to the Wolves that "Of course Cats raise their tails when they're greeting you - Cats are ambush predators and Dogs/Wolves are persistence predators - obviously 'Here I am See Me' is about the most un-hostile thing a Cat can do!" (Admittedly, both had just bounced ideas off of each other to think of this, and hadn't considered it ever before. But they still said it was obvious. And once someone states it, maybe it is.)

Only Betty thinks that food tastes different now. Only Betty immediately starts trying to learn any Life Magic she can - and quickly reaches Competent from sheer determination. Only Betty wants to decorate her bedside with living plants.

Only Ben wants to have a race against the Squirrels. Only Ben starts dreaming up new cool attacks. Only Ben brainstorms crazy additions to the Forest's Void defenses.

But, to everyone's relief (but not surprise), for all the changes, they're both very much still themselves: Ben and Betty Grimm, siblings, children of Ben (senior) and Beth Grimm, heirs of the Grimm name (family motto: Danger Runs From Us).

…Though nobody's surprised when they claim the House-Tree that the Forest grew ages ago as "our clubhouse." There is typically an adult keeping half-an-eye on them, but the Forest is a nice place to relax in, everyone agrees - particularly Granny Miller, who likes to take advantage of the various Life Magic learners for relief from whatever her latest old-age ache happens to be.

Marta Yarrow the Herbalist would have to have been blind to not notice something up with the Grimm kids, and she was not remotely blind. On the other hand, the changes certainly seemed beneficial, to the best of her (limited) ability to detect and analyze.

"Just another mystery to this place," she sighed and shook her head.

But that day was the last day she'd need to wonder, because the Grimm siblings and Granny Miller invited her along to a trip into the woods. Marta Yarrow could tell that something was up, but it didn't seem malevolent… Though she wasn't about to go without a few potions, easily accessible, naturally.

They traveled across the creek, to one region that had always felt too… forbidding for Marta to dare explore. Not evil - but maybe the lair of a Wizard who wanted no visitors?

But today she had permission, it seemed, because there wasn't anything forbidding about the place. Just… powerful. Quite a bit of Magic, clearly, she knew, by the static on her skin.

And - wait.

Marta was absolutely certain that the tree she'd just glimpsed was not anything she'd ever seen before.

With a glance at her guides to make sure it was allowed, she darted over: a tree of crystal and light? It was… beautiful, actually. Probably the most beautiful tree she'd ever seen - and she'd once seen a cutting of a cutting of Nimloth the Fair.

She slowly circled the base of this impossible - well, clearly not, just unprecedented - tree. "It's a prism? Made of glass? No, something crystalline… but it's alive?"

With another glance at her guides to ensure it was safe, she put a hand to this amazing thing. 'OK. That settles it. There is a reclusive plant wizard here.'

Even as she gently traced the smooth not-bark of this Tree, even as her limited Magic sense tried to fathom it, she detected, ever so faintly, a bit of apparent amusement.

She glanced back at her guides again. Not them - well, mostly. She glanced at the Tree. Amusement. She raised an eyebrow (her left; her right refused to raise without it, for whatever reason), and asked aloud, "Are you… Can you understand me?"

In an instant the light exploded all around them. The sky went dark for an instant as beams of light darted around and a fractal of color carpeted the Forest floor.

And, in a moment, the awe-inspiring display was gone, and she stepped back and bowed slightly, saying "Thank you! That was beautiful!" while thinking 'Be polite!'

Then Betty Grimm tugged on her sleeve, and said, "I think you'll like this one!"

With a few minutes' more trekking - through woods filled with Magic, where she was quite certain a lot of things (hopefully friendly?) were right on the edge of her vision - they came to a short Tree. This one was, likewise, definitely not anything she'd ever seen before. It was nowhere near as strange as the first, though. That said, though the early-fall winds varied between great gust one moment and calm the next, this Tree's leaves fluttered back and forth in a steady gentle breeze all its own. And its bark was lined with… she thought the odd patterns were telling a story, but she had no idea what.

She thanked that Tree as well, and over the next hour was shown a dozen wonders: a Tree with patterned bark that looked like some strange writing (but it was clearly grown that way), a Tree that drank sunlight and was nearly pitch-black, a Tree that was brimful of more raw Protective Magic than anything short of an Artifact should be able to manage, a Tree that only existed if you looked at it right, a Tree that seemed constantly damp, a Tree that had seemingly grown itself into a house (that the Grimm siblings introduce proudly as "our clubhouse"), a Tree with weird pinholes that always felt like it was staring into your Heart and Soul, and a grove of identical Trees that were clearly growing the very lumber that the traders had all carried off weeks ago.

"Thank you so much for showing me these Trees; I can hardly believe that they exist! Is there any chance I can meet their creator?" she asked Granny Miller.

The Grimm siblings both grinned hugely, but Marta Yarrow hardly noticed. Because she heard from all around, a multitude of voices chorusing, 'Hello! We are the Forest! Pleased to meet you!'

A moment later, even as she was looking around in shock, a Squirrel carrying a tiny Sword - an enchanted blade what? - ran up to a branch in front of her, and performed a courtly bow. Then the Tree the Squirrel was on copied the bow - though with more limbs what? - and the whole Forest rustled in a nonexistent breeze.

It took several minutes for her to recover from the shock, and the immediate questions - a talking Tree or two wasn't quite the weirdest thing she'd seen, but a whole Forest took the cake - but she eventually realized just how big of a deal this was.

Trees, thinking. Telepathy. No obvious limits. Magical, learning and teaching Magic.

(Of course, the Forest could probably hear her thoughts, she figured, which was a touch annoying to plan around. She would tentatively assume it was friendly - since it seemed to be so far. And anyway, while she might get a bit overenthusiastic, she definitely wanted to investigate this thing finally. …Which hopefully wasn't a terrible idea.)

She spent a night back in Newton Village, finally hearing the full story of the last year or two in full. She slept on the knowledge, and in the morning toured the Forest again, on her own this time.

And when she came across an in-progress Wise Tree, and learned that the Forest had a project to analyze how it grew these Special Trees, the Forest had a moment of concern. Because that gleam in her eye, that was - no, it probably (conclusion not an illusion, triple-checking, not an illusion, no mind-affecting, things might or might not be fine but the Forest's Mind is its own) it probably wasn't the gleam of a triumphant foe. It was probably just the Forest being paranoid and seeing the gleam of "a person who wanted Immortality to study Herbalism Forever" finally finding a project worth spending years on. Probably.

(Marta Yarrow the Herbalist now knows about the Forest. Newton Village is no longer keeping secrets, at least about the Forest, barring maybe a few details occasionally. Herbalist will add 10 auto-successes, with bonuses applying, to Special Tree Growth each turn until it's complete or someone physically drags her away.)

One Tree decided to try to organize a library of everything the Forest had experimented on, with as many specific measurements and observations as possible. It wound up making two copies: one stored on the Laser Computer, and a backup copy distributed throughout the Forest (twice, just in case). This resulted in both significant progress on the Laser Computer, and an equally significant broadening of the project - with expected benefits. Further, while trawling through past observations, the Tree has noticed something: Enemies are harder to affect with Magic than Allies.

To be more specific, an outright Enemy that has a decent bit of Magical power can resist the Forest's Magic to the point that otherwise incredibly-efficient attacks against the pinpoints of Fire within them are likely less efficient than lighting them on fire outright. By contrast, the Forest's own Creatures see none of that resistance, or at least nearly none.

A few further tests are prompted by the prior realization, and the Forest concludes that it has no resistance to its own Magic, Arthur Scrat has maybe 1-2% resistance, the new Speakers have 4-5% resistance (with Ben probably slightly less resistant than Betty - but within margin of error on measurement), the other Creatures have about 10% resistance, random members of Newton Village (now including the Herbalist) are closer to 15-20% resistance but it depends on the individual, the Traders and Herbalist-pre-introduction were estimated at 20-40% resistance, random wildlife that the Forest doesn't care about either way tend to have around 75% resistance, and enemy Monsters were estimated to have been around 95% resistance. The Lesser Fire Salamander actually is able to be used as a test-case for Enemy Monsters while it is being Connected into the Forest, and it plummets from 96-97% resistance down to 12-13% resistance over the course of half an hour.

This body of research has many possible conclusions, but it does seem clear - at minimum - that being an Enemy of the Forest blocks Magic to a fair extent, and Connecting to the Forest improves efficiency. This suggests many lines of potential inquiry, but one particularly annoying unsolved problem that might be relevant is this: Perhaps a sufficient density of ambient Magic can block Portals? … Indeed, perhaps just having the Shield up, over an area, is enough to make Portals difficult or impossible?

The Unusual Lumber Tree, in its enthusiasm to produce lumber, overstrained itself ever-so-slightly last turn, so its production this turn was slightly slower than it will normally be in the future. But after that brief hiccup, it has hit its stride and started producing Unusual Lumber, which you have then stored safely (and dryly) over the winter, preparing for the coming spring.

The Weather Tree put in a bit of effort towards optimizing this turn's Weather, and the effort paid off in the Forest's two successful Growth projects.

The Forest has Grown its third Wise Tree, significantly assisting Research. Once that was done, the Forest pivoted to finishing Upgrading a Lens Tree.

Upgrading the Forest's first Lens Tree was, barely, finished this turn. It finished too late to assist projects this turn, but it was finished! It is nearly half-again as tall as it used to be, and nearly transparent. Most of your Creatures can see only part of the patterns of light and shadow that play about its Roots. Just for a test, at one point, you shot a (very) small Laser at it, and it effortlessly redirected the attack into the sky. This Lens Tree, by becoming an Elder Lens Tree, will grant another +5% to all Growth, and +10% to all Survival successes, in the entire Forest. This upgrade project took most of the efforts of the Deer and Beavers this turn. The Beavers have hit their stride, and decided on a new running project: Helping you upgrade your Special Trees.

The Forest grew a small but significant amount.

The Forest made substantial progress on learning to combine Light with Darkness, and found two further effects of completing the full Negacion. As roughly expected, this will double Laser Damage (before other multipliers). Additionally, this will double the base damage of your Darkness Attack against all foes, double it again against certain Light-dependent foes (such as certain Vines), and grant it resistance to weaker forms of supernatural sight. Definitely useful! And, if you continue making progress like this, you're only one turn from Light/Darkness Negacion completion, too!

Movement Research continued apace, and is now well over halfway done. The Forest got a good start on both constructing the full Laser Computer, and learning to Incorporate nearby Trees (and other Plants) into its own network. The Forest is also over halfway to fully analyzing Ice/Fire and the Fire Within - you have confirmed, in a brief early snowfall, that you can grant the Lesser Fire Salamander a small degree of Ice resistance with this combination, and while it's not yet cold enough, you're fairly sure you can at least use it to shield your Creatures from frostbite.

You had a key breakthrough that you'd been looking for, when you further analyzed the Vines' Shield-Piercing attacks. Your instinct that you were on the verge of a breakthrough was absolutely spot-on. While the techniques will take some time to polish and fully implement, you have gained an academic understanding of "how to pierce Shields" and "how to build a Shield that is resistant to both Piercing and Draining." Though, admittedly, you understand Piercing far better than Draining - but, thanks to the Lesser Wraith, there's a project for that. (Action updated.)

The Corvids worked on helping the Forest analyze Weather. The Forest is beginning to understand Weather, not just from the perspective of "one being happily rained on," and "one trying to manipulate the weather," but also from the perspective of the birds that dance on the winds, soaring on thermals and dancing against downdrafts.

As usual, the Forest - particularly one Resource-obsessed Tree - stored away massive quantities of Resources against any Future Need. This was greater than outlays by a factor of roughly 5.5, you are glad to say.

The Forest, having spent its single Favor with Newton Village in exchange for two Speakers, has proceeded to Mine quite a bit more Linestone - enough for two additional Favors. An attempt to figure out better mining techniques via Fungi found a few more Linestone to mine, but wasn't a major improvement (yet). (Started with 1 Favor. Spent 1; mined enough Linestone for 2 Favors. Newton Village currently owes you 2 Favors.)

With the efforts of the Forest - particularly the Bee Tree - the Bees continued to multiply nicely! Indeed, with their greater numbers, they can now help the Forest modestly more.

The Forest has also begun to work on Cultivating the Surrounding Plants. This went far slower than expected, for this turn at least, due to a series of annoyances from "that bush-honeysuckle just doesn't know when to quit" to "did a bunch of seeds just get blown into that area no" to "why are Dandelions so hardy? WHY?" But, in the end, with some suggestions from the Ants (that advised you to calm down, take a break, then think over things and try to come up with a better solution), you managed to make significant (if slow) progress.

The Ancient Tree that is also an Elder Empty Tree (Void) opted to keep the Empty Veil aloft, and did so effectively. No enemies will be getting information out of the Forest this turn, no sir. This assisted slightly in preventing the Lesser Fire Salamander from causing problems, before the Forest Connected with it. Spare effort boosted the Shield, as usual.

The Shield itself was, despite minor issues, about as strong as it's ever been - testament to how far the Forest has come. It easily stopped the spare Fires of the Lesser Fire Salamander, and kept the Dire Bat contained until the Forest had Connected with it. ((2+5.25 +~10)*1.5*1.03 +2.03 (Empty Veil overflow) successes.)

One Tree continued setting Rocks on Fire. A few dead leaves, as fall starts, were also burned, and the Lesser Fire Salamander got some comforting warmth at one point. Not only has that Tree, specifically, has gotten far better at Fire over time, but it managed to contribute to the Fire Magic upgrade quest! One final note: It managed to reach across the vast distance, to light a small Fire among one patch of Vines… which proved completely immune to even a very intense spark of Fire (as a Vision had told the Forest to expect).

Two skilled Trees tried to analyze the Elder Void Tree and the not-Forest and not-Creatures surrounding it. Neither had any success at trying to Connect with any Flora there, though a few of the Fauna seem to be just barely reachable by the Elder Void Tree itself - and it doesn't think it can affect them, only detect their presence. Trying to analyze the Void Tree's biology drew about as much of a blank as anything Void does, aside from noting a few suspicious Magic oddities, that seem to imply it's subsisting on Magic - Void Magic? - rather than any normal physical substance. The Void Tree is somewhat better able to defend itself after their analyses, though not massively.

One Tree finally succeeded in luring back an old foe - one particularly ornery Boar - and eating it. This was simultaneously disgusting and much-appreciated by your Creatures (aside from the Ants, who just thought the scraps were good food). The damage that the Tree took, roughly canceled out any Resources it might have gathered - but that's OK, this was always intended to be more of a "weird science project." And it succeeded at that goal, indeed, unlocking "Flesh" as a new Magic for the Forest - something the Forest can obviously work to improve.

Another Tree poured its efforts into extending the Forest's Telekinetic range, and had decent success. Along with prior effort and work, Telekinesis is now practically usable as far as (for example) Newton Village, though it is weaker than it would be at closer range. (As a note: Newton Village itself contains the Speaker Tree, and as-such was already well within your TK range. Old Man Materson's house is now much easier to defend, though.)

The Forest offered to power a full use of Old Man Materson's "build a house instantly" ritual, as a "welcome to being a full Newton Village member" present for the Herbalist. The members of Newton Village insisted on helping - she was becoming one of their own, after all - but were glad to have the Forest do a chunk of the work. Marta was thankful, and happy beyond anything you've seen from her before, for all that she won't be moving from the Yuadore's until their baby is born. The Forest, watching the ritual, didn't see many obvious ways to use it - except… wait a second… that kind of micro-telekinesis with a specific pattern could definitely help gather more Resources, especially with Earth Magic! (+5% to future uses of Gather Resources; this will double with every additional rank of Earth Magic.)

One Tree, seeking ways of blocking Portals, started trying to find Law Magic, or the Magic of the Laws of Physics (including Magic), or something of the sort. It actually - to everyone's surprise, including its own - managed a breakthrough, and even unlocked Law Magic as-such, rather than something like Physics Magic. That said, it became immediately apparent that Law Magic is incredibly abstract, and something that the Forest hardly understands at all - advancing it is going to be nearly impossible (or incredibly expensive at best) for the Forest alone. Yet the idea of being able to declare a Law such as "no Enemies may enter the Forest" is quite appealing, and would provide a ridiculously-good defense against (say) teleporting enemies, Shadow-Spinners, and other esoteric effects. …Andrewsburg has both Physics and Legal texts, doesn't it?

One Tree had a very near mishap when teaching Growth Magic to Arthur Scrat. If not for its prior experience, and a double-check at precisely the right moment, it would have shoved Growth (Plant) Magic into Arthur, which would have likely had… interesting consequences. Instead, it managed to teach Growth Magic to Arthur Scrat, though he's still more skilled with Life Magic. He can now teach Growth to the other Creatures, along with Life. He says he can use it to speed up a young Squirrel's Growth to maturity, but hasn't found any other uses for it yet that Life can't do better, and he can't safely affect other Creatures.

Two Trees collaborated on trying to learn Life Magic and learning to heal the Forest's allies. They made little progress, but succeeded in establishing that it was possible to teach most of the Creatures of the Forest at least the basics of Life Magic. This would teach the Forest a good deal about Life as a side-effect… but it would also go faster if the Forest were better at Life Magic. As such, they decided to combine the two projects. (New research option unlocked.)

Arthur Scrat continued to teach Life Magic - and, now, also Growth Magic - and feels like he's getting the hang of it. Two fellow Squirrels and one of the Bears (the old Grizzly) have all picked up Life Magic. Additionally, one Ant colony picked up Growth Magic and its Ants can now somehow use Growth to temporarily become slightly larger than Arthur Scrat (though the Forest has to sustain them or they run out of energy and lose consciousness almost immediately). The Forest has definitely learned from the lessons. (+3 successes before bonuses.) As a side-note, the Moles Avo and Gadro (that learned Life Magic in a prior turn) have both been much in demand this turn, for triage, healing other Creatures enough to keep them alive until they can get back to the Forest and Arthur Scrat.

One Ancient Tree started having strange dreams. Most were indescribable, or made no sense in any context. That said, a vision of some Vines proved useful - as it showed the Vines refusing to burn to the Forest, and barely smoldering if exposed to the full wrath of the Lesser Fire Salamander. It also showed the Vines happily devouring several bolts of Light from your Lasers (how the Forest would get within range of the Vines was ignored, as usual in dreams). So our enemy has upgraded these new Evil Vines, huh?

A great deal of effort from several Trees went into the project to arm the Forest's Creatures - and, since they were planning to head out and fight the Vines, all Shields and Weapons and Armor for our Creatures were finished first. Then the Forest worked on Shields for Newton Village.

Two Trees attempted experiments on further refining the wooden equipment. One looked great, had a good bit of effort put into it… and then the resulting armor lost its Magic after three days, rendering it nearly useless. (-2 Resources, +1 Unusual Lumber.) The other Tree had a similar breakthrough, and this one had no hidden catch, giving all the resulting equipment the ability to draw upon the wielder's power (and, to a very limited degree, the power of anyone nearby) instead of the Forest's, if used when far from our Forest.

With the Forest itself working on the project, everyone got the weapons and armor they wanted. Two of the Bears got weapons, and four ultimately decided they'd like some armor. Several Wolves got the armor they wanted. And, after the Vine-fight had begun, the Forest built a dozen Shields for Newton Village; Gustav seems to be slightly looking forward to the next attack. Finally, as the turn drew to a close, you rebuild the tiny Ice-Swords for the Squirrels to handle Ice/Fire Negacion, and keep working even when distant from the Forest (to a limited degree).

(Contributed actions: two write-ins, one Focus action, two auto-successes from an Omake as requested on page 119. This counts for +1 Favor with Newton Village, 2->3.)

With just enough work from one Tree to keep all the Creatures fully Connected (to each other and to the Forest) at this range, the Moles, the Bees, the Bears, and the Wolves all go forth to fight the Vines.

The Bees help a bit with the battles, but are mostly a scouting force. They report that each Portal site has a similar mass of Vines, equivalent to the one that the Bears destroyed last turn. Well, mostly equivalent - they are each roughly a third larger than the Bears' target was, most likely having grown that much in the intervening time.

The three remaining patches of Vines are, as expected, 9 miles to the north, 13 miles to the south, and 22 miles to the east. The Bears claim the closest site, which is nearly halfway to Andrewsburg but thankfully just over a mile off the path. The Wolves - experts at rapid distance travel - offer to take the furthest site, 22 miles to the east. The Moles hitch a ride on a few free Deer, and head to the site 13 miles to south. There was some discussion of having multiple Creatures team up against the same patch of Vines; the five Bears on the job are fairly confident (and with good reason) that they can take a patch of Vines without assistance, but the Wolves and Moles briefly consider teaming up, before deciding to try to each at least stop one patch from growing further.

The Wolves and the Bears arrive first, with the Moles only starting combat a day later. And in that time, quite a bit changes.

The Bears have no real issues. They go in, start tearing things up, and by the turn's end have destroyed another patch of Vines. The fact that there are more Vines means nothing, because there are also more Bears - and better-armed and -armored, at that. The Ice/Fire weapons - glove-like things worn over their front paws - are effective though not outrageously so, and are most useful against any bit of Vine that is too thick to break and too rooted to tear from the ground.

The Wolves, however, have unexpected problems. More than once, a Wolf misses an easy dodge, and gets ensnared by the Vines. It's not until a Wolf dies - and several more are terribly injured - that they pull back and try to figure out what's wrong.

The Bees ultimately manage to notice an odd taste to the Evil Vines' sap, and the Wolves eventually realize that it's a subtle toxin. If ingested or absorbed through the skin, it delays reaction time and slightly distorts thoughts. The Bears report that they aren't as affected - and anyway, their combat with the Vines was always a matter of wading in and tearing things apart, not carefully-timed dodges and snaps.

The Moles, when they start to fight, are incredibly thankful for the information, as it saves them from casualties much like the Wolves'. They aren't able to eradicate their patch of Vines, but they do stalemate it, damaging it just as fast as it Grows this turn. Thanks to Avo the Mole, they take no permanent casualties.

Meanwhile, the Wolves are suffering. One of the injured succumbs, for a second casualty. Several more would have died, and only survived thanks to their armor or immediate medical attention from Gadro the Mole. They spend a few days to recover and regroup, and go back in with some serious bloodthirst - which works against them, as much as anything, though they still fare far better. In one case, a scarred female Wolf is nearly entangled by the Vines, but an unexpected individual shows up and, biting the Vines viciously, hauls the Wolf to safety: the Doe that said Wolf had once saved, shows up to save her in turn. Indeed, the Doe refuses to leave until the Wolf is clearly recovering.

(The Doe lets out a distinct outraged cry of "Food should stay food, not hurt friends!" She is too distraught to see any irony in her statement at the time, but is rather amused a week later.)

No further Wolves are lost, but it's a near thing several times. Then… a very hungry ghost shows up, and the entire battle changes.

The Wolves' gear can - barely - pull from the Lesser Wraith. And said Lesser Wraith is shoving all the power at them that it can, because it is feasting without limit. It is trying its absolute best to drain every last Vine dry, and in a span of days the battle goes from "the Vines are slowly outgrowing the Wolves" to "it's just a matter of time." By the turn's end, the Wolves have effectively won - it's just a matter of cleanup to make sure the problem stays gone.

The Lesser Wraith is starting to wonder if "full" is actually possible. "No," it concludes, "But 'barely-hungry' is, as is 'bloated to nearly exploding.'"

You have one very happy Lesser Wraith on your hands. It would probably be wise to bring it back to the Forest next turn to ensure it hasn't been re-corrupted or anything of the sort. You don't think it was, but best to check. The best sign - and also the best support to your argument - comes from the Wraith's own reaction to your concern: "Please check! I don't want to go back!"

(Limited Deer assistance from 2.26 excess Growth successes (this includes Growth modifiers).)

Actions, Turn 26:

Note: A fantastic insight grants you +5% on all Communication actions. The Speaking Tree in Newton Village grants you +10% on all Communication actions, and an additional +10% when interacting with Minds. The Sensing Trees grant +5% each on all Communication actions, and reduce range penalties when present. The Speakers for the Forest (Ben and Betty Grimm) each grant +10% to all Communication actions, and an additional +5% with Two-Legs. Total: +45% base, +20% extra with Minds.

[ ][Action] Reach Out to Minds (Psychic)
-Successes sort-of stack. You're not sure how difficult this will be. Better results if more successful. Possibility of finding "there's nothing within X miles" - but even something like that will be good to know.
-This ignores Newton Village and the people thereof.
-You are deeply aware of Talanburg to the south, and not far from Connecting to it in some fashion.
-25.66 successes banked.

[ ][Action] Connect to Local Wildlife (Psychic)
-Bears - heavy combat? Birds - scouts? Worms - growth bonus? You know you've seen all these; you have only vague ideas on what to do with them.
-Feel free to write in a specific request. The Forest can easily target specific classes of animals.
-Anything that Newton Village is familiar with is discounted 50% in difficulty due to them helping you understand the creatures.
-Monsters are harder to reach than normal animals. If you want to grab a specific monster, have your animals locate it first.
-12.22 unspecified successes banked.
-1.25 of ??? successes towards Birds of Prey (will resolve to something more specific).

Note: Your Wise Trees grant you +37.5% on Research actions.
Focus: Any Focus action directed towards Research gains +2 auto-successes from Clever Trees.
(Destructive Testing: If you have access to an enemy and wish to perform destructive testing, vote for the Research action as usual but put in a subvote on the next line like "-[X] Destructive Testing on <Enemy>". This will neither help nor hinder the Research, but may cause a bit of bonus damage to the enemy. This will be limited to combinations that make sense.)

Currently locked: Research Elder Sensing Trees (Magic Biology Research). The Forest will need to - at minimum - spend a year or so using the current Sensing Trees OR invent multiple interesting new methods of sensing, before making significant upgrades.
-0 of 5 successes per category; enables upgrading one type of Special Tree to Elder Special Tree

[ ][Action] Research Ancient Shield Trees (Magic Biology Research)
[ ][Action] Research Ancient Void Trees (Magic Biology Research)
-Further options will unlock when you grow at least one Elder of that type
-0 of 10 successes per category; enables upgrading one type of Elder Special Tree to Ancient Special Tree

[ ][Action] Light/Darkness Negacion (Magic Research)
-We've combined Fire and Ice. Now let's combine Light and Darkness.
-Effects unknown, aside from a near-certainty that it will boost Growth, Lasers, and the Darkness attack in some fashion. Perhaps also Void, too?
-Found so far: Light Resistance 4, Darkness Resistance 4, 2x Laser Damage (before other multipliers), Darkness Attack deals base damage against all foes and 2x damage vs (e.g. Vines) and resists supernatural sight.
-Difficulty reduced by 10% by prior Tree knowledge of Light and/or Darkness (particularly Light Magic at Journeyman skill), and an additional 10% from understanding of Negacion from finishing Ice/Fire Negacion. Basic difficulty: 110.
-64.79 of 88 successes

Locked: Water/Fire Negacion. -25% difficulty. Locked until Light/Darkness is done, unless the Forest collectively asks otherwise.

[ ][Action] Research Vine Shield-Piercing (Magic Research)
-The Vines were able to pierce through our best Shields. It was a lot of work for them, yes, but they still could. See if we can recreate this effect - possibly with the captured Vine seedlings - and see if we can learn anything from it.
-Should grant an option to half attack-power in exchange for dividing enemy Shield effectiveness by 8 against your Magical attacks. Should upgrade the Forest's Shields to better resist Shield-piercing or -draining effects.
-Concentrating Magic - both Power and Intent - very densely seems to have been involved, as does picking certain Magic Elements (Malice itself, but Death seems to work adequately) that would tend to counter Protection/Defense.
-28.04 of 40 successes

[ ][Action] Analyze Mundane Movement (Biology Research) (Movement Research)
-Your Trees can move around with Magic, with some effort. But how does non-Magical, Mundane, Movement work? If you can carefully tweak your own bodies in the right ways, you should be able to get significantly better results with the Movement Magic that you have. Plus, studying Movement is a good way to grow your Movement Magic, to prepare for the next step there.
-Bonus of +25% from Vine Growth.
-34.05 of 55 successes

[ ][Action] Analyze Special Tree Growth
-The Sensing Trees have collected quite a bit of data on how the Forest Grows Trees, particularly Special Trees. Sort through that data, and try running some experiments, to see if we can develop more insights on Growing Special Trees, or potentially even Growth itself.
-This will gain 10 automatic successes (with bonuses) per turn from the Herbalist until completed.
-14.16 of 65 successes

[ ][Action] Hevel
-You have some familiarity with Steam and Vapor; time to study them further.
-This should boost the Weather Trees noticeably, as well as increasing your Steam Magic to Competent.
-2.4 of 30 successes

[ ][Action] Weather Analysis
-The Corvids have long understood Thermals, large columns of rising air that (among other things) tend to create clouds. They would like to work with the Forest to analyze Weather from multiple points of view at once, and believe that the Forest's Weather manipulation and Weather Magic will both gain a bonus from doing so.
-8.07 of 30 successes

[ ][Action] Monster Energy
-See if you can get the Sensing Trees to detect the source of Monster Energy. If so, you'll get the ability to detect Monsters, through virtually any stealth, at quite some range…
-This gains +10% from the Dire Bat, +20% from the Lesser Fire Salamander, and +30% from the Lesser Wraith. +60% cumulative.
-5 of ??? successes

[ ][Action] Ice/Fire and Fire Within
-What can this combination be used for? Just how effective is it against enemies?
-5.26 of 7 successes

[ ][Action] Void Forest
-Your Elder Empty Tree needs defended. But it seems to exist in a undetectable world adjacent to ordinary space. Of course, this particular challenge is also a potential opportunity: a way to Grow somewhere that the majority of your current foes probably can't easily access, and might or might not even know exists.
-This will require use of Void Magic.
-This has a +25% bonus from Ben Grimm's brainstorming.
-10.05 of ??? successes

[ ][Action] Lethal Pollen
-The Forest has a rough theory on creating an Annoying Pollen variant capable of clogging any breathing-Creature's airways across about ten to twenty minutes.
-This would produce an indiscriminate - but tremendously-effective - anti-army attack.
-This upgrade could, of course, be turned back off (or deliberately weakened) as desired.
-0 of 15 successes

[ ][Action] Finish Laser Computer
-The Forest has started a primitive light-based Computer of sorts, to greatly expedite all calculation. The full version will also store information - specifically, a library of all scientific data acquired by the Forest.
-When stage 1 finished, will grant a permanent +10% to all Research successes, with further bonuses to anything incredibly math-heavy (e.g. Orbital Mechanics).
-When stage 1 is finished, grants an Overcharge Computer option, which sacrifices 4 Resources in exchange for adding +10% to the Computer's Research bonus.
-When stage 2 is finished, grants another +10% to all Research successes and the ability to quickly memorize accessible books. Overcharge bonus increases to +15%.
-13.5 of 30 / 50 successes

[ ][Action] Growth Incorporated
-You could incorporate other plants into the Forest. This would allow the Forest to slowly grow itself without significant further effort.
-Will grant +5 free successes (with modifiers as a Communication Action) to Grow the Forest each turn.
-Expected to unlock further Research projects to improve the Forest as a whole.
-11.33 of 40 successes

[ ][Action] Magic-Drain
-The Lesser Wraith steals its Magic and Energy from others. While you probably won't be able to gain the same effectiveness it has (or at least not easily), it would only make sense to try to replicate the ability.
-Adds a new attack, which probably won't be super-effective but any success should grant free successes-or-dice to other attacks (for instance Laser). Adds a new enchanting option, to make an enchantment draw from enemies. Unlocks options for trying to buff the shield to steal Magic from anything attacking it.
-0 of 30 successes

[ ][Action] Magical Construct Analysis
-The Lesser Wraith is a life-form made entirely of Magic. While it is fairly complex, managing a simpler version shouldn't be that hard.
-Adds an option for sending a packet of energy to act as a very-long-range spell. Enables homing spells (without the Forest specifically controlling them). Enables Spells that perform basic logic without further commands on the Forest's part. Unlocks a new project to learn to create a Creature of Magic - a less energy-intensive Magical assistant commonly created and used by skilled Mages.
-0 of 40 successes

[ ][Action] Life Indeed
-Arthur Scrat has set you on the path of gaining Life Magic. You Live already, and are quite familiar with Life, but you'd like to also teach your Creatures…
-This will improve the Forest to Competent level, and teach the majority of your Creatures the basics of at least one Magic Element (typically Life).
-This gets a +30% bonus, and 1 free auto-success per turn, from your various Creatures studying this Magic on their own time. This gets a +10% bonus, and a 2nd free auto-success per turn, from Betty Grimm's study of Life Magic. This gets a +15% bonus (plus Creatures will often gain other Magics instead or in addition to Life) from your understanding of the process of gaining Magic.
-10 of 50 successes

[ ][Action] Burninator
-The Lesser Fire Salamander has Fire at (effectively) the Expert level. The Forest is only Competent, but could definitely learn to Journeyman (Journeyforest?) rank.
-Double all successes from the Lesser Fire Salamander (a fully-dedicated Connected Teacher two ranks above you), plus the odd bit of tutoring from Old Man Materson.
-This gains +0.3x2=+0.6 successes per success at Fuego! Pyrofuego! Burn!
-22.66 of 150 successes

[ ][Action] Flesh, Not of My Flesh
-Study Flesh, all the squishy squicky bits of all Animals. This includes muscles and ligaments and tendons and organs… and pretty much everything except Bone (and arguably skin, and probably hair and nails/claws?).
-This will raise your Flesh Magic rank to Competent. That will probably not benefit the Forest itself - aside from unlocking new projects and assisting Movement Research - but will benefit the Forest's Creatures (and Newton Village etc.) instead.
-This gets a +50% bonus from studying your Creatures plus Newton Village.
-5 of 50 successes

Note: Manipulating the tiny bits of Fire Within every living thing grants +25% to all Survival successes. The Elder Lens Tree grants +10% to all Survival successes.

[ ][Action] Store Resources Against Future Need
-This has a +20% bonus from Technology: Farming, a +15% bonus from Vine Growth research, a +10% bonus from Managed Mycelium, and a +5% bonus from Earth Magic.
-Creatures may cost Resources to upkeep (in winter); Monsters usually do. Your Dire Bat costs 1 Resource per turn in Winter and can otherwise feed itself. Your Lesser Wraith costs 2 Resources per turn. Your Lesser Fire Salamander costs 1 Resource per turn except in fall (leaves!).
-147.17 stored; this will function as a spare HP pool against anything that gets through your Defense, and may be useful for other things.
-Limit of 50*(Magnitude^2). Currently 800. You may never reach the limit, but it does exist.

[ ][Action] Mining
-Dig up some Linestone for Newton Village. They owe us a Favor for every 5 successes.
-Metalworking grants +15% to all successes. Earth Magic Novice grants +15% to all successes.
-This may receive bonus successes if Let It Rain helps Newton Village through a drought (note: this usually only applies in the summer).
-1.98 of 5 successes and 3 Favors banked.

[ ][Action] Feed the Swarm (Bees)
-Every success will permanently add 1 to the maximum number of Bee Attack Successes per turn. I'm not sure why you would want more than 20 or 30 total, at least not until the Forest gets massive, but there aren't any currently-known limits on how many times you can succeed at this action.

[ ][Action] Rain and Shine
-Each time completed, grants a 1-turn +10% bonus to all Growth Successes for that turn. Costs 4 Successes (one per Magnitude of the Forest); these successes can be saved from turn to turn. Every Weather Tree (currently 1) grants +1 to this each turn.
-0.39 of 4 successes

Unavailable - severe droughts not anticipated this autumn - Let it Rain
-Grants a 1-turn +10% bonus to all Growth Successes for that turn. Can be taken multiple times, up until it fully cancels out the Drought penalty. Costs 4 Successes (one per Magnitude of the Forest); these successes can only be saved from turn to turn if a drought is ongoing, though excess will be directed elsewhere. Every Weather Tree (currently 1) grants +1 to this each turn.
-0 of 4 successes (including the Weather Tree)

[ ][Action] Cultivate the Surrounding Plants
-Carefully choose what lives around the Forest. This will grant a +25% bonus to Growing the Forest until it reaches Magnitude 7, and a mallus to any hostile plants trying to grow in the vicinity of the Forest until the Forest reaches Magnitude 10.
-6.44 of 32 successes

Grow Unusual Lumber
-Automatically happens.
-You could contribute, though at this point the Unusual Lumber Tree will probably generate as much as you can store and sell. It generates (1 + 10% of the Active Specialized Survival Dice) Unusual Lumber, per turn, modified only by Tall Tree bonuses.
-6.08 of max=50 successes

[ ][Action] Raise the Shield
-Use Magic to defend the Forest. Effectiveness is generally fairly high, but depends on the exact nature of the threat. (Not effective against a plague of locusts or similar - that's a Survival roll.) Like most defenses, this does little to nothing if you are not attacked.
-Gains about 9-10 (depends on Active Player Trees) automatic successes from Shield Trees, plus an additional 1 auto-success if at least 1 Player-Tree (or Focus) takes to this action. Gains +50% to all successes.

[ ][Action] Empty Veil (Void)
-Magically convince the general vicinity that you, the Forest, are not present.
-Currently requires 5 successes to activate (this will grow with Forest Magnitude). Lasts for 1 round, and gives all foes -1 to-hit against the Forest.
-Each Empty Tree gives an automatic +1 per round (if at least one Player Action or Forest Focus is on Empty Veil) toward this action (successes can be stored within a single fight or turn but not from turn to turn). Any successes that stand to be lost (end of combat, overflow, or Shield-but-not-Veil active) will be applied as 0.75 Shield successes each (from making the Shield and Forest both harder to hit).
-The Elder Empty Tree grants 1.1*1.03 * (1+2.8) <5 successes per turn, so this does not automatically succeed every turn. That said, if at least one player votes for it, the normal Empty Tree will activate, and it will auto-succeed.
-0 of 5 successes

[ ][Action] Stockpile Thorns
-Successes stockpile up to 10 times the Magnitude of the Forest. These will automatically damage hostile intruders that enter the Forest.
-31.96 of 40 stockpiled.

Note: Your Lens Trees grant you +65% to Growth.
(Dam: +20% Growth to offset drought penalties for the first turn of any drought; we expect this to become less effective as the Magnitude of the Forest grows (Magnitude 5 will reduce the effectiveness somewhat; further Magnitudes unknown).)
Focus: Any Focus action directed towards Growth gains +4 auto-successes from Collector Trees.

[ ][Action] Grow the Forest
-The opportunity to grow into the charred clearing, where once the Evil Vines ruled, grants +25% to Grow the Forest until Magnitude 6.
-16.33 of 130 successes to Magnitude 5

[ ][Action] Grow <Treename>
-Replace <Treename> with the name of a Special Tree from the Front Page. Variable cost. You can have up to 10 Special Trees per Magnitude of the Forest.
-Shore Up Creek Banks: Grants a +25% bonus AND halves any Drought penalties, when Growing any Special Trees, until we have 30 Special Trees total (includes Speaker and Mining Trees).
-3.9 of 12 successes banked on Sensing Tree

[ ][Action] Upgrade <Treename>
-Replace <Treename> with the name of a Special Tree from the Front Page. Variable cost.
-This will upgrade a normal Special Tree to an Elder of its same type, or (when unlocked) an Elder Special Tree to an Ancient of its same type.
-10.77 of 20 successes banked on Upgrade Shield Tree to Elder

[ ][Action] Widen the Cave Entrance
-Grow Roots to widen and shore up the Cave Entrance, so you can get more than just Squirrels and Moles down there.
-Your Connection fades as your Creatures delve downwards - you suspect Voidshards and/or Voidshard Dust, but have no confirmation.
-Taking place underground, this ignores light bonuses and malluses.
-9.8 of 15 successes

Note: Study of Death Magic grants +10% to all Offense successes.

[ ][Action] Release Annoying Pollen
-Any particular target? It can be used indiscriminately; alternatively, it can be used to affect a small area via quasi-grenade clumps that will burst on impact, but can be thrown distances as needed.
-Not a very powerful attack against most foes. Unlikely to do more than annoy Humans/Elves, for example. That said, its capacity of affecting a huge area relatively cheaply could inconvenience a decent-sized army with enough work…
-Like most attacks, this does little to nothing if you have no nearby enemies.

[ ][Action] Shoot Spikes
-At what?
-This is limited to roughly 35 yards of range, at the absolute max. It can also be fired, fairly safely, inside the Forest itself.
-A decent attack; 50/50 shot of damaging a target typically. Designed for taking down animals, two-legs, monsters, and the like. Less effective against plants, but still works to a point.
-The ability to add metal-tips allows you to deal +50% damage to all targets.
-Like most attacks, this does little to nothing if you have no nearby enemies.

[ ][Action] Laser Beam
-At what?
-This is limited to roughly 1000 yards of range (125 * (4 + count(Lens Trees) + count(Wise Trees)), but can manage a bit further with steadily worsening effectiveness. Anything close to the Speaking Tree (or another outlier Tree) is counted as somewhat closer range than it actually is.
-This attack functions with a base +50% damage, multiplicative to other effects. This attack has +1 accuracy within basic range, and an additional +1 accuracy within 1/4th of basic range.
-Any sun or light bonus or mallus will apply to this Attack. Collector Trees will also apply, if a Focus of the Forest action is used. This attack does not normally work at night.
-You can choose to convert Stored Resources to Laser Beam Dice at a 1:2 ratio. You may convert as many as desired, though a Forest Consensus will be required. This works at night, and ignores any Light bonuses or malluses.
-Like most attacks, this does little to nothing if you have no nearby enemies.

[ ][Action] Fuego! Pyrofuego! Burn!
-Set the vicinity on fire, and know that it is entirely your fault. Of course, this is also a highly-effective form of attack, despite being one of your personal nightmares. Extra-effective in times of drought - possibly horrifically so. Most effective vs plants, generally speaking.

[ ][Action] Icy Blast
-Freeze something. You have Ice Magic, after all! More effective when it's cold. Generally deals less damage than Light or Fire, but some enemies slow down when frozen.

[ ][Action] Ice/Fire Negacion
-Combine Ice and Fire, to attack your foes.
-All damage doubled, stacking multiplicatively with other effects.
-Will cheerfully function underwater, against Fire OR Ice Resistant foes (though not against foes resistant to BOTH Fire AND Ice), and so on.

[ ][Action] Blot Out The Sun
-What foe?
-This allows you to shroud any nearby enemies in partial - or complete, with enough successes - darkness. It probably won't damage a human army, though it will likely discomfit them. It will considerably slow the Growth of a plant-like enemy.

[ ][Action] Rip and Tear
-What foe?
-This allows you to physically attack a foe. Ineffective against very fast enemies, but generally effective against Humans or anything slower. Very accurate against slower enemies. Ineffective against intangible or amorphous enemies.


Choose any four actions from the above for the Forest to focus on. These are voted upon by the entire group, and are in addition to the individual actions taken by each member.

[ ][Focus] Action Name
[ ][Focus] Action Name x2
[ ][Focus] Action Name x3
[ ][Focus] Action Name x4

These Actions will receive a number of automatic successes equal to the Magnitude of the Forest (currently 4) and any bonuses from other sources.

If you want to vote for the same action multiple times, the format is as follows:
[ ][Focus] Grow the Forest
[ ][Focus] Grow the Forest x2

If you want to vote for different actions, the format as as follows:
[ ][Focus] Grow the Forest
[ ][Focus] Ice/Fire Negacion

Automated Focus

Vote by plan; any plan needs at least 1/2 of the voters voting on AutoFocus(es) to agree on it, and any votes against an automated focus count as -1 voter agreeing on it. This can be changed whenever, but once set will just keep working until further notice.

This will automatically allocate one or more Focus Actions towards some specific, easily defined, sequence of actions. All such Focus Actions will receive a +25% bonus, multiplicative with all other modifiers. Something like "Always put 1 Focus Action towards the current Movement Research action, or finding a new one if need be" or "Always put all Focus Actions towards growing the max number of Lens Trees, then Grow the Forest; repeat forever."

The Automated Focus will be inoperative during Combat rounds; it only affects normal Turns. If something destroys the local symbiotic fungi, this feature will be lost.

A plan should look like:
[ ][AutoFocus] Growing Ents Focus
-[ ][AutoFocus] Put 1 Focus Action towards the current Movement Research action (or finding a new one if need be)
-[ ][AutoFocus] Put 1 Focus Action towards growing a Lens Tree, or if we've reached the cap, Growing the Forest

(Better plans can be devised. I'm just giving an example.)

Special Votes:
[ ][AutoFocus] None
(This adjusts any and all AutoFocus suggestions by -1 vote (total including the -0.5 to each plan from +1 to total-AutoFocus Votes). If an AutoFocus is in place, this will count as a vote to change the AutoFocus to None.)
[ ][AutoFocus] Any
(This counts as +1 vote to any suggested AutoFocus.)
[ ][AutoFocus] Retain
(This counts as a vote against changing your current AutoFocus, whatever that might be. The same rules as the None vote apply, with the amusing addition that this counts as a vote against None in the event of a Focus being in place.)

Squirrel Actions

Choose what to ask Arthur Scrat to do.
[ ][Squirrel] Explore your Forest
[ ][Squirrel] Lead the squirrel watch over your Forest
[ ][Squirrel] Lead a search-party in (write-in Direction)
[ ][Squirrel] Lead a search-party along the (east OR north OR south) path
[ ][Squirrel] Focus Tree efforts on (write-in Wildlife Type)
[ ][Squirrel] Write-in

Deer Actions

This vote will be IGNORED, and the GM will add 4 successes (bonuses apply) to categories of his choice (typically Growth, but others may apply; things that are about to finish will be prioritized), UNLESS at least ¼ of the voters place a vote in this category. That said, if you have a special mission for the Deer, by all means:
[ ][Deer] Explore the Plains
[ ][Deer] Explore the Path further South
[ ][Deer] Assist with <Action Name>
[ ][Deer] Lead a search-party in (write-in Direction)
[ ][Deer] Fight <Enemy>
[ ][Deer] Write-in

Mole Actions

This vote will be IGNORED, and the GM will add +25% bonus to whichever of Growth or Survival will better benefit, UNLESS at least ¼ of the voters place a vote in this category. That said, if you have a special mission for the Moles, by all means:
[ ][Moles] Build Tunnels (from where? To where?)
[ ][Moles] Widen the Cave Entrance (8 dice)
[ ][Moles] Mining for Linestone (8 dice)
[ ][Moles] Undermine Hostile Roots (which?)
[ ][Moles] Write-in

Beaver Actions

This vote will be IGNORED, and the GM will add +4 automatic successes to upgrading a Special Tree, UNLESS at least ¼ of the voters place a vote in this category. That said, if you have a special mission for the Beavers, by all means:
[ ][Beavers] Chew Hostile Plants (which?)
[ ][Beavers] Explore Up/Down-stream
[ ][Beavers] Flood the Valley (why?)
[ ][Beavers] Write-in

Bee Actions

This vote will be IGNORED, and the GM will add +5 automatic successes across any combination of Research and Growth actions, UNLESS at least ¼ of the voters place a vote in this category. That said, if you have a special mission for the Bees, by all means:
[ ][Bees] Attack Enemy (which?)
-You lack sufficient bees to have more than 5+17.02=22.02 successes/turn (before multipliers).
-By using your superior intellect to carefully target weak points and time your attacks, this action gains bonuses from Wise and/or Clever Trees as if it were a Research action.
[ ][Bees] Search the Skies
-Bees see the world oddly, but reasonably well in their own way. You could search a great deal of your surroundings rapidly.
-The downside is that you would take some Bee losses to birds and such, unless you Trees put significant effort into defending them, that turn.
[ ][Bees] Search the Ground
-Bees' eyes are a masterpiece, capable of seeing effectively while moving faster than any other creature that you've encountered. They could search a good deal of terrain in fairly little time. While this wouldn't be as effective as asking them to search the skies, it would be considerably safer for them.
[ ][Bees] Write-in

Ant Actions

This vote will be IGNORED, and the GM will reroll (keeping the best total result) your two most underperforming actions (that is, expected-successes minus actual-successes; this is targeting "the actions where Ants are most likely to make the biggest difference"), UNLESS at least ¼ of the voters place a vote in this category. That said, if you have a special mission for the Ants, by all means:
[ ][Ants] Attack Enemy (which?)
[ ][Ants] Assist two specific Projects (which?)
-Grants rerolls to those specific projects; will grant extra rerolls and/or automatic successes if applied to a project with relatively few dice.
[ ][Ants] Keep our Creatures Clean
-Kills off pests (like ticks) that try to live on your Creatures. Unknown effects, but it would probably be appreciated at some point.
[ ][Ants] Keep our Village Clean
-Kills off pests that live in Newton Village. You should probably clear it with them first… Unknown effects, but it would maybe be appreciated at some point?
[ ][Ants] Death to Pests
-Applies a +25% Growth bonus for one turn.
[ ][Ants] Write-in

Wolf Actions

Vote Locked in: Finish killing one patch of Vines, and harry the other (provide assistance to anyone else attacking).

This vote will be IGNORED, and the GM will have the Wolves add 4 successes across Communications projects, UNLESS at least ¼ of the voters place a vote in this category. That said, if you have a special mission for the Wolves, by all means:
[ ][Wolves] Attack Enemy (which?)
[ ][Wolves] Tracking
-Wolf noses are nothing to sneeze at. They can track a squirrel over bare rock for hours without issue. Anything that leaves scents can be hunted down and located, or even dragged back to the Forest, by the Wolves.
[ ][Wolves] Exploration <which direction?>
[ ][Wolves] Hunting Alone
[ ][Wolves] Hunting with Newton Village
[ ][Wolves] Write-in

Corvid Actions

This vote will be IGNORED, and the GM will have the Corvids help the Forest improve its Weather Manipulation, UNLESS at least ¼ of the voters place a vote in this category. That said, if you have a special mission for the Corvids, by all means:
[ ][Corvids] Weather Analysis (9 dice)
[ ][Corvids] Scout (which direction?)
[ ][Corvids] Gossip with other Corvids (about what?)
[ ][Corvids] Invite immigrants
-If successful, permanently increase the effectiveness of your Corvids. May require the Forest to supply a steady supply of Resources to keep them fed, or risk them leaving again.
[ ][Corvids] Attack an Enemy
-Harassers, very intelligent harassers. Not frontline fighters. Could drop small things on enemy heads.
[ ][Corvids] Contribute to a project
-I'll decide how much progress they will make, depending on the Action, but generally 4-10 dice.
[ ][Corvids] Write-in

Bear Actions

Vote for an action for the Bears. They do not yet have a default action:
[ ][Bears] Scout (which direction?)
[ ][Bears] Portal hunt (which direction?)
[ ][Bears] Enhance Growth
-Grants +4 Growth successes, with Growth Modifiers taking effect, across various nearly-complete projects.
[ ][Bears] Attack an Enemy
-Surprisingly fast in bursts, and incredibly strong. Strong enough to wrestle with the smaller Trees and win!
[ ][Bears] Write-in

Dire Bat Actions

Locked in: Scouting.
GM will owe you an upgraded area map on turn 27 (or after turn 26?).
Note that the Dire Bat fairly weak physically on an objective scale, but still significantly tougher and stronger - if less nimble - than your Corvids. Only Monsters or those with Minds are likely to be a direct threat.

Lesser Wraith Actions

Locked in: Checkup.
-Make sure that feasting hasn't caused the Lesser Wraith any issues.

Lesser Fire Salamander

This vote will be IGNORED, and the GM will have the Lesser Fire Salamander increase its Fire skill (+5 autosuccesses per turn) (after that, it will try learning Ice and Ice/Fire from you), UNLESS at least ¼ of the voters place a vote in this category. That said, if you have a special mission for the Lesser Fire Salamander, by all means:
[ ][Lesser Fire Salamander] Scout (which direction?)
[ ][Lesser Fire Salamander] Attack an Enemy
-Not great in a straight fight, but lots and lots of Fire is enough to defeat a lot of foes.
[ ][Lesser Fire Salamander] Warm Newton Village
-Makes sense in Winter, or the immediately adjacent Spring and Fall months.
[ ][Lesser Fire Salamander] Burn Something (what?)
[ ][Lesser Fire Salamander] Write-in

Speaker Actions

Vote for two actions for Ben and Betty Grimm, Speakers for the Forest. You may vote twice. By default (less than ¼ of Action votes), they will add a +50% bonus to the top 2 Actions in (Communication OR Research OR Survival). They also typically do some personal training and keep up with their chores around Newton Village - even with Magic, the farmer's life is still a lot of work. But you can always specify a project:
[ ][Speaker] Represent the Forest
-To some Humans or Elves, presumably? If so, which? Also, if it's anyone a ways away, you should probably give them some adult guards (or a Bear or three?)...
[ ][Speaker] Further Focus
-They can effectively give the Forest +1 Focus action, by personal effort plus directing the many less-awake Trees that make up the bulk of the Forest.
[ ][Speaker] Personal Training: (what?)
-You can ask them to fully focus on improving one of their own abilities… potentially even things they're not thrilled to have to practice ("like Math" -Betty; "like Fashion" -Ben; "ugh" -both).
[ ][Speaker] Magically Assist Newton Village
-Help the Village. This would be appreciated if the Village were in a time of great need (and the need wasn't, for example, Defense or Food such that the Forest could better supply the result directly), but nobody expects this on a regular basis.
[ ][Speaker] Write-in


Marta Yarrow the Herbalist is currently obsessed with understanding how you Trees grow, and will contribute 10 auto-successes to Analyze Special Tree Growth until it is done.
Extraordinary events may slightly reduce this bonus.
You should be able to ask her to help with specific projects afterwards. Unless she decides to obsess on one project again…


Your Votes should look like the following:

[ ][Action] Action
[ ][Focus] Action
[ ][Focus] Action x2
[ ][Focus] Action x3
[ ][Focus] Action x4
[ ][AutoFocus] Automated Focus; vote by plan
[ ][Squirrel] Squirrel action
[ ][Deer] Deer action (very optional)
[ ][Moles] Mole action (very optional)
[ ][Beavers] Beaver action (very optional)
[ ][Bees] Bee action (very optional)
[ ][Ants] Ant action (very optional)
[ ][Wolves] Wolf action (very optional)
[ ][Corvids] Corvid action (very optional)
[ ][Bears] Bear action (very optional)
[ ][Lesser Fire Salamander] Lesser Fire Salamander action (very optional)
[ ][Speaker] Speaker action (very optional)
[ ][Speaker] Speaker action (very optional) x2

Newcomers should add one of the following:

[ ][Tree] Heart Tree
[ ][Tree] Mind Tree
[ ][Tree] Root Tree

This vote will always be open.
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Sees chapter title
Is very concerned
Remembers 'Fall' is just a season.

[X][Action] Life Indeed
Will edit in other actions later.

No idea about the herbalist, maybe ask the space station. I am going to emotionally deinvest enough so to not be worried about it.

[X][Focus] Grow Wise Tree
[X][Focus] Grow Clever Tree

[X][Corvids] Contribute to Finish Laser Computer
[X][Deer] Finish Cleaning Up Evil Vines to Make Sure the Problem Stays Gone
[X][Moles] Finish Cleaning Up Evil Vines to Make Sure the Problem Stays Gone

[X][Bears] Finish Cleaning Up Evil Vines to Make Sure the Problem Stays Gone
It'd be spiffy if we were able to get a really good growth turn next spring.
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Elder and Ancient Tree Selection, Round 17

Elder Trees
@Happerry, as a Root Tree with 5 Growth, 2 Special, 2 Communication, and 1 Research, you may become a Growth Tree, an Elder Root Tree, or an Eldest Tree.
@HeruKane, as a Mind Tree with 8 Research and 1 Offense, you may become an Elder Mind Tree or a Research Tree.

Ancient Trees
@Svn0One, 25 total actions; Elder Root Tree; 14 Special; 5 Research; 5 Growth; 1 Communication
@Ylamona, 25 total actions; Huorn; 10 Survival; 9 Research; 5 Special; 1 Offense
@Phigment, 24 total actions; Unpredictable Tree; 22 Special; 2 Offense
@wrecksalot, 24 total actions; Growth Tree; 22 Growth; 2 Special

As always, let me know if I've missed any patterns!
For anyone who read the first version, I very slightly edited the very end of the Herbalist interlude.

The original version had a legit typo (the Forest thinking "things might be fine but" when it should have been "things might not be fine but" and I decided to expand to "things might or might not be fine but" when fixing the typo) and the original version should not be taken as relevant to the "do we trust the Herbalist" discussion.

I rolled for 4 results on the Herbalist Interlude. Does the Forest make a good impression, does the Herbalist trust the Forest, and two on what does the Forest see from the Herbalist. I'm not allowed to tell you whether the last one rolled well, critfailed (10% worst threshold), or rolled mediocre for a hypothetical not-horribly-evil but-somewhat-sketchy-morally Herbalist. But it's probably one of those three.
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[x] [Action] Test Shrub: Be the primary focuser of the new Shield-Piercing Attack, likely to be tested on volunteer shielding trees. (Write-in? Attack?)
[X] [Focus] Grow the Forest
[X] [Focus] Complete Laser Computer
[X] [Focus] Upgrade Shield Tree
[X] [Focus] Stockpile Thorns
Hmm, I wonder if I can get bonus on Movement research if I define more about the research like mimicking the movements and shape of animals/people or such things? Still hyper-focused on it for now though.
[X][Action] Finish Laser Computer

Always important to get better at research.
Magic-Drain seems like a good way to bypass heavily resistant enemies. I don't think it's common enough to easily study and counter.
AWESOME post! Awesome stuff. Fun read. Will comment on the actual events and stuff in a bit since it was pretty epic and also a lot and its late for me. hehe

But yeah, awesome stuff!

@HeruKane, as a Mind Tree with 8 Research and 1 Offense, you may become an Elder Mind Tree or a Research Tree.

Firstly, yay on achieving this state. So cool!

Secondly, so I was looking at my actions as more magic and less pure research, so I was wondering if something Wizard Tree or Magic Tree would be allowed.

As an additional question so if in the future I choose to do something like Magical Construct Analysis or Life Indeed or Monster Energy would they count as 'magic'.
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[X][Action] Grow Clever Tree

[X][Focus] Grow Wise Tree
[X][Focus] Grow Clever Tree
[X][Focus] Finish Laser Computer
[X][Focus] Growth Incorporated

[X][Squirrel] Life Indeed
[X][Deer] Assist with Growth Incorporated
[X][Ants] Death to Pests
[X][Corvids] Contribute to Finish Laser Computer
[X][Bears] Enhance Growth
[X][Speaker] Further Focus

We are one Wise Tree and two Clever Trees behind so doing these would be nice for our research and growth (especially with all these growth bonuses locked behind research right now).

[X][AutoFocus] Tree Maintenance
-[X][AutoFocus] Put 1 Focus Action towards growing a Lens Tree until completion and then a Wise Tree until we've reached the cap for both
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[X][Action] Store Resources Against Future Need
[X][Focus] Stockpile Thorns
[X][Focus] Mining
[X][Moles] Mining for Linestone (8 dice)
[X][Squirrel] Lead the squirrel watch over your Forest

[X][AutoFocus] Tree Maintenance
-[X][AutoFocus] Put 1 Focus Action towards growing a Lens Tree until completion and then a Wise Tree until we've reached the cap for both

Resources for the Resource Throne, Thorns for the Pain Throne