The Shyish Student (An Amethyst Apprentice in Hogwarts) [Warhammer Fantasy/Harry Potter]

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I never thought this would happen. Now we have an important question to answer. Who is the funniest person we could have a vision of impending doom for? I will vote to get closer to whoever this person is.
Time to go deep undercover and become friends with a bunch of Death Eaters and blood purists so we can snack on popcorn while watching their impending dooms like a TV show 🍿🍿🍿
You have to keep in mind that the person's reaction is also important in determining how funny it is. Hermione has very strong possibilities for humor.

"Professor Dumbledore received an urgent owl from the ICW and left last night."
I don't remember anything about this happening in the book. The only thing I know of that it could be is something related to Magister Grey. Of course it could be completely unrelated to us, but it's still noteworthy.
I don't remember anything about this happening in the book. The only thing I know of that it could be is something related to Magister Grey. Of course it could be completely unrelated to us, but it's still noteworthy.
IIRC it's the excuse for why Dumbledore isn't at Hogwarts when Harry and co 'have to' go into the forbidden corridor to stop the stone being yoinked.
IIRC it's the excuse for why Dumbledore isn't at Hogwarts when Harry and co 'have to' go into the forbidden corridor to stop the stone being yoinked.
The wiki says that it was a letter from the Ministry, but I could see Quirrell doing that instead. In canon the attempt was made after Christmas, but here Quirrelemort has some other concerns, like Nyx's pomander. Combined with the grindylow incident, and Voldemort probably wants to get out ASAP.

We did see a vision of green light, which could be the killing curse.
[X] Don't talk to Hagrid about your concerns.

[X] Just tell her that Neville's been locked out of the common room before. Ask her to help make sure he isn't again.

Warning delivered to those responsible and the individual in danger. Neville's Fate has been influenced, let the World turn as it may.
Gained Trait – Foreteller of Doom: Gives a chance to receive visions of imminent danger. More likely to work on those you are closer with.
Praise Morr! Now to get into arguments with Trelawney over who is actually in imminent danger or not :V

I never thought this would happen. Now we have an important question to answer. Who is the funniest person we could have a vision of impending doom for? I will vote to get closer to whoever this person is.
As far as people we can actually interact with go, I'd say Ron. Imagine Zagreus trying to explain to Ron that he's in serious danger, only for Ron to not believe him in the slightest given their history together, forcing Zagreus to take desperate measures to make sure Ron stays safe, much to Ron's aggravation (and possibly to Harry and Dean's amusement).

As for the vote:
[X] Talk to Hagrid about your concerns.
I'd like to know if Fluffy would, under ordinary circumstance, pursue someone outside of his designated protection zone or not. Because if Fluffy is trained not to pursue/attack anyone outside the door's entrance, then that has some implications given that the vision version of Fluffy did (never mind the whole 'door seemingly opening on its own' bit, and whatever the flash of green means).

[X] Just tell her that Neville's been locked out of the common room before. Ask her to help make sure he isn't again.
Honestly think that what actually happened in the vision was Neville got attacked by Voldemort with a killing curse that misses thanks to Fluffy attacking the unnaturally smelling man. Neville is just screaming because he is seeing one of his professors being ripped apart by Good Doggo.
How so? We saw a vision, we could be misintepriting it and instead of fluffy saving Neville doggo is locked up tighter and Neville gets killing cursed.
Because thats not how Morrite future telling works? Morr is not going to tell you something just to lead you down the path to fulfill it. He isn't some cheap TV Tropes tragedy hour edgelord.

Dooming tells you how you die, that much is true, but as far as i am aware, his visions are otherwise just that, visions of future, to do with what you will. He isn't Tzeentch.
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Because thats not how Morrite future telling works? Morr is not going to tell you something just to lead you down the path to fulfill it. He isn't some cheap TV Tropes tragedy hour edgelord.

Dooming tells you how you die, that much is true, but as far as i am aware, his visions are otherwise just that, visions of future, to do with what you will. He isn't Tzeentch.
You completely misinteprited my post, congrats.

Our vision showed Fluffy attacking someone after a flash of green, with Neville screaming

Your interpretation is that was a vision of Neville dying.

My image is that we saw Fluffy save Neville from Voldemort's killing curse and our anti-Fluffy actions could just end up Neville there chasing his rememberball and getting ganked with Fluffy unable to help.
My image is that we saw Fluffy save Neville from Voldemort's killing curse and our anti-Fluffy actions could just end up Neville there chasing his rememberball and getting ganked with Fluffy unable to help.
Then the vision would not be named Friend in Danger.

Again, i don't think Morr hands out self-fulfilling prophecies.
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Gee, it's too bad that us telling Neville to stay away from the forbidden corridor means that Fluffy can't save Neville from being killing curse'd by walking into a forbidden corridor :thonk:
Hell, one of the big reasons we got this vision now was because we were celebrating Von Alxber's night, which came about because a priest got a vision from Morr and used it to avert the disaster he foresaw.

It's entirely possible things still go badly despite our attempts to change things, but the vision itself isn't going to be a trick.

Side note, I am curious why Zagreus didn't consider that the vision might be from Morr.
I disagree. What we saw was a situation where a single thing going wrong ends with Neville dying. The situation is dangerous.
Right, which is why we told him what we did.

But you think it ends up with Fluffy eating Quirrel, and the situation apparently resolves itself without our input. So clearly he has never been in actual danger of dying.

I choose to believe that Morr did not give us the prophecy just to set us on path to kill our friend by saying a wrong line somewhere down the line because he gave us the prophecy in the first place.
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[X] Don't talk to Hagrid about your concerns.

[X] Share the details of your vision, as you've shared with Neville himself. Ask her to keep an eye out on Neville.
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[X] Just tell her that Neville's been locked out of the common room before. Ask her to help make sure he isn't again

[X] Talk to Hagrid about your concerns
Kids solving Crimes again ahoy.

[X] Don't talk to Hagrid about your concerns.
[X] Share the details of your vision, as you've shared with Neville himself. Ask her to keep an eye out on Neville.

My reasoning is mostly that, well, you would expect Hermione to be disagreeable to this, because, you know, the way she views Divination in canon. But i am pretty sure she gets soured on the idea of it being legitimate, if not always reliable, subject by the disaster trainwreck that is Trelawney. She appears to respect Zagreus's academic prowess. So i think it would be okay to go for the most overt option, because she is not yet disillusioned, and she might have a rivalry going on but clearly respects him as a peer.
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