The Shyish Student (An Amethyst Apprentice in Hogwarts) [Warhammer Fantasy/Harry Potter]

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Now I'm wondering if there's any option which will show us if anyone else survived the crossing from Mallus to Earth, outside of us/Miss Grey/the Skaven/the rat-catchers dog.
Friend in dangers probably the most likely, followed by Vermintide I guess if the Skaven have someone prisoner? The latter's a bit if a stretch though.
Thinking about so much about Orci had reminded you about some of the more pleasant traditions the village had. A century and a half ago Brother von Alxber, a Morrite Priest, fell into a trance while watching fireworks in the night sky. When he awoke, he bore a terrifying portent of a sudden Beastman attack. The townsfolk, forewarned, fought off the attack, though von Alxber was slain in the fighting. A shrine was raised in his honour, and every year on the 18th of Ulriczeit fireworks are set off to celebrate him and his vision.
You know, now that I'm reading this again, I suddenly realized that, should other people ask about what is Von Axvber's night, we better not tell Hermione about humans killing beastmen, if only because, Hermione lacking any context, she is going to see it the same way she sees Umbridge attitude towards non-human races, calling them half-breeds. Remember, Hermione is, for the most part, an advocate of non-human rights, like house elves, she even was worried over wether the centaurs would get hurt while fighting grawp, even though the centaurs had just tried to kill them for daring to trespass their borders.
And considering it's Umbridge we are talking about, that's incredibly insulting.

On the other hand, stirlanders are, for the most part, isolationist country bumpkins, with a very few percentage of them being minimally literate at all, and with a long-lasting resentment towards halflings, with some local customs that remind me, like a lot, of the way southern Americans in the southern states, like west Virginia, Alabama, and all the regions crossed by the Mississippi, treated black people, except that at least the Empire forbids slavery, halflings are granted the same rights as human citizens, and, instead of seeing the halflings as inferior being, they probably view them as usurpers.

Stirlanders within the central territories of the province are known for their dislike of Halflings, for they still resent the 1500-year-old decision that tore away their best farmlands and gave them to "the Shorties." Although this resentment rarely breaks out in violence, the belief that Halflings are thieves at heart is stronger here than in any other part of the Empire. In Wördern there is a tradition, when celebrating a child's birthday, to make a straw-man the size of a Halfling and stuff it with candies and treats he "stole" from the children. Then it is hung from a branch and the blindfolded children whack at it with sticks until it breaks and "gives them back" their candy. Locals deny that drunks have occasionally instead tied up a real Halfling.

This really gives me a bit of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Fynn vibes to be honest.

I hope Zagreus doesn't say something unintentionally racist. I mean, he would probably say it, but it wouldn't be said with any inherent malice (like Malfoy calling Hermione mudblood), but rather, with absolute innocence that stems from his upbringing and cultural heritage.

"It's a fun game Zag, wrong order for you I know but still you can back me up."
God, imagine if the ubersreik five made a cameo later in the series, like, for example, appearing during the quidditch world cup the moment the death eaters were torturing that muggle family.

My goodness.

All that blood splattered everywhere.

Whatever happens in the future, Sienna Fuegonasus MUST NOT teach in any way, shape or form, defense against the dark arts as a professor in Hogwarts.

Counterpoint, one of the options is just Vermintide and that is mildly terrifying.
Honestly? I don't think that a few hundred skaven lost in a foreign world, and without any way to send a message back home, count as a vermintide. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?

If Morr and Shallya are married, and Ranald once had a fling with Shallya (unless I am confusing another quest's info for canon lore), maybe someone was pulling favors?
Shally is his daughter.
I'm pretty sure @Zavvnao meant to say Verena.

I hope, at least.

We are not filthy incestuous Druchii, Sigmar damnit!!! (Yes, I'm looking at you both, Malekith and Morathi)
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[X] A friend in danger

If it's someone we know at Hogwarts then we probably want to get ahead of it. If it's about someone else who came through from Mallus we definitely want to know about it.
Grey Seers have a spell to turn other people into Skaven, en masse. So if there is one with them, quite a bit.

Wait they have a what?! Why haven't I heard of this before? That is easily one of the most horrifying things I could imagine, damn. God Skaven are evil bastards

Speaking of them though

[X] Vermintide

Definitely wanna vote Vermintide, hopefully that'll just be Morr showing Zagreus the truth of the "rat beastmen" so he understands just how absolutely awful it is that some followed him here
Wait they have a what?! Why haven't I heard of this before?
Yeah, it's a pretty nasty one. In the tabletop rules, you cast it on one enemy unit, and they turn into a unit of Clanrats. Any enemy unit.

"Curse of the Horned Rat - The Dreaded Thirteenth Spell. With a sickening lurch, the fabric of reality is torn by the twisting power of the Great Horned One, turning opposition to Clanrats."

Another spell that would make the Skaven here terrifying, even quite aside from the Warpstone tech they'll have brought with them, is The Chittering:

"The Chittering - Most Skaven magic corrupts the body; this spell corrupts the mind. When cast, the Seer spreads a web of insanity around him, warping the minds of all within 100 yards. Victims degenerate into a mindless horde, instinctively aiding all Skaven and the Seer in particular. They gather around the caster to protect them, follow simple instructions, and attack anyone unaffected by the magic, using hands and teeth. Victims also lose the power of speech, communicating with gestures and the rat-like chittering noises that give this spell its name."
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[X] A stone and mirror.
[X] A rat

I'll be going with these two personally. A Rat because it is either referring to more Skaven or Peter, and A stone and mirror because I'd like some heads up regarding the plot and this will probably be one of the few times we can make a vote without care of whether it's IC for Zag or not.

EDIT: Oh god, we're probably going to have to pick Divination in Year 3 aren't we? It'll be something that would be completely IC for Zagreus to grab.

Still, Trelawney will probably appreciate someone who takes her "doom" prophecies seriously.
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