An Indifference of Larks: A GliTch Quest

So she's still working on that? Like, as a hobby or out of some attachment to the Created society she intended to only be a tool?
The Alchemy she created from the ground up is, essentially, built around Anti Christmas, is how I perceived things based on the story thus far. It seems it was created to be the essential element by which Christmas might be defeated, and in learning it, Sarah is by necessity opposing the arrival of Christmas.
[X] [Jewel] An Alchemical Moonstone
[X] [Scene] Picking Teja Heimerich up from the airport: a task which really seems like it should not involve either fire or car chases; and yet!
The Alchemy she created from the ground up is, essentially, built around Anti Christmas, is how I perceived things based on the story thus far. It seems it was created to be the essential element by which Christmas might be defeated, and in learning it, Sarah is by necessity opposing the arrival of Christmas.
Strictly, Nictian Alchemy is Christmas Neutral. Both the Traditional and Bleak Methodologies can be used to create Christmas or Anti-Christmas effects, though they are generally more inclined towards their respective themes.
[X] [Jewel] An Alchemical Amethyst 🌺
[X] [Scene] Checking in on the horrific chaos inflicted on your garden by the Hero you yourself sent there. 👁️‍🗨️🎭

This was a good chapter.
[X] [Jewel] An Alchemical Moonstone 🔥
[X] [Scene] Checking in on the horrific chaos inflicted on your garden by the Hero
you yourself sent there. 👁️‍🗨️🎭
I am profoundly unhappy with this chapter for a huge number of reasons, but also if I don't post it now it's pretty clear that it's not happening this year at all; and if forcing arbitrary deadlines is what it takes to get this out the door, then so be it.
I do not comprehend why. I love it. It's nothing like any other story I'm reading; you've got a voice, and it's delightful. Updates to this story are always the highlight of my day.

So, y'know. Take that in the spirit which it is intended. Which is the spirit of barely holding myself back from badgering you for more, just so you know; though if you ever want a sounding block, all you have to do is ask.

[X] [Jewel] An Alchemical Sapphire 👁️‍🗨️
Much like her new student, Eilind's experience is 'blue' - a moment of profound decision, of choosing to cast aside the way that events were supposed to proceed in favor of charting a new course.
[X] [Scene] Frantically attempting to clean your apartment before your student arrives despite the fact that she has already seen what a mess your entire life is. 🌺🥄

I also made another attempt at getting the AI to draw Sarah, because of course I did. Here she is...

The Alchemy she created from the ground up is, essentially, built around Anti Christmas, is how I perceived things based on the story thus far. It seems it was created to be the essential element by which Christmas might be defeated, and in learning it, Sarah is by necessity opposing the arrival of Christmas.
Honestly, Eilind is, as I hope is obvious, a huge alchemy nerd; and so when she embarked on an 1,100-year long, unfathomably complex scheme to destroy Christmas, she also took the opportunity to make up a new type of alchemy pretty much for funsies.

That was, frankly, totally unnecessary; and while Nictian Alchemy did figure into her plans for destroying Christmas it was not, in and of itself, actually crucial to those plans.

Eilind's just a dork who makes up new magic systems in her spare time, except she's also a goddess-queen from before and beyond time, so when she makes up magic systems they actually work.

Also I accidentally closed voting when I was looking at the tally so um re-opening it and we'll see if it works.
EDIT: All good! Hooray for not accidentally breaking stuff.
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Interesting stuff with the punctuation and capitalization.
Honestly this is sort of a cheat to make myself more mindful about character voice.

Like, if I have to constantly fight against my word processor to uncapitalize stuff, it makes it easier to also remember "oh, right, Sarah doesn't swear."

Just ... boiling down the voice into specific and ideally slightly-inconvenient rules does wonders for not making everyone sound exactly the same.

So, like, for instance:

  • Never, ever uses capital letters in spoken dialogue under any circumstances.
  • Minces swears, and swears less in general.
  • Pauses a lot, usually with ellipses rather than dashes or semicolons.
  • Uses 'um' as a filler word frequently, and often at the start of a sentence.
  • Uses 'like' as a filler word constantly.
  • Sometimes ends statements with a question mark?
  • Is very casual in speech, with a lot more contractions, abbreviations, and slang.
  • Generally has a smaller and less obscure vocabulary than other characters.
And by boiling it down to rules, it makes it much easier for me than just abstractly keeping in mind "Sarah is quiet, tentative, and childish on account of being a shy kid."

As another fun example, Eily...
  • Does not use metaphors, similes, or adynaton: any examples of those which are present in Eily's dialogue are mistakes on my part.
  • Occasionally hyphenates words which are not usually hyphenated, such as 'to-morrow' or her dogged insistence on 'tee-shirt' instead of t shirt.
  • Avoids contractions, although not perfectly.
  • Generally takes the most circuitous and circumlocutious route to her point possible; and will always, always take the off-ramp into a parenthetical aside if the opportunity presents itself.
  • Tends to skew slightly formal, slightly archaic, and slightly stilted with her word choices.
  • Sometimes uses 'like' as a filler word, and the quotative like, due to osmosing that from Claire and Reccilda.
  • Will sometimes slip gears from paragraphs of elaborate, dense, and florid prose to short, punchy, casual language when upset, surprised, or exhausted; because I find the code-switching to be funny.
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Honestly, Eilind is, as I hope is obvious, a huge alchemy nerd; and so when she embarked on an 1,100-year long, unfathomably complex scheme to destroy Christmas, she also took the opportunity to make up a new type of alchemy pretty much for funsies.

That was, frankly, totally unnecessary; and while Nictian Alchemy did figure into her plans for destroying Christmas it was not, in and of itself, actually crucial to those plans.

Eilind's just a dork who makes up new magic systems in her spare time, except she's also a goddess-queen from before and beyond time, so when she makes up magic systems they actually work.
Two questions about this:
  1. Is the study of Nictian Alchemy inherently Anti-Christmas or was it a neutral tool she invented in order to be used to destroy Christmas?
  2. Has she considered that, in forming an internally consistent magic system, she has Created a Thing-That-Exists? If so, how does she feel about it?
Honestly this is sort of a cheat to make myself more mindful about character voice.
That's still very interesting.
Does not use metaphors, similes, or adynaton: any examples of those which are present in Eily's dialogue are mistakes on my part.
Or, per my personal interpretation, literal statements about the Supernal Truth of reality and unreality that just sound like metaphors.
[*]Has she considered that, in forming an internally consistent magic system, she has Created a Thing-That-Exists? If so, how does she feel about it?
Has she, in fact, created a thing-which-exists?

She does so frequently. Her tea blends have a significant degree of existence. Things which do not exist don't get well along with Creation, as a rule; it's very loud. But does her alchemy system have the specific quality of existence?

(And if it does not, does that have any implications for children who are studying it?)

Remember, "exists" is... honestly, it's just the wrong word here. Things which do not Exist, still... exist. They're just not obnoxious about it. It's all PR, really. We shouldn't be surprised that they'd use the word Wrong.
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Has she, in fact, created a thing-which-exists?

She does so frequently. Her tea blends have a significant degree of existence. Things which do not exist don't get well along with Creation, as a rule; it's very loud. But does her alchemy system have the specific quality of existence?

(And if it does not, does that have any implications for children who are studying it?)

Remember, "exists" is... honestly, it's just the wrong word here. Things which do not Exist, still... exist. They're just not obnoxious about it. It's all PR, really. We shouldn't be surprised that they'd use the word Wrong.
I'd argue that things like her tea or baking are primarily transformative rather than creative. She's primarily taking Things-Which-Exist, running them through a Process-That-Exists and turning them into a Thing-That-Exists. Creatively neutral. With Nictian Alchemy, she Created a Process-That-Exists wholesale, even if the inputs and outputs given to that Process are both Things-Which-Exist.
To quote Carl Sagan: To make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.
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[X] [Jewel] An Alchemical Moonstone 🔥
[X] [Scene] Checking in on the horrific chaos inflicted on your garden by the Hero you yourself sent there. 👁️‍🗨️🎭

First post here, I've enjoyed what you've written. The earlier short story chapter header about three princesses, a prince, and a bunch of ants, that was clearly about Excrucians. So was that about the local Chancery or a larger allegory about Excrucuans in general? If it is the later is the Prince not an Excrucian but a Wildlord? (Wildlords are a type of solipsistic Imperator in Nobilis who originated in the Not before getting trapped in Creation)
Or, per my personal interpretation, literal statements about the Supernal Truth of reality and unreality that just sound like metaphors.
While this is, broadly, true, I do feel compelled to point out that Eilind would object to that phrasing on the grounds that talking about "Supernal Truth" makes one sound like a Deceiver; and Eilind's opinions about Deceivers, even when she was a loyal member of the Host, both start and end with "fuck them."

On a more meta level, Eilind doesn't use metaphors because it is structurally necessary that the readers be able to treat the things she says as true, since Eily laconically mentioning something absurd off-hand is the only way I have of delivering exposition about the nature of the setting.

Has she considered that, in forming an internally consistent magic system, she has Created a Thing-That-Exists? If so, how does she feel about it? [snip]
Has she, in fact, created a thing-which-exists? [snip]
I'd argue that things like her tea or baking are primarily transformative rather than creative. [snip]
This is a thorny, complicated, and very much not settled topic of debate within the Host. Eilind, for her part, largely doesn't care.

Like many Strategists, she sees arguing about, like, the relative merits of existence or nonexistence as ... kind of irrelevant? Like, yes, she'll trot out some canned propaganda phrases sometimes, toe the party line; but ...

A weird piece of Nobilis/Glitch trivia which hasn't really had a good spot to come up is that Strategists generally speaking don't have philosophical objections to existence; but rather, to the existence of the world in specific; because it is specifically wrong.

Eilind was trying to kill the world because the world is a) built out of the desecrated bones and stolen land of her people, and b) literally trying to kill her at all times for no actual reason.

It doesn't matter to her, at this time, whether "existence" is or is not fundamentally wrong - what matters is that this particular set of existent things are wrong.

Worlds should not be arranged like this. The way the world is structured is bad, and causes bad things; therefore, contend the Strategists, the world should not exist.

Maybe that's because worlds shouldn't exist at all, in general; but that's not the point.

Is the study of Nictian Alchemy inherently Anti-Christmas or was it a neutral tool she invented in order to be used to destroy Christmas?
The latter. It is simply a thing, without moral valence; in much the same way that knives, torches, or nuclear physics lack moral valence.

The earlier short story chapter header about three princesses, a prince, and a bunch of ants, that was clearly about Excrucians. So was that about the local Chancery or a larger allegory about Excrucuans in general?

Like, even normal ordinary writing can be about whatever the audience can read into it; and that's before we involve this having been written by a Strategist and thus it being potentially ambiguous and impossible to concretely resolve which, if any, of the possible readings is 'correct'.
A weird piece of Nobilis/Glitch trivia which hasn't really had a good spot to come up is that Strategists generally speaking don't have philosophical objections to existence; but rather, to the existence of the world in specific; because it is specifically wrong.
Additionally Strategists see the Void as something that does inherently exist. Kinda. Ninuan is a place with geographies and histories, but its all correlative dream logic. Ninuan has a Structure despite not having any Substance.

One sleeping void god dreams of hunting prey through a dark woods, another dreams of being hunted through a dark woods, a third dreams of being a dark woods a hunt is ongoing in, and fourth is dreaming of being a star witnessing it all. By general consensus they are all witnessing/experiencing the same hunt, but that in no way binds any of these void gods from dreaming up a separate event that contradicts the timeline established by this first event.

"They are, I suppose, Not-entities or λ-entities—the terms would be more accurate—but if one sets aside an existence-centric perspective, it doesn't really matter.

They lack substance, they lack existence, in a technical sense and in many senses that are not so technical, but they are not semantic nulls; they have a structure and a nature...

...They are all, or almost all, to some degree, aware. That awareness is generally extremely vague and notional; it is a dreaming awareness, as has been said, but it exists: A fundamental element of almost everything in the Beyond is a rudimentary sense of self.

For a thing to exist without worldly substance, it transpires, something must conceive of its existence; in
the void, where almost every possible observer turns their attention inwards, there are few things to conceive of a
thing's existence save itself.

Thus, there are cliffsides and forests, but they are not dead things and they are not mindless things: they dream of their own existence, or are, at least, a part of larger landscapes that so do...

...There are time-like elements of the Beyond.

There are space-like elements. There is even a kind of implicate continuum. But that continuum is epiphenomenal; it is not one dominant form that sets the shape of Nınuan, but a sheaf of many different models, each contingent upon the infinity of λ-things. It does not govern the relationships of the Beyond: instead, interactions in the
Beyond are governed by a process of structural harmony.

Without real space, without real time, the story is told backwards: When we see that a hunter's actions correlate with those of a certain prey—regardless of "where" or "when" that prey might be—we say, that is the prey it hunts. More than that, we say, that is the definition of their "where" and "when."

So the Strategists' philosophical objections to reality might be that Causality and Locality are things you can't just opt out of.

Though, and I aint certain of this cause I don't got the Deceiver book, only Nobilis and Glitch so I'm just going off a blurb in one of those, other Excrusians don't agree that's how the void is(n't). Deceivers claim The Beyond is full on for realsies non-existent and Ninuan is just a mental construct shared by all the Excrucians in Creation to organize the Host.

No one wants to know what the Warmains' perspective of Beyond is.

Anyway that's a big tangent to justify why two fifths of Strategists' character stats are all about creating, finding, or binding Things-That-Exist (Flore and Lore), though Nixian alchemy strikes me more as Eide, in which case no, it doesn't actually exist, it's simply a narrative aspect of the Dream-That-Is-Eilind, a bit of nonsensical dream magic dreamt up by Eilind to compliment her Dream-Of-Self of being a Magisterix of Alchemies Strange and Profound. Were she to meet her true and lasting death it... might still work? Might not? That'd get kicked to the table.
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[X] [Jewel] An Alchemical Amethyst 🌺
[X] [Scene] Frantically attempting to clean your apartment before your student arrives despite the fact that she has already seen what a mess your entire life is. 🌺🥄

Purple begets purple. Looking between Sam and Sarah, it looks like being a teacher, and having responsibility and things and people to look after agrees with her? Helping herself for her own sake is...difficult, but if it's for her students, things seem like they might be different. So purple.

And I would just like to ditto that I always love it when this updates. <3
Voting ends in a little less then a day, and hey maybe we'll manage something less than 4 months on this next update cycle
[X] [Jewel] An Alchemical Amethyst 🌺
[X] [Scene] Picking Teja Heimerich up from the airport: a task which really seems like it should not involve either fire or car chases; and yet!

I'm sure the garden is fiiiiiiiiiiine
The reason I voted for the garden was because it would tidy up that part of the story. Though it will probably become more a story of its own so it balances out I guess.

Also. I like the idea of Purple... Sarah actually, getting into a contact with her teammates at some point where she ends up using the Alchemical Stone to do a transformation sequence and her old team wondering why she is now wearing blue.

Also changing the gemstone color.
[X][Jewel] An Alchemical Amethyst 🌺
[X] [Jewel] An Alchemical Amethyst 🌺
[X] [Scene] Frantically attempting to clean your apartment before your student arrives despite the fact that she has already seen what a mess your entire life is. 🌺🥄
Also. I like the idea of Purple... Sarah actually, getting into a contact with her teammates at some point where she ends up using the Alchemical Stone to do a transformation sequence and her old team wondering why she is now wearing blue.
Sarah's defected, and I expect the story—that is to say, Sarah's magical girl narrative—to focus on that. There's a couple possible narrative arcs that are typical in magical girl stories. None of them really match all that well, so I don't know which one her friends will be forced into, but I somewhat doubt it'll be reality.

Sarah herself... well. Her Magistrix is quite capable of snipping off that sort of thing. For this story that we are actually reading, I expect there to be some deep confusion in-between them. Should be interesting.
Well drat. Had a quest get updated and was too caught up in discussion to notice the vote slip away. Too late now.
Sarah's defected, and I expect the story—that is to say, Sarah's magical girl narrative—to focus on that. There's a couple possible narrative arcs that are typical in magical girl stories. None of them really match all that well, so I don't know which one her friends will be forced into, but I somewhat doubt it'll be reality.

Sarah herself... well. Her Magistrix is quite capable of snipping off that sort of thing. For this story that we are actually reading, I expect there to be some deep confusion in-between them. Should be interesting.
There is the one who simply "gets what she wants". I imagine such a biased narrative would let her twist things rather easily. The question is which direction her desires take the plot.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Thelxiope on Dec 31, 2022 at 5:40 PM, finished with 15 posts and 4 votes.
  • 4

    [X] [Jewel] An Alchemical Amethyst 🌺
  • 3

    [X] [Scene] Frantically attempting to clean your apartment before your student arrives despite the fact that she has already seen what a mess your entire life is. 🌺🥄
    [X] [Scene] Picking Teja Heimerich up from the airport: a task which really seems like it should not involve either fire or car chases; and yet!
Scheduled vote count started by Thelxiope on Dec 31, 2022 at 5:40 PM, finished with 15 posts and 4 votes.
  • 4

    [X] [Jewel] An Alchemical Amethyst 🌺
  • 3

    [X] [Scene] Frantically attempting to clean your apartment before your student arrives despite the fact that she has already seen what a mess your entire life is. 🌺🥄
    [X] [Scene] Picking Teja Heimerich up from the airport: a task which really seems like it should not involve either fire or car chases; and yet!
Adhoc vote count started by Randino Treviani on Jan 4, 2023 at 9:40 PM, finished with 30 posts and 15 votes.

I think you'll find this a bit more accurate.
[X] [Jewel] An Alchemical Amethyst 🌺
[X] [Scene] Checking in on the horrific chaos inflicted on your garden by the Hero
you yourself sent there. 👁️‍🗨️🎭

Heyhey! Long-time lurker here. 10/10 chapter as always, and if you're not happy with it then that simply strikes Fear Into My Heart when one considers what magics might be contained within an excellent chapter that the author likes.

EDIT: Ah, whoops. Didn't see the Jewel vote had finished.
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