Perfectly Normal: A Slice of Life Sim

His mother sighed. "Just… read the paper, will you? You did… alright. Eighty-five, eighty-nine. You even got Geniichiro-sensei to write a positive note. You always do alright on your writing assignments, Kel, and if you'd just read them maybe you'll impress your teachers.
Just to clarify, she wants him to read what the teachers wrote grading his assignments, which he didn't because it's not a subject he cares about?

Can't be that much to read, the teachers don't usually have time for essays regarding every student.
Just to clarify, she wants him to read what the teachers wrote grading his assignments, which he didn't because it's not a subject he cares about?

Can't be that much to read, the teachers don't usually have time for essays regarding every student.
As a fellow former student who coasted by assignments.

I just looked at the grade on the front of the paper and didn't pay attention to anything else unless I had to.
As a fellow former student who coasted by assignments.

I just looked at the grade on the front of the paper and didn't pay attention to anything else unless I had to.
Heh, ain't that the truth. It's a habit I have, too, that I've been trying to break. Bad habits pretty hard to get rid of, though. Especially once they're entrenched! just gave me an excellent mechanic idea. Hmm.
As a fellow former student who coasted by assignments.

I just looked at the grade on the front of the paper and didn't pay attention to anything else unless I had to.

As a person who got anxious... I outright avoided looking what the teachers wrote. Specially if the grade was bad... Counterproductive for sure, but I just couldnt do it.

Sometimes I couldnt even look at the grade and had to ask friends to say It to me.
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Week 2 | Home Actions: Way Down Under the Ground
Late Friday evening, after coming home, Silas was overcome by an odd restlessness. He couldn't quite sleep. After sitting in his room for a while, he decided he needed to wander down Miko Street, at least for a little bit. Sera-neesan wouldn't mind.

She was hardly around anymore, anyway. She had been looking more and more strung out recently. Silas was almost afraid to ask what was going on at her work, now.

He had been experimenting with different kinds of casual clothes, recently. It got… boring, leaving the apartment every day in an old RikuRiku T-Shirt and cargo pants. Digging through his closet, he realized he had a really comfortable-looking hoodie, slightly oversized, and a pair of old-looking, loose-fitting denim jeans. He decided to wear both. It was a bit chilly tonight, anyway.

Miyao's face changed a lot when night fell. There were more lights, and less people. Cars, trains, lights, ads, and billboards overshadowed the humans that scurried through the city's innards, as if they were mere silhouettes. It was a bit scary, albeit intriguing.

Silas decided to walk all the way down to 8th avenue, towards that park he always saw from afar. It was well-lit in the evenings.

The park was enclosed by a simple iron gate. Inside were gravel paths and paved, grass lawns. There was a plaque near the entrance. It read:

Miko Triangle Conservancy, est. 1991 MAC

In honor of the brave warriors of the 2nd Responders Division. May their souls find peace.

We ask that you do not play in the flower gardens.

The Triangle was flanked on all sides by fancy restaurants and shops, but it looked like most of them were closing up for the evening. A flurry of light caught Silas's attention, though. An aging neon sign pointed him towards a dark staircase leading underneath one of the taller buildings. He wasn't sure exactly why he followed it down. It was dark; a tad scary.

He wound up at the door to a small floor filled to the brim with old arcade machines. A bell rang on the door as he stepped inside. It was… cold. Sterile, almost. The games blinked and made welcoming noises, but there was no-one here to play them. Above what looked like the receptionist's desk were the words: Welcome to the Way Down!

There were no workers here. Briefly, Silas wondered if he had wandered in after closing.

Still, he stepped towards the receptionist's desk. It didn't look completely barren. There were pens and papers scattered about. An old computer—with a CRT monitor, no less, those were ancient—was blinking, spitting out an error message. Silas frowned, but came to the conclusion that there was nothing for him here. He turned to leave.

"Can I help you, customer-san?"

"Eh?!" Silas stepped back and bumped into the counter. Silas hissed as his backside banged against one of the sharper edges.

"Woah, woah, woah!" Before him stood a tall, Miyaoan man in a white button-up under suspenders and a black tie. "I didn't mean to startle you, customer-san, sir. I was in my office when I heard you come in."

"I-I'm sorry, it's just…" Silas looked around, furtively. "Th-There's no one here… you… I… "

"Oh, ha-ha! I can understand your concern. I should have introduced myself before walking up on you!"

"Y-You should have! That was creepy! L-Like a… like a movie jumpscare! No… offense."

"None taken, my friend!" The man seemed to visibly relax. "And as for your surroundings, well, we don't get many visitors here. Not anymore."

"E-Even on Friday nights?"

"Even on Friday nights," the man nodded sagely. "Most of the new crowd has moved onto bigger arcades downtown. The ones with… crane games and GOZO gacha machines and other things that attract tourists and influencers. I still get plenty of regulars on Saturday and Sunday evenings, though. Still… today's quieter than most."

"Huh…" Silas still regarded the man cautiously, but he could feel his apprehensiveness fading.

"Ah! But where are my manners? My name is Hayasaka Jino. Proprietor, manager, and, on slow days, the sole worker of the Way Down. Best arcade under Miko Street!" He snorted at his own joke. "Is there anything I can do to help you, sir? Want a turn at the arcade machines?"

"Y-You'd let me? I mean. M-Maybe some other day. I was just… curious. Th-There was a sign outside. You really don't get any customers on Fridays?"

"We've had a few! Maybe… three. No! Four. I think, a half-hour before you arrived, one of my Friday regulars left, you see. He's about your age, I believe." The man scratched his head, chuckling. "If you want a turn at the machines, I'd be happy to keep the place open for another half-hour or so. We were about to close down, actually."

"Oh, if you w-were, then—"

"No, no, you don't need to worry about keeping me up late!" The man said quickly. "I live just upstairs. It's no problem at all, Customer-san."

"I r-really don't want to impose, Manager-san. And, in fact… I was just looking around. I l-live nearby… I m-might come around, though… some other time."

"You would? I'd appreciate that greatly, sir. Very much so, sir." He grinned. "But, of course, if you're just looking around, that's alright, too. As long as you aren't here to steal anything, naturally."

Silas couldn't help but snort. "W-What… am I gonna drag out one of the machines w-with my noodle arms? Up those stairs…? Heheh. I th-think I'd die…"

"Ha! You're a wit, aren't you, sir. Well, if you are leaving…" The manager moved over to the door, and opened it for him. "...I'd love to see you around again, if you have the time for it, Customer-san, sir. What's your name?"

"S-Silas. Yamigawa Silas."

He nodded crisply. "Very good, sir. I'll try to remember that! Correct me if I get it wrong, should we meet again, Yamigawa-san, sir."

He beckoned Silas outside, and Silas found himself leaving the odd arcade just as quickly as he had entered.

He heard Manager-san grumbling behind him: "Hmm. Awfully cold outside tonight. I hope that hot summer the television promised actually comes true…"

Silas may now take certain actions at the Way Down on weekends!


Silas's restlessness did not subside in the morning. In fact, the sun wasn't even up when he woke up and decided to get… breakfast.

Breakfast. What did he usually eat for breakfast? Now that he… thought about it, his stomach was growling.

He opened his fridge. It was stuffed to the gills. Milk, eggs, vegetables, shredded cheese and sliced meats. It looked totally untouched, like it just came out of the grocery. And all of it... looked horribly expired. Black splotches of mold covered everything he saw.

Out of a morbid curiosity, he opened one of the fridge drawers, and pulled out what looked like might have once been a green onion. Or was it called a leek? It was gray and wrinkled, having lost all of its color. As Silas squeezed its wilted stalk, little greenish flecks came off the skin.

When did he buy all this? Was it always here?

He shut the fridge, resolving to clean it out… later. He checked the freezer instead, and found some okay-looking frozen toaster strudels. Triple Cherry flavor. About thirty minutes later, after finding his toaster and relearning how to use it, he had a pretty okay breakfast. Probably unhealthy, though.

And then he got to work. He had some studying to do.

Studiousness check! (Smarts)
1d20 = 8 vs 10
Failure! Reduced progress!

Social awareness check! (Imagination)
1d20 = 20 + 1 (Attribute: Imagination) = 21 vs 12
Critical success! Increased progress!

Silas honestly had no idea why he thought this was a good idea.

He hated crowds of people. He liked solace while he was trying to study. When he first came up to the Miko Tower Greenhouse, his original plan was to find a quiet corner on one of the lounges to study in. But the seat near the bar looked so comfy... and it had a nice balcony view of the Miko Triangle Conservancy. The lights were starting to come on, too! And no one had told him he couldn't sit there.

But he quickly discovered that his quiet study area got downright raucous when the sun went down. It was so loud that he couldn't even think, and more than once, the waiter passed by his table, giving him an angry look.

He felt really out-of-place, with his laptop and headphones and notebook. The people dressed as waitstaff kept on giving him dirty looks, too. It made him want to sink into his seat and disappear. He should have chosen somewhere else. At least his headphones were pretty high-quality. Noise-cancelling, even. If he put them on, he could almost pretend he was alone. Alone, in a crowded bar.

And if he put them on, but kept them off... he could listen. And oh boy, there was a lot to listen to. Rumors, news, congratulations, insults. Adults talked a lot. It was funny.

"Did you hear? The City Council's trying to negotiate with the Gardnerites again."

"Again? Pftah. Unless the extent of the negotiation is 'we yield to all of your demands, please start paying taxes again,' it's not going to go anywhere."

"I don't know. It's a step in the right direction."

"That's the thing about the Council, eh? They're all about making steps, but no action! They don't do anything!"

"They keep the peace. Maintain the status quo. That's the important thing. If all this boils over, who knows what the Empire will do? It's better this way. Do you want to live through another occupation?"

"Attempted occupation."

"Right, right. Attempted. At any rate, I think we can all agree that we don't want what happened then to happen now. Right?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Of course, of course..."

"Let's talk about something else! Uh... so how are things going with Mary-chan?"

"Mary...? Oh! Yeah. Uh. Mary-chan, she's. Doing great. We've been working on expansion recently."

It was honestly fascinating to listen to. Unfortunately, as the night dragged on, Silas realized he had been spending more time listening to the restaurant-goers' stories than actually studying. He had made some progress, of course… but maybe this setting wasn't the best place.

Still, the night was long. Surely, he could get some progress done…

Silas has made progress on some habits! (doubled thanks to Inspired)
Studying +1 (Now: 1/6)
Attentive Listener +4 (Now: 5/6)


Sunday evening, as Silas was setting himself up for sleep, he realized that he… hadn't seen Big Sister in a long while.

That was odd.

So he wandered outside, still in his pajamas, and tried to find her door. It took him a few passes of their hallway to find it, for some reason. He must have been really dizzy from all the great work he'd been doing so far. Yeah.

Her door was unlocked, for some reason. "...nee-san?" He called into the dark, quiet apartment room. "Sera-neesan?"

He stepped inside, his eyes taking a moment to adjust to the low lighting. Eventually, his older sister's form appeared, slouched over her work desk, her face lying on a puddle of dry canned coffee.

"Nee-san?" Silas shook her sleeping body once, twice.

"Whuh… go away… Aoki-san… go bother… someone else…" His sister's voice came out muddled and delirious. "Go tell… the Director to… shove it… up his..."

She snored loudly.

He… he should do something brotherly, like drag her from her chair. Tuck her into her futon, or something. But he wasn't that strong… and he'd never… held his older sister before. Not like that.

He didn't know what to do.

There was a box of tissues nearby. He took a few rolls, tried to wipe Sera's face and her desk, and disposed of the canned coffee. He nudged her slightly, so that her sleeping position wasn't so awkward. That was… something, at least.

He touched Sera's shoulder for a few seconds. "...I'll talk to you later, then," he said. As he left the apartment, he made sure to lock Sera's door, too.

Maybe she'd be in a better mood to talk later.

The week is starting soon.

Silas has two actions, and one Focus. What will Silas do to start off this week?

Select one Focus.
Focus actions may discover new habits and attribute specializations, and grant good moodlets.
[] [Focus] SOCIAL GRACES, and learning about people.
[] [Focus] LIBERAL ARTS CLASSES, like English, History, and Civics.
[] [Focus] ENGINEERING CLASSES, like Mathematics and Physics.
[] [Focus] PHYSICAL EDUCATION, including endurance and stamina.

Select two Actions. You are allowed to repeat actions.

SOCIALIZE actions. Increases social bonds on success. Difficulty is 0 + Alienation Difference.
[] [Action] Get to know MIKADO YOSHI, the odd nerd, better. (INT social check. DC ??)
[] [Action] Hang out with KEL IBARA, a quiet foreigner. (IMA social check. DC 6)
[] [Action] Try to get close to TAMMY AOMORI, the loudmouth. (CHA social check. DC ??)
[] [Action] Hover around class representative SARA INOUE. (CHA social check. DC 0)

INTRODUCE actions. On success, adds a new character to the character database. On failure, nothing happens. Difficulty is 10 + Alienation Difference.
[] [Action] Introduce himself to one of the TEACHERS OR FACULTY members. (INT social check. DC ???)
[] [Action] Introduce himself to one of his CLASSMATES. (CHA social check. DC ???)

HABIT actions. Build progress towards habits. Success leads to greater gains.
[] [Action] He will continue his efforts at trying to figure out STUDYING. It's not just about doing it... it's about making it consistent. (Smarts check, DC 8)
[] [Action] He will work on his STRATEGY GAMES fascination. He should have plenty of free time to find someone to play with. Inoue-san, maybe? (Smarts check, DC 8)
[] [Action] He will try to focus on ATTENTIVE LISTENING. School has to be one of the best places to listen in on people, right? (Imagination check, DC 8).

RELAXATION actions. Irrelevant. Silas can do anything! He doesn't need rest!

Silas Yamigawa
Some kid from nowhere. Gray hair, skittish, and a bit standoffish. He has a good heart, probably, but so many deficiencies... so where does that leave him? Four in the morning, but we're havin' such a lovely time...

Conformity: -12
-Poor Charisma (-1)
-Embarrassing Smarts (-4)
-Poor Imagination (-1)
-Poor Physique (-1)
-Trait: Gray Gaikokujin (-3)
-Unknown Trait (-2)
???: ??

Charisma: 0
-Pride: 1
Smarts: 0
Imagination: 1
Physique: 1

Inspired - Silas feels like he could do anything, if only he had the time… (Double progress on actions to build Habits. +1 action. ???. Expires at the end of Week 3)

Daydreaming - Silas spends a lot of his waking hours imagining things: fantastical plots, military engagements, spaceships, tetris blocks, mahou shoujo… that sort of thing. (+Imagination)
Takes Walks - Silas likes to spend his free time pacing his neighborhood… just because. It helps calm his nerves. (+ Physique)

Attentive Listener (5/6) - Silas seems to have a decent ear for paying attention to people, properly absorbing what they're saying. Sometimes this happens even for things people would rather he forget. (On completion: ++Imagination, +Charisma. Silas will begin to take an interest in writing.)
Studying (2/6) - Silas has learned decent techniques for trying to re-acquire information learned throughout his classes. (On completion: +2 Smarts. Permanent modifier to midterms and finals.)
Strategy Games (0/6) - Silas has been re-learning how to play games like chess against human opponents for fun. They're a decent pastime. (On completion: + Smarts. ???)

Tabula Rasa - Silas is extremely maladjusted for a person of his age. He's gonna have trouble with… pretty much everything.
Stutterer - Silas punctuates his sentences with awkward mumblings and repetitions. (-1 to social checks)
Gray Gaikokujin - Silas has silver-blue hair, gray eyes, and an uncanny sense of hearing, all the traits of a foreigner not just to Miyao, or even Mihoku, but to the Known World. Nobody knows where people like him come from. They don't even have a name for him. This makes certain folk uncomfortable. (-3 to Conformity. Moodlets which reduce Conformity are twice as severe. ???)
??? - Silas has absolutely no idea why, but he has gained a reputation as someone who actively defies authority. But he hasn't even done anything! (-2 to Conformity. ???)
Mercurial - Silas hates it when things don't go perfectly the first time around. It starts to bother him until it's the only thing he can think about… (Intensified, and usually counterproductive, consequences for experiencing some sort of personal failure.)


Big Sister - Silas's Big Sis and legal guardian. Her real name's Seraphine.
Kel Ibara - An acquaintance. Silas isn't sure what to make of Kel. He seems friendly, at least.
Sara Inoue - Silas's Class Representative. A kind person, but... in an annoying way, sometimes. He isn't sure if they're friends or not.
Silas no Mirai
Silas is having trouble… conceptualizing who his older sister is as a person, rather than as just his Big Sister. A fog settles in his mind whenever he tries to force himself to recall just these simple things. Perhaps he just needs a new perspective. Or an old one?
Objective 1: Gain Base Imagination +3. Base Imagination is increased by building positive habits, and not through Traits.
Reward: Big Sister becomes an interactable Character, more Objectives.

Midterms I
Silas needs to make it through his first slate of midterms to avoid being compelled to join remedial classes. Midterms take place at the end of the second week of May.

Each of the following conditions will improve the chance that Silas has a satisfactory result.
Condition 1: Silas has completed the "Studying" Habit. (Add +4 to midterms)
Condition 2: ??? (Add +4 to midterms)
Condition 3: Silas has a Smarts of at least 6 (Add +2 to midterms)
Condition 4: Silas's Charisma, Smarts, Imagination, and Physique combined is at least 12. (Add +2 to midterms)

At the end of the week of midterms, Silas will roll a 1d20, adding his modifiers. If he rolls higher than 12, he will succeed.
Character Database (Current)
  • Neighbors and shopkeepers.

    Eryk Nillis
    Eryk Nillis
    The 'Chief Horticulturist' of the Tenant's Association which owns and manages Silas's apartment tower. Gruff, but frank. He's Amberrish, probably.

    Silas knows almost nothing about this character.
    Miyuki Nillis
    Miyuki Nillis
    Eryk's niece. Somewhat cold. Works at the Greenhouse, probably.

    Silas knows almost nothing about this character.
  • Fellow Yamaha Senior High School students

    Yoshi Mikado ("Mikado-kun")
    Yoshi Mikado
    A student from Class 4-2. Self-conscious about his weight. Seems to be friendly and talkative. He runs some sort of computer club?

    Yoshi Mikado seems to be a bit of a Geek, but he's also Friendly. It might be easier to talk to him if Silas builds his Intelligence. Silas thinks it will be easier to get along with Mikado-kun than most.


    Seems to be on good terms with Ibara-kun?
    Kel Ibara("Ibara-kun")
    Kel Ibara
    A cool guy from Class 4-2. Likes cute things, is kind of aloof. He reminds Silas of a protagonist from an Eastern railroad drama.

    Conformity: -6

    Kel Ibara seems to be a Creative person. Silas might be able to approach him more easily if he is able to reciprocate Ibara-kun's Imaginative way of looking at the world. He also respects Silas's Pride.


    Seems to be on good terms with Mikado-kun?
    Tammy Aomori ("Aomori-san")
    Tammy Aomori
    A loudmouthed student from 4-2 who won't stop talking about the military. Seems like a person with many passions.

    Tammy Aomori seems to have a very Argumentative personality. It will probably be rather hard to get on her level unless Silas learns to be more Charismatic.


    Seems to greatly dislike Inoue-san?
    Sara Inoue ("Inoue-san")
    Sara Inoue
    The resident Class Representative of Class 4-2. A relatively calm seeming person who seems to be a stickler for properness, though she seems to be surprisingly levelheaded and fair when it comes to dealing with her classmates. She likes strategy games.

    Sara Inoue is very Studious, but she seems a bit Reserved. Despite her rather strict-looking outward appearance, she is easier to get along with than most people, because she does not care about Conformity in the slightest. Perhaps there's a story behind that.

    Nonjudgemental - Inoue seems to have a soft spot for those who are maladjusted to high school social standards. She doesn't think it's right to be treated poorly because of it. (Conformity has no effect on Inoue.)

    Seems to be greatly disliked by Aomori-san?
    Seems to be friends with Ibara-kun?
    Probably on good terms with Mikado-kun?
  • Whom?
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Hullo! Happy holidays! I hope your winters are mild and your dining tables full.

Sorry this took a while to come out! I was, eheh, preoccupied. Also, apologies if the vote format keeps changing from update to update. I'm still feeling out... how I want things to be represented. For readability and whatnot. Well... I'll leave y'all to it. :V
The people dressed as waitstaff kept on giving him dirty looks, too. It made him want to sink into his seat and disappear.
Did... We not order anything? Oh, dear.

[X] [Focus] ENGINEERING CLASSES, like Mathematics and Physics.

[X] [Action] Hover around class representative SARA INOUE. (CHA social check. DC 0)

We located the local extrovert; now we just need to wait for them to adopt us.

[X] [Action] He will continue his efforts at trying to figure out STUDYING. It's not just about doing it... it's about making it consistent. (Smarts check, DC 8)

These seem like good actions to me. The Class representative seems nice...

Merry Christmas Dreamer! I hope your holidays were good as well!
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[X] [Focus] LIBERAL ARTS CLASSES, like English, History, and Civics.
[X] [Action] He will try to focus on ATTENTIVE LISTENING. School has to be one of the best places to listen in on people, right? (Imagination check, DC 8).
[X] [Action] He will continue his efforts at trying to figure out STUDYING. It's not just about doing it... it's about making it consistent. (Smarts check, DC 8)
[X] [Focus] LIBERAL ARTS CLASSES, like English, History, and Civics.

[X] [Action] He will try to focus on ATTENTIVE LISTENING. School has to be one of the best places to listen in on people, right? (Imagination check, DC 8).

[X] [Action] Hang out with KEL IBARA, a quiet foreigner. (IMA social check. DC 6)

Happy Holidays everyone!
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[X] [Focus] PHYSICAL EDUCATION, including endurance and stamina.
[X] [Action] Hang out with KEL IBARA, a quiet foreigner. (IMA social check. DC 6)
[X] [Action] He will work on his STRATEGY GAMES fascination. He should have plenty of free time to find someone to play with. Inoue-san, maybe? (Smarts check, DC 8)

It's bulking time.
[X] [Focus] LIBERAL ARTS CLASSES, like English, History, and Civics.
[X] [Action] He will try to focus on ATTENTIVE LISTENING. School has to be one of the best places to listen in on people, right? (Imagination check, DC 8).
[X] [Action] He will continue his efforts at trying to figure out STUDYING. It's not just about doing it... it's about making it consistent. (Smarts check, DC 8)
[X] [Focus] ENGINEERING CLASSES, like Mathematics and Physics.
[X] [Action] Hover around class representative SARA INOUE. (CHA social check. DC 0)
[X] [Action] He will continue his efforts at trying to figure out STUDYING. It's not just about doing it... it's about making it consistent. (Smarts check, DC 8)
Silas was almost afraid to ask what was going on at her work, now.
As if he asked her about her work before. I guess he wasn't afraid to ask her then, he just didn't. :V

But there are bigger questions to ponder.
When did he buy all this? Was it always here?
Silas, mate, I know you were probably sprung up in a tube 3 weeks ago and still can't get your bearing straight, but even I have no idea how to take that. Have you not looked in once in all this time? Either it was Big Sister who ordered take outs for him, or he just didn't need to eat until he consciously thought about it for the first time.
At least his headphones were pretty high-quality. Noise-cancelling, even. If he put them on, he could almost pretend he was alone. Alone, in a crowded bar.

And if he put them on, but kept them off... he could listen.
Okay, I think we established he has an unusual rapport with nearby electronics, but noise-cancelling headphones that help listening in on people is a new height.

...and can't help but notice Silas isn't ordering anything. Seriously, what does he eat?
"Yeah, of course."

"Of course, of course..."

[x] [Focus] PHYSICAL EDUCATION, including endurance and stamina.

Now that we discovered the concept of food it has to go somewhere.

[x] [Action] Introduce himself to one of his CLASSMATES. (CHA social check. DC ???)

It is somewhat sad to only know four people by name in your third week in school, and only saying more than a couple words to perhaps two of them.
We need to get to know more people we won't be talking to!

[x] [Action] He will work on his STRATEGY GAMES fascination. He should have plenty of free time to find someone to play with. Inoue-san, maybe? (Smarts check, DC 8)

Will getting Attentive Listener help us cheat on exams? If not, I stick by my earlier choice. Midterms is a battle I am willing to lose to win the long campaign.
Preferably a DnD one.
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I don't see a way to get to 12 in... what, 3 turns? This might be possible... at the exclusion of everything else, and in that case I'd rather just fail midterms.

I barely can see a way to get up to 6 Smarts... if we level up Studying and Strategic games, and maybe get another point somehow. But that's the limit of what I think is possible without locking ourselves in the room to cram. It's not much of an improvement over locking ourselves in the room to game.
Okay, I think we established he has an unusual rapport with nearby electronics, but noise-cancelling headphones that help listening in on people is a new height.
I don't think he's doing anything special here. He's just wearing his headphones without playing audio or enabling the noise-cancelling function so people think he's occupied and don't bother him/ignore him when he's actually eavesdropping. Years ago I had an old pair of headphones where the noise cancelling function was battery powered and toggled via a switch. I could listen to music through them with it on or off depending on my preference (though honestly they were cheap and the noise cancelling wasn't great but I digress) so I assumed he had something similar. ...Though probably better than my old pair.
[X] [Focus] PHYSICAL EDUCATION, including endurance and stamina.
[X] [Action] He will try to focus on ATTENTIVE LISTENING. School has to be one of the best places to listen in on people, right? (Imagination check, DC 8).
[X] [Action] He will continue his efforts at trying to figure out STUDYING. It's not just about doing it... it's about making it consistent. (Smarts check, DC 8)
[X] [Focus] ENGINEERING CLASSES, like Mathematics and Physics.
[X] [Action] He will work on his STRATEGY GAMES fascination. He should have plenty of free time to find someone to play with. Inoue-san, maybe? (Smarts check, DC 8)
[X] [Action] He will continue his efforts at trying to figure out STUDYING. It's not just about doing it... it's about making it consistent. (Smarts check, DC 8)
[X] [Action] He will continue his efforts at trying to figure out STUDYING. It's not just about doing it... it's about making it consistent. (Smarts check, DC 8)
[X] [Action] He will work on his STRATEGY GAMES fascination. He should have plenty of free time to find someone to play with. Inoue-san, maybe? (Smarts check, DC 8)
[X] [Focus] LIBERAL ARTS CLASSES, like English, History, and Civics.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by LuciDreamer on Dec 30, 2022 at 1:21 AM, finished with 14 posts and 10 votes.
Tiebreaker Vote Reopening
Did we have another action tie?
Oh, shoot, we do.

Alright I'll do a quick vote to resolve this! We need to determine our second [Action] vote, and the vote is tied two ways:

[] [Action] He will try to focus on ATTENTIVE LISTENING. School has to be one of the best places to listen in on people, right? (Imagination check, DC 8).
[] [Action] He will work on his STRATEGY GAMES fascination. He should have plenty of free time to find someone to play with. Inoue-san, maybe? (Smarts check, DC 8)

Voting will be open for the next ~24 hours.
We are already completing this one, so

[X] [Action] He will try to focus on ATTENTIVE LISTENING. School has to be one of the best places to listen in on people, right? (Imagination check, DC 8).
[X] [Action] He will try to focus on ATTENTIVE LISTENING. School has to be one of the best places to listen in on people, right? (Imagination check, DC 8).