well personally i don't like atlas so i'm aiming for total societal collapse and kill salem later,but yeah that's pretty much the plan on my end.Saying that...do we have a plan on how to actually get to Salem currently or are we just gonna destroy Atlas and then jump through hola hoops to get to her later?
Binah motions around herself. All magical girls are on the ground now. Deathly pale, shaking ever so slightly. They well remember that day and forever will. "The White Nights And Dark Days planted a seed of change in an unchanging City. Yet the incomplete light weakened it, so that many who should find strength instead shed their humanity. They declined, following their final desire with obsessive need. Hence why I have clarity now, child.
Though I find it funny that Binah actually successfully threatened Carmen. To think the goddess of light herself would have such a weak spine.
The original plan was for it to be either E.G.O or none at all.I do wonder if Distortions would still be a thing even if we only have seven consecutive White Nights, though. I don't remember anything about Distortions stopping even after Angela released the Light for seven days, it changed a bit but it seems like it's still happening. I guess one can argue that it's Roland's fault for stopping it just before she dissolved in the Light and completed the Seed?
The original plan was for it to be either E.G.O or none at all.
But Carmen and Ayin surprisingly didn't die when they dissolved into the light. So Distortions became a thing.
Given that Carmen is still around, that's pretty much a given.Distortions are probably still happening across the City even after White Nights 2.
Leviathan has one show up, so yeah, they still exist.There's an adage about best laid plans and all that to be said here.
Also, I just remembered that Dante exists. Distortions are probably still happening across the City even after White Nights 2.
Honestly speaking. This course of action is probably the evilest Binah will act. Because we are working for the fall of Atlas, a genuinely massive amount of civilians will die, industries will probably be destroyed, the global Remnant economy will likely be fucked over side way for a while, and Ozpin himself will definitely not view us as an ally for some time.
Love will probably try to fight against this unless she is gaslighted/manipulated by Binah into cooperating, P-Bird too...
Or at least, that's depending on how...extreme his revenge is. It could be far simpler and less widespread than that. Like having Ironwood lose his job and Jacques being forced to step down from his position.