Mechs vs Kaiju: The start

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A world where monsters are spawned randomly to cause havoc. You will make mechs capable of fighting them!

The basics around this quest is, the more research is done into mechs and the more powerful they get, the more powerful the kaiju will get.

Use plans!
Start of the mechs
A world where monsters are spawned randomly to cause havoc. You will make mechs capable of fighting them! At the start monsters will only range from category 1-2 and danger ratings of 3-10. You will also start with…. not the best technology for fighting giant monsters.

Rules for monster classification:

Categories are specifically for telling how big a monster is.

Category 1: Monsters range from 15-25 feet tall.

Category 2: Monsters range from 25-45 feet tall.

Danger rating is specifically for telling how dangerous a monster is.

1-3: Most human technology can take on these monsters. At the lower end these guys have trouble moving.

4-7: Human technology has some trouble fighting these monsters, a mech will fight monsters of these danger ratings most of the time. The monsters on this scale have the potential to take down mechs.

8-10: Current human technology besides potentially that of mechs, cannot hurt these beings effectively. They are extremely dangerous to current mechs.

10+: Mechs will almost invariably die to these beings with current technology.

A person in a junkyard has just finished their first project. A mech that could fight the very monsters that terrorize their home. They have worked on it, crafting the parts and controls to give the user, whoever that may be, basic control over the mech. This mech was a humanoid mech.

What was this person's name?

[]Write in?




Choose your mech size(Can't be taller than 30 feet):

[]Category 1 mech(20 feet tall):
Has 2 slots for weapons, at base 10 Hp, at base takes 1 energy for movement and attacks, has 10 energy maximum, and can equip 2 small generators. Stats: Strength 3, agility 4, and 10 hp.

[]Category 2 mech(30 feet tall): Has 3 slots for weapons, at base 15 Hp, at base takes 3 energy for movement and attacks, has 20 energy maximum, and can equip 3 small generators or 1 medium generator. Stats: Strength 5, agility 3, and 15 hp.

You have 10 points to build your weapons, armor, and generator for your mech.

Choose wisely.(Also use all 10 points if you can. Must have 1 generator at minimum.):

(Can choose 1 once each.):

[]Mace(Costs 1 point):
Takes up 1 weapon slot. Deals 1d2 damage plus mechs strength total. Mechs attacks lose 1 agility while attacking with this.
Description: A hunk of metal called a mace. Perfect for mechs to wield when no other weapon is available.

[]Long nail(Costs 3 points): Takes up 1 weapon slot. Deals 1d3 damage plus mechs strength total. Can be left inside a kaiju for continuous damage. When left inside a vital kaiju spot, kaiju loses -1 agility while left in.
Description: A 6 foot long pole that ends in a sharp tip, made out of scrap. Meant to impair a kaiju's movement.

[]Anti-tank rifle Mk0.5(Costs 6 points): Takes up 1 weapon slot. Deals 1d4+2 damage per hit and takes 8 seconds to reload. Can carry 3 rounds with a category 1 mech and 5 with a category 2 mech. Range: 10-30 units.
Description: A personally made anti-tank rifle prototype that has trouble piercing armor. It can however make an effective weapon against kaiju for the newly born mechs. It is attached to the mechs arm.

Armor(Can only choose 1):

[]Scrap armor(Costs 2 points):
Adds 3 health to mech. Prevents direct damage to mech. Note: In other words prevents your arms being ripped off 1-2 turns into engagement.

[]Refined scrap armor(Costs 4 points): Adds 6 health to mech. Prevents direct damage to mech. Note: In other words prevents your arms being ripped off 1-2 turns into engagement.

Generator(Can choose multiple times. Generators can be turned on and off separately):

[]Small coal engine(Costs 1 point):
Creates 2 energy per turn. Lasts 4 turns of combat. Engine has 3 Hp.

[]Medium coal engine(Costs 3 points): Creates 5 energy per turn. Lasts 6 turns of combat. Engine has 5 Hp.

If you got questions, ask! Also I'll roll for your first pilot to see how effective they are in their mech. So have fun with that!

This quest will consist of downtime between mech vs kaiju battles, where you will make mechs, repair mechs, disassemble kaiju, research weapons and improvements for mechs, create teams to help you etc.

Meanwhile during kaiju battles, your pilot will go into battles, based on both their skill and your orders, fight the monsters!

Anyway use plans!
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[x] Plan Let Me Mace You a Question
-[x] Male
-[x] Name: Alexander York
-[x] Category 2 mech(30 feet tall):
-[x] Mace x2 (2 points)
-[x] Long Nail x1 (3 Points)
-[x] Scrap Armor (2 Points)
-[x] Medium Coal Engine (3 Points)
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Well, I do like mechs...

Not the best at making plans though, might wait to see what other people come up with
[x] Plan Hold the Line
-[x] Male
-[x] Name: Alexander York
-[x] Category 2 mech(30 feet tall):
-[x] Mace (1 point)
-[x] Anti-tank Rifle (1 Point)
-[x] Refined Scrap Armor (4 Points)
-[x] Medium Coal Engine (4 Points)
-[x] Small Coal Engine (1 Point)
Anti tank rifle is 6 points. And you can equip a medium engine on category 2 mech or equip 3 small coal engines.

Edit: Also medium coal engine is 3 points and you only have 10 points to pick your choices.
[x] Plan Let Me Mace You a Question
-[x] Male
-[x] Name: Alexander York
-[x] Category 2 mech(30 feet tall):
-[x] Mace x2 (2 points)
-[x] Long Nail x1 (3 Points)
-[x] Scrap Armor (2 Points)
-[x] Medium Coal Engine (3 Points)

Title is a deliberate dumb non-pun.

Basically, stab the kaiju with the nail then beat it up with the maces. Couldn't make the numbers work with Refined Armor sadly, least not without taking 3 maces, which seemed excessive.
[x]plan:up close and personal
-[x]Name Noah Ark
-[x]Category 2 mech(30 feet tall): Has 3 slots for weapons, at base 15 Hp, at base takes 3 energy for movement and attacks, has 20 energy maximum, and can equip 3 small generators or 1 medium generator. Stats: Strength 5, agility 3, and 15 hp.
-[x]Mace(Costs 1 point): Takes up 1 weapon slot. Deals 1d2 damage plus mechs strength total. Mechs attacks lose 1 agility while attacking with this.
Description: A hunk of metal called a mace. Perfect for mechs to wield when no other weapon is available.: 3 maces
-[x]Refined scrap armor(Costs 4 points): Adds 6 health to mech. Prevents direct damage to mech. Note: In other words prevents your arms being ripped off 1-2 turns into engagement.
-[x]Small coal engine(Costs 1 point): Creates 2 energy per turn. Lasts 4 turns of combat. Engine has 3 Hp.:three small coal engines
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Ditched the maces with the assumption that we'll probably get better weapons later anyways.
[x] Plan Let Me Mace You a Question
-[x] Female
-[x] Name: Alexa Jones
-[x] Category 2 mech(30 feet tall):
-[x] Long Nail x1 (3 Points)
-[x] Refined Scrap Armor (4 Points)
-[x] Medium Coal Engine (3 Points)
No I don't
3 small coal engines = 3 points
3 maces = 3 points
Refined scrap armor =4 points 4+3+3=10
Ima be honest, I didn't notice you put 3 small coal engines at the end. Normally you'd put x3 at the start. For instance-
[]x3 Small coal engine(Costs 1 point):

I would never have noticed you putting those words at the end, if not for you saying you did.

Edit: I also just noticed you put 3 maces in there.
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Ima be honest, I didn't notice you put 3 small coal engines at the end. Normally you'd put x3 at the start. For instance-
[]x3 Small coal engine(Costs 1 point):

I would never have noticed you putting those words at the end, if not for you saying you did.

Edit: I also just noticed you put 3 maces in there.
Should I fix that as well? And yes~ three maces two to. Duel Wield and one in case the monster breaks them or they break
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Weapon wielding
Alright I might as well make an official statement with this:

You can't wield 3 maces at once. Duel wielding is only possible because you have 2 arms. You don't have 3 arms. You can still pick 3 maces, but why? Our mech can only use what fits into its hands, that's our technology right now. There's no third arm that magically appears to wield a third.

If your wondering, the anti tank rifle is installed on the right arm of the mech, which could allow the 3 weapon at once dream. I just have no idea how to make 3 maces work unless we are using one as a back up.

So for final say, I'll put in the future under weapons descriptions: Installed or wieldable.

Basically means that you don't need to use your hands to hold this weapon. This weapon is already installed in a position to be used without the need to hold it.

You need to pick up this weapon to use it. You need your hands to use this weapon.

Hope that clears up some stuff.
Alright I might as well make an official statement with this:

You can't wield 3 maces at once. Duel wielding is only possible because you have 2 arms. You don't have 3 arms. You can still pick 3 maces, but why? Our mech can only use what fits into its hands, that's our technology right now. There's no third arm that magically appears to wield a third.

If your wondering, the anti tank rifle is installed on the right arm of the mech, which could allow the 3 weapon at once dream. I just have no idea how to make 3 maces work unless we are using one as a back up.

So for final say, I'll put in the future under weapons descriptions: Installed or wieldable.

Basically means that you don't need to use your hands to hold this weapon. This weapon is already installed in a position to be used without the need to hold it.

You need to pick up this weapon to use it. You need your hands to use this weapon.

Hope that clears up some stuff.
Is it possible to have on on your hip? Or held on your waist? Not wield all three but be able to handle them? Just in case one of are weapons breaks
Is it possible to have on on your hip? Or held on your waist? Not wield all three but be able to handle them? Just in case one of are weapons breaks
The two maces are on your hip/back. That's where they are when not being wielded. I'm not saying you can't pick 3 maces, I'm saying that you are not physically capable of wielding 3. Hell I'm already planning on giving dual wielding maces a malus to attacks.
Let me mace you a question! 2!
So since we have two plans with the same name, I'm just going to refer to them on the wheel as mace 1 and mace 2. We have 3 plans in total.

Spin... Mace 2 wins.

This one.
[x] Plan Let Me Mace You a Question
-[x] Female
-[x] Name: Alexa Jones
-[x] Category 2 mech(30 feet tall):
-[x] Long Nail x1 (3 Points)
-[x] Refined Scrap Armor (4 Points)
-[x] Medium Coal Engine (3 Points)
Scheduled vote count started by Blackangel on Dec 12, 2022 at 3:25 PM, finished with 18 posts and 3 votes.

  • [x] Plan Let Me Mace You a Question
    -[x] Male
    -[x] Name: Alexander York
    -[x] Category 2 mech(30 feet tall):
    -[x] Mace x2 (2 points)
    -[x] Long Nail x1 (3 Points)
    -[x] Scrap Armor (2 Points)
    -[x] Medium Coal Engine (3 Points)
    [x]plan:up close and personal
    -[x]Name Noah Ark
    -[x]Category 2 mech(30 feet tall): Has 3 slots for weapons, at base 15 Hp, at base takes 3 energy for movement and attacks, has 20 energy maximum, and can equip 3 small generators or 1 medium generator. Stats: Strength 5, agility 3, and 15 hp.
    -[x]Mace(Costs 1 point): Takes up 1 weapon slot. Deals 1d2 damage plus mechs strength total. Mechs attacks lose 1 agility while attacking with this.
    -[x]Refined scrap armor(Costs 4 points): Adds 6 health to mech. Prevents direct damage to mech. Note: In other words prevents your arms being ripped off 1-2 turns into engagement.
    -[x]Small coal engine(Costs 1 point): Creates 2 energy per turn. Lasts 4 turns of combat. Engine has 3 Hp.:three small coal engines
    [x] Plan Let Me Mace You a Question
    -[x] Female
    -[x] Name: Alexa Jones
    -[x] Category 2 mech(30 feet tall):
    -[x] Long Nail x1 (3 Points)
    -[x] Refined Scrap Armor (4 Points)
    -[x] Medium Coal Engine (3 Points)
Your mechs and pilots
First mech: Unnamed
Pilot: Dianna Corton
Description: Dianna Corton has been kept from the front lines due to being a woman. So she looked for every other way of helping she could, everywhere from attempting to be an ammo runner, to a nurse, to even a simple bell ringer for when the kaiju attack, all of this she was rejected.
So imagine her surprise when the local crazy woman showed her what she's been working on. A mech designed to carry the user, protecting them from battle and demolishing the kaiju. What's more she told Dianna that the mech was only as good as the pilot, requiring skill and to keep calm under pressure.
To say that she was ecstatic was an understatement, promising right then and there to do anything needed for her to be the pilot.

She's trained her whole life to fight kaiju, yet those around her prevented her from ever getting ahold of a gun. So she practiced in melee weapons to train her body. Effect: Melee weapons have a +10 chance to hit their target.
The promise: She's been given a chance that she thought she'd never get and doesn't want to mess this up. So she takes orders like a champ. Effect: Greater chance of following orders.

Dodge a wrench:
She's bad at dodging attacks. It comes from the fact that no one wanted to encourage her to fight or train, so no one would train with her. This led to her never thinking of practicing dodging skills. Effect: Takes -20 to dodging rolls.
Category 2 mech(30 feet tall): Has 3 slots for weapons, at base 15 Hp, at base takes 3 energy for movement and attacks, has 20 energy maximum, and can equip 3 small generators or 1 medium generator. Stats: Strength 5, agility 3, and 15 hp.

Long Nail: Takes up 1 weapon slot. Deals 1d3 damage plus mechs strength total. Can be left inside a kaiju for continuous damage. When left inside a vital kaiju spot, kaiju loses -1 agility while left in.
Description: A 6 foot long pole that ends in a sharp tip, made out of scrap. Meant to impair a kaiju's movement.

Refined Scrap Armor: Adds 6 health to mech. Prevents direct damage to mech. Note: In other words prevents your arms being ripped off 1-2 turns into engagement.

Medium coal engine: Creates 5 energy per turn. Lasts 6 turns of combat. Engine has 5 Hp.
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First Kaiju battle! Northern wall.
[x] Plan Let Me Mace You a Question
-[x] Female
-[x] Name: Alexa Jones
-[x] Category 2 mech(30 feet tall):
-[x] Long Nail x1 (3 Points)
-[x] Refined Scrap Armor (4 Points)
-[x] Medium Coal Engine (3 Points)

A humanoid mech, 30 feet tall, considered a category 2, had been built on this day. It was a beast of technology, all made by one person, well two to be exact.

Alexa Jones, the designer of the mech and Dianna Corton, the pilot of the mech. Alexa was known as the 'Local crazy woman' who would make contraptions to fight kaiju. She'd be an outcast if she didn't invent the city's rifle division's kaiju rifles.

Those rifles, along with flame barrels, were the only technology they had when it came to fighting off kaiju.

They were both standing in the junkyard, the only place this thing could be built. There was no other place in Dana city with as much scrap metal or spare parts as the junkyard. It took months to build this with the 2 of them alone. It took about a week alone to just get the support system for when the mech's not activated, just so it's always ready to go.

Alexa seemed to just admire at it before speaking "This should in all weigh about 18 tons, we didn't have the best metal to use but it's still metal-"

Dianna who couldn't wait much longer "Can I give it a test ride?!"

"…Yes, yes you may-" woooooo they both looked at each other as an alarm went off "-that's the kaiju alarm right?"

Dianna was already in the process of opening the mech suit "They only use that if there's a breach! Get the engine on!" Wooooo

Alert citizens!
2 kaiju, threat rating 3, category 1, have broken through the wall on the northern side of Dana city. They appear to stand on 4 legs and have a head that's insect like in nature with horns resembling that of a ram.
Report to your local bunker as soon as possible!

While the alarm was repeating Alexa had already gotten to the coal engine to start it, with Dianna inside the mech attaching the controls to herself. Within 5 seconds both tasks were complete, the mech seemed to come to life.

The mech raised itself off its supports, coming to its full height, before grabbing the long nail next to it and putting it on its back. Charging out of the junkyard towards the northern wall.

Citizens who were making their way towards the bunkers were shocked into silence seeing the giant mech running towards the northern wall, just to see Alexa Jones, the crazy woman, running after the giant with a radio box in hand.

At the northern wall…

General Tact was having a bad day, a very bad day. Two kaiju had shown up and started attacking the wall. One kaiju would charge the wall, bash into it, than retreat, than the other kaiju would charge the same spot, then repeat. What's more, the kaiju's skulls were extremely durable, the kaiju rifle rounds just bounced off their heads.

This meant that he couldn't even target a kaiju weak spot to hopefully drive it away, the eyes. The eyes could take a lot of damage but if one of the eyes got taken out, the kaiju would run away fearing that the other eye would be gone too. Normally the rifle divisions did this while there was a wall in between them and the kaiju, so the kaiju would think it's not worth it.

None of that knowledge mattered now, the kaiju blew a hole in their wall and were currently bashing anything in sight. The only reason they haven't gone further into the city was simply that the rifle divisions were firing from the walls and buildings, trying to attract the kaiju their way.

It was working for now, buying very valuable time for the flame barrels to be brought up. Flame barrels were a concept made true by Alexa Jones, while considered crazy by everyone, he thought differently. Before she came along, flame barrels were not a good tactic against kaiju.

They were extremely expensive to make, requiring oil and resources we just did not have. She on the other hand made flame barrels that used kaiju blood and a few other key components from the kaiju's body. They burned longer and hotter than the previous barrels too, meaning if we could light one on a kaiju, we could win very easily.

Which brought us to this point in time. Tact had radioed for flame barrels to be brought up from the warehouse to the northern wall, as soon as he saw the rifles' rounds bounce off the kaiju's heads. He watched as another charge hit the wall leading to a man almost falling down, before he was caught by a fellow trooper, saving him from certain death.

Rumble bang bang BANG

Then he heard a rumble with a banging noise hitting the ground. He whirled thinking another kaiju showed up. Then he saw it, a giant humanoid machine running towards the kaiju, with none other than Alexa Jones running right after it, yelling something into a radio box.

"-Stop here we gotta talk tactics with the general! It will only take a moment!" Noise that the general couldn't quite make out spoke from the radio. "Ok got it. Hey Tact! My invention finally got finished! Think we could help?"

The general grinned.

Battle situation:

Kaiju #1 known as Dus and Kaiju #2 is known as Dun. Both are identical.

Dus is currently 30 units north from the mech, it doesn't see you as it's bashing itself into the wall, which is 35 units away.

Dun is currently 24 units east, near a building, it sees you and appears to be stomping its feet in challenge.

There are 2 Rifle teams active on the field. Rifle team #1 is on the wall, 35 units north and rifle team #2 is inside the building, 30 units east.

Both teams have 2 ammo left. Each able to fire twice, with range being 40 units.

Your mech can move 5 units per point of agility it has.

How do you fight the kaiju? Do you have any requests of the Rifle teams?(Focus fire on target, etc.)

[]Write in?

So the pilot rolled a 67! So you got above average! Also I spun the wheel for which kaiju would be the tutorial. You got the duo, Dus and Dun!

Anyway if you got questions, just ask! Use plans!

Edit: Useful info. Rifle teams deal 1d2 damage per shot.
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Very simple overview of our current situation.

Very basic plan i hammered together but i dont have the capacity for more today.

[X] Plan Distraction Carni- Mech!
-[X] Begin charging at Dus while taunting Dun.
--[X] Request Rifle team 2 to hold fire and allow Dun to focus their attention on us, allowing them to shoot it in the back

@Blackangel Do you want us to plan turn for turn or give overarching plans where you only stop if something goes wrong?
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Very simple overview of our current situation.

Very basic plan i hammered together but i dont have the capacity for more today.

[X] Plan Distraction Carni- Mech!
-[X] Begin charging at Dus while taunting Dun.
--[X] Request Rifle team 2 to hold fire and allow Dun to focus their attention on us, allowing them to shoot it in the back

@Blackangel Do you want us to plan turn for turn or give overarching plans where you only stop if something goes wrong?
I'll only stop if something goes wrong, something major happens, or your approaching your limit.

Just so you know, you can just give a general plan and than say certain keywords like:

Keep it defensive, offensive, etc.

Edit: Forgot to mention this, but your pilot is capable of decisions on their own. Basically if their known to be aggressive, they will be aggressive if you didn't say what to do in a situation.

Just realized that turn to turn would be better for this type of quest. So forget what was stated above.
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