Succubusekai: The Demoness Just Wanted To Stay With Her Friends! [Original-Ish] [Quest]

Arc 1, Chapter 1.1.3: Cute But Terrifying
[x] (Combat Incoming) Intimidate them into surrendering. (Could be a tricky check… But Helen can give you Advantage easily.)

"Are you really that stupid?", you declare firmly, letting your form shift to reveal demonic wings and a tail. You also stop concentrating on detect thoughts, throwing some faerie fire on a chair behind you to cast a purple light behind you - and shadows in front. Classic theatrics.

One of the three immediately stops, and the leader and other one slow.

"Let me tell you exactly how this goes if one of you steps toward us with your weapons out," you continue. "First, you have to keep in mind, the Paladin over there? She's not charmed. She's not faking being a Paladin. She is working with a Succubus, willingly and knowingly, and she has not fallen as a result of it. In other words, her goddess is actively fine with working with me."

The speech is enough to get them to stop approaching, for at least a few seconds, while Eira's working on the door.

"So, let's say you three were to team up on and overwhelm her. You'd still have to deal with me, who is practically immune to those stupid wavy daggers. By that point, our other friend will have the door open, and you'll be the ones committing violent assault, meaning it's not us who the guards will be attacking."

They visibly tense, as you continue. "And all that? That's if I don't, say, use any of my magical abilities to say…"

You smirk. And then you're behind them.

"... Make sure you can't focus in one direction."

One of the assistants shrieks.

"Also, I'm giving you too much credit. Any one of us, alone, could take all three of you out pretty easily. Without even having to use any lethal weaponry. I did that to four of your compatriots, solo, mere days ago." Not entirely true, but they've no way to know that.

"So, do us a bit of a favor," Helen finishes, "and give up NOW."

Senaz's Intimidate Check (with advantage from Helen): (11,20)+6+2 (circumstance bonus for the light trick) = 28 vs. DC 20

… You banish the Faerie Fire as all three drop to their knees, dropping their daggers to the ground and kneeling.

Now you use a bit of telepathic communication. Think I should make the point by stepping on the boss?, you ask Helen and Eira.

Eira's the first to respond; having experience with psionics, she immediately understands how to reply, and her response is predictably impulsive. Do it~

Helen takes a second to adjust to the telepathic communication. I think it a bit excessive. But only a bit.

Okay, probably go one step back from that. You walk up until you're standing over the leader. "Explain your orders," you declare firmly. "Do not make me ask twice."

"U-um, so, uh," the man stammers, trying desperately not to look up lest he draw your ire, "The High Priestess said, um, pretend to be Flammites, be loud about wanting to fight evil, join up with whoever looks competent, then stab 'em in the back and flee as if we'd narrowly escaped a horrible death, repeat."

Helen pauses. "And how many times have you done this?"

"U-um. Once."

A 'click' indicates that Eira's been focusing on the door this entire time and just got it open, while Helen continues, "So you'll be reporting to the guards for intentionally murdering one adventuring party, providing us directions to Chaos Mountain and any key knowledge you have, and attempting to repent for your crimes. Right?"

"Y-yes ma'am."

Helen's eye visibly twitches at the "ma'am" part, but she declares, "Good. Lead the way. And do keep in mind, the support of the Keep is optional to our saving it, so trying to screw us over in front of the guards may end particularly poorly."

You nod.


They're smart enough to not try anything. Brought to the jail at the bailiff's tower, they're too terrified to try anything like outing you as a demoness. They quickly provide you directions to the northeastish, and then just sulk into the guards' hands.

Eira sighs. "Would've been funnier to see you actually step on them."

Helen shakes her head. "They might actually repent this way. But I doubt we'll be seeing much of them anytime soon regardless."

Their prompt confession to the guards, combined with a quick comb of their apartment revealing they were definitely not consistent with the Flammite faith confirming the claim, probably saved you a lot of trouble. They'd flat out admitted their intent would've been to lead you into Chaos Mountain and immediately try to kill you… And that they were fairly certain they wouldn't even be needed.

It is true, all three of you are new to serious adventuring. Finding some milder opportunities before going for the mountain might be a very good idea.

The problem is how to find the strongest opportunities. Or maybe you're best off just… Going for it.

"So… The question is, how do we start?", you say. "Besides finding out a potential source was in fact out to kill people like us."

Helen pauses. "Well, we've got a few potential things to track down. Those bandits seem like the most immediate concern to me. Deal with them, and the route connecting Arnstey Keep to the rest of the Kingdom becomes more stable."

Eira pauses. "Just as long as we don't go after those spiders, I'm good. But we do know where Chaos Mountain itself is… Starting that way could work. Don't dive right in until we have more know-what-we're-doing and have built our abilities a bit, but seeing what's en route could help us do things.

You ponder a couple other rumors…

[ ] (Objective Seeking Behavior) Continue to rumor-seek around the keep before you go out.
[ ] (Objective Seeking Behavior) Look into Helen's book; you may not have enough seed money or the right skills to build something yet, but working on some modernized tech could be a revolution - and very profitable.
[ ] (Objective Seeking Behavior) Just pick a direction (anything from North to East to South) and try going out for a few hours, see what you might find. Risk level unpredictable.
[ ] (Objective Seeking Behavior) Try going directly along the road to the east, until it curves north, then go off to the west. Supposedly, that's the Chaos Mountain area. Risk level high, but lower if you don't actually go into the mountain proper.
[ ] (Objective Seeking Behavior) Try for that Orc tribe to the southeast - they're on the good side apparently, and chances to help them out could provide easy opportunities to build goodwill and also your skills. Though you don't know what's in between you and their area for sure, there's a nonzero chance that's where the spiders are.
[ ] (Objective Seeking BehaviNOPE) Go for the spiders You can feel Eira's glare at merely thinking about this one.
[ ] (Objective Seeking Behavior) Those bandits - if you can track them down, that could be good. You don't know which way they'd be, but they'd need to be nearish the road, right?
[ ] (Objective Seeking Behavior) Those Lizardfolk… Why are they so aggressive? Facing them down could be good. (... But they might be able to kick your ass.)
[ ] (Objective Seeking Behavior) Write-In another target.

… As you consider your options, though, Helen thinks to ask. "What made you suspicious of the Priest?"

"A few things," you respond. "The first was how generic his blessing was. I doubt real Flammites would be so… Whitebread."

Eira tilts her head in confusion, but it draws a laugh from the Paladin - good to know that's still a Good One diss three centuries hence from your time. You continue, "Like, Flamma's the Party Goddess right? So it didn't look right and such a flat blessing sounded wrong, even if I don't know offhand what a proper one would sound like. After that, I felt like I had to test things a bit. So I threw out an odd wording. If it were a real priest, he'd have actually cast detect evil, and spotted something off. If he were real, I'd have needed your help to talk through the situation, but he'd also understand me being a bit paranoid."

Helen pauses for a second or two. "... You were doing more than that, too."

"Yup. Detect Thoughts," you clarify. "Not the ethically greatest pick…"

"But a sure way to catch someone who isn't expecting it," Helen responds. "Not my favorite choice of tools, but effective."

You nod. "I kinda considered more aggressive solutions for a bit… But then, well, he went for the attack before I could switch."

Helen makes the connection to what you're implying but not stating, and nods. "I'm pleased it did not come to that. That you went to less nasty tools first. Hopefully, we won't need to use your mind controlling powers too much."

"Says you," Eira says with her tongue out. Immediately, to prevent a potential argument, you step in - "It's a bit awkward given the entire nature of my wish, but I get where you're coming from," you respond. "Not that I'm going to completely refuse it always, but the less often I use it, the better."

That… Seems to satisfy both Helen and Eira. Still something to keep a handle on, but useful for now. Time to keep moving. "Good news is, the Divine Cartel seems legit."

… Did you just say that out loud?

Based on Helen and Eira blankly staring, you immediately clarify, "Um, sorry, that's what I was taught to think of them as."

Helen chuckles. "I mean, it's not wrong, just… Extremely uncharitable as I'd suspect from one trained by demons. The Fourteen are the major gods of our world, and more-or-less aligned. They're not uniformly The Good Guys - there's a reason the cultists tried to fake being Flammites, since her attitudes can absolutely end up badly interpreted by her followers and become 'drunken chaos' - but they tend to agree on a few things at least."

You nod. "It might be worth some… Um. Review. So I don't use that phrase next time for one."

Helen chuckles. "I'm sure the Priest of Aurora would not like that phrasing, no. So, later in, remedial Gods training, including the boons you'd expect them to have - that one's a good way to catch fakes."

[ ] (God Lessons) Work with Helen and Eira alone on this. (The stable, safe route.)
[ ] (God Lessons) Try asking at the actual church. (They already know something is up with you honestly, and it has a chance of getting an extra clue or two about the region.)
[ ] (God Lessons) Don't bother, you'll be fiiiiine.


As a note, all three of the party are currently at 350 XP between Senaz versus the four cultists and the averted encounter with three just now. (Assume Helen gained 200 from fights before reaching the first village and from besting Senaz, and Eira from past encounters before she fled.)

Also, here's what of the area you know so far, courtesy of maps at ( ). West of the edge here is "Making The QM Improvise Stuff, Plz No".

EDIT: And I remembered to set the Vote Tally this time.
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[X] (Objective Seeking Behavior) Those bandits - if you can track them down, that could be good. You don't know which way they'd be, but they'd need to be nearish the road, right?

Probably the safest available level-grinding and goodwill-seeking measure.

[X] (God Lessons) Work with Helen and Eira alone on this. (The stable, safe route.)

Honestly, I'd expect Helen to know as much as we need to.
Bandits seem like a safe bet, followed by reaching out to the Orc Tribe. But I figure that the bandits are between us and the Orcs anyway, so we might as well get them out of the way first.

WRT the god lessons, iirc we did kind of reveal that there was something up with us when we had them "lower the holy aura" of the temple so we could walk inside without pain. And given how we followed up on their lead about the fake Flammite priest, we should hopefully be on good enough terms for them to look the other way if we let anything questionable slip.
[X] (Objective Seeking Behavior) Those bandits - if you can track them down, that could be good. You don't know which way they'd be, but they'd need to be nearish the road, right?
[X] (God Lessons) Try asking at the actual church. (They already know something is up with you honestly, and it has a chance of getting an extra clue or two about the region.)
[X] (Objective Seeking Behavior) Those bandits - if you can track them down, that could be good. You don't know which way they'd be, but they'd need to be nearish the road, right?
[X] (God Lessons) Work with Helen and Eira alone on this. (The stable, safe route.)
[X] (Objective Seeking Behavior) Those bandits - if you can track them down, that could be good. You don't know which way they'd be, but they'd need to be nearish the road, right?

[X] (God Lessons) Try asking at the actual church. (They already know something is up with you honestly, and it has a chance of getting an extra clue or two about the region.)
Bandits seem like a safe bet, followed by reaching out to the Orc Tribe. But I figure that the bandits are between us and the Orcs anyway, so we might as well get them out of the way first.

WRT the god lessons, iirc we did kind of reveal that there was something up with us when we had them "lower the holy aura" of the temple so we could walk inside without pain. And given how we followed up on their lead about the fake Flammite priest, we should hopefully be on good enough terms for them to look the other way if we let anything questionable slip.

The Orc Tribe themselves aren't necessarily the issue... GETTING TO THEM is the bigger concern.
[X] (Objective Seeking Behavior) Those bandits - if you can track them down, that could be good. You don't know which way they'd be, but they'd need to be nearish the road, right?
[X] (God Lessons) Try asking at the actual church. (They already know something is up with you honestly, and it has a chance of getting an extra clue or two about the region.)
Voting Orc tribe because they sound potentially more interesting than bandits.

[X] (Objective Seeking Behavior) Try for that Orc tribe to the southeast - they're on the good side apparently, and chances to help them out could provide easy opportunities to build goodwill and also your skills. Though you don't know what's in between you and their area for sure, there's a nonzero chance that's where the spiders are.

[X] (God Lessons) Work with Helen and Eira alone on this. (The stable, safe route.)
The strategic part of my brain wants to avoid any plan that unnecessarily spreads around clues about Senaz's outside-context advantage, and thus worries about what inferences trained clerics might draw from Senaz's specific constellation of blind spots, when combined with her vulnerability to wards against elemental evil.

But... the "interesting story" part of my brain wants to have Senaz ask around at the temple directly, and I can't come up with any specific problems that would arise from it that are worth worrying about right now.
[X] (God Lessons) Try asking at the actual church. (They already know something is up with you honestly, and it has a chance of getting an extra clue or two about the region.)

I could go either way on the bandit lead or the orc lead, so I'll vote for the less popular one so they both have a chance.
[X] (Objective Seeking Behavior) Try for that Orc tribe to the southeast - they're on the good side apparently, and chances to help them out could provide easy opportunities to build goodwill and also your skills. Though you don't know what's in between you and their area for sure, there's a nonzero chance that's where the spiders are.
[X] (Objective Seeking Behavior) Those bandits - if you can track them down, that could be good. You don't know which way they'd be, but they'd need to be nearish the road, right?

^Also they probably know at least something about the cultists and should be relatively easily coviced to talk
[X] (God Lessons) Work with Helen and Eira alone on this. (The stable, safe route.)
Fifty-foot hexes?

We'd be able to get a better idea of the surrounding terrain than that just by standing on the walls and looking out around.
[X] (Objective Seeking Behavior) Try for that Orc tribe to the southeast - they're on the good side apparently, and chances to help them out could provide easy opportunities to build goodwill and also your skills. Though you don't know what's in between you and their area for sure, there's a nonzero chance that's where the spiders are.
[X] (God Lessons) Work with Helen and Eira alone on this. (The stable, safe route.)
Consider the fog to represent areas you haven't had a chance to look over closely; I'll try to, when my headspace is up for it, describe the broader area better.
The map and its internal logic are fine; this just feels really small on the scale of fortified settlements and distances that a person can see with a reasonable standard of accuracy.

It's a fine and good map, and the way it's set up with fog and all is fine, it's just that the scale makes me o_O a bit. At that scale, you could cover the whole distance from the settlement to the point where the road crosses the map boundary at a leisurely amble in like five minutes
[X] (God Lessons) Try asking at the actual church. (They already know something is up with you honestly, and it has a chance of getting an extra clue or two about the region.)

[X] (Objective Seeking Behavior) Try for that Orc tribe to the southeast - they're on the good side apparently, and chances to help them out could provide easy opportunities to build goodwill and also your skills. Though you don't know what's in between you and their area for sure, there's a nonzero chance that's where the spiders are.
The map and its internal logic are fine; this just feels really small on the scale of fortified settlements and distances that a person can see with a reasonable standard of accuracy.

It's a fine and good map, and the way it's set up with fog and all is fine, it's just that the scale makes me o_O a bit. At that scale, you could cover the whole distance from the settlement to the point where the road crosses the map boundary at a leisurely amble in like five minutes

I get where you're coming from; I'll reveal a good stretch of the map in multiple directions based on where the party ends up going.
Well yeah. I'm mainly just trying to get a sense for the physical size of the community in which the last couple of updates took place- that is the fortification we see on the map, right?
Well yeah. I'm mainly just trying to get a sense for the physical size of the community in which the last couple of updates took place- that is the fortification we see on the map, right?

Ah. The Keep on the Borderlands proper, which may not be to scale on the map, is approximately 200 feet east-west and 300-some-odd feet north-south, not counting the surrounding hill it is atop. (The map I am using for reference is not from an openly free source.)
Ah. The Keep on the Borderlands proper, which may not be to scale on the map, is approximately 200 feet east-west and 300-some-odd feet north-south, not counting the surrounding hill it is atop. (The map I am using for reference is not from an openly free source.)
Hm. That's a little more in line with the 'feel' of the adventure so far, whereby the Keep is large enough that there can be, for example, multiple places doing the same thing, and there's room to fit in a temple that isn't just a tiny cramped little chapel, and so on.

If the map is meant to show the Keep to scale, though, then the hexagon side length would be about 100 feet-ish, because the corner-to-corner "diameter" of a hexagon is exactly double the side length and the Keep fills about one whole hex and spills just a little into the ones around it.
Hm. That's a little more in line with the 'feel' of the adventure so far, whereby the Keep is large enough that there can be, for example, multiple places doing the same thing, and there's room to fit in a temple that isn't just a tiny cramped little chapel, and so on.

If the map is meant to show the Keep to scale, though, then the hexagon side length would be about 100 feet-ish, because the corner-to-corner "diameter" of a hexagon is exactly double the side length and the Keep fills about one whole hex and spills just a little into the ones around it.

Honestly, this is a map originally done for 1st edition, scales were RARELY much consistent. For now, discoveries are the larger focus.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by NekoIncardine on Nov 29, 2022 at 2:48 PM, finished with 18 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] (Objective Seeking Behavior) Those bandits - if you can track them down, that could be good. You don't know which way they'd be, but they'd need to be nearish the road, right?
    [X] (God Lessons) Try asking at the actual church. (They already know something is up with you honestly, and it has a chance of getting an extra clue or two about the region.)
    [X] (God Lessons) Work with Helen and Eira alone on this. (The stable, safe route.)
    [X] (Objective Seeking Behavior) Try for that Orc tribe to the southeast - they're on the good side apparently, and chances to help them out could provide easy opportunities to build goodwill and also your skills. Though you don't know what's in between you and their area for sure, there's a nonzero chance that's where the spiders are.
Arc 1, Chapter 1.1.4: Godbothering 101
X] (God Lessons) Try asking at the actual church. (They already know something is up with you honestly, and it has a chance of getting an extra clue or two about the region.)
[X] (Objective Seeking Behavior) Those bandits - if you can track them down, that could be good. You don't know which way they'd be, but they'd need to be nearish the road, right?

You sigh. "Okay, um. Maybe we should try asking the Priestess of Aurora? Get a perspective on the local major gods that um. Is a bit more insider than a reincarnated-from-space follower of Solaria?"

Helen pauses. "I can see that, so fair enough. Let's go chat with her."

… Well, it's only a minute or two to get to the church from the Baliff's tower. But stepping foot in the place causes you to hiss in pain for a moment, before you hear a clear voice - that of Deirbile, this time announcing, "Protection From Evil And Good!" - funny, you normally only hear people use one or the other half of the spell.

But then her hand is on your shoulder, and the pain subsides. It makes sense that something that would protect from holy auras would help you out some.

Then, she speaks. "Well, well. What brings our odd little guest back to the light of the Sun?"

You pause. "... I need a, um. Local perspective on the Fourteen. Enough to improve my odds of recognizing fakes."

"Ah, yes, I'd heard about that little incident," the priestess responds. "And I guess I shouldn't be surprised any education on the gods you would have would be… colored, shall we say, by the perspective of fiends."

"Y-yeah." You sigh. "It's… still awkward, to say the least," you declare with a certain unease.

"It probably will never cease to be entirely," she said. "Your Paladin friend was not completely detailed as to your situation, but you're still a Succubus, a demon naturally prone to the manipulation of desires. And as much as I'd love to tell you to just deny that, it's probably going to be a permanent part of your mindset. Just try to use it well. Like, say, politely asking for things rather than charming people into them."

You nod a bit, deciding not to mention Eira, as she continues, "Now, as for the Fourteen…"

… You feel the hairs on the back of your neck tense, as if what's about to occur is going to take far longer than you had planned. Too late to back out now.

You are quickly guided upstairs to a small side room, as Deirbile pulls out a small reference book. "This one's meant for children, but I can cover the key bits it'd skip on the fly, so…"

First page opened. "The influence of the divine is real on Aridia. This is relatively easy to prove, and more importantly, a growing number of falsifiable countertheories - that is, alternative explanations that there could exist a way to prove them false - have been proven false, leaving the presence of active divine influence as a strong explanation of many - but not all - elements of our world."

"The most commonly worshiped gods in our region are generally known as the Fourteen. There are less-known gods - see your Paladin friend's worship of Solaria, for example - and a few edge cases."

"Demon Lords at least on the level of the Red Queen being capable of some divine-like feats in spite of not being true gods," you respond.

"Ah, is that what you call the Queen of Succubi? But yes, some Demon Lords and Archdevils can work closer to that level. It's not exactly the same, though, and in particular it's different from She Who Must Be Abjured."

You… choose not to say the name of that god aloud, but nod. "She Who Must Be Abjured being a straight-up divinity instead."

"Correct. It seems you at least know the principles nicely. The Fourteen, and I'll touch on that one since she seems relevant to what's going on here…"

Deirbile nods. "One other thing to be aware of, is while formal clerics like myself mostly operate off one patron god, many lay followers give prayers to several - and some even do so sufficiently to be granted the boons of multiple gods. So, describing what their most basic boons are can be useful - in particular, someone who claims to be a cleric of a specific god but lacks their boon is almost assuredly a fake. If they don't know what it should be, definitely a fake."

Which for you is probably the most important thing to know.

Next page… "Io Hecatonchire, the Worldsculptor. Patron to navigators, and sculptor of the lands of Aridia. His most basic boon helps navigators maintain spatial awareness, aiding the charting of and navigation through unknown lands. The creator of the others. Also, if I may be blunt, probably the most terrifying-looking." So he's biblically accurate, got it.

"Gnomon the Archivist, Keeper of Letters and Numbers, Scribe of the Heavens - the lord of Memory and Time. His followers seek to both learn and pass on all the knowledge they can, and have a nigh-eidetic memory for the written word."

"Aurora Invicta, Mother of Dawn and Queen of the Gods. My goddess, she of the Dawn, Sky, Sun, Victory, and Life. She gets along very well with, but is reasonably verifiably distinct from Solaria - whose big realms include the Sun, Civilization, and Harmony. The will to seize the day makes them natural leaders, especially in inspiring others to feats of physical prowess."

"Mutan, the Night Ferryman, of the Moon, Rest, Healing, Navigation by the Stars, Storytellers, Dramatists, Poets, Lampmakers, and Chandlers." … You quietly note to look up that last one. "The Ever-Changing One, she by night and he by day - for convenience's sake, 'them' is traditionally fine - grants those blessed improved ability to enter and exit restful states, and regular prophetic dreams."

"Inpew Euthanos, The Eternal Judge, God of Law and Weights, Judgment and Commerce. Beware the questions of his followers, for they can tell better than many if you lie in response. And for those who die, beware him, for the weight of your sins may carry you to the void." You're… Not sure how that applies in your case, honestly.

"Ubastdjet, White Cat of the Jar, Witness of the First and Last Breath, patron to the Ubastim, midwives, cattle and cats, and goddess of herbalism, milling, harvests, medicine, and death besides. Her followers gain a boon to diagnosis of diseases and curses, especially for identifying them as magical in origin."

"Eranda Ferax the Allmother, the Lifeweaver, Goddess of Fertility, Femininity, Farming, Growth, Sexuality, Healing, the Earth, and Weaving. The patron of farmers, shepherds, and mothers. They're great at inspiring composure and morale in those physically close to them."

"Scherzo Audax, the Father of Iron's original name is lost; he long took the name his enemies tried to use to mock him, even as the northerners who he was patron of kept resisting imperial conquest over and over again, proving him worthy of the title of The Last Laugh. He is a god of warfare, herding, blacksmithing, music, and art. His followers tend to be masters of ore and minerals."

"Jae-Eun Silvertongue, The Merchant Bride, The Silver-Tongued. Patron to merchants and diplomats, and not to be underestimated should it come down to a fight. It is said she introduced Flamma to chocolate, potatoes, and rice, in return for cosmetics. Her followers drive the hardest bargains of all - those that truly benefit both sides. They are wonderful at judging the price someone is willing to pay or be paid for any good or service."

"Flamma, Black Cat of the Cauldron is… A particularly interesting case for you in particular. The Goddess of Fire, Creativity, Passion, Brewing, Witchcraft and Love, the patron of the Ubastim even though she's a bit more Cat than them or say Ubastdjet. She seeks truth through passion. She hates those who influence minds and possess bodies - demons like yourself, but also many of the nastier undead. Them possibly moreso, honestly. Those who receive her boons tend to be good at fighting off such abilities, but also reading the desires of those around them."

"Sylphan, The Laughing Wind, The Many-Masked Trickster, and patron of the Vulpinae. God of the Wind, Foxes, Speech, Travel, Dance, Insight, Deception, Messengers, Merchants, and Outcasts, he asks of his favored to spread joy on the wind, to have your name spoken by the tongues of strangers, his followers are blessed to leave a great first impression."

"Thorne, Fae Warden of the Forests, patron of the pixies and smallfolk in general. Woods and Nature are their domain, and hospitality and honesty the best honor you can grant them. A master hunter, it's said those who have his boon have an easier time finding food… even if it's food that may fight back. "

"Delvar, The Dragon Under The Mountain, Whose Breath Is As Lightning And Strikes From As Far; he loves jewels and metals. He grants his followers a merchant's sense for the fair price of what they can touch, and are bound to slay those who would dare put a price on a mortal soul." So he's a bit cowardly, but those who deal in the trade of souls - that is, demons like yourself or stronger - are their greatest foe.

"Meredar, The Living Tides, a patron of the Eithyr, goddess of the Sea and all that entails, but also fresh water, rains, rivers, and flooding. She is easy to anger but quick to forgive; offerings thrown overboard placate her, so long as they're not, you know, trash. Those blessed by Meredar are masters at enduring inclement weather and finding shelters in storms. Coarser sorts describe her as 'steppy', I'm not sure I want to know what that means." You immediately know the term and nod with understanding.

"And the darkest of their number - She Who Must Be Abjured. Most hear her name at least once, I am sure you know it, but to utter it is to potentially draw her attention. Even here, I would rather not draw the attention of the Tyrant-Queen, the Mother of Monsters, the Slavetaker, and many other dark titles. Know that she is the Goddess of Tyranny, Misrule, Monsters, Slavery, Disease, Poison, Secrets, Snakes, and War. Many still pray to her - not in worship, but to keep her placated and away. Those who truly turn to her, though… They are followers of darkness and chaos, and seek to spread the worst of mortality. The darkest of her works still sometimes crop up - the soul furnaces, machines powered by blood… And her followers are granted natural boons to escape the battles where they may otherwise face their rightful comeuppance. If it's true that those who follow her are responsible for what is happening around here… then they must be stopped, for the safety of all."

You nod in understanding at the completed lesson provided to you, bowing in appreciation. "Thank you for helping me here," you observe.

The priestess of Aurora nods. "Your patience to listen is greatly appreciated. More than that, let us hope it helps you in your journey… Certainly, these cultists are a grave threat."

"Indeed. But first, I… Well, my group, we have to get started."

Slowly, you stand, continuing, "I want to see this place safe… And that starts nearby."

"Grace and victory be with you," the priestess responds. "And don't sell yourself short just because you're new to the adventure thing. You could probably kick the ass of anyone in this room one-on-one."

You blink. "I mean. Um." Your voice lowers. "Helen kinda destroyed me pretty easily last time."

"I doubt she thinks it was that easy a fight. You are far less fragile than your allies. Remember that."


The words echo a bit in your head as you start out down the rough road out of the Keep. Those bandits seem a very sensible first target to deal with… If you can track them down. They have to be relatively near the road, logically…

… But how close is a question, as you look to the south. There's another hill across from the river just south of the road, which would be a good place to scout, after all.

And that makes you a bit cautious, even as you approach, Helen and Eira following. You could take any of a number of approaches. Not the least of which is having to consider there may not, in fact, not be bandits here in particular. But they will be trying to watch out, which…

Senaz's Perception Check: 17+1 = 18

… Something seems off to the southeast, along the river, too. Almost like… Possibly an illusion? Or just something off.

[ ] (Scouting The Area) Focus on going up the hill, all three in view.

[ ] (Scouting The Area) Have only Eira go up the hill, so she can sneak in case of, well, things.

[ ] (Scouting The Area) Use your Ethereal Shift to observe the area up the hill yourself; this could let you scout the area completely unobserved, though it would take a fair bit of time.

[ ] (Scouting The Area) Check out the oddness to the southeast, all three of you in view.

[ ] (Scouting The Area) Have Eira check out the oddness to the Southeast.

[ ] (Scouting The Area) Check out the oddness to the Southeast via Ethereal Shift.

[ ] (Scouting The Area) Write-In another plan or combination of plans.


Thank you for your patience with this post. It turns out vacations do not make for excellent writing conditions, sadly.

Remember, you're not certain you actually see bandits yet, you only know they're in the area.

I'll note that posted details may influence the details of the winning plan; remember that Senaz in particular has a lot of options to abuse, I've just raised one particularly cromulent one.

Also, I'm not 100% certain but I think Ethereal Shifting got buffed a bit from 3.5 to 5e, the opposite of what I'm used to experiencing!

Hmm, those totals don't appear to include Pteryx's votes

Noted, not sure what happened there, but while it moves the religion vote to a tie, it doesn't change the path. I'm going to keep moving for now, apologies to Pteryx.
I think that our best bet right now is to have Eira go to one of the locations and Senaz go to the other via Ethereal Shift. The question is who goes where? The Orcs were said to be to the Southeast, so it's possible that the oddness we detected is related to them somehow, but this feels way to close to the Keep for them. Which probably means it's something the bandits set up to disguise a lookout, allowing them to covertly watch the road connecting the Keep to the rest of the Kingdom.

If my guess is correct, then it'd be better to use Ethereal Shift to infiltrate the oddness and observe the inhabitants unaware, while Eira uses the hill to scout the general area conventionally. That way, even if they spot Eira, Senaz can use their reaction to figure out where their main base is.

[ ] Plan: Crouching Vulpinae, Hidden Succubus
-[ ] (Scouting The Area) Have only Eira go up the hill, so she can sneak in case of, well, things.
-[ ] (Scouting The Area) Check out the oddness to the Southeast via Ethereal Shift.
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